tcthestarswhclisten · 3 years
( benedetta gargari, 23, cis female ) Welcome to Bainbridge University, THEODORA VAUGHAN WILLIAMS ! SHE is in HER SECOND year studying HISTORY and is from LONDON. They are known for being PERCEPTIVE, SOPHISTICATED, OVERLY SELF-CRITICAL, and HIGH-STRUNG. ( christiana, 21, est, she/her )
I’m not formatting this well because i dont care <3
Tw: mentions of emotional neglect and familial abuse, pharmaceutical drugs, anxiety, depression, chronic illness, and hospital
full name: Theodora Florence Vaughan Williams
Nicknames: Theo, some people say Thea, Teddy
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
height: 5′6
favorite color: blue
favorite song: The Greatest Gift by Sufjan Stevens or firestarter by Haley blais bc it makes her feel like a main character lol 
There are mom friends right and I think she’s one of them?? she takes care of people, like James, who is a dumbass and she has to keep him from doing something too stupid. But she’s also pretty impulsive these days just trying to find herself and feel good things
no stranger to a good party, but she’s definitely introverted and it’s not her most preferred scene
she’s also incredibly competitive and a lil bit sassy and snarky bc she’s quite dramatic and we love that for her
theo tries to be a good and compassionate friend but doesn’t really know what being loved and nurtured looks like outside of like her brother b/c their parents are awful awful awful so she tries her best but doesn’t always hit the mark :/
Needs some softness
Little bit o’ backstory
Theo comes from a filthy rich family and she has one older brother s/o to archie! He’s pretty much all she had growing up !
Her parents were total show parent types, pushing them to be the best in everything they did. Theo definitely internalized that message and it’s like all she knows! She has always been super competitive academically. Like not personally, she’s not too concerned with being against others all the time, in fact she enjoys learning from others, but she’s been pushed so much into being the best bc shitty parents that she doesn’t know how to not compete. It’s just what she knows
They’re also awful and abusive! and for the entirety of Theo’s life, she’s been living almost exclusively in appeasing them and for her brother. In that sense, she has never really been her own person. Always instead trying to fit what others needed her to be: textbook golden child, perfect student,
Studied chem for years because she excelled in the sciences but her heart wasn’t in it!! Now she’s studying history bc after the stuff I’ll explain later she was just like ??? Fuck it I want to just do something fun and i think i like history? well turns out she LOVES it and feels alive kinda
Definitely was involved with the party scenes before this last year, although she’s not the biggest drinker or user of recreational substances.
A couple years ago, Theo started developing really terrible anxiety, as well as being constantly exhausted, achy, and physically ill. It all kind of threw her into a rly dark place (like at its worst she was definitely pretty disconnected from reality) and at the end of the year prior to the last, she had a really bad meltdown that landed her in the hospital and she ended up spending the whole following year in and in medical facilities and she EVENTUALLY was diagnosed with POTS on top of severe anxiety and depression :/ this was thanks to archie’s persistence in getting a correct diagnosis after so long of dismissal from doctors and from their parents because he’s the realest and he understands what its like :( so bby is sick and tired but trying her best. Also her parents just think she has to get over it but that’s not how this works luvs
This year she’s just trying to find some semblance of normalcy but it’s hard to keep up and act normally! There’s v little energy but she’s TRYING. Also she’s just..,.,  trying to figure out who she is? In the last year she kind of discovered that she was her own person and what happened in her life has been trauma after trauma and she’s trying to figure out who she is! It’s hard because she’s also still trying to please people and be what people need her to be but hey thats what therapy is for.
She’s just trying her best. Probably spending a lot of time studying because she’s a nerd and actually finding personal gratification in her studies now!
Side note she really finds linguistics fascinating and like still a bit of a chem nerd bc she identified with it and thats a mess
Pretty high strung these days but as i said shes still trying to be normal. A lot more impulsive than she used to be bc while she’s trying to like heal and shit she’s also trying to not be in pain so she probably tries
I’m still figuring her out dont @ me
Academic “Rivals” bc its one of the only things that make her feel alive
Idk just love her she needs it
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tcthestarswhclisten · 3 years
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
brennan x sona // closed
     Brennan was probably making a ditch in his front hall with all the pacing he was doing. He let out a silent sigh of relief as he heard a brisk knock at his door. He took a quick look out the peephole, happy to see Sona on his doorstep and not another group of trick o’ treaters. Swinging open his front door, he began to usher her inside, “Thank you again for coming on such short notice. Jesus fuck… it’s been going on for like an hour now,” He said, glancing towards the living room and lowering his voice at that last part. “She’s on the couch.” Brennan continued as he walked into the open space that made up his kitchen and living room, arms crossed.
