#yuugeki stage
tima520 · 5 years
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Happy 31th birthday to the precious and sweet Imari Yu 🎉🎂💕 Wish him all the best from the bottom of my heart ,may his days and career grow in the most beautiful way possible 🙏💖 
お誕生日おめでとうございます ,伊万里有さん 🎉😍
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yinuduonan · 6 years
[DL] Yuugeki DVD
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Yay, my DVD arrived two days ago but I was pretty busy so I just uploaded and share my DVD today! I include backstage too because I need someone to fangirl with me, the backstage is just about an hour but it’s worth to watch! The honpen (main stage) quality is better than the DMM one I shared before (and it has smaller size too hehe). Honpen is around 700mb and the backstage is around 700mb too, it’s less than 1.5GB for both videos, don’t worry the quality is still amazing for me ;) These guys are so…. weird…. BUT HANDSOME
Cast: Tachibana Kenchi Mikata Ryosuke Tawada Hideya Takahashi Kensuke Imari Yu Tanaka Ryosei Arisawa Shoutarou Miura Hiroki Isaka Ikumi Izumi Shuhei Araki Hirofumi
All casts are amazing, I laughed a lot, so I really recommended it! Feel free to fangirl with me or tell me what do you think of this stage. For the link, please read the rules first!
- DO NOT RE-UPLOAD ANYWHERE! especially to streaming sites
- DO NOT SHARE THE DIRECT DOWNLOAD LINK! If anyone asking for the link then please refer them to this post
- Screenshots, GIFs, edits, short clips are okay
- Download link is in the post. Hint: cast list, the youngest actor in this stage :)
- Enjoy! 
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sweetmaririn · 7 years
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Yuugeki stage opening - Arisawa Shoutarou as Shou
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sakurasakiyama · 7 years
Yuugeki Stage - Mikata Ryosuke’s Opening Talk (Australia Segment)
I just had to do this because I’m an Australian and I couldn’t help but laugh at this! (And I had to repost it again as I had to change it again so hopefully 3rd times the charm ><)
Okay, so to explain the situation, Mikata Ryosuke was doing an opening talk with the audience before the show started. And he was getting the audience to practice laughing. In his first attempt, everyone clapped instead of laughing. So he decided to use this as his second attempt!
T/N: It was brought to my attention that I did have it right the first time as Ryosuke uses a play-on-words referring to how the baby koala latches (“rachi” / “ラチ”) on to him the way it would on to its mother. On the other hand, it can also be taken as him kidnapping (“rachi” / “拉致”) the koala.
Credit of the video goes to @yinuduonan for her Stream of Yuugeki (Thank you~ ❤)
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tomykentaro · 7 years
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sunjujung · 7 years
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「高橋健介2018年カレンダー」表紙決定!&発売記念イベント一般チケット10/18(水)申込スタート! https://sumabo.jp/57313
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nimbus-cloud · 5 years
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Taka-Talk 2019 Review
I was lucky enough to get tickets for two out of his three sessions in Tokyo (sessions 1 and 3), and died of cute.  Full synopsis under the Read More for those who are interested!
Session 1 Even though we had tickets for the first session in Tokyo, I already felt like I was behind?  Takato did his Taka-Talk in five cities total this year, placing them conveniently as Engeki Haikyuu hopped between cities.  And since I couldn’t go to Osaka or Nagoya or Sendai or Hakata, I walked in going, what did I even misssssss???  There was a postcard with a crossword where you could fill in the keywords by attending EVERY session where the keywords were given, and then you could mail it in later for special bromide prizes.  I had no shot at winning that obviously lol.  
Anyway, session one started with him walking down the aisle toward the stage, walking past us as we did.  We had aisle seats for the first session, and he did pause for a little while to mess with my friend’s pull-out desk (the venue was a lecture hall so each chair had a pull-out desk) before going to the stage.  One girl walked in a little bit late, rushing to her seat as he got up onto the stage.  When he asked if anyone had attended other sessions in other cities, people raised their hand.  When he asked who lived the closest to this venue, several people raised their hands.  The first girl said it took her 20min by train, another said 15, and then the girl that was late said that she lived one station away.  And Takato, being the little shit that he is, just CALLED HER OUT, and was like, 
“So you live the closest and got here the latest?” 
But she explained that she got here, then realized she’d forgotten her ticket, and rushed back home to get it and came back.   That exchange probably feels a bit innocuous, but it’s kind of rare for actors at fan events to be THAT casual?  Takato often forgets to use polite forms in his Japanese, defaulting to casual forms not just with his guests but even with us, and sometimes he’ll correct himself, sometimes he doesn’t.  
He also asked who came from furthest away, and I did raise my hand but there wasn’t time to call on everyone, but there was a girl in the back who answered that she’d come from Taiwan!  And oddly, Takato heard it correctly, that she said Taiwan, but a group of fans in the front tried to correct him, because they heard her say “Hawaii.”  So he was like, “Eh? Eh?? Wait, no, say it again.”  And she answered louder, ‘Taiwan’ and he just draaaagged that section lololol.  He was like, “See!!  I was right!  You were trying to correct me, but I was right, aren’t YOU embarrassed?!!” 
