targquill · 11 months
bitch ass
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targquill · 11 months
I get it, Daniel, I really do
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every time the director said “cut!” all Assad heard was “cunt!” and kept going
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targquill · 11 months
I’ll never shut up about how Assad has the most attractive babygirl doe eyes ever
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Assad Zaman as Armand in Interview With the Vampire (2022 - )
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targquill · 11 months
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rashid vs. armand
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targquill · 1 year
im sorry but aemond is waaaaay too much alicent and criston’s kid to know how to fuck
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targquill · 1 year
Raven-haired Ewan is giving me heart palpitations and I will never shut up about this.
Also if anyone wants the interview, here you go...
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targquill · 1 year
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As The World Caves In Matt Maltese
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targquill · 1 year
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"But the day was as black as Prince Aemond's heart." No reposts to Twitter & Instagram please.
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targquill · 1 year
aemond being bad at love headcanons:
summary: aemond struggles with showing affection to his betrothed, but he tries his best.
warnings: unhealthy relationships, possessive behavior, manipulation (sort of??), smut (very short)
a/n: it’s been ages since I last wrote any type of fanfiction, so I’m a little rusty. also, English is not my first language and there might be some mistakes. my requests are currently open!
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Aemond knew marriage was part of his royal duties, and he intended to play his part accordingly but he dreaded the thought of dooming you to a lifetime of misery.
Even before being maimed by his bastard nephew, he was rather shy and awkward around people, but the scar on his face made everything worse by inspiring fear or disgust - often both - to whoever interacted with him.
Growing up, he preferred to be alone and there were very few with whom he had exchanged more than a few words - mostly his family, Sor Criston and Vhagar.
When Aemond went to your house’s seat to be introduced to his betrothed, the first thing that caught his attention was the shy smile on your face. It wasn’t a nervous nor an overly practiced smile, but a genuine one to match the “nice to meet you” that left your lips while curtsying. He did not allow himself to smile back, but deep down he hoped you would not grow to hate the sight of him.
Once you were taken to the Red Keep to wait for the marriage, Aemond started to ignore you. Part of him wanted to approach you, but he would rather not put that ounce of sympathy you had showed him in danger by being in your presence any longer than necessary. The prince did not know how his personality would be perceived, and he was not confident enough on his poor socialization skills to court you the way a proper lady deserved.
He would pretend not to see when you waved at him or quickly turn his attention to something else - even if there wasn’t anything else to focus on - whenever you addressed him. He thought it wouldn’t take too long to give up, but instead of showing disinterest, you looked more and more disappointed whenever he would pretend to take no notice of your advances.
Soon, it became unbearable. He decided to aim at the possibility of you not hating him, instead of deliberately pushing you away. It didn’t matter how many books he had read, none of them taught him to be nice. So many songs and tales of charming princes and their ladies, and there wasn’t one he could relate to. He was royal only on his blood and his name, but his ways were far from a prince’s. But if you wanted attention, he could try to give you attention.
The prince noticed how your eyes lit up the day he greeted you back on the hallways, a barely there nod of his head, your cheeks flushing red as your ways crossed. Aemond’s heart felt heavy for a second: Was it foolish of him to trust feelings? Wouldn’t you forget him as soon as the burning interest turned into nothing but ashes? The betrothal was settled, and something as small as his doubts were not enough to call it off. He did not want to end up in a marriage like his parents', but from a young age he accepted that it would be no different when the time came for him to be betrothed; but you made Aemond cling into the faint possibility of the Gods selecting a different fate for him.
It didn’t take long for him to sit by your side during meals, stealing a few glances sporadically. The prince still refrained to talk, but he would gladly answer any observations you pointed out - even if it was a monosyllabic answer or a mere “hum”. He felt relieved because it seemed pleasant enough for you and, oddly enough, it was pleasant for him too.
He found himself longing to see you every day, the people on the court completely faceless as his eye searched for you. There was nothing brighter than the smile you always offered him, as if all the light that filled the room was nothing but a weak ember upon your presence. Aemond had grown used to his days being dark and grim, but you lit a way out of such darkness, and he couldn't help but to be drawn into your light. You were his salvation, the gift he had received after his years of torment - only his.
