takakochan-blog · 8 years
The sound of boots pounding off the street asthmatically filled the would-be idols ears, her breaths coming in short, sharp gasps. Where the hell was she supposed to be going?! Why they hell was she even here in the first place?!
Dodging a Gomorin with a water gun, Takako smirked to herself and made a rude gesture towards the creature, not realizing that the street in front of her was changing to steps before her eyes.
Well, it would be before her eyes if she was actually looking in front of her.
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And that was how Takako Miwa, would-be idol, found herself crashing down the surprise flight of stairs. Landing hard at the bottom, she became to whine and snivel, throughly fed up of this ‘obstacle course’ and this strange city in general.
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takakochan-blog · 8 years
✺- Something your muse finds pretty
Takako finds nature in general pretty. Her favourite time of the year is early spring, when the Sakura blossoms are start to bloom and fall. Also, she adores the Lolita style of fashion, but she wouldn’t personally wear it. She just likes how it looks on others.
☺- Something that makes your muse happy
Takako is pretty easily pleased. So long as she has a guitar and some lyrics in front of her, she’ll happily sing and play away to her heart’s content. Other than that, just relaxing with a good game is another surefire way to keep her happy.
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takakochan-blog · 8 years
❤, ✎, ✆, ♫!
Should I even be talking to you tbh? Brat
❤- What does your muse look forwards on their soulmate?
Takako would like someone she can goof off with around; someone she can just be herself around. Whether is making music together, indulging her rants/tantrums, or being there for her when it’s looking hopeless, Takako just wants someone sho’ll stick with her no matter what, and who she can stick with.
✎- Can your muse draw? How well/How Bad?
Nope. Takako’s artistic talents like squarely in music, I’m afraid. The best she can do is some chibis that look simultaneously too lifelike and too goofy and tend to freak people out. Including herself.
✆- What your muse’s phone gallery is filled with?
Mostly pictures of guitars she’d like to buy and pictures of her hanging out with her brother and parents, or of Keiko and Kaeru. There’s also a good deal of pictures of clothes that she promises herself she’ll save up for but never actually manages to.
♫- What is your muse’s taste in music?
Takako is more into Rock music, both Western and J-Rock. Her favourite bands are Skillet, Red Hot Chilli Pepper and L’arc-en-Ciel. And although she’s not a particular fan of J-pop, she buys all of her friend Keiko’s singles; though that’s more to do with moral support.
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takakochan-blog · 8 years
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*pokes head in*
Hello, hello! It’s lovely to meet you all~ I’m Shizuka and you right recognize me as Keiko/Shizuka from Amaranth/Koi or Lissa and Ran from AURP! If not now worries chus~
I’m so glad be RPing this bratty idol baby of mine, especially seeing as her previous group closed without warning a few months ago. I’m looking forward to RPing with you all, yush!
So here a Starter call; capping at 4 for now because my internet is being a binch ahhhh. Hence why I haven’t answered any of the memes in my inbox yet OTL *lies down and weeps*
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takakochan-blog · 8 years
Headcanon Meme
❤- What does your muse look forwards on their soulmate?
❥- Can often/easily can your muse get heartbroken?
❣- What calms your muse down?
ღ- Sexuality?
⌚- Does your muse worry about time?
❅- Favorite time of the year?
✿- Does your muse like the nature in general?
✞- Does your muse have any kinds of religion?
✍- Can your muse write? How well/How bad?
✎- Can your muse draw? How well/How Bad?
☁- What kind of weather does your muse consider the best one
ツ- Can your muse speak any other language other than their main one?
∞- Does your muse believes in afterlife?
✺- Something your muse finds pretty
✆- What your muse’s phone gallery is filled with?
❦- What is your muse’s favorite fruit?
❧- What is your muse’s favorite kind of food?
‽- Something your muse has problem in understanding
☺- Something that makes your muse happy
☹- Something that makes your muse sad/upset
✉- How often does your muse text?
⌨- How often does your muse use the computer?
♫- What is your muse’s taste in music?
♯- Something that gets your muse angry
⋆- Your muse’s future dream and why
☮- How much your muse worries about appearance?
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takakochan-blog · 8 years
Tag Dump
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takakochan-blog · 8 years
I’m not even sure if there’s people following the blog any more, but in case there is:
This blog is soon to be affiliated with kizna rp! If you want to unfollow because of this, please feel free~ Conversely, if you want to RP anyways, hit me up!
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takakochan-blog · 8 years
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cute bitch knows whats up.
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