#yusuke's not a scientist or anything hes just some guy who is there.
bobzora · 7 months
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i dont remember if i've ever mentioned my mew mew au lmao. but i drew some of that
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crossxskulled · 1 year
"To think, one could be bamboozled so quickly - so instantly after stepping foot into the digital metaverse via new technology..." Perhaps usage of school computers and very limited electronics during his stay at Madarame's in years past had paved the perfect path for scoundrels on the aforementioned world wide web to ease their way into Yusuke's already meager savings. Or perhaps it was just his own lack of being able to differentiate between pornography scams and 'art references'. Either way, the artist was inconsolable for quite some moments. “Have you come to laugh at me in my miserable state?”
"The digitial who wha now.. Ahh, shit, Yusuke?"
What in the world was even happening with the guy now!? Typically this wouldn't even spring a forethought to the rowdier company of the Phantom Thieves. The style of their legendary artist found itself fashioned in some unknown blur between imaginative inspiration, boundless and free, as the clear and distinct tethers of reality always made sure to keep an even divide of keeping the guy's head in the clouds. That was a very eloquent way of putting Ryuji's current thoughts.
By now the despair found itself so potently thick that it almost threatened to spill rain in this room. Teeth bared in a sense of bewildered distaste, it took no rocket scientist to discover that something happened to this poor bastard. "No?? Damn man I just wanted to see if you wanted to sling off to go grab a bite! Maybe some chips if a couple-a Montas.. but ahhh, something tells me this ain't a good time? I know I give you bs to deal with, but what's even going on here?"
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He hardly bothered to allow the sensible lines of the situation deter him. Firm and steady steps drove him directly over to the empty space Leblanc's cafe in order to investigate the issue, snatching up the dimly lit phone that was meager moments away from dwindling off to the dark screen. "Have you just lost some contest or someeeeeee--"
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Where in the hell did all that earlier contest money fly off too?! This isn't even the typical brand of low here, as it stands, his account basically skydived off the rooftops of success and into the negatives of hell at the drop of a damn dime! Watching those crimson numbers that some hefty amount was owed beyond anything, even with this not being his account caused a cold brick of lead to settle inside the gut.
He knows how the moves go! Shit like this easily leads to the Yakuza, the Yakuza leads to favors, then favors wind up making this once innocent..? Weird? (He'll figure it out later.) Artist into eventually joining their ranks to go do some depraved mess! As one of the few barriers between leaving his friend to be about that life, the blonde wastes no time, immediately dragging up the Mementos app upon Yusuke's phone as he dragged up this carrot-y beanpole of a man onto his feet.
"Screw the laughin'! You need a damn miracle, and you know the first things they say about miracles here." Ryuji mentions while shooting a biting glare towards him.
"We gotta steal 'em our damn selves! Oh ho hooooooo I'd love to know who you gave the three numbers on the back of your card to!"
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 77 Rundown!
Code Geass: So since Shirley’s dead, Lelouch has a similar thought to Cornelia and blames the power of Geass itself instead of her actual murderer. So instead of using the Geass Order like he planned he decides to say fuck it and burn it all to the ground, completing his Darth Vader transformation by not only killing the men, but the women AND THE CHILDREN AND THE SCIENTISTS (Science is the fourth gender, look it up, it’s in Dr. Stone). But yeah half of this episode is just murdering scientist who granted were making child supersoldiers but also don’t have any weapons, like they have zero security no wonder Cornelia was able to walk right up to V.V. And the Black Knights are pissed about killing civilians but I feel like once the horde of children starts making them shoot each other they should get the picture. Rolo murders all his friends, C.C. murders all her former supports, Dietard puts a ninja hit out on Ohgi and Viletta also wants to kill Ohgi, poor Ohgi the dude has like nothing going for him and just ended up in this fucked up chess game and he’s just some dude that fell in love when he saw Viletta naked (didn’t we all)  but anyway V.V. pilots Jeremiah’s Pumpkin Battleship and before Lelouch can make Rolo kamikaze himself for killing Shirley, Cornelia wipes him out anyway in probably her most badass moment in the series, using the Pumpkin Battleship’s Byakugan Blindspot to bring it down. V.V. is dead like five times over but Charles comes out to drag Lelouch into the Spear of Longinus so he can do Human Instrumentality or whatever.
Inuyasha: Naraku’s kidnapped Rin so Sesshomaru will kill Inuyasha for him and Sesshomaru hates two things more than anything: being implied he likes humans, and being told what to do, so he tells Naraku to fuck off and goes to fuck him up. This being one of Naraku’s plans of course Sesshomaru doesn’t actually have a choice in this and the battle is a farce so he can spread bits of himself all over and absorb Sesshomaru like Super Buu did to Mystic Gohan. However Inuyasha’s new powerup lets him throw a wrench in that by breaking his barrier and Kagura has to pretend to fight him even though she just wants the doggy brothers to fuck Naraku up. Also Kohaku and Rin have a cute little interaction while he’s holding her captive and Kohaku sees Sango again which triggers his selective amnesia shit. Like you get the feeling Kagura probably would’ve been a better guard for Rin but Naraku only has so many named demons and Kanna isn’t allowed to do anything so might as well throw Kohaku in there to get bonus mental damage to Sango which only works out if you know they’re going to split up like that. But again, this is one of Naraku’s plans so it’s like 50% torture, 50% just trolling people to fuck with their heads.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Younger Toguro faked his death and ambushes Yusuke’s date with Keiko because the plot just doesn’t want this relationship to happen. Toguro pulls up on a motorcycle which is just kind of weird to see and he takes Yusuke somewhere, idk if they walked or if Yusuke got on the back of the motorcycle but Toguro either tossing his motorcycle away to go walk to a car park with Yusuke or Yusuke holding onto Toguro’s waist while they ride are equally hilarious images. Anyway Toguro demolishes the parking garage while still breaking all the rocks that are about to crush Yusuke just to literally flex on him how much stronger he was than when they fought. It’s weird because Toguro seems to kinda be mad about having to fake a loss but also respect Yusuke as a fighter which is strange since Kuwabara was the one that put in the effort for that fake win. That doesn’t matter though cause it’s DARK TOURNAMENT TIME BABY! One of the most iconic anime arcs ever is about to begin and it’s kinda funny they yadda yadda over a two month training arc like there’s like three minutes of Kuwabara training with Hiei and Kurama (where Kurama is the bad cop ironically enough) and Yusuke training with Genkai again before it’s like “Okay let’s just get to the tournament” like I don’t think I’ve ever seen an anime where they announce the tournament and then go sign up for it in the same episode, usually they milk that shit to really sell the preparation but they go with “Here’s a few scene and Yusuke’s a lot stronger now, take our word for it” which is a funny way to start one of the most epic tournament arcs ever.
Fate Zero: This is an episode I’ve heard a lot about, Iskandar, Saber and Gilgamesh fuck around drinking, the whole thing kinda reads like a fanfiction or a Ghost in the Shell episode since 75% of it is just talking. Gilgamesh is basically like “Yo, see that shit? All that shit is my shit, even if I don’t know what it is, it’s mine, so fuck off.” Iskandar’s like “What could the man who once conquered the whole world want? To conquer the whole world TWICE!” and Saber’s like “Hey my whole country got destroyed cause I was thrown into a role I was grossly underqualified for so, maybe not that?” and this pisses Iskandar off because her regret and martyrdom isolates and enfeebles her, he sees the downfall of nations as inevitable and leadership as something to form a community that emulates their leader, not to isolate the ruler as some lone pillar. Also Kirei’s Assassins jump them and Iskandar uses Unlimited Dude Works to stomp them all. Basically it’s the whole Ling/Bradley discussion from FMA but with more nuance, rulers have to benefit their people but they can’t be so dragged down by it that it destroys everyone involved once that pillar collapses. So Iskandar’s like “Yeah you have a really toxic way of looking at things Saber, I’m out. Stop beating yourself up about what’s already happened.” And Gilgamesh is like “No, let her keep beating herself up, this fun, I’m having fun.” So Saber has the admiration of the villain and the disdain of the hero which is an odd situation to be in.
Konosuba: So this one is an OVA or something I think so we don’t get closure on the whole “Kazuma is going to jail for horny and non-horny crimes alike” subplot but we do get a cute little story about Kazuma slowly getting murdered while basically doing the Higurashi Punishment Games on everyone. Ironically he’s not pervy enough for Darkness or Aqua because he’s just a voyeur for Darkness and Aqua he apparently has no sexual attraction to whatsoever. It’s kind of interesting because a few times one or two of them heavily imply they’d just straight up take his virginity if it’d help and he doesn’t go for it, I don’t know if that’s better or worse than what he actually does but once again the ‘principled scumbag’ archetype comes into play and it’s always fun to see what Kazuma will or won’t do, it tends to be just enough that we’re willing to see him punished but not enough to make us hate him, it’s a surprisingly good balance. Anyway, Darkness is boobs, Kazuma may be a lolicon for Megumin, Yunyun and Wiz are also boobs, Aqua is boner repellant and Kazuma dies anyway because the real wish was the friends we made along the way but real friends are the ones that murder you when you’re a scumbag… or something. On to Season 2 next week!
Sailor Moon Crystal: I’m kind of  loving the Evil Tuxedo Mask aesthetic, like the bishie face with the red eyes and the suit is really cool-looking. Anyway Tuxedo Mask is evil now and seduces Usagi all over again with the power of evil and video games. There’s probably a message here about girls falling for toxic boys but that’s the subtext over a lot of Sailor Moon that there’s lots of bullshit out to get teen girls and they shouldn’t waste their energy on it. Usagi’s kind of having an existential crisis over evil Tuxedo Mask and Luna’s feeling bad about calling him evil before and now that he actually is evil she doesn’t know what to do. Anyway he finds Zordon’s Tower by hypnotizing Makoto and we do the full transformation scene and speech for four of the scouts so you really know they were stretching the plot with this one. Usagi gets over herself but it’s too late, Evil Mask has the crystal and summons Queen Beryl by… flapping his cape, guess calling her was that easy, man you’d think they coulda just stomped these guys a long time ago but oh well.
Durarara!!: We leave off where Shizuo just crushed someone with a car door, good times. Celty takes the knife they had, believing it to be Saika but is so superstitious about it she doesn’t even see it’s a crappy Pampered Chef knife that’s like two years old max. Then Haruna, the reporter’s daughter reveals not only did she have a weird relationship with the teacher hitting on Anri but she’s also controlling all the Saika zombies around the city because to swords cutting people is loving them like how sharks bite things to see what they are. She sics her army on Anri and Shizuo separately and goes after her teacher who was just coming to sexually harass Anri again so… yay? Anyway Shizuo says fuck you to being in a polyamorous relationship with hundreds of sword zombies and Anri reveals that Haruna’s Saika isn’t the real Saika because HER Saika is the real Saika, we got katana school girls here folks, it really is an anime after all.
