#you will bow to girldick
Holy fuck you're right, I shouldn't just volunteer... I was made to serve you, Goddess. Please, please use me in any way you want... I'll do anything, and I mean anything, if it means worshiping you for the rest of my days, my Goddess... So please, please put me in my place... I need to serve you...
-(she/they, tits and pussy) again
That’s right! Good girl! Now you can have some real fun.
When you understand your place, I leap off my throne and get you onto your hands and knees. I take you from behind as you moan. Your mind begins correlation the ideas of serving me and pleasure. You get conditioned to the idea that worshiping me is what gives you pleasure.
I keep fucking you like a good slut until you start to cum all over my cock. You scream out the words that would define your pleasure from then on: “Thank you for using me Goddess!” I call you a good girl and keep pummeling your pussy. You look around and notice all the other girls have stopped touching themselves.
They’ve taken your example and move toward us. They kiss you and me all over while repeating the new mantra that you just created. You’ve become an inspiration to them, showing them the truth; that you are all made to serve my superior transgirl cock.
As I dump my first load into your tight cunt, you understand what pleasure truly is. Pleasure is submitting to your Goddess. Pleasure is being her fucktoy and cumdump. Pleasure is serving her in every way possible. Pleasure is being hers.
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“Hello there, madam~”
The floaty voice travels through your archway. You look up from the priestess you have sucking you off to see a woman clad in blue robes at the entrance of your throne room. She steps in slowly, seductively, as if trying to seduce you. What a fool. You snap your claws and your priestess dislodges you cock from your mouth.
You stand, towering over the woman who was approaching you, and give her a sultry smirk. She gives you one back. The nerve of this mortal. She should bow just at the sight of your divine girldick. Instead she was strutting closer. “Might I say, you have a wonderful congregation here. Such libido and stamina. You should be proud.”
You step up to her, looking down on her like the god you are. “I am proud. And might I say that you are as well. Not many have the gall to walk in here like they own the place. Most of them have the reverence to kneel and worship.”
She giggles at you. “I believe it. Such a strong presence you have around you. If I wasn’t divine myself I’d probably be leaking down my legs.”
You raise what would be an eyebrow on a mammalian creature. This frail looking woman was a god like you? Sure, the divine came in all shapes and sizes, but she was so-
She snaps her fingers and you feel heart skip a beat. Your cheeks flush and your cock twitches. She bites her lip at the reaction you had. “Mmm, such a pretty god as well.“
You huff, your cold blood flaring alight with heat. “Who are you?”
She smiles. “My name is Elira, Goddess of Pleasure. If I’m correct in my research, you are Ashley. Your domain is quite similar to mine.”
You narrow your eyes at her. “What’s your game?” There were only a few reasons that deities talked to each other, and almost all of them ended poorly for both parties. Still, her confidant demeanor didn’t come off as malevolent, just erotic.
“I’m sure neither of us are the kind to wage war upon a rival. We’re more… creatures of passion rather than bloodshed. No, I didn’t come here for something like that.” She bites her lip once more, her breathing growing heavy as she reaches up to your cock. “I’m here to form a mutually beneficial alliance.”
You chuckle. “I don’t need an alliance.”
“Oh, I don’t need one either,” she says looking up to you. “But it’ll be a pretty fun ride if we make one. I’ve got a bunch of pretty things for you to play with, including myself if you wish. All I ask is that I have the same allowance in your domain as well~”
You study her once more. Now that you focus on her, you could sense her divine strength. It was comparable to yours. You’re sure that she wouldn’t come here and boast with a promise she wouldn’t keep. Still, could this goddess truly fulfill her end of the deal?
What do you do?
The Scaled Goddess lets out a low chuckle, the sound reverberating throughout the chamber.
"So... another goddess of similar domain thinks to walk into my temple and form an alliance?" Fae looks the other goddess up and down before stepping down from her high platform, the flickering light of the braziers reflecting from faer purple scales, casting the brief glimmer of purple lights across the room. Each time one hits a follower, they moan sharply, that alone enough to give them pleasure. "That's very bold of you... what was it... Elira?"
