#you know that feeling when you're anticipating a jumpscare so you're just sat there being super tense? and then nothing happens?
total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Total Drama Psycho Noah AU, before Alejandro knew the truth, Noah would sometimes cuddle to the charmer while sleeping... Alejandro was amused and fond by this... But when Alejandro learns about Noah's true crazy colors and the sleeping Noah cuddles into Alejandro again, Alejandro is trying NOT to freak out! 😴
Wait no you're so right. Noah's sleep cuddling habit would've been seen as innocuous throughout the whole series, especially in World Tour when their sleeping arrangements were so cramped. Of course he'd always end up practically gluing himself to the nearest person in his sleep- who would usually ended up being Owen or sometimes Alejandro, as they were the two people Noah tolerated enough to spend most of his time with.
But as soon as everyone on the jet becomes aware that he's not nearly as harmless as he's portrayed himself to be? When he intentionally shows himself to be a threat to their safety/wellbeings?
Well, suddenly his "cute little quirk" has turned into a very volatile situation.
What is Alejandro supposed to do when he wakes up in the Economy cabin, not even twenty four hours after the London challenge, and finds everyone's fearful eyes trained on him. How is he supposed to react when he feels the familiar weight of the dangerous, downright vicious person they'd all watched snap someone's arms like uncooked spaghetti, draped over him like a blanket?
Especially when they all know that a Noah who's woken up before he's ready is cranky. And that was the Noah from before, who was apparently keeping a tight leash on his wilder instincts- now that he's given up on holding himself back, who knows how he'd respond to being woken up?
Oh wait. They all know how he'd respond- and it involves a lot of bloodshed.
He's trapped; waking up Noah is a guaranteed death sentence, and any movement could be enough to stir the other from his precarious slumber.
And the others know it too. Tyler and Duncan watch him like a hawk, their faces palid with pity and terror, though they thankfully remain just as muted as Alejandro himself. It's unnerving, being held under the terror-shrunk gazes of the two, but not nearly as unnerving as the soft steady breathing of the deranged bookworm sleeping on top of him.
For a moment, there's a tentative silence that hovers between the three of them like a sheet of ice over a frozen lake.
So of course, Owen's boisterous entrance to the cabin shatters it.
"Hey guys, Chef's serving breakfast in the-! Oh, did I interrupt something?"
Noah stirs from his sleep, and Alejandro's breath becomes an inmate in the prison of his lungs. He'd doomed.
"Wuzza'? Is it ch'llenge time?" The bookworm slurs, one hand wiping at his sleep-crusted eyes as the other finds purchase against Alejandro's shoulder. Noah pulls himself into a sitting position, his body subconsciously curling itself towards the nearest heat source- which just so happens to be Alejandro's terror stilled form- and the Spaniard in question internally prays to whatever God is listening that he'll somehow evade the psycho's inevitable ire when he realises that Alejandro is, in fact, not a pillow.
After a trepid second of inaction, Noah hums inquisitively against the warm mass beneath him, and blinks tired eyes up towards Alejandro's ashen face. A moment of incomprehension passes. Then another. And then realisation flickers over the bookworm's features like a dying ember.
Alejandro is so fucked.
Noah's face solidifies into something blank and unreadable- the complete lack of discernible emotion in is expression is almost eldritch in its uncanniness- and the latino doesn't know if its more or less unnerving than the unhinged, crooked smile he's graced the cast with yesterday. But then, unexpectedly, Noah wordlessly slides himself off of Alejandro's lap.
No broken arms. No stab wounds. Not even a threat against his person.
"Uh. Sorry for sleeping on you, I guess." The cynic says off-handedly, in his customary sardonic drawl, before he steps over to Owen and calmly asks what the blonde oaf was so excited about.
"It... is no problem, mi amigo." Alejandro chokes out, displacing the stationary air in his lungs.
Where is the vicious psychopath from last night? Why is Noah acting so... normal? Was his display of instability a fever dream or something?
No, both Tyler and Duncan shoot Alejandro matching looks of bewilderment from their seat on the adjacent bench. What happened last night was real, regardless of Noah's current docility.
Owen and Noah's conversation filters off into nothing, and the Archvillain spares a glance towards the pair. Only to find the both of them staring back at him, grinning; Owen's face scrunching up into his usual friendly smile, and Noah's smug smirk rapidly morphing into that same too-wide snarl he'd adorned on the bus- are those fucking fangs?!
"You make a pretty good pillow, Al."
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luvangelbreak · 4 months
watching a horror movie with Chris, and every time you get scared you hide your face in his chest!!! And he’s just rubbing your back the whole time comforting uu
christopher sturniolo x alice reyna (female!oc)
summary: alice has the bright idea to watch a horror movie to prove she’s not a scaredy-cat to her best friend chris. unfortunately for her, it backfires and chris gets his point proven. warnings: swearing, fluff (sm fluff my god), mentions of panic and dolls? word count: 1.2k a/n: ik the request said “you” but for those who haven’t read my pinned, i cannot bring myself to write w y/n so i use oc’s as a replacement. i hope that y’all will like this one tho i love chris fluff sm (this is also so funny bc chris is the biggest scardey-cat out of the triplets)
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not proofread!!
I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to convince Chris to watch Annabelle Comes Home with me, I couldn’t sit through any horror movie without screaming my head off like a little kid. Chris didn’t like them either but because of a stupid bet and neither of us never backing down from a challenge, we agreed to watch one.
“I bet you can’t sit through a whole horror movie without crying into my shoulder,” Chris challeneged, a daring look in his eye and I scoffed at him.
