#you're probably decently good at deflecting at this point. and like i said its not even TECHNICALLY required to win the battle
blueskittlesart · 1 year
you are the reason I decided to finally buy botw, the very first of the games I've played. I really like botw and still haven't beaten ganon bc reasons (it has been years)
so many people i know who bought botw as their first zelda game avoid beating ganon like the plague and i truly need you to understand that he is like. nowhere near the most difficult boss in that game. i'd call thunderblight more difficult personally ESPECIALLY without the master sword. as long as you're a decent shot with a bow and you either know how to deflect with a shield or are good enough at dodging and have urbosa's fury you will be FINE. you will finish the game and get to experience the very good ending cutscenes and then you will be dropped back into your unchanged save file anyway. there's no reason to not at least TRY it i promise you it's not nearly as difficult as you think it is and the spectacle of the battle and ending cutscenes is more than worth it imo
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Buster & Rio
Buster: You telling me you had somewhere better to be or what? Rio: Hm? Rio: Cinderella rules, like Buster: Since when do you play by any rules? Rio: You know, a year older Rio: what better time to start Buster: You're 19 not 91 like Buster: Why did you waste a wish on becoming a boring bitch? Rio: Fuck you Rio: Maybe I'm just resolving to have my fun other places Buster: And now you've wasted an opportunity to tell me to go fuck myself after leaving me on my own Buster: Fucking amateur Rio: Well, whatever you wanna do 'til you gotta be out is your business Buster: Might as well get your money's worth Buster: Since I'm obviously not gonna see you to give you your cash back now you're playing so hard to get Rio: Consider it a thank you 'cos who's playing Buster: You already thanked me, babe Buster: Nothing I gave you is worth two Rio: Alright, consider it a thanks for everything then, if we gotta be dramatic about it Buster: You're being dramatic, I'm just keeping up Rio: Call it that if you like but nothing but realistic Buster: Bullshit Buster: Nothing but you being a pussy more like Rio: Very mature Rio: Not one of your friends, you can't tease me into doing shit Buster: 'Cause legging it really is Buster: Fuck you Rio: Like you're so bothered, yeah? Rio: Done you a favour and left the cash Buster: Bothered on your behalf 'cause not only do I look mint in the mornings but I would have covered the bill Rio: Sure you can get someone else in to appreciate both before getting the boot Rio: talented as you are Buster: 'Course Rio: Welcome Buster: I ain't thanking you, babe Buster: Not your birthday now, I don't have to play nice Rio: Well you should Buster: Why should I? Rio: Aside from the aforementioned favours? Rio: Idk, saving your soul Buster: I already told you they ain't, just excuses Buster: And you can fuck off with that too Rio: How you work that one out, wonderboy? Buster: How did I work out that you're calling excuses favors or how do I know that you're calling me a sinner 'cause you feel like shit? Buster: Which is it Rio: Grant you, probably not in the bible as they were all begatting each other back in the day Rio: still Buster: I wouldn't give a shit if it was spelled out there on page 1 Buster: That bollocks don't run me and I don't regret anything Rio: Can't blame a girl for trying Buster: You reckon Rio: damn, you woke up the wrong side of the kingsize, I get it Buster: Fuck off Rio: Already did Buster: Make it last this time then Rio: That's the plan Buster: Good Rio: We don't have to be uncivil about it, like Rio: is what it is Buster: Don't tell me how to be Rio: Alright Rio: just saying Buster: Well, don't Rio: Yeah, you don't get to tell me what to say either Rio: it's not a huge ask is it Buster: Whatever Rio: Fucking hell Buster: What? Buster: What's your fucking problem now? Rio: You, you're my fucking problem Buster: So go Buster: What are you still doing here anyway? Rio: Yeah, you're that thick all of a sudden Rio: when it suits you, okay Rio: forget it Buster: You forget it Buster: That's clearly your new fucking mantra or whatever Rio: