talkaboutsmth · 2 years
Why it’s better to use pimcore than shopify
Pimcore vs. Shopify - the comparison
Both Pimcore and Shopify can support your eCommerce efforts, but for Shopify, that’s as far as it can go without using additional plugins. Pimcore is a well-rounded platform with all the capabilities needed to replace your existing systems and connect with all data sources. On the other hand, Shopify may seem like a better alternative if you’re working with a small budget. Take a look at full comparison here.
Both platforms enable you to:
Manage your website content
Optimize your content for search engines (Shopify can with plugins)
Translate content into numerous languages
Integrate 3rd party apps
Automate marketing activities (Shopify can with plugins)
Personalize content (Shopify can with plugins)
Prepare content for web-to-print (Shopify can with plugins)
Introduce new products and handle product information (Shopify handles basic information)
Customize the storefront
Handle promotions, discounts, and shopping cart abandonment
Product search and filtering
Still, there are a lot of differences between Pimcore and Shopify. Even though Shopify isn’t such a comprehensive platform as Pimcore, there are some features that make Shopify shine:
Extremely easy to set up and use
Product promotions, discounts, and cart abandonment is easily handled
Simple introduction of product reviews
Product configuration is easily introduced with a plugin
Payment and shipping options are easy to configure
Instantly optimized for mobile devices
High-level performance and security from the start
A wide range of free website templates
Alternatively, Pimcore stands as an all-in-one solution with a wide range of features for driving sales and optimizing internal processes:
Product feed management for all channels
Marketplace integration
Connecting any external system to Pimcore
Easy data import from any data source
Built-in photo editor
Built-in SEO management dashboard
Elimination of data silos
Easy creation of product catalogs
Strong personalization capabilities through behavioral targeting engine
In-built analytics dashboards
A complex pricing rules engine
Creating and managing complex workflows
Endless on-site customization
What's the difference between Pimcore and Shopify?
Whatever kind of data you need to manage, maintain, enrich, or distribute - Pimcore can easily handle it. From handling critical data quality issues to personalizing content and distributing it, Pimcore offers solutions for a wide range of business problems.
Shopify, on the other hand, is much simpler. Unlike Pimcore, it lacks in the areas of data and content management. When working on complex projects, Shopify may not be your first choice due to its lack of features.
Additionally, Shopify requires a good amount of plugins in order for you to successfully run an eCommerce business. Be it SEO, marketing automation, or content personalization - you’ll need a plugin to help you. And most of the time, the plugins will turn out to be somewhat expensive. Why and when should you choose Pimcore and when to choose Shopify?
As new eCommerce trends and customer expectations advance, having a powerful eCommerce platform becomes imperative. And when choosing the next eCommerce platform for your business, you certainly need to take the complexity of your business into consideration.
So, if you’re running a smaller eCommerce business, or you’re looking to start one from scratch - Shopify may be the better choice for you than Pimcore. It’s fully optimized for eCommerce newcomers and has all the tools you need to easily start without any need for development assistance.
Shopify is easy to use and it’s user-friendly up to the point where you can easily set up an online store and start adding products in just a few hours. If you’re on a budget and you’re looking for a low-risk entry point into eCommerce, Shopify is the way to go. It’s subscription-based, meaning that for only $29 a month you can have a fully functional eCommerce website!
Of course, there are various plugin costs to be taken into account, but when first starting out, some of the entry-level free plugins will do the job. This will enable you to create your first landing pages, blog posts, add new products, create discounts, market your website, and more - for a low price.
Important to note is that even though Shopify isn't a CMS in its full definition, it has enough content management features to handle basic content management needs. And regarding PIM system, even though Shopify isn't a PIM or doesn't have any product information management capabilities, it's possible to integrate a PIM system with Shopify - even Pimcore's PIM system!
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talkaboutsmth · 3 years
Is Burning Candles Safe or Bad for Your Health?
Long before the invention of the light bulb, candles and lanterns were our main light sources.
In today’s world, candles are used as decorations, in ceremonies, and to release relaxing fragrances. Most modern candles are made from paraffin wax, but they’re also commonly made of beeswax, soy wax, or palm wax.
There’s some debate about whether burning candles is bad for your health. Some people claim that candles release potentially harmful toxins.
However, if you’re worried about the potential negative health effects of burning paraffin wax, you can try using candles made from soy wax, bees wax or other plant-based waxes.
We’re going to look at what science has found about burning candles and separate the facts from common misconceptions.
Are candles toxic?
There are many articles on the internet explaining the dangers of burning candles.
However, many of these articles use inconclusive evidence or no evidence to back their claims.
Are candle wicks made of lead?
Candle wicks in the United States don’t currently contain lead.
In 2003, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) voted to ban the sale and manufacture of candles with lead wicks. They also banned the import of lead-containing candles from other countries.
Most candle manufacturers stopped using lead in their candles in the 1970s. Due to concerns that fumes could cause lead poisoning, especially in children, lead-containing candles were removed from the market.
Is wax made of toxic chemicals?
Most modern candles are made from paraffin wax. This type of wax is made from petroleum as a by-product of making gasoline.
One 2009 study found that burning paraffin wax releases potentially dangerous chemicals, such as toluene.
However, the study was never published in a peer-reviewed journal, and the National Candle Association and European Candle Association raised questions about the study’s reliability.
According to a statement released by the European Candle Association, “They have provided no data for review, and their conclusions are based on unsupported claims. No reputable scientific study has ever shown any candle wax, including paraffin, to be harmful to human health.”
A 2007 study funded by the European Candle Association examined every major type of wax for 300 toxic chemicals.
The researchers found that the level of chemicals released by each type of candle was well below the amount that would cause human health problems.
At this time, there’s no conclusive evidence that burning candle wax is damaging to your health.
Article source.
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