Then he called out the first guest of the day, who was Ishigami Ryuuya, who is the new actor for Fukunaga from The Tokyo Battle.  My god he was so cute and shy.  He was sort of obviously very nervous, especially at first, but the more Takato talked to him and the more they got into telling stories about the tour, the more he loosened up.  
Apparently, Ryuuya calls Takato ‘oyabun’ which roughly translates to like... boss... but in like a criminal setting.  So more like ‘don.’  When Takato asked Ryuuya, “Why do you call me that again?”  And he just stammered, “W-well, y-you told me to.”  
Takato did NOT remember this lololol, but it was apparently as they were starting Engeki rehearsals.  Ryuuya, being new and inexperienced, was trying to figure out what to call him.  Nagata-san?  Takato-san?  And Takato was like nahhh just call me Takato-kun.  But Ryuuya felt really uncomfortable with that, but then he realized how even Takato-san might be too formal now.  So Takato joked that he should just call him ‘boss’ and Ryuuya latched onto it and that’s what stuck.  
The Takato film that he prepared for our session was a personal challenge to himself.  He would wait in Shibuya in Hachiko square, hoping that someone walking by would recognize him as an actor and start talking to him.  But twenty minutes apparently went by with nobody approaching him so then he decided to start approaching random groups of people to ask if they might know him.  Since his recent TV Drama is the one with the most reach, he’d start out by asking people if there were any dramas they’d been watching recently, had they watched HajiKoi maybe... then he clarified which character he played.  Unfortunately 3 out of 5 groups did not know him at all so he failed his personal challenge and had to eat bugs again.  There was one group where they did, in fact, watch the drama, but they didn’t remember who he was even so.  And another group where they said they watched the drama, and when he pointed out who he played, they were like, “Oh no way, really?!?”  
As is traditional of Taka-Talk films, there’s always a credits page where it’s just like: 
Starring: Nagata Takato Director: Nagata Takato Producer: Nagata Takato Script: Nagata Takato Editing: Nagata Takato Cinematography: Nagata Takato
More stories from Ryuuya and Takato, although a good chunk was about how much Yugioh they played in their downtime and how much time the two of them spent together.  In trying to remember all the times they played, Ryuuya said that Takato won maybe 80 times and lost 10.  He’s very good at YGO apparently.  Before Ryuuya left the stage, he did an acrobatic sequence for us and we cheered so loud, Takato got jealous and went, “That’s the loudest you guys have been!!” 
Then there’s the Takastagram portion where he walks through the crowd and we’re allowed to take photos of him (hence the photos above).  
Then he sang three songs for us (which is the reason for the penlights).  He sang a guitar ballad cover of a song he’s been liking recently, he sang “Try” again from last year’s Taka-Talk, the one that he and Kazuma wrote together, and then a more upbeat pop song that SURPRISE had 4 back-up dancers!  They were all 4 other guys from his agency, Cube, including Kanda Masakazu (who played Kunimi in The Strongest Team).  
At one point he asked them to list one thing they liked about him, and they all picked fairly shallow reasons like hair color, the color of his clothes today... Kanda was a little less shallow since he said he liked Takato’s accent/dialect.  The last of them said that he liked Takato’s black shoelaces lololol.  
To close it out, we got to give him high fives as we left, with staff pushing us along so that we didn’t linger lol.  I just told him, ‘thank you’ in English and he opened his eyes wide and said, “Thank you!” back.  It’s a bit fun for me that he’s shorter than I am.  
Session 3 So the evening session was like, almost 2 hours long, essentially double the length of the first session, but it is the last Taka-Talk of his five-city tour, so I guess the goal was to make it extra special.  This session was supposed to have a ‘secret guest’ and truthfully he had about three, although he did announce Yuushin beforehand.
The fun part was that the secret guest was originally supposed to be someone else, but his managed messed something up and they became unavailable or couldn’t make it, so the secret guest ended up a secret to even Takato!  He was like, “We had to get someone else, and even I don’t know who it is, so... I’m gonna hide over here, and you guys let me know when I can look!”   His first secret guest was a co-star from the drama HajiKoi, which I haven’t seen, so I did not shriek with the rest of the crowd when he walked in the door lololol.  It was Wakabayashi Takuya, who plays Kisa in the drama.  
Takato was just crouching on the left corner of the stage, hiding his face behind the curtains, and once Takuya ended up more or less center stage, we called out to Takato that it was fine, he could look, and he was super surprised to see him there.  Of course, because his own guest was a surprise, his emcee cards were also covered in sticky notes so that he couldn’t see what his own agenda for the session was going to be, and he kept peeling those off as the session went on to figure out what he was supposed to do lololol.  He kept whining at the staff the entire time, but he was also just having the time of his life, and he was just like, “I love surprises!  This is so fun!”  
