#you're expecting geraskifer? WRONG
Jaskier gift giving love language fic coming soon👀
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soundsfaebutokay · 2 years
That's it. I need it. And I demand that you must give me ALL of your Geraskier fic recs. I keep wandering the tags aimlessly looking for good shit and not finding nearly enough.
(Special addition of please gimme some completed/one-shot recs because I am not a patient person and I need the feels NOW.)
Never let it be said that I don't know how to take responsibility for dragging you onto this ship. I gotchu, fam.
Abby's Long List of S1 Geraskier Fic Recs
(because s2's got me in a Geraskifer mood and I haven't collected enough s2 Geraskier yet. None of these are s2 canon-compliant.)
Fun and/or Softness and/or Fluff
Crammed In With You by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Across the years, Geralt and Jaskier have needed to share a bed. Then there was the one time they got a room with two beds instead.
If you guessed which of those times was the awkward one, you would have guessed wrong.
non-human Jaskier by shestepsintotheriver
unconnected Witcher fics feat. non-human Jaskier.
Broken Curses by Castillon02, greedy_dancer
A series exploring the ways Geralt and Jaskier trust each other. All works can be read independently.
a heartbeat in hand by asweetepilogue
Geralt notices Jaskier's hands. It's starting to become a problem.
Offerings by Descarada
Secondary Title: Was Anybody Going to Tell Me That Geralt was Courting Me? Or Was I Just Supposed to Find it Out From This Random Herbalist Myself? This is a story about Geralt trying to court Jaskier, and the poor bard missing it completely. A little bit of moronsexuals and lot of vulnerability and sweetness.
Cat's Cradle by handwrittenhello
Jaskier gets turned into a kitten after accidentally upsetting a god. Geralt is going to have a hell of a time keeping him safe now.
spring, summer, spring by yogurtgun
After spending a treacherous winter together, Jaskier and Geralt make an arrangement: they travel together for three seasons before Jaskier finds a town or a court to winter over until spring. However, this year Geralt meets Jaskier a little earlier than expected, during Imbaelk. Between holiday celebrations, solstices and plum schnapps, Geralt falls in love and loses his way.
Winters at the Academy by Beginte
A Witcher in his bard's university town
you're only brave in the moonlight (stay til sunrise) by SummerFrost
Falling in love with his roommate is, objectively, a bad idea—but most of the major decisions of Jaskier's life have been bad ideas, and they've gotten him this far.
Concession by Elisexyz
Geralt not-so-secretly loves being the little spoon. Cuddling Without Plot.
kiss it better by NatTheSongbird
There were many strange things about traveling with Jaskier. He seemed incapable of being quiet, for one. He was a shameless flirt and had no problem falling into the wrong person's bed. More than once, Geralt had seen him start a fight with anyone who spat insults at him.
Stranger than all of that, however, was his insistence on helping Geralt. Every time he came back from a job hurt, Jaskier smacked his hands away and busied himself with tending to Geralt's wounds. And every time, he finished it with a kiss and a cheerful proclamation that he would "kiss it better."
The weirdest part? It worked.
I'll Wish Upon Embers by DrowningByDegrees
Geralt lets Jaskier talk him into sticking around for a village's midsummer festival. He assumes they're staying for Jaskier's benefit, but somewhere between the flower crowns and the bonfire, Geralt realizes it was a gift meant for him all along.
Golden Days (a love story in hindsight) by TeenyTinyTony
As Jaskier and Geralt make their way towards their first “real” midsummer together as a couple they reflect on the midsummers that led them there.
Alternative title: Three times Geralt and Jaskier didn't get to celebrate midsummer and one time they did.
Tailored by TakeTheShot
Since the day that they met Jaskier has not been one thing that Geralt expected. Why he hadn't imagined that the trend would carry on in the bedroom, he has no idea.
A bit of smutty silliness with feels, in which Geralt is surprised to find that he has feelings for Jaskier, is surprised to find that those feelings are reciprocated and then is surprised one more time...
Bardic Idyll by Lisztful
Jaskier is certain he can win the Continent's annual bardic competition, but he needs to be accompanied by a dashing romantic companion in order to enter. Enter Geralt, who is definitely, for sure, only interested in the free food, and not at all in staring lovingly into Jaskier's eyes.
