tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/25/2017. Today I got the last card, the Magician.
I think it is a  worthy final. What began with the Fool, ends with the Magician.
Associations: thimblerig, tricking.
Depiction: This card represents the male principal or animus . He stands in for our active or outgoing energy, our skills and abilities in terms of the outer world. This is how we do things, how we learn. The Magician's message is one of discipline and responsibility. Unlike the Fool, the Magician is aware of the power of his will and the importance of his choices.
Outcome: This day was full of happy and blessed. I am a little discouraged that the deck has come to an end. It's like a little farewell before taking a step into the more exciting tomorrow.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/24/2017. Today I got the Ace of Pentacles (Countdown :2!)
Associations: On the picture we can see the second dean of September. In the original mural he sits under the wages, but here there are a spinner  and symbol of suit under him.
Depiction: having a real-world impact, having the means to reach a goal, getting down-to-earth. Your ideas are ready to be turned into something tangible
Outcome: Unfortunately, so far only bad news and losses come.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/23/2017. Today I got the Hierophant. (Countdown :3!) This is one from the real historic card.
Associations: The Hierophant takes the Key from hidden secrets and the Book of knowledge. Two disciples await his blessing
Depiction: This card stands for our formal education within our society. He represents school, religious training and cultural traditions. He teaches us to respect the achievements of past generations. He reminds us to make use of the vast resources of knowledge that are available to us. He exhorts us to not disdain tradition out of hand, but to see what wonderful things the achievement of humankind has to offer.
Outcome: The lesson of relationship turned out to be quite tough.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/22/2017. Today I got the Queen of Wands reversed. (Countdown :4!)
Associations: This card shows Venus, with the knight on his knees chained on her throne. Maybe the Venus is good and generous, but the knight has no chance to leave.
Depiction: conditional love, dependence on the object of his adoration.
Outcome: nothing really outstanding.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/21/2017. Today I got the three of Wands. (Countdown :5!)
This is a part of composition: Triumph of Minerva. These are Three Fates. The three goddesses accepted as the Fates were the personification of destiny, inevitability and fortune.  Each of the three Fates, the weavers of fate, had specific tasks that they were divided between them. Clotho (Nona in Roman) spun the thread, Lachesis (Decima) measured it and Atropos (Morta) cut the thread. Their name means "Parts." "Shares" or "Alottted Portions." The Three Fates (the Moirae/Parcae) were believed to appear three nights after a child's birth to determine the course of its life.
Associations: The picture on the card is slightly differ from the mural. All goddesses’ tools for work are replaced on wands. But in the picture we can see a spinning wheel to remind us about the thread of fate.
Depiction: The Three of Wands can tell you to take the long view. But in spite of classic interpretation, I think it tolds us about predetermined situation and circumstances which you can’t influence.
Outcome: Everything is conditioned and there is not enough time for anything.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/19/2017. I am very excited, how turns my journey through the deck. But this also caused the complication and delay of writing posts… Five days ago I just found the source of images from Minor Arcanas (all except four), and today morning I just explore the theme of three decans of Aries, and look through lots of pictures with it. So, I won’t be too surprised when  I got the four of cups.
Associations: The history of this figure, as the researchers established, goes back to Indian astrology. This is the first Dean of Aries, so called “var niger”: "the Indians say that in this dean rises a dark skinned man, red-eyed, tall, strong courage and elevated feelings. he brings a wide white robe, surrounded in the middle of a rope; it is angry, is straight, keeps and observes "[BOLL 1903, p. 497; Warburg, [1912] 1999, p. 90].
We can see a slightly different picture, the dean, unlike the text of Albumasar, wearing jacket and white trousers torn and holds, with the left hand, one end of the rope knotted at the waist. Also he is rather white-skinned that dark. But anyway similarity is undeniable. So, this figure symbolize the beginning the zodiac and the Rise of Aries, with its raw ungovernable energy.
Depiction: being unaware of others, throwing of the spirit, physical strength, goes forward  at any cost.
Outcome: this day was rather calm and full of important discoveries. But I work a lot with this card (and 9 of swords too, unfortunately) late at everning, and …..just read next post.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/18/2017. Today I got the Queen of Wands.(Coundown:8!)
Associations: the Queen holds the wand in right hand and book (of knowledge) in another. Two babies sit at her feet.  
Depiction: creates a powerful first impression, tackles a task with total dedication, leads a busy and active life, has a warm and sunny disposition ( fire), has faith in his or her abilities. She is always upbeat and cheerful - ready to look for the positive in the situation. So, she is just perfect.
Outcome: today ( or the night before) I have magnificent idea about this deck. Now I just want to have enough persistence and will to implement it
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/17/2017. Today I got the eight of swords. (Countdown: nine!)
Associations: The sword hovered overhead and the person is preparing to accept punishment. Moving forward is impossible, only a miracle can save the man.
