yukanyhat · 2 years
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Pop up show at Isetan 2020 Spring/Summer #barneysnewyork #hat #yukany #yukahaaegawa #yuka #yukanyhat #yukahatny #長谷川ゆか#JR伊勢丹京都#三越日本橋本店#mitsukoshihonten #isetan (at Isetan Shinjuku,Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfmYASLLuWu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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liroyalty · 4 months
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If possible, Suzana has found some men in this god forsaken world she likes.
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askuemki · 9 months
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Another fan-oc !! She's not a part of any cannon groups, but she could be in the cartel if i had to choose. (Majority of my fan characters could/would be in the cartel anyways.) Also made a small discovery while creating Tigress' portrait, I recommend using a "mid-tone" light color, it gives a pretty nice effect! (Ex: Shadow color would be blue, light colors would be yellow (brightest) and red (blending/mid-tone) ----
Basic info/lore:
Svetka "Tigress" Malov lieutenant within the YHF 5'3, 137 lb, mid-late 20's Russian, Yukanian Personality: Reserved and haughty, and straight to the point. Prefers to not dwell upon unnecessary matters, often having to juggle her chatty and carefree boss: Howler, and work matters. Often vulgar and snappy with her comebacks, though she doesn't cause a feral explosion. (Unlike my other character; Roadkill/Lenore.)
(explanation abt Yukani + YHF below vv)
Currently lives in a fictional country Yukani, located maybe somewhere in the more northern-ish regions of Greenland. YHF: Yukani Hunter Forces, a Yukanian mercenary corporation that primarily focuses on search and rescue, also holds commission operations outside of the country. Utilizes specialized artillery for winter conditions, and (many beloved) sled dogs. Currently led by the Chief Captain, Kaja Quimmeq; otherwise known as "Howler."
---- No extra doodles atm, thinking about the idea of a small comic. Will probably make a master link of my characters soon! Other characters !! Lenore "Roadkill" Winsidor Chelo "Mariposa" Garza
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behindthegataline · 5 years
🔧 T-34 and Yukani
Yuki is a solid sniper out on the field
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T-34 is basically a lab monkey
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dendylabyrinth · 2 years
Wait Nemu and Touka actually died?
Oh no! They did blow up, but they both are alive. It was step one of their plan to spread the existence of Magical Girls that we are still not privy to. They made their punishment bracelets explode by transforming. And apparently the plan succeeded! Since neither Sakurako or her Rumor disappeared, Nemu and Touka are still alive (Nemu confirmed that when she dies, all her Rumors will cease to exist, including Sakurako).
This all happened in Chapter 8, which ends with them being wheeled off into the emergency room. They sent a text to Ui right before though, telling her they need to make sure Ui, Kagome and Iroha survive no matter what if they want to meet all the conditions for their plan to succeed. I’m pretty sure we get a bit more on their current condition this chapter, but I still haven’t read much about it.
You know these two CGs?
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Back when Chapter 8 dropped, I saw the new art before reading much of it. So when I saw these, I thought it was Touka and Nemu joining the fray again! Like all “We’re back bitches!”. But this is actually them blowing up! Also these two dweebs are actually making that dramatic pose on purpose. They actually talked about wanting to look awesome doing it:
Touka whines that this doesn't look cool at all. Nemu is equally unimpressed (From the wiki’s summary of chapter 8)
Sakurako asking Rabi right after if there’s still not any hope is hilarious to me, especially with how traumatized Rabi looks:
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Geez, no wonder they went back to Yukani city, as messed up of a place as it is, at least they don’t have kids blowing themselves up as a testament of atonement for past sins and proof of future hope. ‘Holy shit, this city is fucked up’ has been the shared experience for everyone coming in from outside Kamihama.
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109019390 MC name is Yukani (I hope I'm not too late!)
Just saying if you didn't realize people send me their IDs not so I can add them on my list which is full as well but on a list I made on Tumblr for those who are a little bit or who do not know anyone around the fandom but still want to get the daily APs 🥰
Since your other told me your list is full I won't add you on the Tumblr list but yeah I wanted to make sure it was understood ❤️
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ol-oil · 5 years
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Download flac
(Click jacket image for other formats.)