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radiantresplendence · 4 years
Doctor Takuto Maruki Was Right
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Maruki is the Councillor Arcana in Persona 5 Royal and is a fantastic character that the original game was sorely lacking. I’ll be talking some spoilers here. Be warned. 
We can talk about how Demiurge/Yaldabaoth/Yagor/Jägermeister (or whatever you want to call him) is straight trash and shouldn’t be the overarching antagonist of Persona 5 another time, but that’s not what’s important here. 
What’s important here is that Maruki wasn’t in the original game and that does a disservice to everyone who played it. 
For the vast majority of P5R, Maruki is just the high school counselor who was brought in to the school in the aftermath of the Kamoshida incident as a means of damage control. He’s kind, emphatic and insightful and genuinely wants to help anyone seeking his services. 
The Phantom Thieves, due to their involvement in the Kamoshida incident are mandated by the school to talk to him; as the game progresses, most of the team members form some sort of connection to him, save for Akechi and Futaba (I believe) as Akechi is only a Phantom Thief when his goals align with the team and Futaba isn’t a student. 
Even Yoshizawa and Yusuke interact with Maruki, as Yusuke goes out of his way to do so after hearing about him from the other thieves and he was Yoshizawa’s counselor after the death of her sister. 
Over the course of his confidant, Joker gives Maruki his perspective on some of Maruki’s research, which is later revealed to be Cognitive Psience. At the end of his confidant arc, Maruki reveals that he’s known that Joker’s group were the Phantom Thieves since he saw them exit the Cognitive world during the first heist. He says he supports the thieves and their justice but he has to go a separate way. He then exits the story until after the defeat of the God of Control.
If you finish Maruki’s Confidant Arc by the time that he leaves the school, Maruki completes a belated Cognitive Psience paper that he was working on with funding from a college in Toyko and winds up applying his theory when Mementos merges with the real world. 
In short, Maruki fully awakens to his persona with the special ability to rewrite cognition. When the cognitive world and the real world are merged, however this power becomes absurdly potent, and Maruki begins to warp reality in order to make a world where no one suffers. 
Maruki’s machinations affect all of the Phantom Thieves positively: Joker doesn’t go to prison because... Akechi is alive and confesses to his crimes in Joker’s stead. Akechi is let off the hook for his crimes. Morgana is a human. Ryuji was never injured and is still the star of the track team. Ann’s friend Shiho never attempted suicide. Yusuke was never exploited by Madarame, who instead acts as a passable father figure to him. Makoto and Sae’s dad was never assassinated. Futaba’s mother is alive and is presumably in some sort of relationship with Sojiro. Finally, Haru’s father wasn’t executed after his bossfight and he was never an exploitative egoist. 
There’s a lone exception to this: the girl who the game refused to let join the Phantom Thieves; a girl who had been receiving therapy from Dr. Maruki since before the start of the game due to her trauma from the death of her sister, Sumire Yoshizawa.
In a way, “Kasumi” was Maruki’s prototype for the world he wanted to create. She couldn’t process the guilt she felt for surviving the crash that killed her allegedly more talented sister and consequently wished that she was her late sibling. 
Now the world that Maruki creates is essentially a utopia, where no one suffers and crippling psychological harm is unable to befall anyone. Now we can consider the value of free will that Maruki is removing by becoming a new “God of Control”, but as a card carrying deterministic nihilist, I see it as more or less as trading the whims of an uncaring chaotic universe for those of a benevolent eccentric. The game frames this as a stagnation of humanity, something I don’t entirely agree with. Maruki understands that physical wounds (aka hardship) are inescapable (and can provide adversity to fuel growth) and his big theory revolves around altering cognition to inoculate against mental illness. Any issue with Maruki’s world revolves more around his personal flaws and lack of moderation than it does with his theoretical framework. Regardless, Maruki’s world is more ethical than what it replaces. 
In the third semester, if we ignore some of the alterations like reviving the dead as they’re more of a condition of the world than an effect of it, many people who would otherwise be sick or destitute are not, and the natural conclusion of Maruki gaining full control (as evidenced in the bad ending where you side with the doctor) is a world where no one is. Essentially, the Phantom Thieves in the third semester who fight against Maruki are condemning these people to poverty, despair and a miserable death. Ethically, for the sake of their own morality, the Phantom Thieves are the bad guys. 
Maruki’s motivations need to be examined closer. He is someone who has been largely unable to move past his own trauma (as evidenced by the entire third semester and foreshadowed in the scene where he runs into a college friend) so he has come to the conclusion that he should dedicate himself to moving others past theirs. I mean, mind-wiping your fiance of most of her life with you to cure her of her PTSD and having your life’s work stolen by Shido as you try to pick up the pieces would probably leave a guy feeling pretty empty. Essentially Maruki has resigned himself to his own sorrow after repeatedly being dealt a bad hand, so to speak. 
I think we can safely say that at the very least, Maruki has been emotionally displaced (if not worse) since the incident with Rumi and having his life's work defunded has led him to a place where his only real desire is the pursuit of a singular goal: obliterating sadness. Not his mind you, but everyone else's. 
Basically, Maruki is not well, emotionally or mentally, despite him being able to function as a productive member of society. Completing his contract with a cosmic entity and taking the throne of the god of control, enables him to pursue his goal far beyond what he was capable as a mere doctor with a special power. He infests the human subconscious to further his goal and relentlessly tightens his grip on the world. Despite having augmented physiology in the fused metaverse as a persona user, I feel that he's a mentally ill man who's burning the candle at both ends, so to speak. I think, if anything, fully awakening to Azathoth’s power exacerbated his preexisting mental state. 
To evidence my claim of Maruki’s declining illness, allow me to cite: putting a friend and confidant into a vegetative state because he couldn’t solve a moral dilemma in a month’s time, tentacling a teenage girl and brainwashing her because her dissent is a rejection of your life’s work, picking a fistfight with a high schooler while screaming about stuff unrelated to him, choosing to martyr yourself in resignation to your own suffering when you have the power to avert it. 
Imagine a world where Maruki became the new ruler of the Cognitive World, but acted in a more limited capacity that is more in line with his original research, than the extreme conclusion of it. Consider him acting more like the collective subconscious's guardian angel than the god of control, possibly with the blessing of the Phantom Thieves. I think that’s more what a sane Maruki would settle on, feeling responsible to use the powers he was granted by his contract with an outer god. 
With that out of the way, let’s discuss the way that Maruki implements his agenda.
While working at Shujin, Maruki isn't anything particularly special as a counselor, as it's neither something that he's particularly skilled at, nor is it something that he's passionate for. It's more or less a case of his job being something that he is qualified to do. 
We know that his real passion was cognitive psience research. In essence, he's a scientist over a health professional, even though the funding for his area of expertise was slashed to bits forcing him to take an alternate career path. Especially early on, the way he’d approach his job would certainly be influenced by his passion. To that end, I think you need to analyze his session with Yoshizawa from a research perspective. He rewrote her cognition to be that of her sister’s because he thought it would help her move on. His actions here were absolutely unethical, as he was experimenting on a minor without guardian consent or full disclosure of information, but initial results of his cognition rewrite were positive (especially in the short-term, despite Yoshizawa struggling more in the long term than she otherwise may have). 
"Kasumi" in a lot of ways is a proof of concept for the world he creates in the third semester, even if she isn't necessarily an optimally-functioning prototype. Now, I think Maruki was definitely acting as a bad counselor, and a "mad psientist", if you'll allow my pun, in the flashback. In the third semester however, there's no validity in examining him as a counselor, as he's not actively doing counseling. You can't even really examine him under the lens of ethical science, as he's essentially beyond morality. The man has the power to massively warp reality, raise the dead and alter memories. Essentially, his powers are such that only the end result of any action he takes really matters. If Maruki were to harm or kill someone, regardless of intent, he could make it never happen. So, only the ends of his actions can really be taken into account. 
The ends of his actions are, of course, to obliterate human misery, and he proved effective at this. The exceptions being Sumire Yoshizawa (albeit before the full implementation of his agenda) and himself (his palace is the Laboratory of Sorrow after all.) I guess what I'm getting at here is that, Maruki has to be judged as a god for all of his actions in the third semester, as that’s really the only lens applicable to his role there. 
With that in mind, the questionable actions that he takes in the third semester are basically just holding Akechi’s life hostage and forcing Yoshizawa to be Kasumi. He avoids physical altercation with the Phantom Thieves until they literally approach him with a mutual agreement of force. The Akechi situation is one that Maruki claims to be unintentional, and I do believe him. I think the awkwardness of that reveal is more due to Maruki’s social ineptitude and difficulty revealing that sensitive piece of information than it is anything nefarious. As for the Kasumi situation, Maruki has every ability to revive the real Kasumi and adjust Sumire’s life to become one more satisfying to her. In the end I think that that unfortunate situation has more to do with an ill man with unlimited power unable to distance Yoshizawa’s rejection of his initial gift as a personal sleight to everything he’s spent his life working towards. With his work being pretty much the only thing he’s currently attributed meaning to in his life his swift rejection of dissent makes a little more sense. 
This leads to something I consider mandatory, Yoshizawa needs to rebel against the fate Maruki assigned to her, or every member of the Phantom Thieves would be working against their and all of humanity’s best interests. 
I think no one would disagree with me when I say that his role in the third semester is that of a god antithetical to the themes of Persona 5, and thus narratively has to be deposed for a satisfying conclusion. Looking objectively at his grand plan however, even with his hiccups, I can’t really say he’s wrong, even if his implementation isn’t as clean as I (or even himself in a better frame of mind) would like.
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Nostalgia Rewatch: Yu Yu Hakusho S02E8
The next day, Yusuke is kind of upset to find out that he can't even summon enough spirit energy to fire a single spirit gun blast. As he's trying to “train” in the woods, Kuwabara finds him and asks why they aren't doing anything, like having a team meeting. He apparently doesn't know where the others are, and is kind of upset over the entire thing.
Meanwhile, Hiei is on some rocks by the sea. He apparently has lost most of his ability to use his right hand, and it's insanely upsetting-slash-frustrating for him.