Hardly Rio: Sorry I don't revel in being fucked up, don't have the fucking luxury like Buster: Shut up Buster: Last night, when it suited you, you did exactly that Buster: And don't act like you don't have the same luxuries as I do Rio: You know I was off my face Rio: and those aren't the luxuries I mean, I care what people think, especially the people who rely on me to not be Rio: whatever the fuck this person is Buster: And? So was I Buster: I know what the fuck you meant. And I'm saying you're not the only one who has people relying on you. Get over yourself, Christ Rio: so it doesn't count Buster: If that's what you need to tell yourself, go ahead Rio: Well it doesn't Rio: none of this does Rio: nip it in the bud and call the therapist before its a real issue Buster: Like I said, fuck off then Buster: We don't need to still be talking Rio: Why don't you Buster: You're the one calling the shots, aren't you? At least that's the way you're running your mouth, like Buster: I already told you I don't have any regrets Rio: There's your answer then Rio: I need to know why Rio: and how the fuck Buster: Why and how the fuck what? Rio: Why and how don't you regret it Buster: Why should I? Rio: You really need the list or? Buster: Not of your excuses, nah Rio: Be serious Buster: I am Buster: I don't give a fuck about any of your sob story bullshit Buster: Do what you want Rio: My sob story? Rio: This is about you stop deflecting Buster: Bullshit Buster: It's about you and who you're trying to be Buster: You already admitted that Rio: Well why the fuck aren't you trying Rio: you've got people relying on you too, you said Buster: I am Buster: You know I'm doing my best for my kid. It's nothing to do with this Rio: Sure Rio: Compartmentalise, always works Buster: What do you know? Buster: You ain't in my head Rio: 'Cause you ain't special Rio: immune to fucking reality Buster: I don't need to be Buster: Whatever you think this is, it ain't some great catastrophe Rio: Yeah, it is Buster: Nah Buster: We've both got bigger problems Rio: That is precisely the fucking point Rio: You think you can do whatever the hell you want on the weekends and that that's not going to affect your kid? Rio: Grow up and dream on Buster: Who I fuck doesn't and won't affect my kid Buster: Grow up yourself, I'm not out here trying to marry you Rio: Yeah, 'cos that's all that counts Rio: you're so fucking clueless Buster: You wish, babe Buster: I don't need to cry over this to be clued in Rio: Yeah, save it for when it's too late Rio: fucking genius Buster: Says you Buster: being a fucking idiot Rio: Just because it takes too much effort for you to try and do and be right Buster: If you say so Rio: Whatever Buster: Sounds like it's too much effort for you to try and be in any way convincing Rio: If you aren't listening you aren't listening Rio: can't force you Buster: If you're chatting shit, you're chatting shit Buster: Can't stop you Rio: Jesus fucking Christ Buster: What the fuck do you want, Rio? God's sake Rio: Just be a decent human being so I don't have to fucking worry about you too Rio: alright Buster: You don't have to worry about me Rio: Oddly enough, your word isn't all that reassuring but cheers Buster: Says the girl who fucked off and left me worrying about her Rio: Why would you worry about that Buster: 'Cause I'm not a total cunt and we were both in a state last night Buster: How can I not worry when you were that fucking high, babe Buster: You could have gone anywhere, anytime, how would I have known, like Rio: 'Cos I left cash, like Rio: Hardly the actions of a mad woman even if you love to pay Rio: but alright, I hear you Buster: Good Rio: Doesn't change the fact but my bad on that bit Buster: Fine Buster: Anything else you wanna tell me or is that it? Rio: About covers it Buster: See you around then Rio: Yeah Rio: Christmas, probably Buster: Yeah. Can't really get out of it Rio: Yeah, well maybe Rio: can't nah at our grieving card if we pull it, idk Buster: Yours maybe. My parents would have something to say about me trying that Rio: Obviously Rio: Not that closely related like, let's not get crazy Rio: Parents and siblings only or this shit'll spread like wildfire Buster: Obviously
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