#yves varende
amsaklapper-blog · 7 years
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Lord Lister
One of my favorite “dime-novel” series. The pulps reproduced here are from the series printed by Dykmans (Bruxelles, Belgium) -90 issues. No indication but probably from mid-20′s [some say that it started February 1925]. Originally Lord Lister was created in Germany as early as 1908. Published by VVK [Verlagshaus für Volksliteratur & Kunst, Berlin-Leipzig] and  first entitled “Lord Lister, genannt Raffles, der grosse Meisterdieb” the series then became “Lord Lister, der grosse Unbekannte”. The authors, anonymous,  were those who worked regularly for VVK - we suppose that Kurt Matull and Theo Von Blankensee were the most prolific at work for Lord Lister’s adventures. The covers were drawn by Alfred Roloff (or artists that imitated his style). The original german series had 110 issues and was distributed all over Europe in many languages - often in the disorder of its original appearance. Particularly successful in Dutch language, the series will be continued for a long time in the Netherlands (original episodes written by Félix Hageman)
Reproduced here are items from an original binding in bad condition. On bottom two volumes devoted to Lord Lister - published at Editions Lefrancq: A sum of circa 2300 pages, a selection of original episodes rewritten by Yves Varende (pen-name of Thierry Martens, 1942-2011) and augmented by an outstanding study on these dime-novels series.
source:amsaklapper’s collection
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