Kurama is in the stadium, watching some of the other fights. We catch the tail end of a fight between one of the other teams. As we watch, a man rips the head off of one of his opponents, and tossed it to a pile of other heads. Koto calls the match in favor of the one team, if only because the score is 3-0. One of the members of the other team is relieved, but the team captain is apparently not. The team leader, who is a mad scientist who looks like he has a scrotum for a chin, only just laughs. Then, three members of his team first cut off the Minotaur-demon's arms, and then slice his head off. Koto is horrified over the entire thing. As the team is leaving, Kurama watches them and thinks two things: those members of the team are humans, but he thinks that the doctor is controlling them with demon energy, and that they're not there of their own free will.
Meanwhile, Koenma's assistant gets back with food, and complains about the long line for the stand. Koenma chews him out, and says that the match is already over!
Yusuke is continuing his training in the forest, when he's attacked by a rugby ball of death, that shatters a stone he had been doing a training handstand on. (You know, a training handstand. You can only do it with one finger!) A demon comes out, and says that he's eager to face Yusuke, and how about a little context of power right now? My balls vs your spirit gun. But Yusuke still can't fire his gun, so he's forced to dodge, only to discover that the demon-energy infused balls (I guess?) seek other people's demon energies. He's only spared when another member of the demon's team shows up and slams an ax into the ball. The rugby demon is upset, and still wants to attack Yusuke, but the team leader instead just coldly murders his teammate, and then leaves.
Kuwabara had watched the entire thing from the trees, and comments about the entire thing. He then asks why Yusuke didn't fire his gun, and is horrified when Yusuke tells him what's going on. As he's explaining that he's never been able to not fire it before, Genkai shows up and says that the technique Yusuke used in his fight yesterday was advanced, and he probably shouldn't have used it. However, Genkai's voice is odd, and Kuwabara asks Yusuke about it, because he thought that it was Genkai. But Yusuke is confused over the entire thing, too, because he thought that it was Genkai??? Genkai tells him not to use his spirit gun, and makes a weird, passing remark about Hiei's current inability to use his arm.
While that's going on, Botan asks Keiko why she doesn't want to see Yusuke. She says she would only 1) distract him and 2) demand that he stop. She'd rather be a silent supporter for a while. Shizuru shows up with juice for the three of them, which they enjoy together.
Later, Yusuke and Kuwabara go back to the stadium to watch some matches. Koto announces that the first round of fighting is almost over. However, there is an uneven number of teams, which doesn't seem like good planning... or is it? The last team is to fight the winners of last year's tournament. Which just happens to be Team Toguro.
However, only Toguro himself shows up, and says that the rest of his team is busy. But, he will be more than able to take on the five team members alone. This is the team of the demon who stopped the rugby guy from hurting Yusuke. One of the team members is a huge sumo-demon, who cracks the earth with each stomp of his foot. Toguro says that he'll use 45% of his power for this fight, and then kills the four unnamed team members. He then goes to face off against the team leader, and decapitates him easily. So much for that, then. Koto announces that the eighth and final team for the tournament will be Team Toguro. He and Yusuke then exchange glances from where Yusuke sits in the stadium.
Later, Kuwabara complains that they're paired up against the crazy scientist team next.
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ask-the-phan-site · 6 years
Phan Cam: Horizon Heist: Max Modell
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>Horizon High. A lot of people were gathered around. Fox and I see that the statue of Max was being rebuilt... And another one was being made, but I couldn’t make it out. Then, I noticed that among them was the real Max. And with him was... A man. A man who I can only guess was his boyfriend, Hector Baez. We get closer.
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It looks better than ever, mi amour.
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You haven’t seen anything yet, honey. Just wait until we show the other statue.
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What’s the other statue of?
Max: Ah, Ren, Yusuke, so glad you’re here. I don’t think you’ve met, but I told you all about him. This is my boyfriend, Hector Baez. Hector, this is Ren Amamiya and Yusuke Kitagawa, two of the visiting students I told you about.
Hector: Hola, nice to meet you.
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It is a pleasure to meet you, too.
Ren: Same here.
>We all shake hands.
Max: I was about to make some coffee in my office. Care to join us?
Yusuke: Absolutely. I was just feeling parched.
Ren: Me, too. It’ll be nice to have someone else make me coffee.
>Inside Max’s office, we sat down and Max gave us some coffee.
Ren: So how are things? I just thought, since you were a mutated spider...
Max: It was an unusual situation for me, but I’m fine. Hector managed to help me though it after the cure was released.
Ren: I see. Hector, were you also...
Hector: No. I was out of town when it happened. But when I learned what happened, I tried to get back here. However, S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn’t let me. They said it wasn’t safe. It wasn’t until after the cure was released that they let me in. I was really scared of what may have happened to Max.
Yusuke: I’m sorry about that. But things are better now. Max is cured and the two of you are together. Be happy for that.
Hector: I know. Gracias, Yusuke.
Max: Yes, the both of you have shown us a lot of support. Normally for an educator, it’s the other way around. But sometime, it’s the educator who learns from his students. I know I should have heeded the warning when I had the V-252 and it almost hurt a lot of people, but all I can do is move on and try to do better. When I learned Otto had a secret reactor under the school, I was angry because of the dangers, but I knew he meant well. I just wish I knew what happened to him after that.
Yusuke: Yes, we saw the news. I’m sure he’s alright. Hopefully getting all the help he needs.
Max: I’m sure he is. After all, you guys taught me to have a little faith. It even helped Hector.
Hector: The reason I was out of town was so I can get the finalized work to make it so we can get married. Though it will still be sometime before we do get married, we still won’t give up.
Max: We just want to say thank you for all that you’ve done. Just as our love for each other is strong, we hope the same for you.
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Thank you, Max sensei.
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You, too, Hector san. ありがとうございました。(Thank you.)
Max: Please, take this from one couple to another.
>Max gives us the V-252 Canister.
Max: I kept this to remind me of what I’ve learned since the Stark Expo. But now, I don’t need it anymore. From now on, I’ll try to be more open minded about what others think. I know that will make me a better scientist.
>I can feel Max’s sincerity. The bond between us is stronger than ever.
I am thou, thou art I… Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath.
Thy bond shall become the wings of rebellion and break the yoke of thy heart.
Thou has awakened to the ultimate secret of the other Emperor, granting thee infinite power…
Rank Up!
Confidant: Max Modell
Arcana: Emperor
Rank: 10 (MAX)
Ability: Graduation
Max will give you private lessons that will help you and the Phantom Thieves gain EXP outside the Metaverse.
Hector: You know, Max, I think the next statue should be these two. Either as great students... Or great Phantom Thieves.
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Ren: Max...
Max: Sorry, I told him. But don’t worry, he won’t tell anyone. He promised.
Hector: Max trusts you and I know what you do is for the good of the people. It would only be a disaster if you end up behind bars. So I won’t turn you in. I have respect for that.
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Thank you.
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We won’t forget this.
Yusuke: Well, now you know our secret, I think it’s only fair we know your secret... What is the other statue of.
Max: Very well. It’s our new mascot... Spider-Man. You know, I still can’t believe that one of my students was behind that mask the whole time. How did he even get like that?
Ren: Just be patient, he’ll tell you when he’s ready... When they’re both are.
Max: True, it looked like both he and Harry were having some problems. Are you sure changing their hearts will be good?
Ren: Who knows, Max. All we can do is hope.
>With that, we continued with out coffee and started talking of others things.
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: Return of Distortion
DISCLAIMER: Some of the people who will appear here are based off of real people. So I would like to apologize in advance to the Booth family for their portrayal in this post. Also, I like to warn you that this post might be long.
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>Cafe Leblanc in Yongen-Jaya. Me and the others (except for Queen, Panther, and Crow) were already there with Skull’s mother. When she found her son wasn’t home, she demanded an explanation. So... We told her the truth.
Mrs. Sakamoto: (no other picture of her other than her smiling available) My... That’s... That’s a lot to absorb.
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I know how you feel. My heart almost stopped when I learned the truth.
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I’m sorry you had to learn about it like this.
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Believe us, if Ryuji did wanted you to know, he would tell you the best way he could.
Mrs. Sakamoto: It’s not your fault, Futaba chan... But to be honest, I had a feeling my son was a Phantom Thief for some time now. I just wasn’t sure about it until now.
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Again, we’re sorry about this. Especially after what just happened.
Mrs. Sakamoto: What did happen to Ryu kun?
>Suddenly, we hear a car pull up.
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That must be them now.
Ren: I should warn you, you may wish to brace yourself for what your about to see.
>Mrs. Sakamoto nods her head. Then the door opens.
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This is going to be a tight fit.
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Ryuji, can't you just suck it up?
Ryuji’s voice: It doesn't work like that. This armor may be my body, but it ain’t flexible like one.
Akechi’s voice: Could someone help on the other side? I can push, but we need someone to pull.
Ren: I’ll do it.
Yusuke: I’ll help as well.
?????: I suppose I’ll help as well.
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I know that voice... Toshi? Is that you on the other side?
Man’s voice: Who else? Kuchisake-onna? (laughs a bit) Now are you helping or what?
>Me and Yusuke take Ryuji’s “hand” and we pull. We pulled and pulled until finally, he got through.
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Finally. I thought I was never gettin’ through. Thanks.
Ren: No problem.
>Mrs. Sakamoto walks up to her son, still unable to believe her eyes.
Mrs. Sakamoto: ... Ryu kun?
Ryuji: Hi, Mom. I’m sorry I didn’t show up at the apartment... So, how are you?
>With that, Mrs. Sakamoto nearly faints. Luckily, the stranger who helped us catches her.
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Nice catch, Mr... Toshi, wasn’t it?
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Mister Toshi was my father. It’s just Toshi. And thank you, Detective Prince.
Ryuji: Will my mom be okay?
Boss: Just in case, I keep smelling salts in the back.
Haru: I’ll get them.
>Haru goes to get the smelling salts.
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I guess she’s still reeling. I know I am.
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Y- You’re...
Ann: I’m sorry, you guys... But my mom sort of came with me.
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Your mom? Oh boy, this is going to be some day.
Ann’s mother: Katherine McBride. Don’t worry, I have no intention of revealing that you’re the Phantom Thieves. Ann trusts you too much.
Toshi: I knew who you guys are for a while, and I also don’t have a reason to turn you in, either.
Ann: How did you know?
Futaba: That’s easy... Because he’s Toshi. One of Japan's most famous enigmas.
Toshi: I wouldn't say famous... More like well known.
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Same difference.
Mrs. Sakamoto: (just getting up) How- How did this happen?
Ryuji: That what I would like to know. How did I become... Become...
Futaba: Overflow.
Ryuji: Huh?
Futaba: That’s the name of the alien you’ve turned into. Overflow. Well, I’m guessing it has something to do with that.
>She was pointing at the symbol on Ryuji’s chest.
