tankhapay01 · 1 year
Statutory Compliance in Payroll
statutory compliance in payroll - Statutory is defined as of or related to statutes""—laws and rules. Compliance refers to conformity. So, complying with laws and regulations is referred to as statutory compliance.
The legal framework that an organisation should abide by while dealing with its personnel is referred to as statutory compliance in human resources."
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tankhapay01 · 1 year
ESI Calculation - TankhaPay
ESI Calculation - Employee State Insurance (ESI) is a social security and health insurance programme for employees of enterprises listed in the ESI Act who earn salaries and earnings up to a certain threshold.
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tankhapay01 · 1 year
ESI Calculation – How to Calculate ESI (With Example)
Not all of the benefits that are provided to the employee are included in the earnings utilised in the ESI calculations. The inclusions and exclusions are crucial in calculating the employee's total income or wage.
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tankhapay01 · 1 year
What is retirement planning? Steps and what to consider
Retirement Planning becomes important in this situation. Despite its significance, just 33% of individuals are saving money to support this stage of their lives, according to the International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. Nearly 76% of people anticipate a nice retirement.
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tankhapay01 · 1 year
Importance of Health Insurance for Gig workers
Healthcare is costly, frequently with unaffordable charges that can put individuals in poverty. In actuality, only essential health services are accessible to one third of the world's population. Over a billion people devote at least 10% of their household income on uncovered medical costs. Due to their out-of-pocket medical expenses, half a billion individuals are either driven into extreme poverty or are pushed deeper into it.
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tankhapay01 · 1 year
Tankha Pay: ESIC Guide
ESIC Guide : One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is universal healthcare access, which allows people to live more fruitful and fulfilling lives. The world's population is at least 50% without access to basic healthcare services. Furthermore, more and more people are being forced into poverty as a result of expensive out-of-pocket healthcare costs.
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tankhapay01 · 1 year
Tankha Pay : EPF Guide
EPF Guide : In order for people to keep their standard of living and quality of life even after they retire, retirement benefits and pensions are required. People can live comfortably and have emergency funds thanks to retirement benefits and annuities, which offer a steady source of income.
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