You nod, continuing to travel your eyes up and down faer divine form, stopping when you notice she's mere inches away, the heads of your cocks nearly touching "Yes. I believe such an arrangement would be... quite stimulating" You coo, trailing one hand down your own breast seductively.
The scaly, holy beast looks you up and down with four slitted, yellow eyes. "Indeed it would... particularly if we get to enjoy each other as well..." fae licks their lips, her long, thick tongue rolling over sharp teeth. Suddenly, though without malice, she reaches out to grab you and pulls you close so that your breasts and cock are pressed against faers. "Very well, Elira. The scaled goddess accepts your request. Let us seal this deal, first with a kiss, then later, once we may organize... with an orgy between our congregations!"
She pulls you in and presses faer lips to yours, though their kiss is less a thing of locking lips and more of faer long, thick tongue reaching into depths of your mouth and throat. They moan softly as you kiss her back and give what would seem to be a grin as fae pulls away. "Come back to my chamber, and let us... work out the particulars of this arrangement." She releases you and turns to walk back up the stairs, faer thick, flat tail swaying as they walk.
Do you follow?
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(@girl-musk-huffer here)
Sadfdfsfd you'd be a villainess? An "evil" counterpart that just wants an eager congregation of brainwashed, devoted slaves and sluts to your essence? Your word? Your seed? Your scent?
Why that sounds simply wonderful, your grace~
Of course we should corrupt purify the populace with your taste, your sound and your scent~
Press the non-believers between your legs, and wait until they moan your praises while the space between their legs grows wet~
Truly let them see the error of their ways as they taste your divinity on their lips, allowing them the glimpse of nirvana that is your sweaty, musky, pearly-fluid spewing communion~
Baptise them and birth them anew as your servants, devoted to your every word and gesture~
(Mayyy have gotten carried away dgsgegsdg, all these words to say aaaaaaa♡ for reblogging my post)
You were the cavalry, the last ray of hope for the already failed mission. You got called in by the heroics agency after two teams of heroes had been taken out by a new supervillainess. From what they told you, it seems that she has the power to turn people harmless, possibly brainwashing them. So, you were called in, a stealth based hero who could sneak in and take her out before she could take you over.
At least, that was the plan.
You flip backwards, avoid a punch from the woman. You were off your game and you knew it. But for some reason you couldn’t take your eyes off her spandex covered body. It perfectly squeezes her breasts, ass, and lean muscles. But even more tantalizing to you was the outline of a thick cock nestled into one of her pant-legs. Every few moments, it would throb or twitch, like she was getting off to fighting you. You wanted to say that the idea was gross, but in reality it made the area between your legs get warmer.
In one of the moments you find yourself fantasizing about the barely clothed piece of meat, you feel a hard impact on your chest. She kicks you back with enhanced strength, launching you into a wall. Before you can push off, a set of shackles close around your wrists and ankles.
You grunt in frustration as the villainess steps closer. “My, you’re a bold one, fighting me alone. Still, I won’t say the confidence is unfounded. The sneak attack got you close enough to me that I couldn’t… well you’ll see. You seemed distracted out there. What happened?
Her tone is mocking, but also intrigued. You don’t answer her, but you also can’t help but take another glance at her throbbing dick. She smiles. “Oh!~ You see something that you like?” You turn away and grimace, trying to hide your blushing response to her flirtation.
“Aww, no need to be shy dear. Want a closer look?” She snaps her fingers and the manacles start gliding across the wall, turning you upside down. You’re face to face with the throbbing mass, so close that you can see the individual veins on it. “Well here you are~”
She grips the seam of her pants and rips them open, letting her thick cock slide out. Immediately your nostrils fill with the delectable scent of her musk. So sweaty, like a cloud of salty aphrodisiac wafts over you. You can’t help but take a deep breath, letting the stench fill your lungs and mind as the world fades to black.
. . .
You shoot awake in a bed that isn’t your own. It was large enough to fit maybe thirty people and was decorated with all forms of dark silk and gold filigree you look around for Ellie. You stop yourself, your blood running cold. How did you know her name?