Sure enough, Frances was seated on the couch, her back towards the kitchen. She mirrored her father with her arms crossed. She was currently dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She stared blankly towards the wall, eyebrows furrowed and holding onto two small blue ribbons in one hand. She glanced in the adults’ direction for a moment, immediately going back to pouting when she realized they were looking at her.
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Halloween as a uni professor was nothing like Halloween as a uni student. Or at least, that’s what Sona’s experience was so far. Sure, she had plans to drink and eat far too much sugar for one body to hold safely, so that was the same, but it wasn’t so social. And she didn’t mind, not really, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t overjoyed when a panicked Brennan lamented his troubles over the phone and asked her to come help. The panick wasn’t great, but Sona was happy to have something to do. Her grin was wide as she was ushered into her friend’s flat. “Hey, I’ve always got your back. Are we going to need to do a braiding seminar?”
“Frances! Are you ready to have the best braids you’ve ever had in your life?” She spoke in an energetic voice as she moved to kneel in front of the girl. She sighed. Sona had a lot of braiding experience, having so many younger sisters. This situation, fortunately, was fairly familiar to her. “Will you let me have the honour of plaiting your hair? You’re already the best Dorothy I’ve ever seen.”
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
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montgomery holmes was a very simple man. perhaps way too simple for the average person. his favorite color was red and he liked to surround himself with mahogany bookshelves and dusty old books. that’s what he used to put on his tinder bio, before he figured that finding another relationship wasn’t the route he wanted. but then he met angel and he figured that sometimes ideas could change. after sona left him, she left a pretty stiletto heel shaped hole in the middle of his heart. he never thought he’d ever feel right, but the atmosphere of this old school helped a whole lot. 
he frequented the library quite a bit, trying to find some sort of angle to his next lecture. ( but mostly it was for him to have an excuse to read. ) though, upon walking in, his eyes fell to grace the beautiful dark brown locks he knew so well. he couldn’t quite pinpoint the anger he felt. or even if he felt anger at all. the fact that she just showed up. the fact that she probably knew he was here. the fact that now she was here and the life he’d forged was melting in the same flames he crafted it in. she spoke and he realized he was holding his breath. he broke his gaze, not even bothering to hold his tongue. 
❝ ‘m not sure. then again— i’m not really the person you’re looking for, right, darling ?  ❞ fingers now tracing over the golden accents of a book that sat abandoned on a table. he’d never really related to a book before, but that copy of ulysses felt all too familiar to the same sense of abandoned his heart once felt. discarded until it’s picked up again— never to see the original owner again.
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Sona assumed the presence too quickly, and the voice that replied jolted her out of any library-related comfort she had settled into in the quiet corner she had found. The books in her arms were no longer important, the search for the manuscript null. Her gaze moved as quickly as her focus did, and of course before her was the one person she hoped was around every corner and dreaded the presence of at the same time. And he was calling her darling. Any words that were previously ready on her tongue died the moment her eyes met his.
Darling. Why darling? Was he taunting her? Perhaps they weren’t in as neutral of a state as Sona had thought. The word swam through her mind, through every filter and every lense, through countless memories of the same string of sounds leaving his lips, this time not sounding nearly as endearing as the sweet lilt of the past. How many times had Sona let herself dwell within them, imagining what could have been? How many times had Sona wished she could hear it again? Not like this, though, she thought. Not veiled in uncertainty. Perhaps it was nothing, yet Sona was bound to overthink it. She stood taller, shifting backward. If Sona wished she could escape into the shelf behind her back instead of confronting this at the current moment, she sure as hell didn’t want to look like it.
“Brennan and I are were supposed to meet, so it was easy to assume. Clearly I was too quick.” Was there a good thing to say? A right thing? Where was she to begin with this? Truthfully, she didn’t know why she hadn’t told him. Perhaps she was too nervous the reality of her return. Perhaps the reality was that this return would never be returning home, and that was a reality she preferred not to think about. “I was wondering when we’d run into each other.”
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
idk this is for @stvrtreatment​
Sona missed the chill of English autumn, the scent of cold rain and the crunch of leaves beneath her feet. Sardinia was no stranger to rainy winters, but it lacked something she couldn’t name. It didn’t feel like home. Even in the cozy basement of the school of archaeology, distant from the forces of nature, Sona could sense the difference. There was a comfort in the air that wrapped itself around her and put her on solid ground, even at her most unstable times. But English rain didn’t smell as sweet as it once did. Time and loss made sure that it never felt quite like she wished. Sona had been back for almost two months, and something about home didn’t feel like home anymore either.
