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FYI, I'll be offline for the next few hours because LOOK WHAT JUST ARRIVED!
I am so happy I finally got it. You have no idea how far from the UK I live. The novel wasn't going to be available on Kindle til December and I couldn't wait. So went with the paperback - and I don't actually buy physical copies of novels anymore due to space, etc - and it took forever to make it to my side of the world. But here it is!!!!
Signing off while I dive in 🤩
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They made the finals! But I also can't wait to see what happens to them after the season is over 😉
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Missing these two 😭😭😭💕💕💕
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On it!!
Sanditonians - we have a mission
We have all seen the Kris Marshall interview now - if you haven’t - He basically said the cast were on stand by to start shooting as early January 2020 - if the show goes down well across the pond. So we have a clear task...
- keep pushing Sanditon on all social media platforms, spread the word encourage everyone to watch, spark peoples curiosity. #sanditon @itvpresscentre @sanditon
- keep the passion alive for the show
- encourage people to stream/watch in the US I am guessing they are going to need big viewing figures to show it’s impact.
- UK folks we have like a day to get in a few extra streams on ITV hub before it disappears from the monitored viewing platform. So it’s worth a shot!
- there is some fab merch out there in time for Christmas if you are so inclined!
- you are clearly the best fandom ever! Everyone is so friendly, talented, creative, curious! You deserve this so much and I am sure we can have an impact!
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Oooooooh not ready for this.... But also so ready for a #sidlotte reunion!!!!!
ok but the day Charlotte and Sidney hug and he rests his chin on the top of her head because of their height difference will be the day they murder me
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I CAN'T with this one!!
Thank you @captainsantiagos
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Sanditon (2019)
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Best email subject. EVER.
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Can't. Wait!
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Sanditon in numbers #1
Decided to try and find some data to assure myself that Sanditon S2 is sure to be confirmed and ITV is just making us squirm to make the news all that much sweeter + that Theo is in on the teasing hence his odd quote!
So first I looked at Sanditon vs Peaky Blinders. These graphs show how many people search for certain terms relative to each other. I was dismayed at the result but realized it was unfair because PB is a much more established show!
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So I decided to look up period dramas that launched in 2019 and look! We're on top! As I'm not from the UK I don't know if these shows are the right ones to compare to. It the results are definitely encouraging!
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And even looking at searches worldwide (as I noticed that a log of us here + Sanditon fans on Twitter seem to be from outside the US) we're doing pretty well!
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Promising?? Do these graphs make sense??
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He also hadn't put a pin in the Eliza situation yet! So a declaration wouldn't have been as meaningful.
During their arguments in 1x07 when Charlotte’s like "Is that all I am to you, a source of amusement?” And he says “No of course not, you’re…” What do you think Sydney would says /means next ?
I think at that moment, a love confession was on the tip of his tongue. But him being Sidney Parker, he wanted to sound eloquent and romantic (and we all know what he is like when he tries to be romantic on a whim *cough* cliff scene *cough* awkward talk about the weather). So, to avoid saying the wrong thing and upsetting her even more, he decides to let the moment go and think on what he would say to her.
“You’re the love of my life” was probably something he wanted to say, let’s be honest lmao.
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Most Adorable SP #14
(Still waiting for S02 announcement. Please!)
Sidney Parker whose body language betrays his true feelings
Episode 05
Even if he's supposedly mad at C and not at all ready to admit that he's madly in love. Just you wait. But just *look* at how he can't help but stare at her with a smile on his face.
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Head cocked to one side? Come. On!!!
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I need an album of all the times Sidney Parker can't help but break into a smile!!
Anyone know where I can find one of these collections??
Or anyone have any GIFs to nominate??
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Smoldering Sidney!!! I 🖤 the last one.
Gawd. I'm dead.
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I 🖤🖤🖤 the first one. He can't help but smile when she tells him - in a roundabout way - that she thinks he's marriage material!
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A Question of Compatibility
- requested by @girlnamedrobbie
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Omg is the Sanditon producer confirming that our dear S+C will tie the knot??
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Also. I love this idea. Austenverse!!! If only!
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This is amazing. Life is a cabaret.
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This is the romance novelization I was missing! Wish I could read an entire volume of this happy ending. This proves that just because something is happy, doesn't mean it lacks tension!
Masterfully done, @mastertano. Please write a whole volume to tide us over!
a stroll back to town - missing 1x08 scene
A missing scene immediately following the wondrous 1x08 clifftop kiss and Sidney and Charlotte’s return to town. 
A/N: I was thinking about this the other night and then all of a sudden everyone on tumblr and on ao3 was like “what do you think happened?!” so here’s my take!
(read on ao3)
They stood in the tugging clifftop wind, heads tilted toward each other, hands resting atop each other’s jackets. Sidney’s, rough and stiff under Charlotte’s small hands. Charlotte’s much softer and gentler under his own.
“Sidney,” Charlotte said, her breath nearly completely taken away from her, eyes lingering shut, desperately wanting more.
He smiled, ever so slightly, at hearing his name on her lips. “Yes?”
She opened her eyes slowly, the tip of her tongue momentarily seen between her lips before she took the tiniest of steps back, nearly drawing him with her. He would have gladly followed, wanting nothing more than to keep her here with him, digging his hands into her wild hair and kissing her until the sun set. But all fanciful desires aside, he was equally contented to have this moment with her. 
Charlotte did not typically indulge in selfish behavior. It wasn’t in her nature, but even as her good sense was telling her they should now part and head back to town, keeping a respectable distance from each other, she found herself doing the opposite.
She surprised him by tugging at the lapels of his jacket and kissing him, soft and nervous at first, but accepting of his more experienced guidance. His hands hugged her waist and one of her arms slipped between his jacket and vest, pulling their bodies closer. 
Her body flushed with heat from her toes to her cheeks.
Keep reading
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