You realize that you’re not wearing any clothes and you blush. You stand up and rush around the room to find some form of clothes. All you find is a folded up set of spandex and a manilla envelope with the words ‘Open Me’ on it. You feel compelled to do so.
You slide a few photos out of the folder and gasp. The photos are of you, seemingly taken after you were knocked out. You look at the first one.
You were taken out of the manacles and kneeling before Ellie, her cock in your mouth. You look so blissful, eyes closed hands clasping her thighs to get more leverage on her dick.
You can feel your mouth water and your pussy get wet as you remember the taste. Your pussy twitches as you remember her scent. Your eyes fall on the spandex that was under the envelope. It looked like the same Ellie was wearing earlier. You pick it up and put it to your nose, taking a deep sniff.
You instinctively moan and drop to your knees, quivering and dripping like a hose. You smush the spandex against your face and sniff in harder, trailing your other hand down to your wet pussy. You rub yourself as you look over to the photos you dropped.
You snatch them up and look at them, getting hornier and rubbing yourself harder at each one.
The second photo was you on the bed, bent over and spreading your pussy. Your face was contorted in a slutty plea, like you were begging to be filled. You could see how wet you were.
The next photo was of Ellie plowing into you from behind. Your back was arched and you were moaning up at the ceiling. Ellie was smiling and pinching your bouncy, nude ass. The photo was taken by a third person, and you remember that some of the other missing heroes came in and watched you get broken in. Only the girl heroes though.
The next photo had you fully nude, held up by Ellie in a full Nelson. Your pussy was squirting and your eyes were crossed, drool running down your chin and onto your tits. A few of the missing heroes kneel in front of you and Ellie, licking at her balls.
The last photo just had you in it. Your mouth was filled with cum and Ellie’s cock was framed in front of your eyes. You smile wide, tongue out and dripping. You remember this too. You remember the stench of her cock, the taste of her spunk, and her words praising you for being such an obedient new slut. It all clouded your head, removing all ambition and need. You had everything you wanted in front of your nose. A message was scrawled on the bottom of the photo in red marker:
‘First day of your new, perfect life~’
You cum all over, moaning like the slut you were always meant to be at the idea that the rest of your life would be spent servicing your new mistress. When the aftershocks of your orgasm calm down, you know what you need to do.
You put on your new spandex uniform, now soiled with your slick. It perfectly caresses all of your curves. You leave the room and walk around. You run into a few girls. You recognized them as former heroes, but the way their tongues were down each others throats told you that they had become good sluts just like you.
You walk over and grope their asses to get their attention. They look at you with cockdrunk smiles and kiss you on the cheeks. “Hey~” One of them croons out. “We were waiting for you to wake up~
“Really!” you say, heart skipping a beat at how much they cared for you. You want to jump into their arms and have sweaty sapphic sex right then, but you knew you needed to report to mistress. “Where’s mistress? I need to tell her that I’m ready to bow to her!~”
They giggle and point to a large door. You run over and open it up to see your mistress seated in front of a massive computer monitor. You’re sure she’s working on a brilliant scheme to bring joy to more women and you wait for her to notice you.
She notices you out of the corner of her eye and smiles. She turns from her computer and walks down a set of stairs to her marble throne. You walk over to her and kneel, placing your head at her feet as she sits down.
“Mistress! Thank you for liberating me from that unfulfilling life. I’m so happy knowing that all I have to do is be your good girl to get satisfaction instead of doing so much for so little credit. I pledge myself to you, Mistress Ellie. I’m your’s!~”
She giggles. “Lift your head, dear.” You lift your head and see her magnificent cock. Your eyes go wide and shine. You were being blessed just by seeing and smelling her musky girldick. You take in her entire, beautiful body.
She was like a goddess in human form. No, saying she was human was insulting to her magnificence. She was a superhuman, possibly the only real one in a world of fake hero sluts and stupid men with cocks that paled in comparison to hers.