The guest event involved playing back scenes from HajiKoi, and then beeping out certain lines and then Takato and Takuya had to guess (with their little boards and markers) what the bleeped line was.  To make it extra difficult, literally none of the bleeped lines were anything that either of their characters said.  It was always someone else’s line, so they kept getting stuck and would just start writing down nonsense answers instead.  So honestly, nobody won, but Takato was just like, “I won, right?  It was me?”  And Takuya, being a gracious guest, just conceded lol.  Takuya also kept apologizing that he wasn’t Ryusei, who’s the actor who plays the pink-haired lead in HajiKoi, since he was sure more of the girls would’ve preferred to see him, but honestly the crowd seemed pretty happy either way.  They also decided to give away the little boards they wrote their answers on, so they’d call out random seat numbers or go for whoever rose their hand first.  Just like last year, a girl sitting right behind me won one of the prizes, and she was pretty thrilled.  
And then the second secret guest was another actor from Cube, Isaka Ikumi, nicknamed Ikumin.  I actually know Ikumin from another show (Yuugeki) so I could follow the conversation a little bit better this time.  Takato was hiding again, but Ikumin decided he would go up on the stage and then just go straight to Takato and hug him from behind, so we didn’t have to give any cues before Takato looked to see who it was lol.  
Ikumin confessed that he’d always always always wanted to be a guest at Taka-Talk, so when the staff approached him about it, he was super excited and said yes immediately, but then they told him that he’d be the second secret guest of the last session and then he got super nervous about it.  But Ikumin was basically the type of guest Takato loves to have, aka, the type that extols his immense love for Takato and sings his praises to his face.  
The game that they played was truths and lies.  So they picked cards that gave them themes, and then between them, one of them would would tell us something true, and the other one would lie.  We had to decide who the liar was, and they got us good because we got it wrong both times and nobody had to play the penalty game of eating bugs lol.  
One of Ikumin’s lies though, he said that he went to go see the press preview of Engeki Haikyuu, and sat in the 8th row and got super excited when Takato looked at him at the end of the play during the last dance sequence.  That was a lie; the truth was that he sat in the 3rd row, and wanted Takato to looks his way the entire time but Takato never did.  lololololol We thought Takato was lying when he said that he’d never once lost to Shouri in playing Yugioh, but it turns out that was the truth!  And Takato is very very proud of this fact.  
Ikumin was like, “Really?”  And Takato was like, “Well Shouri’s so good at everything, ya know?  Like his athletics, his height, but you know, he could never beat me at Yugioh.  We’d start playing, and he’d put a card face down, and then I’d play a card face down, and then he’d put down a monster--” and he started rambling, and Ikumin just interrupted, “Just send that story to Takahashi Kazuki!”  Takahashi Kazuki is the YGO manga-ka.  
Then there was another video to show us the secret word for that session and it showed Takato visiting Tokyo Tower, because that’s where there is a special One Piece space, which has the One Piece Live Attraction show.  Takato made his acting debut with that show playing Luffy, so it was framed as a sort of, going-back-to-his-roots, walk-down-memory-lane type of video.  He was getting teary-eyed at certain points in the video, so it was really sweet, and the end of it had him thanking all of us for supporting him and being his fans.  
Then he came out to wrap up with the music session, and he tried to lighten the mood again by saying things like, “The staff told me to look super nostalgic while going through the One Piece areas, but I don’t actually remember half of what I touched.”  
He sang a different ballad from the first session with Yuushin, this one being an original they wrote together.  It was a song about love, but they both had the intention of writing it from a woman’s point-of-view, so that was interesting.  They’re always a wonderful duet to listen to~  After that, Takato asked Yuushin if he had any upcoming events/shows he wanted to promote or announcements to make, and Yuushin had this long pause before he was like, “Well it’ll be announced tomorrow.”  
And I was just thinking in my head, YES HELLO NEW ENNOSHITA.  I’VE SEEN THE LEAKS.  I KNOW IT’S YOU.  
A final round of high-fives, and then I went back to the goods table for ONE MORE set of bromides to try my luck, and it turned out that Takato was handing out those purchases, so he handed me my final set of purchased bromides and ughhhhhhh he really does have the most adorable smile~!!!  
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Couldn’t quite get every bromide (and it was impossible because he had city-specific bromides too); they were random.  But I also have that penlight and his little tote bag.  
