tea-with-m · 3 months
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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tea-with-m · 6 months
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tea-with-m · 7 months
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not a single thought behind those eyes
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tea-with-m · 7 months
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Happy International Asexuality Day to all my fellow Aces and those that are on the Ace Spectrum!
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tea-with-m · 7 months
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tea-with-m · 7 months
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Otto Octavius AKA Doc Ock | Swagger (Spider-man 2, 2004)
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tea-with-m · 7 months
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I love them so much…
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tea-with-m · 7 months
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when ur boy best friends and ur on ur way to beat up spider-man together uwu 🥰🏳️‍🌈🔪
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tea-with-m · 7 months
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tea-with-m · 7 months
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Alfred Molina as Doctor Otto Octavius aka Doc Ock (Spider-man 2, 2004)
"Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts."
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tea-with-m · 7 months
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this is the giant alfred molina doc ock dancing gif. reblog to take up your followers’ entire screens with doc ock
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tea-with-m · 7 months
men’s tits reblog if you are a true men’s tits lover
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tea-with-m · 8 months
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tea-with-m · 9 months
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tea-with-m · 1 year
Knit me something! (via)
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tea-with-m · 1 year
Happy pride !!! 🏳️‍🌈🎉✨🌠🌈
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tea-with-m · 1 year
POV: Sidon is comforting you (Y/N) after a rough job interview ((somewhat self-indulgent prompt here but hey maybe it can help someone else too)) | | comfort and fluff, and a touch of romance | |
You’ve been trying to hold it together. Sidon is splashing happily in the lake, and the cool spring breeze feels good in your skin and hair. The stars are bright, and the luminous stones give the clearing around you a lovely glow. But you just want to cry. You keep thinking about that stupid interview and some of the ways you think you messed up.
After asking you if you want to ride on his back, and your refusal, Sidon glides out of the water and into the air. After swimming several laps, he pops out and places a Hyrule bass next to you. It’s still alive and flipping around; it makes you squeal and squirm away. Sidon chuckles and flings it back in the water. He was just trying to get your attention with it, but now he’s certain that something is bothering you. He lays down on his back next to you, his expressive eyes focused on your face in concern.
“I’m sorry,” you say, “I guess I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Did your interview not go well? Tell me, Y/N. I want to know everything. I knew something was amiss from how quiet you’ve been.”
You shake your head as tears well in your eyes. You hate how easily the emotions come to the surface when you try to be strong. As much as you want to think about something else, you just can’t. “I felt so stupid,” you confess. “Some of the answers, I knew, but I got so nervous and forgot that I know what I know. Does that even make any sense?”
“Yes.” Sidon places his hand on top of yours on the grass. After a silence, he asks, “Is it possible that you’ve done better than you believe? Sometimes I think you can be much too hard on yourself.”
“I don’t know. Maybe.” So much was riding on this interview. “I felt like such a failure. I spent so much time preparing and made such an effort even to get the interview, and now it all feels like a waste.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t.” Sidon exhales audibly and looks up at the stars. “Some of these Hylian traditions boggle the mind. To think one would judge your entire ability to do something based on your ability to speak well about it just seems . . . Well. I don’t wish to offend. But all I can say is, if I selected my guard based on how well they talk about their swordsmanship, I’d probably be dead by now.”
“Can I just stay in the Domain forever? I’ll work for you. I can cook, and clean, and generally just be there for moral support and conversation. And the occasional dirty joke. Kind of like I am now, but it could be more official.” You look over at him, though you aren’t being completely serious. You want to have your own life and know you should. But you can’t resist his ability to comfort you.
“Fine by me.” Sidon grins, showing off his pointed, perfectly white teeth and pulls you on top of him. As you rest your head on his chest, he wraps you in his strong arms and squeezes you. He’s still got droplets of lake water all over him, but you don’t mind. “What should my interview questions be? Hmm . . . What’s the one the Hylians always use — ah, yes. Why do you want to work for me, Y/N?”
You smile, feeling your good humor coming back to you. “Well, I guess because you’re very handsome. And you smell good.” You press your nose to his shoulder. He smells like sea water and grass, and oak, and cedar. He smells like a warrior and a prince, and you want to lose yourself in him in the best way.
“Good answers. You’re hired. Can you start right away?”
“Mmm, I think that works. That was an awfully short interview, though. Are you sure?” You pick up your head to look at him.
“Shh, best not to question the management. Just go with it,” he teases you, kissing your nose.
You rest on him a while, content to just be there. Talking about things made you feel better than you thought it would. Sometimes you remember a cringe thing you said in the interview and rehash it to him while he strokes your hair and listens intently. But he always reassures you.
“These little performances we have to put on in life are so silly, aren’t they?” he thinks aloud. “Look at how beautiful this night is, Y/N. I want you to sit up and actually look at it. Take it all in.”
You feel reluctant to move from the comfort of him, but you do. You see the way that the luminous stone and the stars seem to almost twinkle in unison, winking at you as though they hold the universe’s secrets. It strikes you in a way that it didn’t earlier when you were lost in your thoughts of failure, stuck in the past.
“I think it helps to remember what’s real,” he says. “I love you, Y/N. No matter what.”
“I’ll remember.” You nod, feeling the tears coming on again but for a completely different reason this time.
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