tamtamaratam-blog · 10 months
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Certainly! Here's a list of suggested books, videos, and materials for each point of the financial education program:
Personal Finance Basics:
Book: "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey
Video: "Budgeting 101" by Khan Academy
Material: Budgeting templates and worksheets
Financial Goal Setting:
Book: "Your Money or Your Life" by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez
Video: "Setting Financial Goals" by The Financial Diet
Material: Goal-setting worksheet and visualization exercises
Banking and Financial Institutions:
Book: "The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke" by Suze Orman
Video: "How Banks Work" by Learn Liberty
Material: Online banking simulation or case studies
Credit and Debt Management:
Book: "Debt-Free Forever: Take Control of Your Money and Your Life" by Gail Vaz-Oxlade
Video: "Understanding Credit and Credit Scores" by Khan Academy
Material: Sample credit reports and interactive debt repayment calculators
Investing and Wealth Building:
Book: "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham
Video: "Investing for Beginners" by Investopedia
Material: Simulated stock market portfolios and investment research tools
Taxes and Tax Planning:
Book: "J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2023: For Preparing Your 2022 Tax Return" by J.K. Lasser
Video: "Tax Basics: Introduction to Taxation" by TurboTax
Material: Sample tax forms and interactive tax calculators
Introduction to Entrepreneurship:
Book: "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
Video: "How to Start a Startup" by Stanford University
Material: Business plan templates and case studies of successful startups
Consumer Rights and Financial Protection:
Book: "Consumer Reports Buying Guide 2023" by Consumer Reports
Video: "Understanding Your Rights as a Consumer" by Federal Trade Commission
Material: Sample consumer complaints and guides on avoiding scams
Retirement Planning:
Book: "The Bogleheads' Guide to Retirement Planning" by Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer, and Richard A. Ferri
Video: "Retirement Planning Basics" by NerdWallet
Material: Retirement savings calculators and retirement income projections
Financial Decision-Making:
Book: "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
Video: "The Art of Decision Making" by TED-Ed
Material: Case studies with decision-making frameworks and exercises
Financial Ethics and Social Responsibility:
Book: "Doing Well and Good: The Human Face of the New Capitalism" by Willie Pieterson
Video: "The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives" by TED Talk with Jonathan Haidt
Material: Discussions on ethical dilemmas and real-life examples of socially responsible investing
Financial Technology and Innovation:
Book: "The Fintech Book: The Financial Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs, and Visionaries" by Susanne Chishti and Janos Barberis
Video: "How Fintech Is Changing Finance" by CNBC
Material: Case studies on fintech startups and demonstrations of digital payment platforms
These resources provide a range of educational materials to supplement the financial education program, including books for in-depth knowledge, videos for visual learning, and interactive materials to engage students actively. Remember to
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tamtamaratam-blog · 10 months
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DAY 3/101
Woman color pallet
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tamtamaratam-blog · 10 months
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Day 2/101
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tamtamaratam-blog · 10 months
ist of prompts for mid-journey scenes utilizing  composition rules
1. Rule of Thirds: Capture a character walking along a winding path, positioned at the intersection of the gridlines, with the scenic landscape filling the frame.
2. Leading Lines: Film a character cycling down a long road, with the road itself leading towards a distant mountain range, emphasizing the sense of progression in their journey.
3. Framing: Frame a character standing at the entrance of an ancient archway, their silhouette outlined by the arch, hinting at the adventure that awaits beyond.
4. Symmetry and Balance: Show a character sitting on a log by a tranquil lake, with trees flanking both sides, creating a symmetrical composition that conveys a sense of serenity.
5. Depth and Layering: Film a character hiking up a mountain, with lush greenery in the foreground, the winding path in the middle ground, and a majestic peak in the background.
6. Rule of Odds: Portray a group of three friends sitting around a campfire, sharing stories and laughter, highlighting their connection and camaraderie during the journey.
7. Negative Space: Capture a lone traveler standing on a vast, empty desert landscape, with a vast expanse of sky above, emphasizing the feeling of solitude and the immensity of the journey.
8. Point of View: Film a sequence where the camera becomes the eyes of a character navigating through a dense forest, capturing their anticipation, curiosity, and occasional glimpses of sunlight filtering through the canopy.
9. Golden Ratio: Frame a character climbing a steep staircase within an ancient ruin, with the spiral staircase positioned according to the golden ratio, emphasizing a sense of mystery and exploration.
10. Dynamic Composition: Capture a character leaping across a rocky crevice, filmed from a low-angle perspective, showcasing the daring and energetic nature of their mid-journey adventure.
These prompts aim to inspire creative storytelling while incorporating the specific composition rules to enhance the visual impact of the scenes.
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tamtamaratam-blog · 10 months
Composition in film for midjourney
Here is a list of commonly used rules of composition in films that can enhance the visual storytelling of mid-journey prompts:
Rule of Thirds: Divide the frame into a grid of nine equal parts (using two horizontal and two vertical lines) and position key elements along these lines or at their intersections. This creates balance and visual interest.
Leading Lines: Utilize natural or constructed lines within the frame (such as roads, rivers, or pathways) to guide the viewer's eye towards the subject or through the scene, emphasizing the journey aspect.
Framing: Use elements within the scene (such as doorways, windows, or foliage) to frame the subject, adding depth and drawing attention to the main focal point.
Symmetry and Balance: Create a visually pleasing composition by placing subjects or elements symmetrically or in a balanced manner. This can evoke a sense of harmony or order.
Depth and Layering: Include foreground, middle ground, and background elements to add depth and dimension to the frame. This can provide a sense of scale and immersion.