Makoto: The Omnitrix? Of course, Ben Tennyson uses the Omnitrix to turn into different aliens.
Katherine: So, we just have to remove it and he should change back, right?
???????: That would be ill advised.
Toshi: Are they here already?
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Sorry. We’re not the chap you were thinking.
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Can’t blame you, though. We have that kind of effect on people.
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That’s one way of putting it.
Everyone (except Katherine, Toshi, and Mrs. Sakamoto): Professor Paradox!? Bruce Sato!?
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And... Aren’t you the Hellblazer?
Smooth hobo: I prefer John Constantine.
Ren: What are you doing here?
Paradox: I was touring a bit of the future when I saw this happening. Your friend becoming one of the former aliens of the newest incarnation of our Benjamin Tennyson.
Constantine: I learned about your predicament while I was at that apartment of yours.
Bruce: And Chihaya called me to come here.
Mrs. Sakamoto: Do you... Think you can help my son?
Constantine: Hard to say. This was done with both magic and science. But one thing’s for certain though, removing that symbol won’t help him.
Paradox: Indeed. I’ve spoken to Azmuth who spoke to another Azmuth. That Omnitrix badge is now completely embedded in his heart, sending pulses to keep it going. If we remove it, the effects could be lethal to your son.
Makoto: So you’re saying that badge is the only thing keeping Ryuji alive right now?
Bruce: That seems to be the case.
Ryuji: (shocked) You mean I could be stuck like this forever!?
Constantine: Now, now. There’s no need to be a wet blanket... Heh! See what I did there?
>Ryuji shoots a blast of water from his forearm at Constantine.
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Hey! I just cleaned that spot!
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Ryuji, stop it!
>Just like that, Ryuji stops shooting water.
Ryuji: I’m... I’m sorry. I just lost it there... More than usual. I’m... I’m just scared. I can’t live like this. I have a life. I have school. I finally became an idol. To become Overflow... I think I lost all of it.
Paradox: I under stand your feelings, Ryuji Sakamoto... But I don’t think that’s why you lost control.
Ren: What do you mean?
Constantine: We’ll tell you... Upstairs. Right now... My fellow Brits are almost here.
Boss: What do you mean?
Toshi: Oh right, I almost forgot why I’m here. You remember Michael Booth and his family?
Boss: Yes...
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And I should pat myself on the back for being able to hide this place from them. It would have caused a scene.
Toshi: Well... They found it.
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Wait. You mean... They’re coming here?
Toshi: That’s right. Michael wants to study curry’s history in Japan. And who better to help than the guy who serves the best in Yongen-Jaya?
Boss: That’s only because Wakaba helped with her formula.
Toshi: Either way, they’re coming now.
Boss: (groans) Fine. All of you better go upstairs. I need to clean this mess first.
Constantine: No, please... Allow me.
>Constantine snaps his fingers and everything in the cafe is cleaned up and dry.
Constantine: I’ll send you my bill later... Here they come.
>We quickly go up the stairs to my room. I stop for a bit to see who Toshi was talking about... They come in through the door.
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Here we are. Cafe Leblanc.
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I’m not sure why a cafe in Japan would have a French name.
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They probably chose it to make it sound a little more fancy.
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It like it.
Boss: Well...
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Thanks for that.
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(whisper) Good luck, Sojiro.
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>Upstairs in my room, we were examining Ryuji to find a way to change him back into a human.
Futaba: So the big question is: How do we undo something made with science and sorcery?
Diego: Joker, got any ideas?
Ren: I’ll need to think about that. Right now, Professor Paradox, what do you mean by Ryuji losing control?
Paradox: Inside all versions of the Omnitrix, including the Ultimatrix, lies a pocket dimension where the DNA of the aliens it scans have lives of their own. That includes consciousness. Overflow is no different. But somehow, his DNA was copied and was used to alter your friend’s.
Ryuji: How did that happen?
Paradox: I am afraid that is beyond even my vision. But according to Azmuth, this “crude” copy of the Omnitrix’s DNA alteration is without a time limit. And without a time limit to change you back into your human form... The consciousness of that alien would take over entirely.
Ryuji: You mean, if I don’t change back soon...
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Ryuji could lose his own consciousness, leaving only Overflow’s.
Paradox: It gets even worse. The minds of the scanned aliens are incomplete. Right now, Ryuji’s mind is keeping Overflow’s mind in check, but not for long. Once his mind is gone, all that will be left is a Cascan without a proper mind to guide him and, instead, only instincts and impulses.
Ryuji: And what’s going to happen to me? To my mind?
Constantine: My guess is... It would go to that Sea of Souls you learned about in the Velvet Room.
Ryuji: Yeah, Ren told me. He said that’s where all souls come from... But it’s also where they go after the person who has it dies... You mean I could die!?
Ann: Ryuji, shush! Boss’s guests are still here.
Ryuji: Sorry.
Constantine: Don’t worry there. That’s why we’re here.
Bruce: I’m sure we’ll find a way. After all... What is lost, can never truly be gone.
>We don’t know what that means.
Paradox: There is still hope. That is what he said. But I suggest we find it as quickly as we can.
Diego: How come?
Paradox: ... Your friend and Overflow are not the only ones effected.
>I was starting to get worried.
Ren: What do you mean?
>Professor Paradox was silent for a moment.
Paradox: I think it is time for that idea Diego asked for. Ask yourself this, you may know who might help in the magic department... But what about science?
Ren: Well, I know a lot of people. But I guess the only person who can help with Ryuji would have to be...
>I froze. The only scientist who can help Ryuji would be... The one who is connected to him.
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Futaba: Hold on, I’ll see if I can contact him.
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Hurry, Futaba chan!
>She opens her computer and access the video chat. After a few second, it’s answered.
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Hello? Futaba?
Futaba: Peter, how’s Harry? Is he okay?
Peter: How did you... Did Gwen tell you?
Ren: No, we knew.
Peter: How?
Ryuji: Hey, Pete. Long time, no see.
Peter: (shocked) Ryuji!? What happened to you?
Akechi: That’s how we know. Now tell me... Did Harry fall into a coma?
Peter: ... He did at first. But woke up in the hospital. But he was very weak. Well, not so weak that he can’t do anything, thank goodness. He can still use his spider powers and stuff.
Harry’s voice: Pete, is that Akechi and Ryuji and the others?
Peter: Yeah, it’s them.
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Hi, guys. Hey, Ryuji, I see the Overflow look was no joke.
Ryuji: You... You knew about it?
Harry: I thought it was a dream at first. But after seeing you now...
Ryuji: Wait. Did you say dream?
Harry: Yes. It was just after I collapsed.. Did you have it, too?
Ryuji: Yes. What happened?
Harry: Well, in the dream, I was hovering over the ocean on a stormy night with a red skull painted on my face.
Ryuji: With Tokyo right behind you?
Harry: Yes.
Ryuji: And an island in front of you?
Harry: Griffin Rock.
Ryuji: What?
Harry: That’s the name of the island. Griffin Rock, Maine.
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Wait. Griffin Rock?
Makoto: That’s where Ryuji’s father was.
Ryuji: (angry) I knew! He has to be the one behind all this. I just know it.
Akechi: That’s one possibility. We still have no concrete evidence Alexander Paine is the one responsible. Besides, this seems more like something Raymond Warren would do. But I think this might be too much even for him.
Peter: He’s right. I don’t think even Gwen’s uncle would go as far as trying to duplicate alien technology. At least that’s what I think.
Makoto: So that’s two suspects. But I think the real question is... Why?
Yusuke: That’s true. Most of our enemies either had a change of heart by us or is in prison.
Harry: And my dad- Norman Osborn, made it clear that he’s given up.
Akechi: Still, we shouldn’t rule him out as a suspect.
Constantine: Actually we might. Ryuji’s transformation is the work of science and sorcery. And neither Osborn or Jackal like magic. And I’m pretty sure the same is for Paine.
Ryuji: I dunno, I wouldn’t put it past him. The guy lives for complete and utter chaos.
Constantine: Well, only one way to find out.
>Constantine takes out a piece of chalk and traces a circle with it.
Constantine: Ryuji kun, if you will.
Mrs. Sakamoto: This isn’t going to hurt him, is it?
Constantine: It’s just a detection spell, ma’am. We’re going to find out how it was done.
Ryuji: Whatever gets the job done.
>Ryuji goes into the circle.
Constantine: Here goes. Ecived edam ot kool dna krow ekil eht lanigiro ecived, woh od uoy krow? Erehw od uoy emoc morf? Ohw edam uoy?
>The circle glows and light comes from it and surrounds Ryuji. The Omnitrix symbol glows and light particles glow out of it. Then, they gather together and form something. I take what it formed... I was a bit surprised.
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This is... That new card.
Makoto: That must have what caused it.
Ryuji: The Dream FES System?
Futaba: How is that possible? No one knows how the Dream FES System works. No one even knows where it came from. Not even the head of D-Four Productions or the heads of the Brands who make the Dorika.
Constantine: Either way, they some how managed to use it to implant the Omnitrix containing Overflow’s DNA on Ryuji’s chest. And they used the concert to do so.
Makoto: But we still don’t know who did it, why they did it, and how to undo it.
Peter: Guess magic is not as helpful as science.
Constantine: (not happy) You didn’t have to rub it in, mate?
Katherine: Don’t you have any ideas? You’re a time traveler.
Paradox: I’m afraid it is not that simple. I cannot tell you without causing great harm to the timeline.... However, I do have some advice.
Ren: What’s that?
Paradox: ... Look out the window.
>We were puzzled... But I decided to look anyway. Me and Futaba look out.
?????: Shit! They can see us?
?????: Let’s beat it!
>The two young men on the roof across from us quickly duck away.
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I know those two! Back during the LilyMu heist.
Ren: Jared and Jesse Deucey. I still don’t know about them. They some how have the power to restore a target’s Palace.
Futaba: But apparently not forever. I checked with Lily dozens of time and she’s back to the way we made her.
Diego: But why were they here?
Bruce: ... Sometimes the culprit returns to the scene of the crime.
Mrs. Sakamoto: You mean they were the ones responsible for what happened to Ryu kun?
Futaba: I doubt it. I looked these guys up. Even together, they barely have half a brain...
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But I think they might know some things.
Ryuji: So we just gotta follow ‘em, right? Let’s do it?
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Are you sure? Someone could see you.
Futaba: Actually, how did you get Ryuji over here? Even if you used the van, someone could have seen him.
Katherine: We just told everyone that he was in cosplay. Thankfully, they believed it.
Ryuji: But I can’t just sit up here. I may not know much about my new body, but I can still run... I’m still a Phantom Thief.