The assignments stacked high on her desk loomed over her, Sona’s eyes glued to her laptop screen as she scrolled through one of their databases. Every book she was looking for was checked out, and each artifact on loan. Her temptation to go up to the library was strong, but she figured Ivy was sick of her already. Sona heard the old door swing open, heavy footsteps following the creaking of the wood. “Hey, Bren. Have you taken out the manuscript we received earlier this month? It’s not marked as in.”
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
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‘i’m baby, right? not the plant?’ gina grinned jokingly and hugged her right back. they’d wondered if it was too big of a move for their friendship, but in the end they knew no one else would adore the little plant baby more than jackie. ‘ah, it’s no big deal,’ they waved a hand and let out a small laugh, ‘but good. i just knew it had jackie all over it.’
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“You’re always baby. This plant can also be baby, but you’re baby baby.” Jackie didn’t know what she was saying at that point, but she believed every word of it. “Can I buy you a coffee as repayment? Or make you one? I’m a wizard with my home espresso machine. If you’re free, I guess. We could also get this little guy settled in.”
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
brennan x sona
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Practically speed walking down the hall, Brennan looked down at the old watch on his wrist and picked up pace once more. He stopped in front of a door, glancing at the aged sign ‘Bainbridge School of Archaeology’. He jiggled with the doorknob before throwing the door open, “ Jesus Son, ” he began, dropping his bag onto the old couch by the door, “ the universe gave me every single bloody red light. Plus I got a call from the little one’s school half way here that she forgot her lunchbox so it was right back home. ” Brennan explained; despite the fact he had lived in England for over a decade, his Scottish was still loud and proud. 
He moved towards his desk, which was really two desks pushed together to from a mega desk. Despite the extra space, it still remained cluttered with stacks of books and papers, yet Brennan knew where everything was. “ Anyways, how has this morning been treating you? ” He asked, finally looking up towards his colleague as he took his seat. 
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Sona had been hunched over her desk for too long. The fan that constantly blew in their basement made her already stinging eyes water, stiff from the hours of focusing on the engravings on the small pots they had recieved earlier in the week. They were lovely and fragile things, hairline cracks running through many of them. It was a wonder they were still in tact, and it was Sona’s job to keep them that way. It was also a wonder she didn’t drop it, startled by the door bursting open. “The universe loves to see you suffer, I guess. But at least Florence won’t go hungry.” She grinned, placing the pot down and pulling her gloves off, blinking several times. 
She reached for her coffee, long cold by now, and drank it regardless. “Good question. I think it’s gone better than yours, anyway. I haven’t a clue how long I’ve been here.” Sona glanced at her laptop clock, tried to do the math for a moment before giving up, brain fog taking over. “I got here at five thirty, I think? Oh!” She sat up, suddenly remembering the breakfast she had brought with her. “Want a danish?”
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
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Street Style Platform - Fashion Inspiration
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
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The only thing keeping me sane are my plants ✨
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
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Anya Chalotra
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
✉ INCOMING MESSAGE FROM WIFEY 4 HIRE [REPLY]: omg lets get married me meeeee meee
Jackie: i would marry u it would be way more fun than like
Jackie: idk
Jackie: most people
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
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What do you need?
- Study space like these.
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
✉ INCOMING MESSAGE FROM WIFEY 4 HIRE [REPLY]: no no get married to this girl
✉ INCOMING MESSAGE FROM WIFEY 4 HIRE [REPLY]: no no buy me a long islane ise tea
✉ INCOMING MESSAGE FROM WIFEY 4 HIRE [REPLY]: wait no avodka redbull i'll fake it on u to get someones attention
Jackie: i know we move fast but i juST MET THIS GIRL
Jackie: islane ise tea
Jackie: i dont want anyones attention i already ahve this girls attention
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
✉ INCOMING MESSAGE FROM WIFEY 4 HIRE [REPLY]: buy me another drink ;;;;;;))))
Jackie: wild green eyes
Jackie: she (im she) is fallin
Jackie: no bc im broke ass but come to the bar
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
✉ INCOMING MESSAGE FROM WIFEY 4 HIRE [REPLY]: mim jsut drust at ashit dont wrory
Jackie: This is a different girl idk her she just sAT BY ME AT THE BAR AND SHE'S GOT THESE GREEN EYES
Jackie: she's in the bathroom pray she doesn't jump
Jackie: ok drust as shit bitch but are u safe
Jackie: she bought me like 2 drinks how sweet :( also the girl ur talkign abt she didn't return my call
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tcthestarswhclisten · 4 years
✉ INCOMING MESSAGE FROM WIFEY 4 HIRE [REPLY]: i just got sick on the side walk
Jackie: this bitch (me, im the bitch) is having a great time with a v pretty ladieeee who apporached me at the pub and i dont wanna leave
Jackie: u cant use my own title against me u little shit
Jackie: are u safe tho
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