He did also announce that he’s doing his first birthday event this year, on Aug. 25th, and he hinted that we could bring these penlights again for that, and then there’s the C.I.A. Mission in Summer event (with nearly all the actors from Cube), and since he’s going to be in that event too, he hinted that we should bring his penlights to that too.  I’m honestly not strictly sure that it would be allowed for the CIA event, given that it’s going to have several different people, but who knows lololol.  I can only imagine how annoyed the other actors might get at him seeing Takato’s bright red penlights in the crowd.  XDDDDD
So another wonderful Taka-Talk, and four total times high-fiving Takato adding in my experiences from last year~  ^_^ 
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seigaku9th-blog · 6 years
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YUUGEKI: Stylish Ghost Entertainment is an original stage play that tells the story of dead members of a crime syndicate trying to find closure with their loved ones and also stop hell from unleashing on the world of the living. it features an all-star cast that you’ll know from A to Z if you’re familiar with tenimyu, toumyu & kuromyu. Slick fashion, heart-thumping action scenes, well-timed humor, a surprisingly intricate story made incredibly emotional by the portrayal of bittersweetly beautiful relationships between the characters and fantastic acting by boys we all know & love made yuugeki my favorite japanese stage production of 2017.
As of such, I really wanted to buy & share this DVD with everyone! It would make me really happy if you could give it a shot, and if you enjoy it, then please support the production so we can maybe hopefully get sequels!!
→ Buy the DVD on Amazon, no matter where you live in the world!
CAST Tachibana Kenchi Mikata Ryosuke Tawada Hideya Takahashi Kensuke Imari Yu Tanaka Ryosei Arisawa Shotaro Miura Hiroki Isaka Ikumi Izumi Shuhei Araki Hirofumi
NOTES ◖Big thanks to @lungberg/meteoryte for ripping my DVD because i don’t have a computer nor a brain ◖ Feel free to send me an ask or hit me up on twitter if you have any questions regarding the production or the plot!! ◖If you want to share the download link with someone, PLEASE LINK BACK TO THIS POST, not just the mega link. ◖Please DON’T REUPLOAD this ANYWHERE, especially not streaming sites.
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tamushins-blog · 6 years
[31 Dec 2017]
Good evening.
New Year’s Eve.
In just a few more hours, 2017 will be over... The more years go by, the faster each year seems to pass.
This year I was also blessed with many fulfilling experiences, Which made it a very rich year.
I started the year as a Touken Danshi, in the Musical Touken Ranbu ~Bakumatsu Tenrouden~ Shanghai performances As well as the performances at the India Gaming Show.
Hyper Projection Engeki『Haikyuu!!』”Winners and Losers”
The heat of life. Swept up in the middle of so much momentum I was able to make it through thanks to the power of teamwork. It was a youthful stage, with both sweat and tears mixed in it.
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Butai『Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy』
Together with the director Hosaka-san Everyone pulled this stage together. Even in the rehearsal hall, the fun was already at full-power. I put in all my effort to infect everything with Chuunibyou. Though I was still a little infected with it myself, even after the performances were over... lol
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GYAO! Online Drama『Megadan』
My first drama appearance! In terms of character, this character is the one that I can empathise the most with, out of all the roles I’ve played. I feel like I want to do it again. And the megadance too! lol
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I fought hard trying to play a difficult character So when it was over, I felt a staggering sense of accomplishment. My first rodokugeki. The difficulty and importance of how you convey your words I learned them from the director, Okamoto Takaya-san.
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An original production put together by a cast in which I was surrounded by senpais, as well as friends around my age A stage in which we got to talk a lot. I really enjoyed the time we spent in Shanghai.
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Reading Drama『SISTER』
My first two-person play. Yumesaki-san is really the ideal older sister I could perform completely naturally. The story was truly wonderful, and it’s a work that really leaves an impression on you. I can still clearly remember what the director, Suzuki Katsuhide-san told me after the performance was over.
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Music Play『Nocturne』
A performance in which the cast changed every day. It was a work that was handed down from cast to cast over a long period of time And there was pressure in that. I was pulled along by Kawamura Yousuke-san, who played the lead role, and I was able to act as Gorou. It was a difficult role, and because of that, I want to try playing it more and more. My co-stars, and all the staff members Really saved me when I needed it.
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Musical Touken Ranbu ~Shinken Ranbu Sai 2017~
For me, it was my third special Toumyu performance. It was a formation of only 4 Bakumatsu members. In such an environment, I grew stronger, got to stand on a really big stage, and as I was pulled along by everyone, my confidence grew as well. There’s a feeling of gratitude in my heart And I’ll really, really do my best when Spring comes.
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And I had my first individual bus fan tour. The event itself was super fun, and from the bottom of my heart I felt as if I had been blessed by all my fans all over again. I’m going to have another event in March And when that time comes I think I want to convey all my feelings of gratitude as much as I can!!
And of course,『Bessatsu Gekkan Arisawa Shoutarou』
I made a wonderful book.
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So on and so forth, this was a year in which I worked a lot.
I owe everything to all the people who supported me.
I wonder what kind of year lies ahead. I’m really looking forward to it.
Please continue to support me in 2018!!!
Well then, until tomorrow (*^^*)
Arisawa Shoutarou
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aonodreamland · 6 years
MY 2017 TOP 5′S
This is my personal choices. If it offends you in any way, please forgive me^^
1. TOP 5 OSHI (I’ve only got 5 oshis so it’s easy XD)
Baba Ryoma (Still and will always be my Kami-oshi)
Furuya Yamato
Hashimoto Taito
Takahashi Ryuki
Sakiyama Tsubasa
Zaiki Takuma
Kageyama Tatsuya
Kuroba Mario
Asato Yuuya
Arisawa Shotaro
Rusted Armors
Stage Kuroko no Basuke
Hyper Projection Engeki Haikyuu!!