Pretend boyfriends fic, with battling bards, well-meaning friends, and fluff and angst in equal measure.
Woodash and iron and leather by iffervescent
Jaskier is the only person Geralt's ever been around who doesn't smell of fear
Dandelion Clocks by CobaltCephalopod
The little things Jaskier learns about Geralt and what Geralt notices about Jaskier over the years. Starting with the veracity in his claim to have "bread in his pants" at their first meeting.
Keeping Crows by Castillon02
If it was some kind of weird religious thing, it was for a god Geralt had never heard of. Probably it was just a weird Jaskier thing. Crows, of all creatures! Corpse eaters. Grain stealers. No one liked crows. But Jaskier was voluntarily traveling with a Witcher; maybe he just had poor taste.
Slow Burn and/or Plotty
The Paths You Take by CosmicOcelot
“Oh, thank the gods,” Jaskier breathes. “Name’s Lambert, actually,” the witcher corrects, his lips breaking into a crooked grin, “Though I certainly won’t stop you from worshipping me.”
Will you be coming home? by what_a_dork_fish
At fifteen, Julian hires a bodyguard and runs away.
At twenty, he's quite happy.
At twenty-five, he's fucked.
The Stars are Gone When You Look Away by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Geralt is determined to get everyone he cares about safe to Kaer Morhen for the winter, but neither Jaskier nor Yennefer are inclined to be cooperative - and then the truth of Jaskier's past comes to threaten the present.
Stuck in the fae realm with the thinnest of lies to keep them from being separated, Geralt and Jaskier are going to have to solve their relationship and keep their wits about them if they want to make it out of here intact. At least Yennefer and Triss are willing to help...
...if Yennefer and Triss could get over whatever they've got going on between them.
Shining by Nemainofthewater
Things that Jaskier can remember about his family: -His mother stroking his hair, the soft murmur of her voice as he settled more comfortably against her. There was firelight and warmth and love. -A brief moment of triumph and then the feeling of weightlessness as his father lifts him from the tree and cradles him to his chest. The steady rhythm of his heart in his breast. -Reaching up to the sky. He’s not sure what for. Possibly for his parents, though he knows that they are gone, that they have left him, that they are never coming back. -His grandfather’s stern visage. The knowledge that he doesn’t want him. That no one wants him. Being sent to temple school is honestly a relief.
Jaskier is (unknowingly) a dragon and is (forcibly) adopted by Borch, post Rare Species.
With a Conquering Air by inexplicifics
From the kinkmeme: AU Warlord!Geralt receives Tribute!Jaskier as a sacrifice to appease him in every way possible. Jaskier has no choice on the matter and he’s fully aware of the awful rumours that have spread about Geralt and his ruthless conquests. (But we all know those aren’t legit.) A classic angst with a happy ending please! A dash of smut to heal those scars and a sprinkle of new found love!
Jaskier arrives at Kaer Morhen knowing his family gave him up without a second thought, and absolutely sure that the dreaded Warlord of the North will value him even less than his own blood did. But the White Wolf and his pack are not what Jaskier expected...and if he's unreasonably lucky, Kaer Morhen might become far more of a home than Lettenhove ever was.
...He is, in fact, going to be unreasonably lucky, because the Warlord of the North is a far finer monarch - and a far better man - than Redania's king has ever dreamed of being.
Angst and/or Lots of Complicated, Achy Feels
a year and a day by ShanaStoryteller
Geralt makes two promises that he doesn't want to keep.
Tunes Without Words by foxy_mulder
The plan is this:
He will note all the things that annoy Geralt, and he will stop doing them, and then Geralt will want him around.
It will work. It has to work, because Jaskier cannot be left behind.
Almost Lover by TheMalapert
Eskel likes poetry, and it it makes Geralt sick that that's the only reason he knows his long time friend has died. When Eskel shows Geralt a book that says Jaskier died, Geralt travels to Novigrad to pay his respects. He finds the bard very much alive, very much unapproachable, and very much drunk. Or is that himself? Jaskier, however, isn't going to let Geralt hide their reunion at the bottom of a bottle.