Aemond couldn’t stand seeing you interact with the frivolous ladies of the court. Every time he saw you looking - or worse - talking to any other men, Aemond had to control himself not to kill them right there and then. You were too good for them. Besides, the prince felt conflicted when you seeked other companies when he finally started reciprocating your interest. How could you spend time with other people when he was right there?
He hated how he was perceived most of the times, but his scar and the overall cold demeanor could be useful - people were easily scared by him. Thankfully, his lurking went unnoticed by you while the ladies and the lads that were drawing your attention away from him grew more distant everyday and you would eventually find yourself with no other company but him for the rest of the day. Everything went smoothly until you caught him. You were trying to keep your lady from excusing herself from your presence and ended up following her gaze and founding him behind a pillar. It didn’t take long for you to connect the dots and Aemond saw your affection slipping through his fingers.
“I do not wish to be disturbed.” Aemond stared at the door he had just knocked as if it was the mightiest of opponents. All he did until that moment was to protect and care for you. He meant well, but the only thing the prince brought upon the only lady (apart from his sister and mother) he ever cared for was distress. He wanted to see that gentle smile again, but even more than that, he wanted to be the one to inspire it.
Aemond opened the door to your chambers and caught a brief glimpse of you: laying on your bed, face down into the pillows and a blanket over your body despite the heat. “I believe I owe you an apology, my lady.” You looked at him and your tear tainted face made his heart ache. “I did not intend to upset you.” You sat, legs still covered by the blankets turned to the side of the bed. “And what else could you intend, my Prince? I can’t imagine another outcome for shutting me away from everyone else.”
“I’m not good with people, with feelings.” The prince started, trying to speak his truth as clearly as possible “When you arrived, I avoided contact because I was certain you would despise me. When you didn’t, I didn’t know how to reciprocate and, as we got closer - if I even can say that, but as I allowed myself to be seen by you - I was afraid of losing you.” Aemond paused and looked at you. He walked towards you, just to get a little closer, but noticing you tapping on the spot at your side on the bed, he sat beside you. “I thought that the more you met new people, the faster you would grow tired of me. I deeply apologize, my Lady. Can we start over? Teach me how to care for you.” You gently reached for his hand and held it. “Of course, my Prince.”
Things got better gradually. Aemond would start inviting you for a walk around the gardens and enjoy some comfortable silence. He would ask you to watch him train, so excited to show his skills to you and glad to see you cheering for him. The prince would notice how you and his sister got close and some mornings were spent with Haelena and her children. He only started talking more once you spent a few afternoons with him at the library, where he would talk about his favorite books and even teach you some High Valyrian.
With the marriage soon approaching and your bond growing stronger everyday, the only thing keeping Aemond from stealing a kiss from you was his own spite. There was also the respect he had for you and your virtue, but the core of his reasoning was more lewd and selfish: He wanted to take your innocence, every single part of it, on your wedding night. Nothing excited him more than the thought of you slowly being devoured by lust, giving in to the carnal pleasure only he could give you. That was the plan, at least.
One night, however, as he escorted you back to your chambers after supper, Aemond did not expect you to make a move. He never stayed long at your door at that time, but you kept clinging to the sleeve of his coat. “I’ve learned something new in High Valyrian, my Prince.” You said, sounding oh-so-innocent for him to handle, eyes shining despite the dim lightning. “Have you been practicing on your own, my Lady?” He was happy to see you so interested in his culture. You nodded, hands traveling to play with his hair. On your tippy toes, you whispered to him:“Vūjigon issa”. He stoped for a second and you giggled at his reaction. “Do you need me to translate it to you, Aemond?”
