#you gave me the longest damn ones i s2g
meisanimam · 5 years
8, 19, 27
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
this is gonna get super long but I’ll only touch on the basics. Graham’s OTP is obviously Graham/Emma but I also really ship Graham/Ruby while Graham/Regina is the biggest NOTP to ever NOTP. I don’t have a lot of NOTPs for Charming other than the obvious incest ones I’ve seen around but my OTP is definitely either Charming/Snow or Charming/Ruby. I don’t care one way or another about Oberyn. Jaime’s NOTP would be jaime/brienne while I really enjoy Jaime/Aurora I also gotta go with the old favorite Jaime/Cersei. Han’s OTP is obviously Han/Leia and the NOTP would be luke/han. I don’t ship Vaisey with anyone but a HUGE NOTP is Vaisey/Guy. No thanks, get that out of here. Robin Hood’s OTP is Robin/Marian but I also shipped him with Guy in a very rival!mance sort of way. But I don’t know if I liked it enough to be considered an OTP. A NOTP for Robin would definitely be him/any gang member. Marian is MARIAN/GUY THATS THE ONLY SHIP THAT MATTERS. Though I also shipped her with Djaq. 
And of course Robin. Isabella I don’t really care one way about but she’s a lesbian so ... give me all the girls. For Derek I enjoy both Derek/Meredith and Derek/Addison. A NOTP would definitely be Derek/Mark. Indiana’s OTP would either be Indiana/Marion (duh) or Indiana/Lara. I think any NOTP would be any slash paring because in my head Indy is a hardlined heterosexual. Ned, I obviously ship Ned/Chuck but my biggest OTP is just Ned/Happiness. As far as a NOTP, Ned/Emmerson because I’ve seen that one around. 
Lancelot’s OTP is Lance/Gwen .. as far as a notp goes probably lance/elaine. I don’t really ‘ship’ the bnha kids since they’re well.. kids, but there are a few I think are cute together. We’ll leave it at that. For prompto my biggest OTP is Promoto/Ignis. Like, pry it from my cold dead hands.  I guess a notp would be prompto/noctis because i’ve always seen noct with gladio. Dutch’s OTP (the way we write it and the way we write it only) probably Dutch/Arthur. I also highly ship Dutch/Molly but .. its toxic. As far as a notp goes, Dutch/Hosea. I don’t really have an OTP for Watson, but a notp would be Watson/Holmes. I know its a popular one but I don’t ship it at all. I ship Septimus with power. A notp would be Septimus and death.
19. for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
THIS IS GETTING SO LONG. I’m just gonna name the ones I wish were around. Obviously for Ned, I wish there was a Chuck but we’d have to have major chemistry for me to enter a ship. For Dutch, a Hosea. I mean some of these there are blogs out there, I’ve just been too lazy to find them. I love the Jaime and Tywin dynamic so thats a blog I’d love to interact with. Oberyn and Tyrion. Bakugo and Deku. A leia for Han obviously. A marcus for Indiana would be really fun.I’d love to see a blog for Vaisey’s sister? It shows a side of him we don’t normally get to explore so that would be great fun. I’m sure there are others but this is getting long enough already.
27. is there a rule that someone keeps breaking for your muses?
NO FORCE SHIPPING. I’ve gotten a lot of force shipping. Even if it goes no farther than IMs in some cases or one reply, it makes me very uncomfortable when people assume things. I have a hard time writing romance, etc with partners I haven’t written with for a while so when new partners jump right on that train and bombard me with things it can be a little overwhelming. Also when people don’t specify muse and make me work for it. I’m always afraid I will choose someone they don’t know/don’t want to interact with. So, unless I know you and we’ve spoken, choose a damn muse. Please.
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lucifer s5 thoughts pt1
behind a cut so i can be as spoilery as i want:
5x01 - i’m so glad they brought back Mr. Said Out Bitch i kinda love his recurring arc
everybody is unspooling hard this season already which is interesting cuz s4 was one long bad spiral. linda’s doing it through helicopter parenting, amenadiel’s trying to superhero the world, dan’s a walking positivity meme, ella’s in heat for bad guys for unknown reasons, lucifer’s in a totally different timeline in hell, maze redirected all her feelings at chloe and chloe used maze to ignore her own
speaking of which, OUCH. chloe seems genuinely surprised that 1) maze could misread her signals and 2) that maze doesn’t take rejection well... chloe you’re a detective neither of these things should be a surprise
when lucifer whistled and chloe heard him i pressed both my hands to my heart because i am a sucker for love and this show gets me
lesley ann brandt raging out is a sight to behold but also maze is so alone my hearts breaks for her
this show still has the best soundtrack
damn i was really hoping that one reunion could be genuine and the Evil Twin wouldn’t show up until later :(
5x02 - also i wonder who else noticed the tiny viewer warnings for this season and had the word ‘suicide’ jump out at them like it was neon? i don’t like the foreshadowing of that one bit
this fuckin show really looks at its plot and goes ‘you know what we can’t forget this season? to use the evil twin’s arrival as a pretext for filming tom’s ass. just, the longest slow pan shot ever at his backside without a stitch of clothing. let’s see if we can hold it for a full thirty seconds. live your dreams everyone.’
