#you think the orphans hum charlie brown christmas song
bitciziad · 6 months
happy holidays!
and if you don’t celebrate anything this time of year then happy end-of-the-year <3
i like to think the orphans (robin, specifically) make one singular charlie brown christmas tree for the holidays and whitney thinks it’s dog shit LMFAO
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also an old whitney wip i never finished ->
old art warning; anyway, whitney was actually the first dol character i drew (minus my pc) but i never could figure out how to actually draw him and didn’t like the way it looked which is how we ended up with the kylar drawing instead LMFAO
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ignore the mess i use a felt tip pen or whatever it’s called for sketching when i don’t want to use my usual pen.
i would draw whitney more if i knew how but i hate his hair so i never tried again after this one^ i’ll come back in like half a year and try again but f!whitney would be so much easier cuz i can imagine her with a handful of different hairstyles. i’ve seen so many good whitney designs i’d love to gush about right now but please just know if you’ve ever drawn them -> i stared at your art an unhealthy amount of times.
i know i’ve drawn kylar the most but characters like bailey and whitney were the first ones i was introduced to when i discovered DoL by the power of Ao3 so they’re forever imprinted in my brain first and foremost and it makes me mad. AND LANDRY… my beloved. that’s my pc’s best friend forever and always. a money laundering criminal is the least unhinged character in DoL. i love it.
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