#you probably don't know shit about German celebreties either much less German book authors
johanna-swann · 1 year
So I said I wasn't going to talk about the HP game on here, but there is one thing I've noticed and I would actually like to make this its own post:
Not every Harry Potter fan speaks English. Not every Harry Potter fan uses English social media. Not every Harry Potter fan is even involved in fandom at all.
I live in Germany. Most people I know, know JKR wrote the books and that's it. She's not exactly a celebrity or political figure head around here. This isn't the UK. We don't read something about her everytime we open a paper or news app.
Most of the self-proclaimed Harry Potter fans I know watch the movies every now and then and know nothing else about the franchise because they're not fandom people. They're not in any forums discussing fan theories or exchanging fic recs, they probably don't know what fanfiction even is. Most of them also don't know what a terf is because, again, they don't know that much English or aren't that well informed about transphobia because they're not queer.
I genuinely believe that a lot of these people just don't know about everything that's going on. The "news" (JKR's transphobia & anitsemitism aren't new, I know, but it's news to some people) are now slowly spreading in Germany, too, which is a good thing. But the UK and other English speaking countries have adapted a lot faster than we did and I just wish people would acknowledge that there is in fact a language barrier. A lot of casual fans are just learning about the bullshit JKR has been up to in the last couple of years.
Which is why we have to keep having constructive conversations and spreading awareness in a calm manner. Declaring all the casual fans lost causes without even trying to explain the situation to them will get us nowhere. It'd be like giving up without even trying.
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