The prince looked around quickly just to make sure no one was around before pressing his lips against yours. The fact you wanted him too sparked the flame inside of him and all his common sense evaporated. The kiss was slow and full of love, allowing Aemond to express the feelings words often failed to convey. You kissed him back with passion, allowing him to explore your mouth with his tongue and sighing heavily when his hands snaked around your waist. Aemond wanted to stay at your embrace forever but as soon as he felt your nails grasping the hair on his nape, he had to stop or otherwise he would have deflowered you right there and then. He stepped back, a smirk on his face as he beheld your flushed complexion. “Soon, my Lady, I will do more than kiss you. Look forward to our wedding night.”
The noises from the feast were loud, but the only thing you could hear as Aemond lead the way to your shared chambers was the blood throbbing on your ears. He took his time to reassure you and kissed all of your doubts away, each brush of his fingers burning your skin with desire. All your live, you heard that sex was something to be endured in order to conceive heirs, but when your husband found shelter between your thighs and explored you core with his fingers and his tongue, it seemed more like a blessing. He was gentle when entering you, but once you had adjusted he lost himself on the pleasure and fucked you hard and deep and fast, marking the skin of your neck, hips and waist. He rested his forehead against yours after he came, staying inside a little longer and left soft kisses on your face and neck. After some time, you did it again. And once more before you fell asleep in his embrace.
The married life with Aemond was a little bit more peaceful. Of course, as any other couple, arguments happened. At a particular night, Aemond had been a little too harsh with his words, something he hadn’t done in a while. You were genuinely hurt, but time made you understand your husband’s ways and how he never truly meant his cruel words.
“My Lady, I hope you are aware that I do love you.” He said, after joining you in bed. Aemond would take a strand of your hair on his fingers or brush his thumb on your cheek. “I’m learning how to demonstrate that properly. I promise you that your patience with me will be worth it, I’m trying to become the husband you deserve.”
He knew how to make your heart ache with compassion for him. There was no way you could be mad at Aemond for too long, not when you knew how hard he was trying. “My dear, troubled husband, do not be so hard on yourself. I love you too.”
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targquill · 1 year
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the idea of daeron targaryen showing up in season 2 like “MY FATHER WAS SICK???” is so funny to me. like little dude was literally unaware of everything. living his life in peace when the rest of his family decided to usurp the throne.
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targquill · 1 year
No but imagine Aegon rocking up to the free bar at the funeral of some woman he’s never met, getting pissed, falling asleep outside in a ditch and coming round to find little bro is down an eye and they’ve got a new pet to feed. 💀
Aegon “What the fuck did I drink last night” Targaryen
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targquill · 1 year
For me this is canon, I don’t care
No but Aegon being the only one to be honest and tell Aemond his eye is fucked BUT scars are badass and he’s the only one cool enough in the family to pull off an eyepatch. Then he starts making up story’s about famous Targaryen pirates who only had one eye and when that didn’t work, Abe the Eyeless Dragon.
Aemond is suspicious because he’s read about EVERY dragon that ever existed so he asks Vhagar if she’s ever heard of Abe even though she’s a dragon and can’t answer.
In the end Aegon confesses that he made it all up after a few too many glasses of wine because everyone else was making Aemond feel like a freak. Then he gets really drunk and steals one of the sapphires from the treasury and tries to convince Aemond to use it as a fake eye. He does this by wresting Aemond to the ground and sitting on him.
“Just shove it in the hole, that wooden one makes you look like a twat!”
So that’s basically the story of how Aemond got his sapphire eye.
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targquill · 1 year
alicent: do you ever want to talk about your emotions, dearest?
aemond: no.
aegon, bursting through the door: i do.
alicent: i know, aegon.
aegon: i'm sad and horny, all the time.
alicent: i said i know, aegon.
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targquill · 1 year
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targquill · 1 year
The most appealing part of Aemond isn’t that he is a sexy one eyed swordsman who is slightly insane and rides a dragon-
It is how awkward he is. Through and through he is always just going between “amazing beautiful ethereal man” to “why does he sit like that. Why- what is he doing. Stop holding your arms like that. Please-“
And I personally appreciate the duality
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targquill · 1 year
i hope to god hotd cuts out sara snow and makes jace and cregan a thing instead like i know it's ain't happening but i hope to god
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targquill · 1 year
look at me creating another oc for yet another Aemond fic which I may or may not write lol
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