Stage King of Prism Over The Sunshine
Musical Touken Ranbu
Musical The Prince of Tennis
Musical Hakuouki
Musical Un-planet
Musical Starmyu
Kasaguruma (From Mihotose no Komoriuta)
Kanki no Hana (From Mihotose no Komoriuta)
Yume Hitotsu (From Bakumatsu Tenrouden)
Kemonomichi (From Shinken Ranbusai 2017)
Kimi no Uta (From Atsukashiyama Ibun)
Any other suggestion? It can be related to butai/musical/anime/manga/west series fandom.
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starlightopia · 7 years
End of the year 2.5D Butai/Musical Ask
Ask taken from @allyyyyy0619​ 
So I got tagged by @uchidaikidesu​ to do this fun ask! Also to be tagged with all the 2.5D senpais by you made me blush hahaha… I’m more of a random lurker who appreciates those generous, sweet people on tumblr!
1. Firstly, how did you manage to find out about 2.5D butai/musical? Which butai/musical was your first and your impression of it?
I didn’t learn/get into 2.5D butai/musical until Touken Ranbu! I got really interested in the game since I was curious why it was so popular. Though my first was actually the Bleach Rock musicals (2007-2008 I think), Kuroshitsuji: The Most Beautiful Death in the World (2010), and a few of the Hakuouki musicals. I was really amazed by the singing and acting! The portrayal and the look of the characters were on point which made me enjoy these series more. 
2. Who was your first favourite 2.5D actor/actress? Why?
My first favorite has to be Matsuda Ryo! The reason was he played as Saito Hajime for the Hakuouki musicals and I just fell in love, because he acted as the real Hakuouki Saito! If you have not guess yet Saito is my favorite hahaha
3. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai of the year?
I actually do not recall if I watched any butai that was released this year… I enjoyed watching Patalliro! if that counts haha. And then there’s Yuugeki which I found funny. I haven’t gotten around to watch Touken Ranbu: One Eyed Dragon Daybreak or Joker Game yet ^^;) 
4. Top 3 (or more) least favourite butai of the year?
I don’t have a least favorite XD
5. Top 3 (or more) favourite musical of the year?
Touken Ranbu Musical: Mihotose no Komoriuta
I think that’s the only one musical I watched that was released this year… orz I can’t think of any others oh god I am bad
6. Top 3 (or more) least favourite musical of the year?
There’s no least favorite
7. Top 3 (or more) favourite actors/actress of the year?
Sakiyama Tsubasa
Sato Ryuji
Kuroba Mario
8. Top 3 (or more) rookie actors/rising actors whom you’ve high hopes for in the future?
Hmmmm… so far I am looking forward to see what roles Sana Hiroki will take in the future! He was very pretty as Maraich (I never actually watched/read the series, picked up the musical because one of the people I follow on here). Another one is Okazaki Momoko who will be playing Lizzy for the upcoming Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania I can’t wait to see how she takes the role!  
9. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai/musical related drama/movie of the year?
I haven’t watched any drama related, except Dansui which I have not finished watching orz
10. Top 3 (or more) actors/actress that you think have the best singing voice?
Akane Liv
Suzuki Shogo
Furukawa Yuta
11. A (or more) butai/musical that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
12. Top 3 (or more) anime/manga/game that you would love to see being adapted into a butai/musical in the future?
Assassination Classroom: I am curious how it will be planned out and who will be the crazy octopus Koro-sensei, but it’s one of my favorite anime series. Tbh I just wanna hear the actors/actresses sing those opening songs haha
Gintama (?): This one may sound crazy and possibly far-fetched, but this is my all time favorite hahaha. Though not sure if it suitable lol
Akagami no Shirayukihime: Both manga and anime was cute and enjoyable so I love to see it on stage! 
13. Top 3 (or more) favourite fandom on the year?
I don’t really participate much in the fandoms haha ^^;) I’m pretty shy when it comes to these things.
14. How long have you been in the 2.5D fandom?
Not too long actually, I guess recently? 
15. Lastly, what is your overall opinion of the 2.5D fandom so far?
I think the 2.5D fandom is really cool and nice! Most of the people I follow/see around here are so kind and sweet. I would love to give them all a hug for being great and providing these things, like sharing, even though they didn’t have to for this fandom. Though I wish some people to follow/read the rules and to respect them by not posting links/musicals/butais publicly.