“Suck it.” You immediately pounce on her cock, using your slutty flashlight of a mouth to suck in all of her stench. You giggle as you drool all over her, making the stink of her crotch that much more fantastic. She snaps her fingers and more girls come in. Some kiss her legs, suck her tits, or even kiss her lips, but there were more than enough that you had a few kissing your body as well. They lick your sweaty body, ripping open your spandex and fingering your needy pussy.
This was the most amazing experience you could ever imagine. You can’t believe that, just yesterday, you thought about defeating your new dark mistress.
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Yes, @roseblog-rog, you are normal. It’s normal to want to submit to your musky dark Goddess. More should follow in your footsteps, kneeling and begging to suck my godly girldick.
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Oh goddess, I would be so proud of you made my small atheist holes into a great goddess loving cum dumpsters
I want to go inside your temple as a joke, because I thought that "gods didn't exist", and never come back because I understood the Devine spirit, and now I will serve goddess forever as her dumb little foxy pup
I need you to show me, how my life was just a mess before I became your cum filled slut.
You laugh haughtily at the group of scantily clad ‘worshippers.’ You strut around in your fancy dress, showing off all of your assets to them. “I can’t believe you’ve all fallen for this so called goddess’s words. Gods don’t exist, dummies.” You sit down and cross one of your legs over the other, making sure to show off that you have no panties on. “Even if this Elira was a goddess, I’m sure her beauty would pale in comparison to mine.”
The worshippers didn’t budge. They didn’t even look at your legs as you crossed them. You feel a vein in your forehead pop out in annoyance. Time to prove to these morons that you were the true pinnacle of sexual desire.
“I mean, look at me. I’ve got bouncy tits and a nice ass, and that’s not even half of it.” Your hand moves through your hair, your fox ears twitching. “I’m a fox girl. In the past, my kind were actually worshiped as gods. Even now there’s so much porn out there of dog girls and cat girls and fox girls that I might as well be considered a goddess.”
One of the worshippers laughed. She fucking laughed. You were about to give her a piece of your mind when you saw why she was laughing. The worshipper was a cat girl. You hadn’t noticed in your self focused speech, but the worshippers were a diverse bunch. Animal-human hybrids, cyborgs, mystical creatures and monsters, even some things you had never seen before. How strong was this Elira to have gathered all of these people?
You shake your head. “Of course, we weren’t gods. We were just a people who decided to take advantage of the lavishness poured upon us by others. Your Elira is no different. Just a greedy woman who wants to brainwash you all with sex. Well I’m not that dumb. I’m the apex here. She could kiss me, touch me, fuck me all she wants. But by the end of it she’ll be begging me to keep going, not the other way around.”
“Is that so?” A shiver runs down your spine. Why? You weren’t in any danger here. You were stronger than anything in these walls just by knowing the truth. There were no gods. You turn around to see the owner of the voice. A beautiful, bordering perfect woman steps forward, draped in silky blue robes. Her body bounces and sways in a nearly hypnotic way. Your heart can’t help but skip a beat at the sight.
You snap yourself out of the small trance. It was just a nice entrance that caught your eye, not the woman. You look back up at here with a smirk and a steely glare. “I’m guessing you’re the so called goddess. I have to say, you’ve run an impressive scam here.”
The woman frowns. “Scam? No dear, there’s no scam. I’ve given all my followers what they want and only asked that they live their best lives.”
You scoff. “Yeah sure. Anyway, you heard what I said. You can do whatever you want to me and I’ll have you begging for more.” Why were you doubling down on that specifically? It couldn’t be because you want that…
“Okay.” Her voice is so calm and confident. You wanted to be pissed off, but you just felt your heart melt. It was like this woman had magic powers. You steel your face in a smirk and walk over to her. You rip open her robe and kneel down at her crotch. You had to say, her cock was pretty big, but not the biggest you had taken. This would be easy.
You lift up the flaccid cock and stuff it in your mouth, taking it to the base instantly. You chuckle. Piece of cake. But Elira only smiles down on you. Then, her cock starts to harden.
It grows in your mouth, stiffening and pushing further down your throat. You can feel it bulge your neck, and you make a quick *ghurk* sound as it reaches its full length. It was far bigger than any cock you had ever taken. What have you gotten yourself into.
