taraaque · 2 years
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CasualNinja™ hang out in the city!
(Interesting necklace, Lloyd…)
(Original panel below cut.)
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(Screenshot from “Upgrade!” by Lego on youtube.)
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taraaque · 2 years
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in the spirit of thanksgiving I’d like to offer everyone some sapphics
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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taraaque · 3 years
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Just two friends on an uneventful afternoon stroll
My favourite double take was just how shredded Taka was. I know it’s probably a symptom of the art style but the idea that the ultimate moral compass was ripped was just so bloody funny to me. From that was born the inevitable conclusion that if Taka ever got off his high horse he’d hold his own easily.
Plus seeing a straight laced character go absolutely feral brings me such vicarious joy; Kiyondo Ishida was wasted potential. Also you can pry the bright pink blood from my cold dead hands I LOVE the AESTHETIC - I could not care less about the reasoning for it
A li’l bonus The disastrous internal monologue of two hopeless dorks
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plus as some point I figure Naegi has to have developed some sort of survival instinct whenever someone asks for a favour. It never ends well for him
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taraaque · 3 years
cute details about little nightmares 2! Since I see a lot of sad/disturbing details.
- in the playground outside the school, if you chill out there for a while, Six will interact playfully with different objects. She'll kick a ball into the goal, carefully walk along a line pretending like it's a tightrope, lean against the goalpost, sit on a bench, I'm sure there's more.
- sometimes when she goes ahead of you, Six will gesture for you to follow her to say that it's safe, come on.
- breaking the mannequin fingers is not creepy, actually. It makes perfect sense. I mean, the mannequin hands can sometimes skitter around and chase you, and you playing Mono has smashed a few at this point so can you really judge?
- when idle, Six will sometimes curl up in a ball on the floor. This is maybe a sad detail but I think it's nice they added it. It makes her feel more real and less like an ai controlled npc
- she'll wave back at you when you say hi
- if you die by falling, she'll be startled and then come to where it was you fell (again sad detail, but shows she cares) she still pauses to be startled even when you're being chased by something and you fall.
- someone in the time out room hidden behind shelves drew a dog peeing on the wall.
- in the hospital, Six turns on the x-ray machine to see her x-ray for fun
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taraaque · 3 years
I recently played Little Nightmares II and I LOVED it, but the ending utterly broke me. Dejected and looking for a place to vent my pain, I looked through the tags here on Tumblr, but to my surprise I found that people weren't only grieving -- they were angry. So many people are calling Six evil, a betrayer, a monster, and maybe there's some validity to that; she definitely has violent tendencies, but I think the ending is far more complicated than just a simple betrayal.
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First and foremost, Six definitely liked Mono. I saw a few posts saying she never cared about him, but I don't think that's true at all. They bonded several times throughout the game and she trusted him implicitly, to the point that she reached for him when she was in danger and risked her life to save his. I read a few theories that suggest she betrayed Mono because when the Thin Man appeared, instead of trying to grab her hand to pull her to safety, he cowered and let her get taken. That could be true, but again, I think it goes deeper than that.
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Incidentally, I also read a few arguments claiming she's evil because of how she acts, like breaking the bully with her bare hands, snapping the mannequin fingers, and warming herself by the pyre (which was morbidly hilarious), but I don't think these urges are her fault, much like the intense hunger isn't her fault. She didn't start having violent impulses until after the hunger consumed her, and we see that at the end of the game via her body language. She's ashamed.
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So why did Six drop Mono? I have a few theories, but the strongest one seems the most obvious to me: Mono is the Thin Man. I read a few comments where people theorized he isn't the Thin Man who chases us, rather he becomes a replacement/successor. Personally, I find that hard to swallow, since the connection between Mono and the Thin Man is so discernable. For example, Six and the city folk couldn't connect to the TVs the same way Mono could. Mono was also the only one able to open the Thin Man's cell, he was the only one able to defeat him, and he figured out how to teleport through the TVs on his own. If that isn't enough evidence to convince you, there's also an achievement/trophy you can earn post-credits, where you literally put on the Thin Man's hat. Look at the description.
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Then there's the subject of Mono's name. "Mono" can mean many things, but in English it generally connotes singularity, loneliness, one. When I first learned his name, I immediately thought it was wholly ironic, as he spends most of the game in Six's company. It also means (get ready for it) sound! To record or broadcast sound from a single direction. Now, this next part could just be me overreaching, but it's also used in words like "monochromatic", meaning a single wavelength of light or having only one colour. The Pale City and the TVs are entirely blue. Several shades of blue, but only blue.
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Inside the Tower, the light turns ultraviolet, a colour caused by electromagnetic radiation that exists inside--you guessed it--old TVs! The colour ultraviolet has long since been associated with catastrophe, as the radiation is carcinogenic and even damages DNA if it comes into direct contact with skin. This could be why Six morphed into such a grotesque state, while Mono remained completely unharmed. Mono is the Thin Man. He has to be or he probably would've died in the Tower. This also explains why the Thin Man didn't kill Six outright, but instead locked her in a room full of toys. After all those years, he still considered Six a friend and he wanted her to be comfortable. In addition, the official character bio for the Thin Man lists his only alias as "Mono".
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So why did Six drop Mono? Canonically (even if you change his hat), the first time Six sees Mono's face, really sees it, is during that moment on the collapsed bridge. She pauses, takes a good look, then lets him fall. I think she does so because she sees the similarities between Mono and the Thin Man. She realises what he's going to become, so to prevent that fate she lets him fall, presumably to his death. In a sense, she was trying to save him, and possibly the inhabitants of the city. The only question remaining is:
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Did Six's actions cause a loop that inevitably lead to Mono becoming the Thin Man, or was it preordained and neither she nor Mono nor the player had any control over it? Maybe it didn't even start with Six. Maybe it did. We may never know, but I don't think her betrayal was vindictive.
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taraaque · 3 years
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leggings or kneepads
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taraaque · 3 years
hey u know that pic of kuroo, bokuto, and akaashi that u use as ur header? I LOVE IT SO MUCH H OLY but did u ever post that? if so, may i have the link so i can use it as my phone wallpaper? heh :)
nope! only on twitter! its too far back to find it, i think i drew it before summer.
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(the context is the three of them coming to cheer for tsukki in the karasuno vs shiratorizawa match but 1-they are not supposed to be recognized 2-akaashi is not putting that stupid disguise but bokuto insists that he has to hide so he drapes his coat over his head like a bodyguard 3-everyone around them feels too awkward to comment the situation)
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taraaque · 3 years
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what the manga doesn’t tell u
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taraaque · 3 years
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kuroo knows bokuto wont change his mind about it being yellow but he always corrects him just to start a fight
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taraaque · 3 years
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Bokuaka reacting during this episodes is the best thing, fight me-
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taraaque · 3 years
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taraaque · 4 years
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No matter what other people may say…                         We are the protagonists of the world.
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taraaque · 4 years
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Kaguya-sama - Love is War fanart :3
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taraaque · 4 years
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BMO Nintendo Switch Dock made by madeinurbana
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taraaque · 4 years
Okay so I just saw your fanart of six and I'm actually in tears. It's the cutetest thing I have seen omg you draw wow. Anyway you won a follower :D. Have a nice day
Aww omg thank you so much!! I was worried people wouldn't care for it but I really wanted to make it haha
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taraaque · 4 years
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Can we get an F in the chat for our girls 😔
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taraaque · 4 years
Right!! Like, I love Luz's canon outfit- but the beta outfit just hits different, and Amity looks ICONIC with the pretty pink dress and punk rock everything else
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They know they look good ✨
I love the beta lumity outfits so much 😔
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