Thank you @uchidaikidesu for tagging me! I don’t know who to tag so… anyone is free to do these if you found it fun to do haha ^_^
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[Streams & TV] April 2020
♪ April 1st, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY6 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day6) - November 6th, 2019 ~ 12:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 1st, 2020 ミュージカル『薄桜鬼 志譚』 風間千景篇 (musical hakuouki shitan kazama chikage hen) [niconama]
♪ April 2nd, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY7 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day7) - November 6th, 2019 ~ 17:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 5th, 2020『僕のヒーローアカデミア』The “Ultra” Stage 本物の英雄 (boku no hero academia ~ the “ultra” stage honmono hero) [dmm]
♪ April 5th, 2020 舞台版 誰ガ為のアルケミスト ~聖ガ剣、十ノ戒~ (butaiban tagatame no alchemist ~seigaken, juunokai~) [niconama]
♪ April 12th, 2020 MOON SAGA -義経秘伝- (moon saga -yoshitsune hiden-) [youtube]
♪ April 16th, 2020 銀岩塩VOL.1 ���ジアース アート ネオライン 神聖創造物』 〜その老人は 誰よりも 若かった〜 (ginganen vol.1 the earth art neo line shinsei souzoubutsu ~sono roujin wa dare yorimo wakakatta) [niconama]
♪ April 16th, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY1 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day1) - October 31st, 2019 version [niconama]
♪ April 17th, 2020 銀岩塩VOL.2 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT『牙狼<GARO> -神ノ牙 覚醒-』(ginganen vol.2 live entertainment garo -kami no kiba mezame-) [niconama]
♪ April 17th, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY2 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day2) - November 1st, 2019 version [niconama]
♪ April 17th, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY2 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day2) - November 2nd, 2019 ~ 13:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 17th, 2020 『錆色のアーマ』-繋ぐ- (sabiiro no armor -tsunagu-) [dmm]
♪ April 18th, 2020 銀岩塩 Vol.3 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT「『神ノ牙-JINGA-転生』~消えるのは俺じゃない、世界だ。~」(ginganen vol.3 live entertainment kami no kiba -jinga- tensei ~kieru no wa ore janai, sekai da.~) [niconama]
♪ April 18th, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY3 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day3) - November 2nd, 2019 ~ 18:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 18th, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY3 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day3) - November 3rd, 2019 ~ 13:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 19th, 2020 銀岩塩VOL.2 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT『牙狼<GARO> -神ノ牙 覚醒-』(ginganen vol.2 live entertainment garo -kami no kiba mezame-) [youtube]
♪ April 19th, 2020 銀岩塩vol.4 FUSIONICAL STAGE 『ABSO−METAL』(ginganen vol.4 fusionical stage ~ abso-metal) [niconama]
♪ April 19th, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY4 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day4) - November 3rd, 2019 ~ 18:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 19th, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY4 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day4) - November 4th, 2019 ~ 13:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 20th, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY5 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day5) - November 4th, 2019 ~ 18:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 20th, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY5 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day5) - November 5th, 2019 version [niconama]
♪ April 20th, 2020 MOON SAGA -義経秘伝- 第二章 (moon saga -yoshitsune hiden- dai ni shou) [youtube] 
♪ April 21st, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY6 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day6) - November 6th, 2019 ~ 12:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 22nd, 2020 LIVE ミュージカル演劇『チャージマン研!』DAY7 (live musical engeki ~ chargeman ken! day7) - November 6th, 2019 ~ 17:00 version [niconama]
♪ April 23rd, 2020 演劇集団Z-Lion 第8回公演「きっといいKotoあるravel」 (engeki shuudan z-lion dai 8 kai kouen kitto ii koto aru ravel) [youtube]
♪ April 23rd, 2020 演劇集団Z-Lion 第9回公演「夢のLife twoトゥライフ」 (engeki shuudan z-lion dai 9 kai kouen yume no life two to life) [youtube]