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Alright. You’re still you, brother.
Ryuji: Thanks... Aibo (Partner)... Yosuke Hanamura, eat your heart out.
Futaba: Okay. But we still need to get him downstairs. I think the lovely British couple and their bespectacled son might buy the whole cosplay story, but the younger kid? ... I don’t think so.
Katherine: I could design something. But it may take time.
Ann: ... Constantine san?
Constantine: What can I do for you, fair lady?
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Can you cast a Glamour?
Constantine: (smiling) I’ll see what I can do. To ensure a future preserved, mask our friend, see justice served.
>In a swirl of light, Ryuji was engulfed. Then, as fast as it came, it was gone.
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Did... Did it work?
Peter: I don’t know. You still look like Overflow.
Constantine: Because your camera is like a mirror. It will show the truth behind the illusion. For something more powerful, you’ll need to speak to someone a little more experienced than me. Like Zatanna or Dr. Fate or even that Dr. Strange in New York.
Peter: Fine. I’ll see what he can do. See you guys soon.
Harry: We’ll be rooting for you.
>With that, they hang up.
Futaba: It’s a good thing no all reflected services reveal what Ryuji looks like. I’m wearing glasses and I’m still seeing the illusion.
Katherine: Same here.
Ren: Me, too. So i guess we won’t have to worry about Asger Booth.
Constantine: Also, remember that this is an illusion. Your actual size will still let itself known such as knocking things down and getting stuck. Also, because my Glamour spells are not that powerful, it won’t last. This should last for I should say about 1 hour.
>I suddenly notice Ann speaking to herself.
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(whisper) Stronger Glamour spells have longer effects.
Ren: What was that?
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It’s nothing. Let’s go.
Katherine: I’ll be heading home. There’s a wedding dress waiting to be finished. For a wedding in America.
Bruce: And I’ll go speak to Chihiya. Since Professor Paradox won’t tell us what may happen in the future, we have another reliable source.
Paradox: True. Better you learn from a true psychic than me. Especially since she know that, and I quote, “The future is not absolute.”
Bruce: Thank you. But we might still need your help.
Paradox: Very well. I shall see what I can do.
>With that, he vanishes.
>We managed to get past the Booths and out the front door (which was not easy since Constantine was right about Ryuji still getting stuck). We got on the van, except for Bruce and Kathrine. Bruce was going to Shinjuku to speak with Chihiya and Katherine was going home to work. Constantine used a spell to help us track the twins.
Constantine: It looks like they’re headed for Shibuya. Right, shall we?
>With that, we drive off.
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>One of the best things about Big Bang Burger these days... is how empty it has become since the Okumura heist. So people can pretty much do whatever they want without getting much trouble with the staff... Just perfect for a wanted criminal who came back from the dead to just sit and relax. Typing away on his computer and maybe even enjoying lunch... But that all ends when Jared and Jesse burst in.
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Hey, you!
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(sighs) What is it now?
Jesse: We went to check on those guys like you told us to. I thought we were just gonna scared them, not turn one of them into a monster!
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Yeah, this is not what we signed on for!
Jin: Tch! That’s because you have the IQ of a chicken. Of course you would think this was to be some simple prank... But it’s way more than that.
Jesse: Okay, we get it! We may not be Albert... Edison, but even we know our limits.
Jin: Oh please, you don’t even know the meaning of the word limit.
Jesse: (not getting angry) Listen here you little shit, we didn’t drop out of school to hurt people. We came because we thought we were the same.
Jared: But I guess having Personas isn’t enough.
Jin: True... My head isn’t hallow.
>For the Deucey Twins, it was the last straw. Jared, despite being the youngest here, grabs Jin by the shirt and lifts him up.
Jin: What are you going to do? Kill me? I’m already dead.
Jared: No... We’re going to settle this... Persona Style.
Jin: ... Very well.
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>Station Square. We just arrived here. Unfortunately, due to traffic, an hour had almost passed and the Glamour spell Constantine used is about to wear off.
Ryuji: Aw man, the spell’s gonna wear off. Can’t you make it last longer?
Constantine: Sorry, mate, my hands are full.
Futaba: Wait... Look.
>We look out and was saw, the twins and someone headed for the subway.
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There they are!
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Makoto: What is it, Futaba?
Futaba: I know that guy who’s with them...
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Isn’t he suppose to be dead?
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>The Underground.
Jin: Are you sure you want to do this? I’ve had my Persona for a long time. You’ve only had your Personas for two years.
Jared: True... But we took the time to practice.
Jin: Very well... Open it.
>Jared takes out his phone... And opens the Metaverse Navigator.
>Five... Four... Three... 2... 1... Glamour spell: Over.
Nav: Beginning navigation.
>A red wave passes over them. When it was over...
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Jin: Prepare yourself!
>Jin takes something out.
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Jesse: Right! Slice!
Jared: And dice!
>The twins take out their own Evokes.
Jin: Persona!
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Jared and Jesse: Persona!
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>In a large burst, they summon their Personas. The twins’ Personas look a bit identical. Both wore green and white outfit-like armor with green helmets. They also had swords and green capes. The capes also have white letters on them. On Jared’s had “DUM” and Jesse’s had “DEE”.
(Insert song: Every Second Matters from OK K.O.!)
Even though they are two people, Jared and Jesse work together as one.
When not using their Personas, Jared is good with Melee attacks (using a claymore) and Jesse does Ranged attack (using a triple barreled pistol).
Jared’s and Jesse’s Personas, Tweedledum & Tweedledee, also act as one. Tweedledum uses Physical and Support Skills while Tweedledee uses Wind and Healing Skills. They are weak to Psychokinesis and Curse.
Jin: You’re still much too new at this. Moros, deal with them.
>Moros uses Stagnant Air. Tweedledum uses Charge. Moros uses Taunt. Jared and Jesse are enraged. Jared attacks with blind Rage and his claymore. However, Jin dodges it. Moros uses Snap. Jesse attack with his pistol. It was a critical hit. Jesse shoots his pistol again. Jin gets back up and Moros uses Agidyne. Jared attacks again. Moros uses Bufudyne. The twins became Frozen. Although the Rage wore off, they were still under the Freeze effect. Jin throws a hand grenade. It shatters the twins. Tweedledee uses Diarama. Moros uses Megido. The twins dodge it. Tweedledum use Charge again. Moros uses Eigaon. It knocks both twins down. Jin throws another grenade. They get back up again and Tweedledum uses Assault Dive. It was a critical hit. Tweedledum uses Assault Dive again. Jin gets back up and Moros uses Brain Jack. Luckily, it missed. Tweedledee uses Garudyne. Moros uses Ziodyne. The twins get Shocked. They couldn’t move. Jin runs in and attack with his briefcase. However, he gets Shocked. Jared and Jesse are now free and Tweedledee uses Garudyne again. It was a technical hit due to the Shock. Jin still couldn’t move. Jesse shoots his gun. Another technical hit. Jin recovers and Moros uses Giant Slice. Tweedledee uses Diarama. Moros uses Agidyne. It Burns the twins. Tweedledum uses Tempest Slash. The Burn eats away at their health. Moros uses Garudyne. It was a technical hit due to the Burn, despite that they can resist Wind attacks. Tweedledum uses Charge. The burn eats away their health again. Moros uses Garudyne again. Luckily, they dodge it. Tweedledum uses Brave Blade. It was a critical hit. Tweedledum uses Brave Blade again. Now Jin was at his lowest health. Though, the Burn still eats away at their own health.
Jin: I see... You have been training.
Jared: Are you gonna quit now?
Jesse: And change that guy back?
Jin: Sorry, but what I just did to him... Is completely new to me... And your training was in vain.
>Jin gets back up and Moros uses Mamudo. It causes the twins’ health to drop to 1.
Jared: This could be bad. Jesse?
Jesse: No good. I already used up most of my energy with those Wind spells. I can’t heal and I forgot to get items before coming here.
Jared: Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Jesse: It’s been nice knowing ya, little brother.
Jared: Same here, big brother.
>The two of them held each other in defense. Jin uses Soma on himself. Jared and Jesse still defended themselves.
Jin: And now, to end this.
>Moros uses Mamudo...
Jared and Jesse: Mother.
?????: Persona!
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>The new Persona takes the hit for the twins.
Jared and Jesse: Huh!?
Jin: Tch! I knew you would get here sooner or later.
>We emerge from the shadow to show ourselves.
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Sorry for the wait. Here.
>I use Soma on the twins.
Jared: Thank?
Joker: You better be. That was my last Soma and I don’t know when my next shipment will come in.
Jesse: But why? We helped that jerk turn your friend into an alien.
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After seeing you fight Jin Shirato to have him change Skull back, we can see that neither of necessarily bad.
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Just misguided.
Skull: (back in his Overflow form) Hey, you! You did this to me! You better change me back right now!
Jin: I already said I don’t know how. I used this place to do it.
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I’m still reeling how Mementos is back.
Jin: Heh! Guess you Phantom Thieves aren’t as great as you think after all. There’s always going to be that one group of people who still wish to be ruled over. Though I doubt Yaldabaoth will come back just like that, but it was enough to bring Mementos back.
Constantine: He’s got a point, love.
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Either way, we won’t let you get away with this.
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You hurt our friend, now you have to pay.
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Though, I wish I knew how you used Mementos to change Skull into Overflow or even who we are.
Jin: Very well. They call it the Dream Festival System for a reason... It was created from people’s dreams.
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You mean... That’s where it came from? People’s dreams.
Jin: Yes. The dreams of the audience and the idols. I won’t bother you how it’s done... But I suppose you could ask... The Velvet Room. But I can tell you this. Dreams are the same as human thoughts and thought are part of people’s cognition. So I used the cognitive world to create a trap Dorika meant to mutate whoever took a hold of it. And Ryuji Sakamoto was the best target. As for how I determined who your real identities are... Putting strikethroughs is not exactly going to make you anonymous.
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But you have to admit, it’s been working for us so far.
Jin: Umm, why do have four ears? When did you add cat ears.
Mona: Thought I’d make a little more like me.
Jin: (sarcastic) Right.
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Focus here! We still can’t let this guys just do what he wants.
Jin: Heh! I like to see you try.
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So be it then.
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Then it’s time to work! Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans Jin and Moros.
Oracle: I’m not getting any weaknesses. But avoid using Fire, Bless, or Curse Skills.
Fox: If he uses Fire Skills a lot, perhaps Ice might help. Persona!
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Skull: I’m goin’ in, too. He ruined my life. It’s only fair. Persona!
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Oracle: Hold up, Skull. I’m detecting something off. It looks like your new form might help...