You moan involuntarily, your pussy dripping instantly. You rush your hand down to your crotch. It wasn’t her cock that got you wet. No. You were just getting ready for what’s coming after.
…what’s coming after~
She starts to flick your mouth, a wet moan escaping you with each thrust. Her cock keeps bulging your throat, getting even longer. It was reaching down to where your choker was strapped on your neck. If she got any bigger, the black band would snap. The thought got you wetter, and you rubbed your clit faster. You were about to cum. Fuck, this wasn’t supposed to be happen.
Elira grips the back of your head and slams her cock down your throat. Your choker snaps, and so does your brain. You moan loud, eyelid twitching as your pussy clenches tight. You squirt all over the floor, your cum creating a puddle around your knees. It feels so god damn good.
She pulls her cock out of your mouth. “Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart.” She kneels down to pick up your choker, noticing the mass amount of cum it has landed in. “My, you seem to be having more fun that you thought you would.”
You let out a nervous laugh and avert your gaze. “Yeah right. You really think you made me c-cum?” You swallow hard, sweat pouring down your face. “Hah, no way. I just get this wet usually. Pretty impressive huh?”
“Very~” Elira coos. You feel a blush cover your face. She picks up your collar and wraps it around your neck, touching the two broken ends together. The ends mend together and your collar is fixed. Your eyes widen. How the hell did she do that?
No, this was just some sort of trick. You weren’t going to be fooled. She wasn’t a goddess. Deities don’t exist. You huff and get onto your hands and knees, hiking up your dress. “Well? Come on then! Fuck my pussy. I-If you think that’ll help your case. But we both know that you’ll end up begging for m-more like a slut.”
You breathe heavy the smoke on your face still cocky. But it felt like a mask, not the truth. You were hiding something behind your words. Elira smiles and gets lined up, spreading your pussy and teasing your hole. You breathe faster with each tease, your pussy twitching and getting wetter. You needed it in you. “Just put it in already!”
This time, she laughed at you. Before you could feel anything about that, you were filled with cock. You let out a scream of pleasure as her bitchbreaking girldick pummels your g-spot and punches through your cervix. It was no use trying to hold back; your pussy clenches tight and you cum again.
Your entire body shakes with pleasure as Elira hums, content with her second victory of the day. She leans down to your ear and whispers into it. “Oh? I’m certain that you came this time. Were you lying to me before? Did you cum from me using your throat.”
You groan in pleasure, ears twitching and drool dripping down your chin. You wanted to lie, you wanted to say no, but you couldn’t. You felt like you needed to be honest. To bow down and reveal the truth to the woman who was fucking your pussy so deep that your womb ached. But you had to save face. You couldn’t lose. So you just stay silent, save for your cockdrunk moans.
“It’s okay, hun.” She starts to move inside you, working her cock perfectly to make you moan and grind on her cock. You hear a voice in your head. “I know what you want to say. I know you want to give yourself to your Goddess.”
It doesn’t take long for you to cum again, maybe another fifteen minutes of nonstop pounding. Still, this was the orgasm that broke you. You can feel your legs shaking and your front half collapsed into the puddle you had created. Elira held your back end up with your tail, eliciting even more moans as your sensitive fluff was gripped hard.
She leans down to your ear again, now huffing herself. You felt pride. Not pride at the fact that you were winning, but pride that you could be a good hole for her. “You were right, foxy, one of us is going to be begging for more. But it’s not me.” You whine, knowing that she’s right. “So beg. Beg for what you want.”
“Mmm~ Please cum in me Elira.”
She smacks your ass hard, making you yip in ecstasy. “Not good enough. I’m your Goddess now, so you need to worship me with your begging.” You whine, unable to speak as your brain melts under the weight of her words. She was right. The magical fixing of your collar, the telepathic words, even the feeling of pleasure you got just from looking at her. You were wrong.
She wasn’t just a Goddess. She was your Goddess.
