#yuuri (Arc-V)
rabbitfolly · 9 months
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so I made these arc-v stickers once
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webdragon444 · 2 years
Hey just realized I probably never posted this here
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Hey just realized I probably never posted this here on tumblr
I got frustrated that there was no Arc-V Spider-Man pointing meme(that I could find at the time), so I made it myself to send to a friend.
then my siblings peer-pressured me into putting it on reddit, lmao
Here is a imgur link to higher quality if anyone cares:
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Yuuri slipped his way into the center of the page because he HAS to be the center of attention haha. Someday I'll get these out before 1am, but it is not today! Tomorrow we'll perhaps see our moonlight girl~
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enter-the-performapals · 11 months
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@arcvmonth Day 5: Action Magic- Overpass
Alright, so I know the Dragon Boys Roleswap Shuffle is a pretty basic AU but I feel like I have an interesting take on it!
For the art today I wanted to draw Fusion!Yuya (hes gotta have some absolutely messed up anglicised name... Eia? Taking suggestions lol) being intimidating during the Xyz war, but it turned into POV: You're getting turned into a card. And stormy ambiance because Winter storms have been pretty crazy over here...
AU thoughts under the cut!
(Quick content warning for mental absue!)
Ive seen a couple of people theorise that Yuya, if roleswapped with Joeri, would still be happy-go-lucky but in a murderous psychopath kinda way. Personaly, I think the opposite.
In my idea of a roleswap, Yuya would be grow up as an orphan, desperately doing whatever he could to eventually get into Academia, which he does around ~10 years old.
Having pretty poor social skills, but still having a positive attitude, he'd make some acquaintances in the first month or so until he catches the attention of Leo Akaba.
Leo, terrified of what Yuya would become, decides to isolate him. While his peers are jealous that he gets special treatment, Yuya is over the moon and starts to see Leo as a father figure and idolises him, following his every move.
Around the same time, Fusion!Yuzu would be taken in Leo as well. Over time, Yuya would see how much better Yuzu would be treated than him, the way Leo doesnt let him too close to his replacement daugter, the hate that would occasionally flash in Leo's eyes when talking to him, and he would start to resent them.
Yuzu's no saint in this AU either, being coddled by Leo so much that she'd view herself above everyone else. She'd figure out how to manipulate Leo into getting whatever she'd want, and rub it in people's faces. She'd act perfect around Leo, but as soon as as shes away from him, she'd demean and undermine the people around her. And Yuya would be her favorite verbal punching bag- as hed also been selected specially by Leo-and save the worst insults for him. She'd probably be known as The Princess of Academia.
With hs confidence beingbeaten down by this version of Yuzu, shunned by his peers who are jealous that he was hand selected by Leo, and just knowing that Leo hates him for a reason he has no idea of, he'd just... mentally shut down. Spiralling into a deep depression.
He would never smile. Barely speak a word outside of duels, which he'd be ruthless in. His eyes would be cold and dead, other than occasionally showing flashes of an intimidating gold.
Of course, even though he knows Leo hates him, hed still do anything for the Professor, in a futile attempt to be loved and accepted by him. Hed be a major player in the war, and hed still kidnap Xyz!Rin and Synchro!Ruri
He'd still be the personality with the most amount of Zarc in him and at the end of the AU, standard!Yuuri would probably show him that he deserves to smile and that no matter what hes faced in the past, there will be people there to support him and be his friends.
After a charater arc duel where he breaks down after defeat and vows to become a better person, Leo would have an angry rant about him being useless tool to the reigime and a worthless demon child that he never should have taken in and expunge him, where then hed fuse with Yuuri.
My thoughts for his deck would be something similar to Sergey's deck, but instead of humanoids theyre animals (like the performapals) in a very old, black and white, rubber-hose style constricted with vines, chains and locks to symbolise a trapped but not lost sense of innocence.