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But be careful when you use Electricity or if he uses it.
Skull: (a bit worried) I see. (regains confidence) But don’t worry. We’ll be finished with this guy before you know it.
Jesse: We wanna fight, too.
Joker: I don’t see why not. It looks like you’re ready for Round 2.
Jared: Yup! Tweedledum and Tweedledee are just raring to go.
Joker: Tweedledum and Tweedledee? That’s what your Personas are called?
>This got me thinking...
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Actually, I think I know just the Persona that can help.
>I change Personas.
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Jesse: That’s going to help us? That scrawny thing?
Joker: Alice may not look much, but she’s very powerful. You’ll see.
Jesse: (still not sure) Okay.
Jin: Come at me.
(Insert song: Unavoidable Battle)
Skull’s battle functions are different in his Overflow form.
As Overflow, Skull’s Ranged attacks have been altered. He no longer can use a shotgun. However, in its place, he can use a water gun. When he uses water gun on an enemy who is weak to Ice, it will be treated as an Ice attack. It can even be effective against Fire and Electric based enemies with a chance of a critical hit. But be cautious. If he uses it on an Electric based enemy, there’s a chance that he could get Shocked. Like all guns, Skull’s water gun runs out of ammo. However, each bullet is replaced by a gallon of water with a gauge on it. Each time the water gun is used, the gauge drops. When the gauge runs out, Skull will move on to the next gallon. Right now, Skull has 5 gallons of water. He will receive more as he levels up.
As Overflow, be careful. Whenever Skull attacks with his Persona’s Electric Skills, there’s a chance it will recoil and hit him. Don’t worry, he won’t be Shocked.
As Overflow, Skull’s resistance to Electric attack is no longer available. He won’t be weak to it (he’ll still be weak to Wind), but the chances of him being Shocked has increased. However, if Skull uses his Ultimate Persona, Seiten Taisei, his Electric Block will still be in effect.
>Alice uses Concentrate. Goemon uses Masukukaja. Captain Kidd uses Matarukaja. Tweedledum uses Marakukaja. Moros uses Triple Down. Luckily, our increased agility allowed us all to dodge it. Alice uses Megidolaon. Goemon uses Raising Slash. Captain Kidd uses Charge. Tweedledum also uses Charge.
Jin: You won’t win this time... There’s no cure for stupidity.
>Moros uses Ziodyne on Skull. Just like the tutorial predicted, Skull was Shocked. Luckily, I used Non-Static Gum and I have plenty to spare.
Oracle: We’ll see about that. Let the duel of the hackers begin!
>Goemon uses Bufudyne. It was enough to Freeze him. Captain Kidd uses Assault Dive. It shatters him. Tweedledum uses Myriad Slashes. Moros uses Agidyne on Fox. It knocks him down. Moros uses Garudyne on Skull. It knocks him down. Jin then tries to attack me with his briefcase. Luckily, I dodged it. Alice uses Concentrate. Fox gets back up and Goemon uses Bufudyne. Skull gets back up and Captain Kidd uses Ziodyne. It recoils. Tweedledee uses Garudyne. Moros uses Maragion. It knocks Fox down and Burns me. Jin throws a grenade at the twins. Alice uses Megidolaon. The Burn eats away at my health. Fox gets back up and uses a Coolifier Pad to cure me of the Burn. Skull uses his water gun. It was a critical hit.
Skull: All right! Time for some pain!
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>After the attack, Jin was still up, but now a little more weaker.
Oracle: Support’s on the way!
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>Necronomicon uses Mediarama. Tweedledum uses Assault Dive. Moros uses Maziodyne. Skull was Shocked. I use Non-Static Gum on him. Goemon uses Masukukaja. Captain Kidd uses Matarukaja. Tweedledum uses Marakukaja.
Jin: Playtime is over, kids. It’s time for the real deal!
>Moros uses Mahama.
Oracle: Look out!
>Necronomicon uses Final Guard.
Joker: Thanks, Oracle. Damn! If only Curse attacks worked on this guy, I could use Alice’s full power.
Skull: I could do it. But this time may not work.
Jared: Leave that to us.
Jesse: Just buy us some time.
Joker: Right. We’ll leave it to you.
>I defend myself. Fox uses Master Coffee on me. Skull also defends himself.
Jared: Here goes!
>Tweedledum uses Rebellion on Skull.
Jin: There is nothing you can do now. Quit wasting my time.
>Moros uses Agidyne Fox. It knocks him down. Moros then uses Ziodyne on Skull. Luckily, he dodged it. Alice uses Concentrate. Fox gets back up and Goemon uses Deadly Fury.
Skull: All right! Here we go!
>Skull uses his water gun. It was a critical hit.
Skull: Okay, Joker, the rest is up to you!
Baton Pass!
Joker: I won’t disappoint. Now raise, Alice!
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DISCLAIMER 2: This may not actually work in game on a Curse resistant enemy.
>Jin was finally defeated.
Jin: Guess you... Really are as smart as you look.
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Hells yeah!
Crow: But we just want to know one thing...
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Why? Why did you do this to Ryuji?
Jin: I could tell you... But that would spoil the surprise.
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Are you fucking series!?
Jin: Tch! Whatever. You’re going to find out soon enough... But if you really want to know... Try asking the Kirijo bitch.
>Jin quickly gets back up.
Queen: Stop him!
Jin: We’ll meet again soon.
>We try to grab him, but Jin uses a Smokescreen and vanishes.
Skull: Dammit! He got away!
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Don’t worry. We’ll get him soon.
Jared and Jesse: We’re so sorry about this.
Oracle: Don’t worry. Like I said, you just went down the wrong road...
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But you still have a lot of explaining to do.
Jesse: Believe us, we do.
Noir: But not here. We better go.
>With that, we leave Mementos.
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>The maid cafe in Akihabara. We came here so Jared and Jesse can tell us everything.
Jared: Won’t people think it weird to see an alien here?
Futaba: I’m sure they’ll just think he’s in cosplay like they did last time.
Clara: (coming up to us) Welcome home, master. Say, that’s some nice cosplay you have on. You look just like Overflow.
Ryuji: Uh, thanks.
Clara: So what can I get you, this splendid evening?
Ren: We’ll have some Sincere Omelettes and Relaxing Coffee, please.
Akechi: Make my omelette Love★Pancakes.
Jesse: And make mine and my brother’s coffee Oo-hot Tea.
Ryuji: I’ll just have some water.
Clara: Coming right up.
>She leaves to get our order.
Jesse: I guess we better start explainin’.
Jared What would you like to know?
Ren: Well for starters, how do you guys have Personas?
Jesse: Me and Jared were candidates for some kinda test here in Japan... Mostly someplace called... Tatsumi Pot Island.
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You mean Tatsumi Port Island.
Jesse: Right. Sorry, I’m not good with Japanese.
Makoto: I think I know which test you’re talking about. Mitsuru san told Sis and she told me.
Akechi: She told me, too. She said the the Kirijo Group were looking for people have the potential to wield a Persona. Especially orphan children.
Haru: You mean the two of you are orphans?
Jesse: We might as well be.
Jared: Our mom died when we were very young. And our dad’s in prison.
Futaba: You mean Ace Deucey? I can see that.
Makoto: What happened when the Kirijo Group took you in?
Jared: Nothing, really. We never actually went to Japan.
Makoto: How come?
Jesse: Headmaster Spritle. He took us in. He seemed happy enough with it since he never married. He’s been a bit like a father to us. We even became friends with his nephew, X. But after awhile, we became a bit of a handful and when we were old enough, we started living on our own. But Spritle let us stay at Racer Academy as students.
Jared: But then, Jin showed up. He said he hacked into the Kirijo Group and found us. He took us to that Mementos place. Not the one here, the one at the school.
Ann: Racer Academy has a Mementos? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. That place is like a town in itself. So of course there are a lot of people with distorted hearts there.
Makoto: What happened there?
Jesse: He gave us our Evokers and told us to shoot ourselves. We were scared at first, but we did it. And that’s how we got our Personas.
Makoto: Does your Personas have anything to do with Lily’s Palace coming back and disappearing again?
Jared: It’s our Personas’ unique ability. We can rebuild a person’s Palace. But it only works on a Palace once and not forever. After we leave the Palace, it goes back to being gone, and this time, for good.
Makoto: Is that how Mementos in our city came back?
Jesse: Yeah. But it’s way different than a normal Palace. After we leave, it’s still there.
Diego: Mementos is the Palace of the general public. If there are enough people with warped desires, that’s enough to solidify the foundation of it.
Yusuke: So we may have to travel down the the deepest depths to remove it again.
Diego: Who knows.
>Diego reaches into his jacket and pulls something out.
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You still have that?
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You’re not seriously going to drink out of it, are you?
Constantine: She’s right, bloke. If that’s anything like the real Holy Grail, you know what will happen if you drink out of it.
Diego: Of course I won’t drink from it.
Ryuji: I don’t understand. What’s this Holy Grail thing again?
Constantine: According to Etri- Jason Blood, the Holy Grail was used by Jesus Christ in the Last Supper. When he drank from it, some of his essence merged with the cup, granting it great power. If you were to drink from it, you would gain immortality... Maybe even bring someone back to life. That’s why Arty’s Knights went looking for it.
Ryuji: Arty’s Knight?
Diego: You mean King Arthur and his Knight of the Round Table. I know that. They went on a quest to find it so Arthur can make himself immortal and not lose to his son and nephew, Mordred.
Constantine: (a bit impressed) I see. You know the story, too.
Diego: My real name, Morgana, comes from Morgan le Fay. She was Arthur’s half-sister. Even though she was consider the villain, she was also a great trickster who seduced Arthur which lead to the birth of Mordred.
Constantine: Indeed.
Haru: What happened to the Holy Grail after that?
Constantine: Who knows. Some say it was found and lost by some archaeologist named after a state... But they watch too many movies. Me? I don’t really care... What use do I have for immortality?
Diego: (putting the Grail away) I guess that’s true.
Clara: (coming up) Thank you for waiting! Here are your omelettes, pancakes, and... The incredibly bitter vegetable juice.
Ren: We didn’t order vegetable juice. Please remake it.
Clara: (blushing) Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll get your real order.
Constantine: No need.
>Constantine waves his hand and the vegetable juice changes into the drinks we ordered.
Clara: (surprised) Oh my... Is there... Anything else you’d like?
Constantine: (acting smug) How ‘bout... The time you get off?
Clara: (blushing again) Wow. I guess it’s true about what they say about you British men: You’re real charmers.
>She leaves... A little wobbly.
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And here I thought Ren was the ladies’ man.