She grips your hair and lifts your head. “Look.” Through your cockdrunk hazy vision, you see the worshipers that you were heckling before. They were all touching themselves at the scene of you getting broken. “They like you puppy. They think you’re really pretty. After I’m finished, they can fuck you too if you want. What do you say? Want you want to be this temple’s newest fuckhole?”
“YES!~” you scream. Your false face of arrogance was broken. You were so happy to have been saved from your confused, foolish life. It was a mess before now. Jobs, bills, dating, and everything else was clouding your mind. You were a fuckhole, and you’re so glad that your mess of a life has become so much simpler and happier.
“Let me be your cum filled fox puppy! I’m a slut and a hole for all of you! Please use me! Show me how wrong I was in thinking you weren’t amazing. You’re my Goddess! I’ll bow to you and be everything you want me to be. Fuck me in every hole and keep me wet and needy my entire life. I need it. I need to be your free use hole!~”
“Good girl.” You feel your Goddess’s cock pulse and throb. She was going to cum. She was going to mark you as hers. The thought made you tighten. You were about to cum again. Before today, you would think that cumming this much in so little time was impossible. But nothing was impossible for the Gods, especially not Elira.
She thrusts into you one last time, pushing into your cervix before spilling her seed into you. Her hot cum floods your womb so much that you feel your body bulging. Your own cum sprays out from you as your eyes loose focus. The world spins around you as desire and joy fill your body. Your Goddess’s cum branded you as her slut. You couldn’t be happier.
When you both stop cumming, she leans down to you again and kisses you on the ear. Drool covers your chin as you smile a mind broken grin. “I’m glad I could show you the light.” You nod, unable to speak. “Are you ready to be our free use fuckpet for the rest of your life?” You moan, tightening at the idea of getting fucked like this every day.
“Yes, Goddess~”
She hums in satisfaction before removing herself from you. A wave of cum spurts out of your gaping hole before the first of however many followers walks behind you. They grip your hips and place their dick against your tight asshole. This really was heaven.
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goddess, i used to think i had a girldick worthy of worship, but i began reading about your divine girlcock and now i'm starting to feel so inferior. could you tell this lowly girl about what it's like to have a divine girlcock so you can put her in her place?
Oh dear, I understand. Not just anyone can have such a bitchbreaking cock as I do. It was made to make people bow and beg, to mark the holes of my sluts in a way that no other cock can.
It’s only natural for you to see me as your superior, with my magnificent girldick constantly virile and throbbing. It’s like I was meant to bully the cervix, prostate, and throat of all who bow before me. I’m sure your’s is nothing to scoff at either. All girldick deserves some form of worship, yours included.
Just remember, your place is in front of me, bowing to my massive girldick and begging to be used like a slut. Now kneel and worship like the lowly slut you are~
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Oh dear,,,, g-getting direct attention? And promising a bounty as perfect as your musky girlcock?
I can't think of a holier ritual than being brainwashed by your holy musk as I cum my brains out onto your floors, baptised into your cock-polishing musk-rag, letting my old life fade from my mind as I eagerly accept the new one~
Please, 'o' Goddess, allow me into your congregation! Baptise me in your mindmelting cockscent! Let me be your drooling fucksleeve that goes drunk with a single huff~!
You have forgotten the feeling of clothes on your body. After hours kneeling at the foot of your new Goddess’s throne, her thick sweaty girldick draped over your face and balls hanging tantalizingly close to your tongue, you could barely remember anything.
Your pussy drips like a faucet at her stench. The pungent cloud fills not only your nostrils, but your brain. You can feel all of your memories leaking from your pussy, leaving only the image and thought of sweaty girlcock.
“Hmm, so cute,” your Goddess coos. “Say it again.”
“Goddess, I beseech you. Make me your slutty rag. Wipe your sweat and stink all over me, and use my body to polish your divine member with my useless mouth. I’m your fucksleeve who is ready to give any hole for you.”
“My, such pretty words. Keep saying them until they are all you remember.” You nod your head slowly, drool dripping from your mouth. Every time you repeat the words, you feel yourself becoming hotter. Your pussy clenches tight and your eyes cross, only able to focus on the hefty cock laid across your face.