‘a little white lie could be quite beneficial’ *grins creepily* ...does he think that’s charm? is that what he thinks he is, charming? cuz he’s quite visibly evil rn
listen watching chloe fall apart last season and not be able to trust lucifer or look at him was horrible but the flip side of that is suspicious chloe now. i know it won’t last but please, show, let me have this, i’ve never respected her and her trust issues more
‘you two are perfect for each other’ the only thing more fun than watching lucifer egregiously misunderstand everything linda says is watching chloe do it. linda i missed you, you try so hard and fail so much
lol this show is really leaning into the bryan cranston janitor rule. i wonder who the killer could possibly be, the four random people they’ve interrogated or sharon freaking osbourne
BITE THE HEAD OFF A BAT the sass in the writer’s room my gosh
oh okay i found this a lot funnier before i realized that she’s playing herself. meh, my headache has ruined my ability to do things like read nametags i guess
oh, maze. :( don’t get played by this asshole when your vulnerabilities already got preyed on by cain in s3. you deserve better than that
i’m waiting for the show to serve up a chloe decker Look™ this season but she’s wearing the bullet necklace :D and that delights me endlessly
this is SO gross and he’s SUCH a creep get your fucking hands off her
i love tom a lot i really do but i might hate michael even more than cain, the lying and the manipulation is so much crueler already
AMENADIEL REMAINS THE MVP OF THE WHOLE DAMN SHOW i’m not even a little bit surprised that he’s the first one to figure it out himself i was expecting nothing less 
‘deeply desperate, obviously, if he was reaching out to you’ DAMN chloe i’m so torn between feeling bad for maze that you’re kinda dense and mean as her friend lately and feeling ready to be pissed at maze if she lets you sleep with michael thinking he’s lucifer when maze knows just how wrong it would be to say nothing, you can see it cross her face
ohhhhh dude you have now messed with chloe, maze AND linda. if you come within ten feet of trixie i’m going to be wishing death upon you i s2g
thank you, show, for letting her not be stupid this season she should never be the level of stupid she would have to be to believe this creep
‘you know that won’t kill me’ ‘yeah but it makes me feel better’ where is lauren german’s action movie? i want to watch it she’s got such a vibe 
5x03 - lucifer: my descriptions have made the perfect show...chloe: *trying to decide between punching him or throwing up*
‘i dunno, 30?’ MAZE AND LINDA all they do is bring me joy
okay happy!dan teasing lucifer reminds me how much i loved the actor on true blood and even thought that reminds me of nelsan ellis which makes me sad it also makes me really happy--dan was so painful to watch in s4 and i used to be such a fan of the actor playing him that it’s nice to remember why
5x04 - the year was 1946 YAY IT’S HAPPENING
i asked them to give me a chloe Look™ and they stuck her in 1940s menswear i couldn’t approve more
this episode is so incredibly silly i lost it at ella’s swagger down the alley...but i don’t care how silly it gets they gave me charlotte married to a very surly chloe and that + maze in a nightclub is well worth it
kevin alejandro is here in his suit of armor to remind everyone that playing Relatively Normal Guy Dan Espinoza is the very least he and his genius acting range are capable of, i love it
as soon as i realized amenadiel was the only one we hadn’t seen yet, i was waiting for this moment...hi melvin your 1940s accent is the best thing i have ever heard right alongside your car monologue
i honestly cannot decide what my favorite thing is about this absolutely insane episode but it might be the fact that it looks so noir but cannot be even a little noir at all because this is lucifer which is not a dismal show so instead it is just fucking hilarious and reminds me of clue 
this show MY GOD shirl & jack i can’t i’m incoherent at this point also i miss eve she brought so much girlkissing to lucifer please come back eve
‘not if they are going to be unbreakable.’ my heart just broke for maze all over again but even harder this time
goddamn i already identified with maze but that really hurt and also i’m really glad this season is letting her dig deeper, they laid such groundwork for her abandonment issues with her mom and i didn’t expect them to follow through on it so well
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