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You’re still not gonna get over Valentine’s, are you?
Jared: What happened?
The girls: Don’t ask.
Ryuji: Back on subject. What about me? How do we change me back to myself?
Futaba: Me and Akechi spoke with Harry and Peter on the way here. If Griffin Rock was in your dream, then it must be the key to changing you back. If we go there, we might find our answer. And we better find it soon.
Akechi: She’s right. I told them about the time I fell into a coma. It was around the same time Peter bonded with the V-252. He told me he bonded with it a second time and I passed out at the same time. He told me he bonded with it again a third time to stop a villain called Thanos. That was while we were doing Dancing in Starlight. But I didn’t go into a coma that time. I just felt weak.
Diego: And the same thing’s happening with Harry because Ryuji became Overflow. But instead of going into a coma, Harry simply became weak. How could that be?
???????: I can answer that.
>We quickly turn to see Lavenza with Professor Paradox.
Ren: What do you mean?
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When Peter Parker fused with the Symbiote known as Venom, you didn’t form a connection with him. But then you came to New York and formed one with him and Harry Lyman. It was that bond that shielded Goro Akechi when Peter Parker fused with the Symbiote a third time.
Ren: So my bond with Peter... Saved Akechi?
Lavenza: That is the case. However, it would only be a temporary protection. Akechi would remain awake yet weak as long as Peter’s consciousness remained intact and active. However, if it were to be locked away, Akechi would fall into a coma. But if Peter Parker’s consciousness was completely gone and sent to the Sea of Souls leaving only the Symbiote’s...
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I would have gone with it.
Ryuji: (worried) You mean, if I don’t change back soon, Harry could fall into a coma? And I my consciousness goes... He’ll die!?
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We won’t let that happen, brother, I promise.
Ryuji: ... Thanks.
>Ryuji takes a scoop of his omelette. But he stops.
Ryuji: I just remembered... I don’t have a mouth. How am I suppose to eat?
Ann: Yeah, what does Overflow’s kind eat? I don’t think omelettes.
Paradox: Cascans mostly eat algae and plankton.
Ryuji: For real!? Gross!
Paradox: Of course, their most favorite delicacy are clams. Probably lucky that you are going to a place where you will most likely find New England Clam Chowder.
Ryuji: That’s something I guess.
Constantine: Right. Now I believe we’re in need of that team Futaba and Diego were talking about.
Ren: I thought it out. I know Harry would be a good choice since he and Ryuji are connected. But I'm afraid he might be too weak to come with us. But we’ll still contact him on the computer.
Akechi: And Peter will be busy helping his aunt with F.E.A.S.T.
Futaba: Luck for you guys, I’ve compiled a list of people who might help in the science department. You might want to choose four. I didn’t add Paradox since he clearly has other things to deal with.
Paradox: Now that’s a little harsh. But yes, I do not think it would be wise for me to stick around for too long. And that goes double for Azmuth. But I’ll leave the decisions in your capable hands, Ren Amamiya.
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I’ll see what I can do.
>I look at the list. I better choose wisely.
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>>Miles Morales >Gwen Stacy >Anya Corazon >Alistaire Smythe >>Curt Connors >Tony Stark >Max Modell >>Ryan Choi >>Conor
Diego: I had a feeling you would choose Miles. He’s just as smart as Peter and the others at Horizon.
Ryuji: Same for Dr. Connors. He was the best teacher I had at Oz Academy.
Constantine: Ryan Choi? I know a Ryan Choi. But guess this is a much different Ryan Choi.
Futaba: Pretty much.
Constantine: ... Well, as long as the Deathstroke of that world hasn’t killed him yet, I’ll see what I can do.
Jesse: And Conor? Our Conor?
Futaba: Well, from what I’ve learned, he’s a really great mechanic. That’s a bit like a scientist.
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Besides, he might explode with happiness over something like this.
Jesse: That seem like it.
Jared: His pen pal leaves just around here. We’ll see if he can contact him since, well, we’re... Not ready to face Headmaster Spritle.
Ren: Then, why not come come with us? If we work together, we’ll be able to undo the damage Jin did.
Jared: You’d... You’d really do that for us?
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Why not? We could always use more phantom thieves on our side.
Jesse: Us? Phantom thieves? That... That would be kinda a good. We only joined up with Jin because we thought it would be a good time. But I guess we got more than we bargained for.
Jared: We won’t let you down.
>We all agreed. Looks like the Phantom Thieves just got two more members.
Futaba: That deals with Team Science. Now for Team Sorcery.
Constatnine: No need to add me to that list. I’m already on this.
>I take another look at the list. Who should I choose to help with the magic part of our problem?
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>>Zatanna >>Dr. Strange >Dr. Fate >>Robin Sena >Tanpopo Kuraishi >Yukiko Amagi >>Headmistress Faragonda >Headmistress Griffin >Headmaster Saladin
Constantine: Good choice, mate. Then again, you’re thinking of another Zatanna. Unfortunately, she has her gloves tied. You’ll have to settle for the one I know.
Diego: I suppose Dr. Strange will work,too. We do kind of owe him for trying to rob him.
Ann: Robin Sena? That’s that witch we met at the witch’s diner. I guess she could help. We owe her for the Kappa Tea. And Headmistress Faragonda is a good choice, too. Since Summer has begun, she has some time now. (whisper) And we can continue.
>I still wonder why Ann is suddenly interested in magic.
Paradox: Looks like this team is coming together quite nicely. Then, I’ll leave you to it.
Lavenza: And remember, I will be the in the Velvet Room to assist you.
Paradox: And one more thing. I picked up this for you.
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Paradox: This ID Mask should be much more long lasting than a Glamour spell. But you may wish to avoid lightning flashes.
>Ryuji takes the mask and puts it on. He changes to human form.
Ryuji: Thanks. But I still wish I can be human again.
Paradox: And you will.
>With that, Paradox and Lavenza leave.
>Now we have our team. Let us hope we will succeed.
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>On the coast of Maine, just a little ways from Griffin Rock, is what is known as the Rescue Bot Training Center. Inside, a young Autobot had just finished his laps for the day. Suddenly, another Autobot came in.
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Hey, Blurr, another package came for you.
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All right! About time. They really need to speed up their delivery.
Salvage: Maybe because they don’t know where you live and you’re using Kade’s credit card, so asking for a speedy delivery cost too much and you know how cheap Kade can be.
>Blurr takes his package.
Salvage: Is it another one of those... I know it’s normal to be a fan, but... To have dreams of them.
Blurr: I know it’s odd since Autobots don’t normally dream... But there it is... Just promise no one else will know. Quickshadow already knows, but she’s not interested in telling anyone. But the others, especially Heatwave...
Salvage: I promise that this will be our secret. Just try to keep it in moderation.
Blurr: Will do.
>Blurr takes his package to a secret park of the Training Center. He opens it.
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Blurr: Finally, my collection is complete.
>Blurr places the Skull figurine with the other Phantom Thieves figurines and the rest of the merchandise.
Blurr: Oh Primus, I wish I could meet these guys... Especially Skull.
>The story continues. Wish us luck.
0 notes
ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: A Superior Suspicion
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>Shujin Academy. First day back after Summer Break.
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Welcome back, class. I hope you all had a nice summer.
>The class agreed.
Becky: Today, I would like to start class with a question. Now, look at this kanji.
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Becky: Now most of you already know, this means “shark”. Here, we pounce this kanji as “sam-eh”. But when written in romaji, it’s spelled as a completely different word from the English language. Does anyone know what that word is?
>She looks around... Finally, some raised their hand.
Becky: You?
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This word is “same”. As in things that are alike.
Becky: Correct! However...
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You being here makes it feel like the same old days when you were under probation.
Joker: ...
Becky: I know, I know, it feels natural being here since you’ve been coming here for a year. Never mind, just as long as you behave yourself, I’ll just tell them that your old school is having some trouble and sent you here to finish your studies. Anyway, yes, in English it would look like “same”, which is pronounce with the silent e at the end making the a say its name. If you ever get confused about shark and same sounding the same, if you pardon that, have a look at this.
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Becky: Just imagine that this is the dorsal fin of a shark sticking out of the water. And those lines at the bottom are its back fins. Okay, now, for the remainder of the lesson, write a full page essay on what you did over the summer.
>Luckily, my level of Knowledge should help me make something up so I won’t have to add all the Phantom Thief activities. Except for the Dream Festival and the End of Summer since those things actually happened.
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>The courtyard at lunchtime.
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I can’t believe it. We just had the greatest summer of our lives and now it’s over.
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Well, you have to admit, this summer was unforgettable. Especially you turning into an alien.
Skull: And made a new friend on the way.
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And encountered a dangerous cult. With a third rate hacker.
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Sounds like something I should have seen.
Skull: I’m sure you’ll see Overflow soon.
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By the way, Sakamoto kun, how was New York?
Skull: It wasn’t exactly how we expected.
Joker: Why? What happened?
Skull: Well, at Coney Island, Black Cat stole the prize money from a hot dog eatin' contest... Which Miles won. Pete, as Spider-Man, had to go after her. At the ball game, some moron called Tinkerer tried to sabotage the game so his team would win. Spider-Man managed to stop him, but Aunt May thought he was bad luck and asked us to leave, mostly to check on F.E.A.S.T., which wasn’t so bad because, to our actual luck, Captain America and Captain Marvel were there visitin' the younger homeless there. Next, the Ross Caliban concert was almost canceled because someone kidnapped Ross Caliban. It turns out it was Hammerhead so he could sing at his son’s birthday party. Spider-Man, me, and Akechi saved him, along with a selfie, but we couldn't go back to the concert.
Royal: That sounds like you and Akechi kun had a hard time.
Skull: Well, it wasn’t entirely bad.
Joker: Why?
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We made a new friend at camp.
Panther: Really? Who?
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We... Can’t really tell ya. But I’m sure we’ll see him again someday.
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I’m sure you will.
Royal: I almost forgot, it looks like it’s not just Persona 5: Royal that will be coming out.
Joker: I know about Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers.
Panther: First a game where we dance, then a game where we are in another dimensions, both of which we might have little memories of. Though, we definitely remembered the dancing. And now we have an Action RPG?
Oracle: Well look on the bright side...
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There’s a chance it won’t be delayed like a certain other action rpg we know.
Royal: Now that’s a mean thing to say about Kingdom Hearts III.
Panther: I wonder if it’ll be like a Kingdom Hearts game. I know I saw the footage, but it’s still a bit hard to believe. A lot of us grew up on that game.
Skull: I’m still pissed about what happened to Sora at the end.