♪ April 23rd, 2020 演劇集団Z-Lion 東京・大阪・名古屋公演2018「まっ透明なAsoべんきょ~」 (engeki shuudan z-lion tokyo ・ osaka ・ nagoya kouen 2018 mattoumei na aso benkyo~) [youtube]
♪ April 23rd, 2020 劇団番町ボーイズ☆ 第6回本公演「ギブアップダンス!!!」(gekidan banchou boys dai 6 kai honkouen ~ give up dance!!!) [youtube] 
♪ April 24th, 2020 八王子ゾンビーズ (hachiouji zombies) [dmm]
♪ April 25th, 2020 舞台「Sin of Sleeping Snow」PART 1 (butai sin of sleeping snow part 1) [youtube]
♪ April 25th, 2020 明治座の変~麒麟にの・る~ (meijiza no ai ~kirin ni no・ru~) [dmm]
♪ April 25th, 2020 ミュージカル「AMNESIA」re:again (musical amnesia re:again) [line live]  [niconama]
♪ April 25th, 2020 乃木坂46版 ミュージカル 美少女戦士セーラームーン (nogizaka46 ban musical bishoujo senshi sailor moon) <Team STAR> [niconama]
♪ April 26th, 2020 舞台「魔術士オーフェン はぐれ旅」(butai majutsushi orphen ~ hagure tabi) [niconama] 
♪ April 26th, 2020 舞台「野球」飛行機雲のホームラン HOMERUN OF CONTRAIL (butai yakyuu hikoukigumo no homerun ~homerun of contrail~) [360°Channel]
♪ April 26th, 2020 『FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS』THE MUSICAL [niconama]
♪ April 26th, 2020 銀岩塩 Vol.3 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT「『神ノ牙-JINGA-転生』~消えるのは俺じゃない、世界だ。~」(ginganen vol.3 live entertainment kami no kiba -jinga- tensei ~kieru no wa ore janai, sekai da.~) [youtube]
♪ April 26th, 2020 ミュージカル ヘタリア ~Singin’ in the World~ (musical hetalia ~singin’ in the world~) [line live]
♪ April 26th, 2020 乃木坂46版 ミュージカル 美少女戦士セーラームーン (nogizaka46 ban musical bishoujo senshi sailor moon) <Team MOON> [niconama]
♪ April 27th, 2020 ミュージカル ヘタリア ~The Great World~ (musical hetalia ~the great world~) [line live] [line live app]
♪ April 28th, 2020 GEKIIKE本公演第2回 「ライラック」 (gekiike honkouen dai 2 kai ~ lilac) [line live app]
♪ April 28th, 2020 イケメン戦国THE STAGE ~織田軍 VS “海賊"毛利元就編~ (ikemen sengoku the stage ~oda gun vs “kaizoku” mouri motonari hen~) [niconama]
♪ April 28th, 2020 ミュージカル ヘタリア ~in the new world~ (musical hetalia ~in the new world~) [line live]
♪ April 29th, 2020 舞台「プロジェクト東京ドールズ」  (butai project tokyo dolls) [niconama]
♪ April 29th, 2020 イケメン戦国THE STAGE ~織田信長編~ 情熱ルート (ikemen sengoku the stage ~oda nobunaga hen~ jounetsu route) [niconama]
♪ April 29th, 2020 ミュージカル「ヘタリア」FINAL LIVE〜A World in the Universe〜 大阪 前半 (musical hetalia final live ~a world in the universe~ osaka zenhan) [line live]  
♪ April 29th, 2020 ミュージカル「ヘタリア」FINAL LIVE〜A World in the Universe〜 幕張 後半 (musical hetalia final live ~a world in the universe~ makuhari kouhan) [line live] 
♪ April 29th, 2020 眠れぬ夜のホンキートンクブルース第二章~キセキ~ (nemurenu yoru no honky tonk blues dainishou ~kiseki~) [youtube]
♪ April 29th, 2020 眠れぬ夜のホンキートンクブルース第二章~復活~  (nemurenu yoru no honky tonk blues dainishou ~fukkatsu~) [youtube]
♪ April 29th, 2020 眠れぬ夜のホンキートンクブルース第二章~飛躍~ (nemurenu yoru no honky tonk blues dainishou ~hiyaku~) [youtube]
♪ April 30th, 2020 舞台「クジラの子らは砂上に歌う」(butai kujira no kora wa sajou ni utau) [youtube]
♪ April 30th, 2020 舞台「野球」飛行機雲のホームラン HOMERUN OF CONTRAIL (butai yakyuu hikoukigumo no homerun ~homerun of contrail~) [youtube]
♪ April 30th, 2020 ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」 (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!!) [dmm]
♪ April 30th, 2020 ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」 Documentary of ’頂の景色’ ( hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! documentary of ‘itadaki no keshiki’) [dmm] 
♪ April 30th, 2020 ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」 ’烏野、復活!’ (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! ‘karasuno, fukkatsu!’) [dmm] 
♪ April 30th, 2020 ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」 ’勝者と敗者’ (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! 'shousha to haisha’) [dmm]
♪ April 30th, 2020 ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」 ’進化の夏’ (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! 'shinka no natsu’) [dmm]
♪ April 30th, 2020 ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」 ’はじまりの巨人’ (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! ‘hajimari no kyojin’) [dmm] 
♪ April 30th, 2020 ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」 ’最強の場所’ (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! ‘saikyou no team’) [dmm]
♪ April 30th, 2020 ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」 ’東京の陣’ (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! ‘tokyo no jin’) [dmm]
♪ April 30th, 2020 ハイパープロジェクション演劇「ハイキュー!!」 ’飛翔’ ライブビューイング版 (hyper projection engeki haikyuu!! ‘hishou’ live viewing version) [dmm]  
♪ April 30th, 2020 イケメン戦国 THE STAGE 上杉謙信編 (ikemen sengoku the stage ~uesugi kenshin hen~) [niconama]
