tarmakisurus · 7 years
As they advanced further, the darkness of the location only made itself deeper.
A fast blur made itself seen for a split second as the lights flickered. The colors matched the suspect from outside but... where was he now?
The new room seamed to mirror the first entrance they had seen, however, the shadows let them know quickly that a lot more violence had taken place here.
There was a light switch by the right side of the doorway they had just passed. It was visible and easily accessible.
Rummaging echoes and quiet cries could be heard from a room in the back with a bright light coming from under it.
The other 3 room's doors were open but plunged in darkness.
Glimmer of chrome in the night. [Open RP starter.] [Mature content warning.]
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tarmakisurus · 7 years
He shuffled as he could, bringing himself up against the wall by the phone table. "Plumbing work at 1565 on cephalo st is done. We go through this every time, of course I'm not. Gotta get messy to keep it clean."
He wiped his bloody nose with his left hand wrap before adding,
"There's a reason you keep my in the loop... your other hitmans all end up either locked up and costing you a ton just to keep their mouths shut or dead in a ditch or a swamp somewhere." He slowly got up and walked to his stained varsity jacket that he promptly threw over his shoulders.
"I'm the only that makes sure the ones we hit don't try and come to hit us back." What he said was true, and Red already knew his ways were brutal, even tho he had never witnessed them in person. Fear was a tool even more powerful than brute strength but he provided both at once... no rival gang he'd been sent to deal with ever launched a counter attack of any kind.
He pulled out a pair of glasses to cover his bloodshot eyes. He was ready to follow Red, as usual.
Wow, you're a mess... [RP starter for kajin-inkusa]
His eyes opened slowly, the light of day and the lack of sleep made them painful to not keep shut.
He rolled off the couch, flingning his jacket to the floor, revealing his barely white tank top. He slowly crawled to the table where the machine was still active. The phone receiver fell off its base and onto the ground near him as he grabbed a leg of the small furniture piece.
A pathetic tumble brought him on his back. He grabbed the receiver and mumbled.
“Come on in…”
Red hangs up the call, pocketing his always changing, but up-to-date phone before letting himself in… Not surprised that the door is unlocked. It’s not too long of a walk till he reaches the room Tarmak has faceplanted onto the floor. “Wow, you’re a mess… Looking awful.” Red comments as he spots the hybrid, hands in the pockets of his coat. He takes his time to come and check on Tarmak, looking down and nudging him with his boot once in reach. “Don’t tell me you’re biting the dust.”
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tarmakisurus · 7 years
As they advanced, the next room made itself clearer. A dim glow coming from a small table lamp close to an old retro boom box from which the previously audible music was comming from. It seamed battery powered.
The rest of the room was somewhat visible from the lamp posts of the neighboring parking lot shinning through the windows.
Multiple humanoid shaped shadows were sprawled across the floor. From here, it seamed they had suffered a similar fate that the first they had found.
As they pushed through, some of the boxes and items sprawled got more visible as their eyesight adjusted.
This storage room was filled with illegal weapon crates, narcotics and a chair, in the far corner, where another form was sitting with heavy breathing.
It didn't look like their initial suspect.
Glimmer of chrome in the night. [Open RP starter.] [Mature content warning.]
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tarmakisurus · 7 years
His eyes opened slowly, the light of day and the lack of sleep made them painful to not keep shut.
He rolled off the couch, flingning his jacket to the floor, revealing his barely white tank top. He slowly crawled to the table where the machine was still active. The phone receiver fell off its base and onto the ground near him as he grabbed a leg of the small furniture piece.
A pathetic tumble brought him on his back. He grabbed the receiver and mumbled.
"Come on in..."
Wow, you're a mess... [RP starter for kajin-inkusa]
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tarmakisurus · 7 years
Wow, you're a mess... [RP starter for kajin-inkusa]
His apartment was in a ridiculous state. If it wasn't for the rent collected timely every month, even the landlord would thinks it had been abandoned. Collapsed on the couch, eyes shut, covered only by his jacket and the two streaks of blood decending from his nose, Tarmak had been out all night again. His bloody handwraps and stained jeans only added to the evidence of his rough living. It was early in the morning... too damn early... for him anyways. But his old anwering machine seamed to think otherwise...
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tarmakisurus · 7 years
As the passed the ruined entrance way, it wasn't long before they could both catch a peek of the scene. A long hallway with 4 doors, 2 to the left, the others to the right all were open.
Echoes of footsteps could be heard from the furthest leftmost room. A radio playing some dark synth veiled the location in a strange ambiance as the flickering neon barely lit the floor... the floor... the was someone there.
Some mumbles could be heard as the barely lit soul raised a hand. He could barely speak from a jaw that, from the look of it, took the first and most violent blow. From the look of it, he wasnt much of a treat anymore. A weapon was on the ground close to him slightly soaking in a puddle of dark liquid. It was safe to asume the substance was sourced from the laying gangster's obviously recent dental deconstruction. Who ever busted in here ws fast... and violent... they had to thread carefully from there.