Joker: We’ll see him again soon, Ryuji. If there’s one thing we should know about Sora, he’s not the type to just up and die. He’ll be back, just like he said.
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But just to be sure, I’ll have to have a little talk with Tetsuya Nomura... Or that guy from the other cafe.
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What do I have a bad feeling on both accounts?
>Time passes and the bell rang to end school for the day.
Joker: Hey Ryuji, wanna train today? I was originally going to do some people watching with Yusuke, but he got chosen for duty today and can’t make it. And Makoto, Haru, and Akechi are busy with their studies.
Skull: Normally I’d say yes, but I got a follow up interview with KUROFUNE today. Maybe tomorrow.
Joker: Ann?
Panther: I’ve got a photo shoot today.
Oracle: And I promised Sojiro I’d help him and Diego at the cafe today.
Royal: And I have gymnastics practice.
Admin: I’m available. I’ve actually been meaning to gather some information about any criminals.
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That might be a bit too much. But thanks, I’ll come.
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Sweet! Let’s go.
Oracle: Take care of him, Nishima.
>Admin sighs in frustration over what Oracle keeps calling him, but just laughs it off and we head off.
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>Akihabara. Me and Admin walked around trying to gather information on potential targets... Nothing. But we did some nice stuff from the capsule machine.
Admin: Guess things are good here for now.
Joker: I’m sure something will come up. The Phansite is still up and I’m sure something will come.
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I know. Thanks.
>Admin checks his phone.
Admin: We’ve been walking around for hours, I guess we should eat before going home.
Joker: Alright. But let’s eat at the diner. I’m in no mood for having hot coffee spilt on me or my omelet having too much ketchup.
>We were just about to leave when we heard someone calling... It was Shinya’s mother. She looks worried.
Mrs. Oda: You!
Joker: Me?
Mrs. Oda: Yes, you. You’re the one my son spends time with.
Joker: Yes, I am. Why, what’s wrong?
Mrs. Oda: You haven’t seen him, have you?
Joker: No. Why?
Mrs. Oda: He was suppose to be home from school. I thought he probably went to the arcade like he normally does. We moved above there since they renovated. But he wasn’t there. I even asked his friends. I also though he probably went to the hospital to visit Yuta since his brother or whoever he is to him won the money for the operation. He’s not there either. Which Yuta’s unhappy about.
Joker: What do you mean?
Mrs. Oda: I spoke with Yuta’s mother. They’ve set the date for his operation. It’s very soon. Yuta was hoping to ask Shinya something.
Joker: What?
Mrs. Oda: (shaking her head) She said he would only tell Shinya. But we can’t find him anywhere.
Joker: Have you tried calling him?
Mrs. Oda: I did. It just goes to voicemail. I even tried asking at his school. His teachers said that he left school as the bell rang. No one had seen him since. I’m about ready to call the police.
Joker: Hold on. I have a friend who might be able to help. If that’s okay.
Mrs. Oda: Right now, I’m willing to try anything.
>I take out my phone and contact Oracle.
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Futaba, can you help with something?
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What’s up?
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Shinya Oda is missing. His mother tried contacting him, but now answer. Do you think you can track his phone?
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I’ll see what I can do. Good thing I brought my laptop.
>A little later.
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Got it! I’m sending you the location now.
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Thanks, Futaba.
>With that, I get the location on my phone.
Mrs. Oda: Well?
Joker: It looks like his phone is near Miura Beach. Let’s look there.
Mrs. Oda: Right.
Admin: I’ll stay at the arcade in case he comes back.
Joker: Right. See you.
>With that, we leave.
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>In the summer, Miura Beach is crowded with people. But now the summer was coming to an end and autumn fast approaching, there were very few people still here... We really need to remember to come back here next year. Anyway, me and Mrs. Oda arrived.
Joker: Okay, the map says that Shinya’s phone should be right over...
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Mrs. Oda: (a bit surprised) Well... I guess... It’s no surprise that a legendary gamer would want legendary ramen.
Joker: Try calling again.
>Mrs. Oda takes out her phone and calls... We hear a ringtone inside the truck. We check inside. We find a backpack with Shinya’s name on it. And near ti... His cap. We look inside the backpack... His phone with at least a dozen messages from his mother.
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Mrs. Oda: That’s it, I’m calling the cops.
>Shinya where the hell are you?
>On a hidden ship out at sea, Shinya comes to.
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(if you’re wondering why he has his cap on when it was left behind, that’s because this is the only sprite there is of him) Wh- What happened to me? I remember the legendary ramen truck. I knew I had some money and some time, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to stop for a bit. Damn, I should have known it was odd. The legendary truck never stops unless someone catches it. I got in, got some ramen, eat some of it and...
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Ugh! I just can’t remember.
>Shinya tries to get up... But he feels something painful on his back.
Shinya: OW! What the...
>He feels his back. It was...
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>It was... A shark dorsal fin.
????????: Ah, I see you’re awake at last. I know it was wrong to hijack a legendary ramen truck, but still, for my research.
Shinya: What... What did you do to me?
????????: I merely gave you half of my serum.
>The man then walks into the light.
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The rest is right here. Don’t worry, this won’t hurt... Much.
>Shinya tries to back away from the man, but he was too strong and quick and grabbed Shinya and injected him with something. After that, Shinya started writhing in pain.
Mad scientist: Amazing! The legendary gamer, Shinya Oda. You have been playing Gun About for so long, you might actually become skilled with a real gun. And combined with this serum. This... Gene Slammer, I might actually create the perfect being that I, Dr. Anton Sevarius, would put this serum’s original creator, the ‘great’ Dr. Luther Paradigm, to shame. You see, the problem with our creations... Is who we chose for it. We chose random people... But now I’m choosing more carefully.
Shinya: (still in pain) What’s... What’s going to happen to me?
Dr. Sevarius: Rest assure that when the pain is over... You will be beautiful.
Shinya: (now in the greatest pain there is): No... N-
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>With that, Shinya falls.
Dr. Sevarius: Such drama... I love it.
>Suddenly, someone comes in.
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I don’t feel right about mutating a kid, but if it means we can make the Pack stronger, we’ll try anything... Can a shark even be part of a pack?
Dr. Sevarius: Normally, a group of sharks is called a frenzy. And that’s why we will be creating this new group of fighters. Our... Pack Frenzy.
Wolf: I see. By the way, Jackle-
Voice from outside: (clearing thought)
Wolf: (groan) Captain Jackle said we’re approaching Fission City. I can’t believe this ship got us here so quickly. Where did you say you got it from again?
Dr. Sevarius: Just something Halcyon Renard won’t miss... Especially where he is now.
>Meanwhile, in a riverside warehouse in New York where the ship is suppose to be...
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Well... This can’t be good. Miss Anastasia won’t like this... If she ever comes back from one of her long trips.
Worker: What do you suggest we do, Mr. Vogel?
Mr. Vogel: ... Get me Elisa Maza.
>Back on the ship which is now really close to Fission City, California.
Wolf: I don’t understand. Why come here to Fission City? What about those Street Sharks who live here a lot?
Dr. Sevarius: Think of it this way... No gargoyles.
Wolf: That’s something, I guess.
>Hearing this, after the pain finally stopped, Shinya breaks free of his chains and knocks the two men aside. He runs out of the room and jumps off deck into the water and swims to the city ahead.
Wolf: That can’t be good. I’m going after him.
Dr. Sevarius: Don’t bother. Where will he go? He’s a stranger in a strange land... and sea here.
Wolf: What about the Street Sharks?
Dr. Sevarius: ... Go after him.
>Then, with a loud howl, Wolf changes.
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Believe me, I will.
>Fission City. Shinya Oda, once a regular boy who was really good at shooter games, was now roaming in a place he has never been before... But he does know of it.
Shinya: (at his mother’s request, we will not be showing him as a shark/human being, use your imagination) If this place is Fission City... Lena... Damn, if only I had my phone.
>Shinya looked around and spotted a phone booth and goes to it. He finds a phone book. Keep in mind, Shinya is still learning English, so finding what he’s looking for in an American phone book is difficult. But, after a little struggling, he found what was looking for. Lena Mack. Her address was with it.
Shinya: Got it!
>The apartment of young scientist, Lena Mack. Lena Mack was just about to go on her morning run when...
Shinya: (calling from the bushes) Psst!
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Who’s there.
>Shinya comes out of his hiding place.
Lena Mack: (surprised) A shark!?
Shinya: Lena onesan*.
Onesan=big sister
Lena Mack: Wait... King bo*? Is... Is that you?
Bo=used for babies or young boys.
Shinya: I could use a little help. Can you take me someplace.
Lena: I know a place.
>In a sewer like lair, Lena introduces Shinya to her friends, Bends... and the Street Sharks.
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I don’t believe it! We finally lock up Piranoid for good, then someone comes along and copies him? And does it to a kid? Taking him away from his mother just like that?
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I know you’re upset, Jab, but we can fix this. We still have the antidote we used on ourselves once.
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I don’t know, you guys. I’ve heard of this Sevarius guy from a friend of mine in New York. If what he says is true, there’s a chance he’s probably expecting us to use the antidote and made it so it wouldn’t work, or worse.
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Then what are we suppose to do?
Bends: I suppose telling someone won’t work. This guy might try to do something if we do.
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Then we’ll just go after him. We’ll make him pay for what he did.
Streex: He’s got the Pack with him. And they’re probably prepared for us... Makes you wish those gargoyles were here right now. But still, we can’t let this go by. If we want to be sure that if he really made it so the antidote doesn’t work, we need to get it straight from him.
Lena: How do we do that? Convince him to have a change of heart?
Shinya: ... Actually, that’s exactly what should happen.
Lena: You know something?
Shinya: I do. All I need... Is the Internet.
>Ripster takes Shinya to the computer and he begins typing away.
Shinya: Phantom. Aficionado. Website.
Ripster: The Phantom Thieves of Hearts? I guess that might work. If this guy isn’t heartless as people say he is, they might help.
Shinya: No, I can tell he’s definitely heartless... But I think I know a target for them.
Bends: Who?
Shinya: A member of the Pack, Wolf, he sounds like he genuinely didn’t like that Sevarius mutated a kid for his plans. Maybe he’s our ticket.
Jab: (smiling) I actually like the way you think... Kahuna.
Shinya: (puzzled) Kahuna?
Jab: Yeah, gotta call your shark form something. Going by your real name might cause problems. I thought of Kahuna ‘cause you’re the big man where you come from. Plus, you managed to escape from your kidnappers and swim all the way here.
Shinya: Kahuna? ... You know, I actually like that.
Big Slammu: Glad you do
>So, Kahuna, begins making his request... What’s going to happen next.
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