Rule of Odds: When including multiple subjects, using an odd number (e.g., three or five) can create a more visually appealing composition than an even number. It adds visual interest and avoids a sense of symmetry that may appear static.
Negative Space: Allow for empty or negative space around the subject to emphasize its importance or to convey a sense of isolation or vastness in the journey.
Point of View: Experiment with different perspectives to enhance storytelling. This can include low-angle or high-angle shots, eye-level shots, or subjective points of view that mimic the character's gaze.
Golden Ratio: Similar to the rule of thirds, the golden ratio involves dividing the frame according to a specific mathematical ratio (approximately 1:1.618). It creates a visually pleasing and harmonious composition.
Dynamic Composition: Incorporate movement and dynamic angles to add energy and excitement to the scene. This can include diagonal lines, Dutch angles, or unconventional camera positions.
Remember that these rules are not strict guidelines but rather tools to help create visually compelling compositions. Feel free to experiment and adapt them to suit the narrative and mood of your mid-journey prompts.
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tamtamaratam-blog · 10 months
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King of CUPS
black man waring a gold and diamond big crown :: 2 opulent furry custom :: 1 the man is holding a big gold cup in one hand and a gold stick in the other hand :: 2 he has a necklace with the simbol of a fish :: sitting on a luxury chair that is floating on top of water, high detail, sunset light, hyper real, --ar 4:7 --s 100 --v 5.2 -
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tamtamaratam-blog · 4 years
Duermo en una cama tan grande pero taaaaan grande que cuando despierto necesito una brújula para orientarme
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tamtamaratam-blog · 4 years
Ayer soñé que pintaba un fragmento de mi vida. Lo que pintaba era ese mismo instante de yo pintando un fragmento de mi vida. Y en ese fragmento de mi vida también salía pintando el mismo fragmento de mi vida..... y así se multiplicaban las imágenes del mismo fragmento dentro del fragmento, dentro del fragmento de mi vida infinitamente.......
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tamtamaratam-blog · 5 years
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Un segundo se puede estirar tanto como una vida.
El tiempo se mide por la calidad del aprendizaje.
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tamtamaratam-blog · 5 years
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La verdad sabe mejor si se come al tiempo
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tamtamaratam-blog · 5 years
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La prehistoria del jazz, ritmos de libertad 
La magia consistía en nunca olvidar cuáles son tus raíces. Tambores, calabazas con cuerdas, danzas en círculo y voces en otros idiomas en forma de ritual componen los principios del jazz más allá de 1880. Ahí en el sur de estados unidos, donde el río mississippi suena a yembé y a gritos de libertad. Debajo de esas palmeras y vientos tropicales, en casas afrancesadas con tradiciones europeas, se fusionan nuevos sonidos, nuevos ritmos que invocan eso que muchos perseguimos.... LIBERTAD
“La capacidad africana de transformar la tradición compositiva europea y asimilar al mismo tiempo algunos de sus elementos es quizas la fuerza evolutiva más notable y poderosa de la historia musical moderna” -Ted Gioia- 
Aquí una canción lo más cercano a la música indígena africana por sus instrumentos prehistóricos...... a veces me imagino que así sonaban esos círculos llamados RING SHOUT donde todo comenzó. Que afortunada soy en haber vivido de cerca esta música tan prehistórica como moderna. 
La canción es del gran maestro del tambor Mamady Keita  
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tamtamaratam-blog · 5 years
La belleza de fluir desde la confianza hacia el otro acaba siempre en un ritmo armónico
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tamtamaratam-blog · 5 years
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Desdibujo tus rallas. Con mis manos borro las formas y suelto los bordes. 
Me dejo arrastrar. 
Amanezco flotando sobre instantes autónomos que aprenden a tejer. Tejen los hilos de los inmortales, de los recuerdos robados.
Una bola de estambre inexplicable sucede como una revelación en la habitación.
Lentamente, muy lentamente sube por todo mi cuerpo. Me habita ahí donde habita la coincidencia visible.
….. flotando, de nuevo me dejo ir.  
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tamtamaratam-blog · 6 years
Luchar contra el pasado y el futuro. Luchar contra lo que fue y llegar, después de la guerra, con tus marcas al paraíso. En ese pasado siempre sabía que ese paraíso esperaba del otro lado.
La primera parte del sueño fue de color marrón y la segunda parte del sueño llena de colores. En ambas el ambiente era muy natural. Todo se desarrolla en México df, en mi casa de la infancia y termina en las montañas de cuajimalpa. Hay dos momentos importante:
1) confió en que puedo escaparme y comienzo a correr y confió que puedo volar y comienzo a volar
2) me escondo en una cueva bajo la tierra que me da mucha paz y seguridad
El sueño fue muy lúcido.
Día 1
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tamtamaratam-blog · 6 years
El Kit de la felicidad: Tener una caguama bien fría, dos cigarros (para el principio y para el final), una cajetilla de cerillos con horóscopo incluido, un pareo en la arena gigante, el color turquesa de frente con su movimiento, una palmera chaparra, estar semidesnudo, estar solo y Aretha Franklin en tus oídos.... R-E-S-P-E-C-T 
Prohibido la nostalgia cabrona, las prisas con o sin motivo, la preocupación sin justificación y la inmediatez.  
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tamtamaratam-blog · 6 years
"Es en nuestras constantes, en nuestras repeticiones donde somos más nosotros mismos. El conocimiento de nuestra constante viene a ser la clave de nuestra evolución para replantear nuevas fórmulas, nuevos estilos en cada nueva etapa de tu vida. Este autoconocimiento es también sinónimo de juventud, en cuanto juventud implica capacidad de adaptación."
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tamtamaratam-blog · 6 years
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If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
 - Vincent van Gogh -
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