Glimmer of chrome in the night. [Open RP starter.] [Mature content warning.]
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tarmakisurus · 7 years
Approaching the location, the only brim of information they could discern, due to the windows of the warehouse being so high, was commin from the semi-opened door.
The shots and ocasional screams of pain were too sporatic to signify an all out gunfight but at the same time, could they all be the cause of this only guy they cauggt a glimpse of busting in? They would have to either boost one another to catch a peek or try and follow the suspect in...
Glimmer of chrome in the night. [Open RP starter.] [Mature content warning.]
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tarmakisurus · 7 years
The door was still slowly swaying off its hinges as the blur vanished inside.
A few seconds passed... Gunshots! These where not the usual wobbles of any liquid based weaponry either... lethal gunpowderd arsenal were far long banned.
This could only mean one thing, a gang war.
Glimmer of chrome in the night. [Open RP starter.] [Mature content warning.]
The background gurgling of inkopolis was echoing in the distance. The stores were closed and the bars were filled to the brim.
Suddenly, from the end of the street, a silver car, roaring slowly forward only to come to a stop in front of a warehouse with a dimly lit parking lot.
It was calm, way too calm. Like a silent ghost, the driver emerged from the gleaming chariot. His identity was blurred from afar but his movements were obvious. From an almost robotic immobility, he sprung into action with intent as if his routine had been executed times and times before.
The figure open the trunk of the shiny steed and sharpely bolted towards the warehouse with a stick-like weapon at his hand.
Like black on white, on a new page of a still unwritten story, the sounds of a door giving away under a violent cracking sounds broke the silence of the street.
The tree fell in the forest… but was there anybody around to hear it?
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tarmakisurus · 7 years
Glimmer of chrome in the night. [Open RP starter.] [Mature content warning.]
The background gurgling of inkopolis was echoing in the distance. The stores were closed and the bars were filled to the brim.
Suddenly, from the end of the street, a silver car, roaring slowly forward only to come to a stop in front of a warehouse with a dimly lit parking lot.
It was calm, way too calm. Like a silent ghost, the driver emerged from the gleaming chariot. His identity was blurred from afar but his movements were obvious. From an almost robotic immobility, he sprung into action with intent as if his routine had been executed times and times before.
The figure open the trunk of the shiny steed and sharpely bolted towards the warehouse with a stick-like weapon at his hand.
Like black on white, on a new page of a still unwritten story, the sounds of a door giving away under a violent cracking sounds broke the silence of the street.
The tree fell in the forest… but was there anybody around to hear it?
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tarmakisurus · 8 years
"Sniper eh? I'll do my best to give you a smooth ride." he let out before getting in the car.
He really struck gold with these guys, water, a ride. They were his best bet at finding his container lost in these dunes somewhere. He quickly went through the feel of the driver seat and, in an instant, revved the engine up. He obviously knew anything motorized very well. "So... I know this desert has old military radio towers. Any chance you guys know one that still functions?"
Hakushi flats, Chapter 1: The slow cook. [RP starter for Alphadeathsquad]
The blistering sun was scorching the flat surface of the only trail that seamed to go one for miles. Boots carved themselves deep as soon as one would set astray of this promised golden brick road.
Survival… it was the only term that came to mind and the only thing keeping from diving into the blurry oasis of insanity that`s been tickling the corner of his eye. He was low on supply, water and ammo. Things were not looking good but then again, did they ever?
Getting parachuted here wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to him nor the worst. Double-crossing that rival gang boss was probably a bad idea but hey, paid vacations under a hot sun, feet plunged in the sand and a cold drin… oh wait… forget that last part.
It was hell. @alphadeathsquad
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tarmakisurus · 8 years
The sharp toothed one followed, This squad was his best bet of survival. He was already surprised they didn't simply loot him and left him for dead. "Really appreciated. If any of your rigs needs some love I can give them a looker. I'm a professional mechanic, Not sure if i can fix bullet holes tho." he slid a hand along his gear, making sure everything was solidly anchored.
Hakushi flats, Chapter 1: The slow cook. [RP starter for Alphadeathsquad]
The blistering sun was scorching the flat surface of the only trail that seamed to go one for miles. Boots carved themselves deep as soon as one would set astray of this promised golden brick road.
Survival… it was the only term that came to mind and the only thing keeping from diving into the blurry oasis of insanity that`s been tickling the corner of his eye. He was low on supply, water and ammo. Things were not looking good but then again, did they ever?
Getting parachuted here wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to him nor the worst. Double-crossing that rival gang boss was probably a bad idea but hey, paid vacations under a hot sun, feet plunged in the sand and a cold drin… oh wait… forget that last part.
It was hell. @alphadeathsquad
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tarmakisurus · 8 years
Tarmak smiled,  “Well you see the other containers all contain supplies and gear. Brand new stuff from the north, if you guys don’t reach them first, i’m sure the other faction of this place will.”