♪ April 30th, 2020 ミュージカル「ヘタリア」FINAL LIVE〜A World in the Universe〜 大阪 前半 (musical hetalia final live ~a world in the universe~ osaka zenhan) [line live]
♪ April 30th, 2020 ミュージカル「ヘタリア」FINAL LIVE〜A World in the Universe〜 大阪 後半 (musical hetalia final live ~a world in the universe~ osaka kouhan) [line live]
♪ April 4th, 2020 幽劇 (yuugeki) [衛星劇場]  
♪ April 6th, 2020 舞台「幕末太陽傳 外伝」(butai bakumatsu taiyouden gaiden) [日テレプラス]
♪ April 7th, 2020 舞台「ゲームしませんか��」(butai game shimasen ka?) [日テレプラス]
♪ April 11th, 2020 舞台 おおきく振りかぶって (butai ookiku furikabutte) [衛星劇場]
♪ April 11th, 2020 舞台 おおきく振りかぶって 夏の大会編 (butai ookiku furikabutte natsu no taikai hen) [衛星劇場]
♪ April 11th, 2020 ミュージカル 刀剣乱舞 ~ つはものどもがゆめのあと (musical touken ranbu ~ tsuwamonodomo ga yume no ato) [WOWOWライブ]
♪ April 12th, 2020 舞台 おおきく振りかぶって 秋の大会編 (butai ookiku furikabutte aki no taikai hen) [衛星劇場]
♪ April 12th, 2020 ミュージカル「アルスラーン戦記」(musical arslan senki) [衛星劇場]
♪ April 12th, 2020 ミュージカル Dance with Devils ~Fermata~ (musical dance with devils ~fermata~) [衛星劇場]
♪ April 18th, 2020 ミュージカル 刀剣乱舞 ~真剣乱舞祭 2017~ (musical touken ranbu ~shinken ranbu sai 2017~) [WOWOWライブ]
♪ April 18th, 2020 プルートゥ PLUTO (pluto) [WOWOWライブ]
♪ April 19th, 2020 舞台「銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These」(butai ginga eiyuu densetsu die neue these) [衛星劇場]
♪ April 19th, 2020 舞台 おおきく振りかぶって 秋の大会編 (butai ookiku furikabutte aki no taikai hen) [衛星劇場]
♪ April 19th, 2020 幽劇 (yuugeki) [衛星劇場]
♪ April 20th, 2020 舞台『刀剣乱舞』虚伝 燃ゆる本能寺 (butai touken ranbu ~kyoden moyuru honnouji~) [日テレプラス]
♪ April 21st, 2020 舞台『刀剣乱舞』虚伝 燃ゆる本能寺 ~再演~ (butai touken ranbu ~kyoden moyuru honnouji~ saien) [日テレプラス]
♪ April 23rd, 2020 舞台『刀剣乱舞』外伝 此の夜らの小田原 (butai touken ranbu ~gaiden kono yoora no odawara) [日テレプラス]
♪ April 25th, 2020 舞台「幽☆遊☆白書」(butai yuu☆yuu☆hakusho) [WOWOWライブ]
♪ April 25th, 2020 ミュージカル Dance with Devils ~Fermata~ (musical dance with devils ~fermata~) [衛星劇場]
♪ April 25th, 2020 ミュージカル「怪人と探偵」(musical kaijin to tantei) [WOWOWライブ]
♪ April 27th, 2020 舞台 劇団シャイニング from うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪『ポラリス』 (butai gekidan shining from uta no☆princesama♪ polaris) [日テレプラス]
♪ April 27th, 2020 舞台「十二大戦」(butai juuni taisen) [衛星劇場]
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yinuduonan · 6 years
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Miura Hiroki Yuugeki Bromide Set
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sweetmaririn · 7 years
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The scene when Shou murdered everyone 
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sakurasakiyama · 5 years
Hi pamsurowka i want to ask you, do you do subtitle yuugeki stage play if it is then i kinda want you to do subs for the play. Of course its fine if you cant after all you were back online and i think you have an issues in th past (i forgot i think you were having problems sorry i said something weird and i really wanted to say "im glad youre back update your blog" but im quite embarressed) sorry if i make it hard for you to understand or maybe stupid for me to ask
Hi @rosalinabelladonna! :D
No it’s definitely not stupid to ask me for anything at all! ♥ Feel free to ask away and I’ll make sure to answer as soon as I can :) And you didn’t say anything weird at all and there’s no need to feel embarrassed, even if it’s just saying ‘welcome back’, as there’s nothing wrong with that :D
Unfortunately I haven’t fully subbed the stage “Yuugeki”, I had only subbed that one scene that was where the rules are given before the show starts, and Mikata Ryosuke decided to warm-up the crowd since there’s a lot of laughing moments in the show. I picked that part specifically since I’m Australian and he did a little warm-up act where he pretends that he’s in Australia and kidnapping a Koala xD
At this moment in time and with my own personal translation/subbing skills as is, and with my current subbing schedule as big as it is now, I won’t be able to sub “Yuugeki” currently and possibly in the foreseeable future >..
Thus overall, I will have to say that I won’t be able to sub “Yuugeki” currently because of my subbing schedule and my current skills, but if someone ends up doing it, I’ll make sure to reblog it for you :D
Have a good day! :)
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tomykentaro · 7 years
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