Depiction: being fenced in by obstacles, being unsure which way to turn, waiting for outside rescue. Sometimes we feel restricted by circumstances. The Eight of Swords is often a sign that you are in a situation in which you will feel a lack of freedom and choice.
Outcome: The day was very good and pleasant day till a have a call with Mom. ;) Finally, my new deck has arrived and I am completely happy with it! It’s amazing Shadowscapes tarot. And it is very timely because I only have 8 cards left from this one.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/16/2017. Today I got the knight of cups.
Associations:Very similar drawing of all knights - they sit on a horse and hold a symbol of suit. The energy of movement in emotional field.
Depiction: The card indicates a heightened interest in the world of fantasy, images and dreams, a developed imagination, a love for everything beautiful. Pay attention to the voice of your intuition. Let the Knight of Cups introduce you to his world of romance and beauty.
Outcome: After the previous the sun-style day it was an easy and pleasant one ;)
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/15/2017. Today I got the Sun.
Associations: In the picture the girl holds the thread with both hands, and there is a spear behind her. Perphaps her own destiny is in her hands. And the big sun warms and illumines her.
Depiction: finding the sense behind the chaos, attaining a new level of insight, having a personal moment of glory, bursting with enthusiasm, feeling free and expansive. When you see this card, know that you will be successful at all you undertake.
Outcome: I expected a more positive day, to be honest. There were emotional and health problems both.
And then I realized that the #cardoftheday  haven’t been related to the description of my personal day for a long time. The rest of the deck is not enough to describe my current condition/mood/intention. It will be interesting to practice and draw a card of the day from the full deck. Perhaps this will be my next practice.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/14/2017. Today I got the the wheel of fortune.
Associations: This card  is a sample of magnificent reconstruction. This Arcane hasn’t survived from the original deck of Karl IV, but I can hardly imagine more speaking image.
   The Wheel of Fortune, or Rota Fortunae, is widely used concept in medieval and ancient philosophy referring to the capricious nature of Fate. The wheel belongs to the goddess Fortuna, who spins it at random, changing the positions of those on the wheel. Characteristically, it has four  stages of life, with four human figures, usually labeled on the left Regnabo (I shall reign), on the top Regno (I reign) and is usually crowned, descending on the right Regnavi (I have reigned) and the lowly figure on the bottom is marked Sum sine regno (I am without a kingdom). But on this card the wheel goes against the sun. And the artist depicted both people and animals.
Depiction: seeing life's threads weave together, having a change in fortune, seeing how everything connects. You can't predict surprises; you can only be aware when one is circling around.
Outcome: A great immersion in the history and world of symbols.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/13/2017. Today I got the High Priestess.
Associations: I love the energy of this card. The female sacral part of each soul, the Anima. She has the key in the right hand - the symbol of spirit power. On her left hand she wears a glove with the symbol of the Knights Templar.
Depiction: using your intuition, opening to dreams and the imagination, being aware of a larger reality. Seeing your hidden talents, sensing the secret and hidden. The High Priestess poses a challenge to you to go deeper - to look beyond the obvious. Greater self-restraint leads to greater knowledge.
Outcome: Living beyond the reality. The answer to the question was received in a dream.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/12/2017. Today I got the King of swords.
Associations: this card is full of energy and determination. Armed but calm.
Depiction: The Leader. Strict judge or strong politician. Reversed: Powerful enemy.
Outcome: Good day. Meet new people, have a good physical condition.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/11/2017. Today I got the Lovers reversed.
Associations: Everybody makes his own choice and has to live with it. Angels control the balance. Freedom of will and responsibility come together.
Depiction: forming a union or marriage, opening to another, setting your own philosophy, facing an ethical or moral choice, ­make a choice. Vow, agreement, high society. Reverse: Unsuccessful attempt, wrong choice, unhappy love, unfulfilled promises.
Outcome: I just understand that theme of choice is not the easy one – especially when you ought to make a really important decision. This is not about today but whole last month.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/10/2017. Today I got the knight of wands reversed.
Associations: the most difficult cards for me – knights and pages, I just don’t catch a meaning. The man is ready to move forward, but the horse resists.
Depiction: Adventure, distance, open horizons, associates. Reversed: Tedious journey, inexperienced leader, mercenary.
Outcome: nothing memorable.
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/09/2017. Today I got the eight of cups.
Associations: Tranquility, peace, new life, birth. The inner life is more real than the external.
Depiction: the meaning of card doesn’t correspond classic at all. At first, it means pregnancy (obviously),the start of new stage of life, the process of conceiving an idea. Waiting for the results, positive changes on life.
Outcome: I had a great temptation, but I decided not to change anything. 
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tarotinsights · 7 years
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3/08/2017. Today I got the ten of pentacles reversed.
Associations: the man caught his golden calf  and have a key to success.
Depiction: feeling financially secure, looking for a solution that will last, becoming part of the Establishment. This is the card you want to see if you are wondering how your latest enterprise will turn out.
(The image isn’t so close to classic, but the essence is close enough. )
Outcome: It was quite an active day.
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