If youve read this far, thank you so much! Let me know-either by dropping me an ask or putting it in the tags- if youd like to see more of this AU, because Boy Howdy have I thought about it In Depth. Thank you for reading!
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phantomknights · 1 year
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fuck you *genshinifies your yugioh character*
yuuya - yuuto - yuugo - yuuri (you are here!)
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starmakesart · 2 years
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two more helpings of yuri
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Drew this based on the rp I have with @breakinberserk
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oninatsumi · 2 months
It's been 9 years since Yuri of the Cold Smile and its Arc-v's 10th anniversary this year. My whole life during arc-v's OG airing was a circus.
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In light of Yugo being added to DL I feel like sharing something from a while back,
So I like to watch both sub and dub ygo, sub for the plot and dub for the memes, and in the Arc-v dub because yugo and fusion sound nothing alike we get glorious names for yugo like nogo, pogo, yoyo, and i believe at some point yogurt.
The main point being
I so badly want a stupid tag team event where you duel yugo and yuri but instead of d-wheels, they are on a pogo stick,
A single completely normal pogo stick
Because imagine the hilarity of trying to duel while keeping in sync on a pogo stick, the banter would be lovely, especially because Yuri would absolutely refuse to be helpful.
"Yuri for the love of god just jump!" "Sorry yugo we agreed you would drive~" "I THOUGHT WE WOULD BE ON A D-WHEEL!-"
A solid event I shall never see and it breaks my heart
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entamewitchlulu · 1 year
ok i was holding off on posting these because i was dealing with a guilty feeling of how long i've left other things languishing, but then i remembered i can do whatever i want so here's two arc v oneshots ( the next one is in the next post)
(this one is a duskshipping one)
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webdragon444 · 2 years
Made this for a stupid joke and now my sibling wants me to share so
(Music is from apples stock library or something I honestly don’t remember sorry)
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higuchimon · 2 years
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Fandom: YGO Arc-V Characters: Sora, Yuuri, Dennis, Original Character Prompt: Deprived of Food As Punishment Chapters: 5/5 Prompt Appears: starts in chapter 2 Written For: SilvorMoon
Okay, the whole story's been posted now, and is available here: FFnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14125825/1/Hunger-For-Vengeance
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41191605
Tumblr: https://higuchimon.tumblr.com/post/693608876701073408/chapters-hunger-for-vengeance
(also, I am an idiot and forgot to include the graphic the first time I posted this)
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mozaikrolez · 2 years
reminder!!! this blog is on semi-hiatus, meaning i will only be replying & engaging with moots who have some pre-established relationship with my muses prior to this blog going on a semi-hiatus. i’m too out of muse for most muses on here to start something new for a lil while.
that being said, i am most active on @2citiez !! anyone of my mutuals here can follow me there if ya wanna know what’s up!! ciao for now!
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emiihoney-pots · 1 month
yuuri from arc-v
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uhcohg · 2 years
Okay. YOI rant.
Viktor watching the video in which Yuuri is skating his program. And this mfer must be so fucking confused (you see it too). Because. Is that a sign??? Is he reminding him about the coach thing? Why wouldn't he just call or text? Is Yuuri imposing some sort of test on himself to get Viktor to cross seas (not quite, I know!) and come train him. Is he trying to "woo" him? My boy must be so freaked out.
But I admire his resilience. He doesn't kick down Yuuri's door to grab him by his shoulders and scream "WHAT DOES IT MEAN?? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!!". Infact he remains pretty calm in the face of having followed a man to another country on a hunch based on a publicly uploaded video. He doesn't even question him until about 8 months later, when it naturally comes up. This is insane.
I am rolling on the floor laughing. Someone mentioned that YOI is a sports anime from Yuuri's POV and romance anime with a disturbingly long pining arc from Viktor's POV. And I 👏 am 👏 here 👏 for 👏 it!!
Ok thnx. Soz I am v late to the fandom. Lemme fangirl a bit.
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A small drawing based of the fanfiction I'm currently writing with them.
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