Press Until It Hurts (But Not Until It Bleeds) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
There are few things more intimate than putting a blade to someone's throat.
all the liars in the world by kageygirl
Geralt has been foolish about many things in his long life, and every time to his detriment; he'll not make the mistake of deluding himself that someone like Jaskier, with all the world open to him and everything to offer in return, would ever really choose Geralt's company in that way.
(Geralt may not be a reliable narrator of his own life.)
An Unexpected Song by trekkiepirate
The peace of the breakfast table was broken by a portal opening barely a meter from the center of the room.
Yennefer stumbled out of it backwards, a bundle held tight to her shoulder and her other arm clasped tight around a bleeding woman in a hooded cloak.
Correction, a bloody woman.
Every Witcher stood, instantly alert. Geralt pressed Ciri behind himself and blessed Jaskier’s lazy habits that meant the bard wasn’t out of his room yet.
Truth of The Heart by CosmicOcelot
Maybe the worst part, Jaskier muses as he stares into his tankard, is that it’s all so horribly... cliché.
The inconsequential companion – tossed aside the moment that the truly intended, cosmically wedded couple finally meet. Because what chance does he stand – what role could he ever play – that would permit Destiny to place him on the same stage – let alone in the same scene – as witchers and sorceresses?
We Remake Ourselves by Jadelyn
Jaskier is secretly a dragon with a crippled wing who can't fly. Geralt is not so secretly an idiot when it comes to things like emotions and relationships. They'll probably figure it out, eventually. Maybe.
can you play me a memory? by pasdecoeur
Ciri meets Jaskier when she's nine. It's all downhill from there.
The Spectre's Wreath by RebrandedBard
Geralt is wrongfully hired to dispose of a vengeful spectre that haunts a lake, only to discover it is the town's unknown guardian and the very spirit of Yule itself. Yule curses Geralt with a wreath atop his head. If he does not receive a kiss before the lake thaws in spring, he will turn to ice and die. With the pass to Kaer Morhen closed up, Geralt decides to spend his last winter in Oxenfurt with Jaskier. But it may not be his last after all if Jaskier has anything to say about it.
Honeysuckle by Amazonia_8
The mutations are specific tools for specific uses. Formidable strength for formidable enemies. Sharpened sight to see what lurked in the darkness. Keen smell to track every kind of quarry. So while the varied scents of men can often times tell him what they are thinking, what they are likely about to do, there is one who's scent is unlike any other. There are precious few mysteries in Geralt's life anymore, even less that is new.
The Witcher Wolf by im_fairly_witty
It’s been two weeks since Geralt shouted Jaskier away from him on that mountain and Jaskier has been handling it like a champ by forlornly wandering alone in the wilderness with his lute. When he (literally) stumbles across an injured white wolf he decides to take a chance and see if he can help it, appreciating the irony of the situation but not quite realizing why it is that the wolf’s golden eyes look exactly like his Witcher’s...
Ivy on the Hill by chaya
"A quiet companion, a noble friend! / Has no compunctions 'bout biting your end!" Jaskier stops, frowns, and repositions his fingers on the lute's neck as if trying to work something out.
"Are you singing to Roach?" Geralt asks, leaning over the saddle horn. "I'm not hallucinating?"
Jaskier looks up and smiles brightly, cheeks pink from the sun. Something in Geralt... doesn't like this. "Well, you do take excellent care of her, but a little praise can go a long way, you know."
hope it's nice where you are by K9_DFTBA
After Jaskier goes viral for being a pining mess during a livestream, Geralt’s family tries to figure out exactly why the couple broke up, given that Jaskier is clearly still in love with Geralt. Meanwhile, Geralt is in denial, Jaskier is absolutely fine, thanks, and the internet is having a bit of a breakdown.
The categories are far from strict. I just roughly put them under the overall vibe (and what mood I'm craving when I reread them).
Several of these are part of ongoing series, but the fics I linked are complete and satisfying on their own.
I've got more recs here. And uh, so so much more, but for next time because this is already long. Let me know if you want another list. :)
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