Hakushi flats, Chapter 1: The slow cook. [RP starter for Alphadeathsquad]
The blistering sun was scorching the flat surface of the only trail that seamed to go one for miles. Boots carved themselves deep as soon as one would set astray of this promised golden brick road.
Survival… it was the only term that came to mind and the only thing keeping from diving into the blurry oasis of insanity that`s been tickling the corner of his eye. He was low on supply, water and ammo. Things were not looking good but then again, did they ever?
Getting parachuted here wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to him nor the worst. Double-crossing that rival gang boss was probably a bad idea but hey, paid vacations under a hot sun, feet plunged in the sand and a cold drin… oh wait… forget that last part.
It was hell. @alphadeathsquad
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tarmakisurus · 8 years
He nodded slowly, handing back the flask. "We'll as you can see, I'm fad from ready to deal with pretty much everything here. I've got some gear on me but nothing magically useful."
He looked at the group before adding, "Did you guys happen to see a cargo plane fly by? It dropped multiple containers around a day or so ago. I'm looking for one in particular. You guys might be interested in the others."
Hakushi flats, Chapter 1: The slow cook. [RP starter for Alphadeathsquad]
The blistering sun was scorching the flat surface of the only trail that seamed to go one for miles. Boots carved themselves deep as soon as one would set astray of this promised golden brick road.
Survival… it was the only term that came to mind and the only thing keeping from diving into the blurry oasis of insanity that`s been tickling the corner of his eye. He was low on supply, water and ammo. Things were not looking good but then again, did they ever?
Getting parachuted here wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to him nor the worst. Double-crossing that rival gang boss was probably a bad idea but hey, paid vacations under a hot sun, feet plunged in the sand and a cold drin… oh wait… forget that last part.
It was hell. @alphadeathsquad
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tarmakisurus · 8 years
He grabbed the container with his  free hand, he uncapped it with his teeth before taking a large swig. “Really appreciated pal, was starting to fossilize.” He marked a stop, eyeing the new company he had made. “So why the hasty arrival and the gas waste onto reaching a dusty boots condemned soul? You guys look fairly geared up already.”
Hakushi flats, Chapter 1: The slow cook. [RP starter for Alphadeathsquad]
The blistering sun was scorching the flat surface of the only trail that seamed to go one for miles. Boots carved themselves deep as soon as one would set astray of this promised golden brick road.
Survival… it was the only term that came to mind and the only thing keeping from diving into the blurry oasis of insanity that`s been tickling the corner of his eye. He was low on supply, water and ammo. Things were not looking good but then again, did they ever?
Getting parachuted here wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to him nor the worst. Double-crossing that rival gang boss was probably a bad idea but hey, paid vacations under a hot sun, feet plunged in the sand and a cold drin… oh wait… forget that last part.
It was hell. @alphadeathsquad
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tarmakisurus · 8 years
The scratched face of the being standing before them cracked a grin, "It would be bad to lie... i'm far from being around here tho." he kept his hands up,
"I just got dropped here, no idea where i am. You guys got any pointers? I free seat maybe? I'm also running out of water."He remained immobile, waiting for an answer.
Hakushi flats, Chapter 1: The slow cook. [RP starter for Alphadeathsquad]
The blistering sun was scorching the flat surface of the only trail that seamed to go one for miles. Boots carved themselves deep as soon as one would set astray of this promised golden brick road.
Survival… it was the only term that came to mind and the only thing keeping from diving into the blurry oasis of insanity that`s been tickling the corner of his eye. He was low on supply, water and ammo. Things were not looking good but then again, did they ever?
Getting parachuted here wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to him nor the worst. Double-crossing that rival gang boss was probably a bad idea but hey, paid vacations under a hot sun, feet plunged in the sand and a cold drin… oh wait… forget that last part.
It was hell. @alphadeathsquad
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tarmakisurus · 8 years
Who is tarmak?...
This ain’t no place no hero...
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tarmakisurus · 8 years
The sharkling had his skull mask up to his eyes. He slowly raised his hands up in a surrendering fashion, still holding the orange tube in his right one. He took a few steps to the side of the pathway. Let's be honest, there was really no way he could outrun a convoy on foot.
Hakushi flats, Chapter 1: The slow cook. [RP starter for Alphadeathsquad]
The blistering sun was scorching the flat surface of the only trail that seamed to go one for miles. Boots carved themselves deep as soon as one would set astray of this promised golden brick road.
Survival… it was the only term that came to mind and the only thing keeping from diving into the blurry oasis of insanity that`s been tickling the corner of his eye. He was low on supply, water and ammo. Things were not looking good but then again, did they ever?
Getting parachuted here wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to him nor the worst. Double-crossing that rival gang boss was probably a bad idea but hey, paid vacations under a hot sun, feet plunged in the sand and a cold drin… oh wait… forget that last part.
It was hell. @alphadeathsquad
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