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yukanyhat · 2 years
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「飛んでイスタンブール」の  庄野真代さん 展覧会に来てくださいましたが、 どなたかわからず話していて イセタンの人が アセ💦って 教えてくださいました。 たしかにお綺麗でした。 #barneysnewyork #hat #yukany #yukahaaegawa #yuka #yukanyhat #yukahatny #長谷川ゆか#JR伊勢丹京都#三越日本橋本店#mitsukoshihonten #isetan (at Isetan Shinjuku,Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfmXhClrsTL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukanyhat · 2 years
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先日天龍寺のヒミツのお茶会を開いてくださった Ragi さんにいただいた ホンモノの金、銀箔の折り方アートが タイ🇹🇭を旅して やっとNYに到着😍 Welcome to New York 😎 ワタシのcat art work に 飾ってみたら、 何故か、ピッタリ来た💕 #hat #yukany #newyork #yukahaaegawa #yuka #yukanyhat #yukahatny #長谷川ゆか#catart #cat #catartwork (at Times Squares) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfebpaALtW9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukanyhat · 2 years
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ただただ 雄大 私もこんな大きな木みたいに 順風も逆風も、  予期せぬこともすべて、 受け止めて 悠々として 成長し続けたいな、、、 #hat #yukany #newyork #yukahaaegawa #yuka #yukanyhat #yukahatny #長谷川ゆか#JR伊勢丹京都#三越日本橋本店#mitsukoshihonten (Blue Elephant Phuket) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfRbYKZLndZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukanyhat · 2 years
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美容室Carlerouのオーナーさんから、 ひと目惚れされたお帽子が お手元に届いたようで お写真と嬉しい投稿をいただきました。 マジックハットが 貴女だけのステキな出逢いやドラマを描いてくれますように💋💋💋 Thank you for your smile with magic hat 🎩 アーティストの�� 作品が手元に〜 自分にとって帽子は ファッションの最も 大きなアイテムの一つ 帽子はフィット感と フェイスラインと大きさとの バランスが何よりのポイント だからこそ お店で扱うものだけでなく 気に入れば帽子専門店や ブランドにこだわらず ハンドメイド作品、ビンテージと〜 そんな中で ついに〜、一点もののハットを 中心としたアーティスト 長谷川ゆかさんの作品を〜 ニューヨークで活躍を拠点と しながら年に何度か、帰国して 東京、京都の高級デパートで 個展を開くパワフルな活躍ぶりに 一点ものなだけに〜 エネルギー溢れた作品ばかり そんな中で 自分がキュンとなる作品に 先日巡り合って 思わずトントン拍子に〜 巡り合って目の前に… 自分だけの作品に届いた時は ゆかさんのお馴染みの 帽子の入ったサイン入りの箱から 開く時はドキドキ 「上質のパリバンタル生地の vintage style 携帯しやすく おカバンに フラットに入れらる スーパーマジックハット」 という記載にも惹かれて購入した だけあってフィット感も納得! 届くまでは気になっていた バランスも抜群に決まって! 帽子好きにはたまらない 大正解〜的なこの感覚に めちゃくちゃ嬉しかった 自分の好きなものは 好きなものの価値観としても 自分にしかわからない感覚 安い高いだけでなく まずは胸にズキューンとくるもの そして〜 何よりも眺め見るだけでなく 着た時、使った時に これは使える!必要!とする ものに出会えたら更に 気持ちが上がるこの感覚に 出会えたことに〜 自分にとっての貴重な ハットコレクションが増えた おろしたてのオニュウなハットの 迷ったコーディネートは 引き立てるためにもあえての デニムとリネンのフードプルオーバー とハットのリボンに合わせた ライトブラウンのローファーで ナチュラルにカジュアルダウンで〜 やっぱり… ファッションは楽しいです #carleerou #ファッション #セレクトショップ #アラフォーコーデ #アラフィフコーデ #お洒落コーデ #石川県能美市 #ファッションコーディネート #長谷川ゆかの作品 #barneysnewyork #hat #yukany #yukahaaegawa #yuka #yukanyhat #yukahatny #長谷川ゆか#JR伊勢丹京都#三越日本橋本店#mitsukoshihonten (Carleerou) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfP4kY8LJFU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukanyhat · 2 years
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紫陽花ハット 作りました♪ #barneysnewyork #hat #yukany #yukahaaegawa #yuka #yukanyhat #yukahatny #長谷川ゆか#JR伊勢丹京都#三越日本橋本店#mitsukoshihonten (Kyoto, Japón) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeuDfigBILR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukanyhat · 2 years
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紫陽花ハット😍🥰🥰 #barneysnewyork #hat #yukany #yukahaaegawa #yuka #yukanyhat #yukahatny #長谷川ゆか#JR伊勢丹京都#三越日本橋本店#mitsukoshihonten https://www.instagram.com/p/CetcEoPPmsB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukanyhat · 2 years
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紫陽花ハット😍🥰🥰 #barneysnewyork #hat #yukany #yukahaaegawa #yuka #yukanyhat #yukahatny #長谷川ゆか#JR伊勢丹京都#三越日本橋本店#mitsukoshihonten https://www.instagram.com/p/CetcEoPPmsB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukanyhat · 2 years
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日本橋三越本店の看板娘、 タツコ姫と迷コンビで Magic Hat めちゃくちゃ 売れました〜💕💕💕💕💕 皆さま、 ありがとうございました😊 #barneysnewyork #hat #yukany #yukahaaegawa #yuka #yukanyhat #yukahatny #長谷川ゆか#JR伊勢丹京都#三越日本橋本店#mitsukoshihonten (三越日本橋本店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CenCtLRr-Mn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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