“I could say the same for you, scaredy-cat. You can’t even watch Coraline without pissing your pants,” I pointed an accusing finger at him and he gasped, throwing his hands to his chest dramatically.
“I was 9 when that happened. That does not count you asshole!” he retorted, shoving my shoulder in protest.
After an hour of arguing about who would get more scared, the bet was made. Whoever gets scared first loses and has to pay up the $20.
We sat down on Chris’s bed, the darkness of the room making the movie seem more eerie than usual, the only light being emitted from the TV. We were only 15 minutes into the movie and not much had happened yet but it didn’t stop my shoulders from tensing in anticipation.
“You’re so losing this bet,” Chris taunted me and I looked over to see him completely relaxed with a beanie on his head, covers over his torso and arms behind his head as he smirked at me, “You already look like you’re about to shit yourself.”
“I look like this when I watch any movie,” I lied through my teeth, holding my head high as I unwrapped my arms from around my legs, letting my knees fall away from my chest as I fiddled with the hem of Chris’s hoodie that I stole since I forgot my own.
“Mhm,” he hummed unconvincingly and I rolled my eyes, ignoring his taunts as my eyes focused back on the screen. I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head as I continued waiting for a jumpscare at any given moment.
“It’s cheating if you’re just watching me the whole time and not the movie,” I mumbled, not looking away from the screen as I bit my lip nervously.
“Who’s gonna call you out when you get scared then?” he retorted quickly and I leaned my hand over his torso, smacking him in the chest causing him to let out a huff.
“Watch the goddamn movie, Christopher,” I grumbled, regretting my decision of agreeing to this bet in the first place. As the movie continued, I jumped at the small jumpscares and I heard Chris chuckle.
"You know you've already lost?" he asked rhetorically and I nodded, sliding into him as my fear started to show. With a snicker, he lifted his arm as I wrapped my arms around his torso, cuddling into his side to hide my face from the jumpscares of the movie.
"Why didn't we pick a movie without dolls? They're like my worst fear," I mumbled and Chris began tracing circles on my back with his thumb, distracting me from the movie slightly.
"Because I wanted to win," he said and I could hear the smile in his voice making me shake my head, a sour expression covering my face.
"You're an asshole," I mumbled, hiding my face in his hoodie when another jumpscare appeared on screen but I was now determined to get through the whole movie at the very least.
"You love me," he retorted, being unphased by the movie now that he was amused that he won the bet and I looked up at him, flicking his forehead with my finger before resuming my place on his chest.
"I hate you actually. This was not a fair movie to put on," I grumbled, my anxiety spiking as the movie progressively got more terrifying. Chris could sense my terror as he pulled me tighter against him and I yelped when another jumpscare appeared on the screen.
"Ali, we can turn it off if you want," he said softly and I stubbornly shook my head, eyes still trained on the screen.
"I want to get through the whole movie. There's only thirty minutes left," I announced and he hummed, an unsure tone behind the sound as I gripped onto his hoodie like he was going to slip away from me at any given moment.
The last 30 minutes of the movie felt like it lasted forever as I gripped onto Chris for dear life but soon enough the movie came to an end and I let out a breath of relief.
"Alright, twenty on my Venmo thanks," Chris ruffled my hair as I sat up before I swatted his hand away, annoyed that he was so amused by my fear as I frowned at him.
"I'm not going home," I deadpanned and his eyebrows furrowed, an amused smile on his lips.
"Why?" he questioned, adjusting his sweatpants before sitting up further and I knelt back onto my heels.
"Because I'll have a fucking panic attack if I sleep alone tonight. I'm gonna be seeing dolls all across my room for the next week!" I exclaimed and he shook his head, a smile plastered on his face still.
"You're so dramatic," he laughed and I let my body slump back further till my back hit the bed making me sigh loudly. My mind kept flashing of the jumpscares in the movie making my anxiety spike once again and I think Chris noticed because he leaned forward, placing a hand on my knee.
"This was such a bad idea," I mumbled, my breathing becoming more shallow the more I thought about it and I looked up to see Chris's demeanour change, now softening at my genuine fear.
"Come here," he opened his arms and I sat up before sliding forward on my stomach, placing my head on his stomach as he ran a hand through my hair to calm me, "It's okay. Nothing gonna hurt you. It's all made up, remember?"
"I know," I mumbled against his hoodie, the feeling of having him close to me bringing me a sense of calm again, "I just really hate horror movies."
"It wasn't fair to put Annabelle on. I'm sorry," he said softly making me look up to see an apologetic expression covering his face.
"Does that mean you will let me watch a movie with your biggest fear?" I asked with a smile and he gave me a confused look as I reached over him, grabbing the remote before flicking through the movies on Netflix.
I found one of my favourite movies, putting it on before Chris groaned, throwing his head back onto the headboard.
"Are you serious? Ten Things I Hate About You?" he groaned and I laughed, nodding as I looked up at him.
"You're biggest fear. A relationship," I twinkled my hands in front of his face, shaking my voice to make it sound more spooky and he swatted my hand away.
"You're lucky I feel bad for you right now or I'd knock you out," he threatened and I rolled my eyes in response, placing my head back on his stomach as his hand returned to my hair.
“I’m terrified,” I mumbled sarcastically as I smiled against the cloth of his hoodie and I practically hear him rolling his eyes.
He continued massaging my scalp and playing with my hair as I focused my attention on the movie instead of the terrifying thoughts in my head. Soon enough, Chris's soothing motions and the familiar movie sent me into a slumber as I held Chris against me closely.
@dsturniolo @sturniolopepsi @chrissturnioloswifesblog @chrisstankyleg @lov3bug @stunza @pinklittleflower @v1nuswrites @trinity2058 @alorsxsturn
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