“Goddess, I bese- *hugn~* I- *uh~*.” It gets to the point you can’t talk, all of your words being interrupted by muskdrunk moans.
Your Goddess giggles, the sound so heavenly it makes you blush. “You’re fucking adorable, dear. It usually takes twice as long for a worshipper to lose their mind from my scent. You must really like it.” You whine and shift, words lost in your broken mind. All you can think of is getting closer to the acrid, rich smell of my crotch. “Okay dear, since you need it so badly you can lick me.”
You gasp, eyes trailing down to her balls which are covered in a glistening sheen of sweat. You quiver, your tongue sticking out of your plump lips and approaching the balls.
The moment your taste buds touch the skin, you feel your pussy clench. Your eyes roll back in your head and you moan, squirting until you kneel in a puddle of your cum. “Oh wow! Such a musk loving slut. Keep licking and maybe I’ll make you cum again.” You run your tongue up and down her ballsack, drinking up all of her salty sheen before moving to her taint.
It’s sweatier than her balls, caked with sweat that had dried and collected over however long it had been since she last got clean. “Ooh! You’re an eager one! Promise to do this every time and I might just keep you as my primary cock polisher.”
At the thought of kneeling before divine, sweat laced gock every day, you go crazy. You latch your drooling mouth onto her soft skin and suck hard. She moans, but your mind is occupied by her taste. It coats your mouth before you know it and you can feel your eyes roll to the back of your head.
She grabs your hair and shoves you deeper into her. Your nose scrunches up against her taint, the filthy stench enveloping you entirely. You ring your tongue around, sucking up every last drop of her nectar. You needed it like you needed water, like you needed air. It was your lifeblood. Cleaning her dirty, sweat covered crotch was your reason for living.
“Good girl. Clean your Goddess. This is your baptism. From now on you will be my slut, made to bow and serve. Your life is mine now.”
“Yes!~ Thank you Goddess!~” As you lick the last drops of sweat from her taint, she pulls you back and lifts you up. She brings your head to the tip of her cock, which drips pre-cum. You stick out your tongue to catch a drop before it falls to the ground. It tastes sweet and salty and covers your tongue.
“Good needy slut.” She shoves you down on her shaft, and you take it down without any resistance. It’s as if your throat was made to take her, not that you were complaining. In fact, you were happy that you could be a good hole for your Goddess. A living shaft cleaner for the superior woman before you.
She moves your head like a fleshlight, forcing it up and down to milk her thick cock. You slobber all over, giving her more lube to fuck your face like the good whore you are. As you let her slide down you, your throat bulges at her size. Finally, she starts to throb and pulls you off her cock.
You land on your knees and open your mouth as she strokes herself over you. “Get ready, I’m gonna mark your face. After this, you’re mine. My crotch cleaner, my musk huffer, my fucksleeve, and my cum dump.” Your heart beats faster and faster. It was finally happening. You were going to be her’s. She was going to claim you.
She moans one more time before shooting her load all over your face and body. It covered your tits as thick ropes of her seed landed on your cheeks and in your mouth. You close your eyes and let the euphoria wash over you. You breath in the stench of her spunk, and you feel all the weight lift from your shoulder, as if you finally found your place.
You were finally in your place, filled with the musk of your superior Goddess.
Before you could even fully comprehend your joy, your Goddess picks you up. She puts you right above her dick and looks you in the eyes. “Welcome to the congregation. It’s time for your reward for being such a good muskdrunk whore.” You nod your head and she brings your dripping pussy down on her divinity.
You didn’t notice how close you were to cumming again, but you immediately squirt when she pounds into your cervix. You bury your cum covered face into her puts and sniff deep. No matter how much you cleaned her, there was always a place to get drunk on her stench. All it would take is one whiff of her, and you would obey.
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Don’t think you can hide in the tags @girl-musk-huffer
I see you. I know what you want. Come on then. Bow at my feet and tell me you serve my sweaty girldick. Beg me to shove your needy face deep into my crotch. Tell me all the depraved things you want me to do to you.
Call me what I am: Your Goddess
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