tayywoo · 3 years
“CSP, open up!” said Detective Clark. “One last chance, open up!” he said again. “Looks like we’re going to have to kick the door down,” said Detective Lawson.Lawson hears footsteps slowly fading throughout the house. Lawson decides to flank along the backside of the house as Clark proceeds to kick the door down. Detective Clark walks through the dark house with his weapon and flashlight, and Lawson meets him in the living area of the house. “Lawson you check down here, and I’ll look upstairs,” detective Clark said. As Lawson checks everywhere downstairs, she hears Clark yell for her. She hurries upstairs to see a gruesome scene. They were in a kid’s room filled with blood and a dead teen boy in his bed. “Oh my gosh,” detective Lawson gagged. “Let’s go check the other rooms,” detective Clark said. They looked into a young girl's empty room then they walked into the parent's room. In the bed was a young girl lying in bed with her dead parents. “Hey, are you ok? What’s your name?” Lawson said. The girl said nothing. “I’ll call paramedics and CSI,” Clark said. Paramedics arrive and take the young girl to the hospital while the detectives stay to investigate for a while. The bodies of the victims show that they were all stabbed repeatedly. “Who could have done something like this” Lawson said with a sad tone. “The even bigger question is why did they leave the girl alive,” said Clark. As they look around at the evidence, Clark realizes that he knows the father of the family. “Hey Lawson, isn’t this the man that lost the mayor election?” He said. “Yea, it’s Mark Johnson,” she said back to him. “Who would have a motive to kill him if he already lost the election,” said Clark. They were interrupted by one of the scene investigators. “You guys need to see this,” he said. They follow the crime scene investigator where he presents a diary to them. He reads the diary out to them, “I have to stop them.” “The girl wrote this yesterday, and there is no sign that there was an intruder,” the crime scene investigator said. Both Clark and Lawson's face fills with worry and confusion. “Could a young girl do something like this?” Lawson said. “There’s no way a girl of her size could do this,” Clark replied. They head to the hospital to check the girl’s condition. “Doctor how is she?” Clark asked. “She doesn’t have any injuries, but she’s in shock and hasn’t talked yet,” the doctor replied. “Her name is Emily Johnson she doesn’t have any prior medical history” “Lawson go in and try to get her to talk, and I’ll talk to the child’s psychiatrist,” Clark said. Lawson heads into Emily’s room and finds the girl sitting there with empty eyes. Lawson feels her heart break looking at the young girl in such a state. She sits with the girl in silence for a while before asking, “Would you like to tell me what happened Emily.” “…” the girl stayed silent. “You’re not in trouble. You can tell me what happened.” “I had to stop them,” the girl said faintly. “Stop them from doing what?” Lawson replied. “The man told me I had to stop them” “What man Emily?” she asked. Emily looked at her with fear filled in her face and said, “The man in the pictures.” Lawson meets back up with Clark and tells him what Emily said. “We looked at all the pictures she can’t be telling the truth,” he said. “You didn’t see her face she looked terrified, I don’t think she was lying Clark,” she said. “You have to be rational Lawson you’re getting too close to this case,” Clark said in a concerning tone. “I want to find the truth! I’m going back to the house to look again,” she snarled. Lawson goes back to the house where she sees the CSI leaving. She explores the pictures but doesn’t see a man, only the family in the photos. “Bang,” she hears come from upstairs. She takes out her weapon and heads up as she keeps hearing the banging noise. This noise leads her to the attic. She opens the attic and climbs inside to find a bunch of old boxes. She turns on the light in the attic, and this particular box grabs her attention. Someone marked it with the words “Child Eater.” She grabs the
box and takes it back to the living area. She opens the box and finds many pictures of the family, and this time it is a faint figure of the man in the photos. She discovers many letters in the box talking about this man in the picture referred to as child eater. They state that the man manipulates and helps the children kill their families before taking their souls. Lawson quickly calls Clark, “Clark! Go check on the girl” “I just checked on her she was fine” “Clark, please go back!” she pleaded. When Clark went back to the room he saw it. A seven-foot monster was standing in front of Emily smiling. It turned to Clark, and Clark froze as he saw its face. It had beady eyes with stitched mouth and a pale complexion.  “Please hel-“ Clark tried to pull out his weapon as soon as possible, but the monster snatched Emily. “I’m sorry Lawson it got away with her,” he said on the phone. Lawson already knew they would never find the little girl. Her heart broke at the thought of what happened to Emily. He could hear Lawson slightly cry before hanging up.
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