#you dont need to write stories. if they read your letters they'd know you can write. or even your notes. anything you write. and i said--no
el-im · 2 years
todayyyy in class the guy i hate asked a stupid fucking question and antonio elbowed me to get me to notice he was saying something fucking stupid again (i noticed) and he said. i don’t know why you hate him so much. you two are exactly the same. and i said. what are you talking about. and he said. you look the same. and i was like. because we’re both asian? that’s racist. and he started laughing, then got a hold over himself, and was like. that’s not even what i mean--you dress the same. and i looked at him and he was wearing shorts and a sweater and a scarf and i said. i do not dress like that. (i was wearing trousers, patent leather shoes, a turtleneck, a massive wool coat...) he said. you’re both so pretentious. i said what do you MEAN. 
#i am sort of. pissy#i'm pulling my head out of the sand a little and realizing that Now That He's No Longer Flirting With Me As Overtly he doesn't ask me any#questions about myself. doesn't respond to the things i tell him. responds to my questions with one word answers.#and i'm just like. why am i wasting my time on this.#what the fuck.#captain's log#i just dont get it. he's not nice to me anymore.#and then he IS#and then he ISNT#and i think. he's using me. and he's getting so much a sense of self importance from this.#today we were talking about grad school programs and i said i needed to write something for a portfolio and he was like. what do you mean?#you dont need to write stories. if they read your letters they'd know you can write. or even your notes. anything you write. and i said--no#you have to write something... original. with a narrative. and he said. why dont you write a book about me? and i laughed and said yeah i#bet you'd like that. and he was like. addyyyyaa write a book about me! write a book about me!#and i said. what--like a biography or just my impressions of you? and he said. what you think of me. and i said. i'm not sure if you'd enjoy#reading that. and he said. what do you MEAN. and i said. well some things i'd have to say are harsh. but true i think.#and he asked me what i meant and i (pressed) gritted my teeth and tried to explain myself#and i said. you think so highly of yourself. sometimes rightly but. my god. you dont take anything seriously. and he said. i DO take things#seriously! and i just--.#and i said. you feed people. so that they'll bolster your ego. you give them fodder to work with. and he looked at me and said. adya--#i dont feed my ego. if anything--you're the one making it what it is.#so anyway i hate him im sick of him he's so--#he's such a narcissist and he's so self important and i am simultaneously SO in love with him and SO sick of him#because he's so selfish. and i dont think he understands any of this. and if he does--he doesnt respect it. and he isnt kind about it.#and he deliberately misleads people to get what he wants from them.#AHHHH
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exquisitelyrandom · 1 year
hi i know one of them is kinda old but if you're okay with it i would love to do a fic of either of these tacophone comics of yours, maybe even both (with credit ofc)
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oh my god ofc you can w credit holy sh
YES!!!! AAUGQHZHHQ I'D LOVE FOR YOU TO!!!!! yuo have no idea how much I've been looking for reading content of them plsplspslsplspls
btw where would you be posting the story? I'd love to read it,, if you do make a fic of them, please tag me/send me a link!! ^^
going into small detail abt the ideas behind the comics below because im insane abt them vvv
they're actually very similar to each other so they may as we 🐝 connected/have the same situation lmao
first comic is leaning more on mic's. side
;After getting into the hotel, she's. absolutely miserable but keeps trying to pretend she's fine (she is not). Of course, Soap and the others notice her mood and one of them eventually get to talk to her about it. But even as she does open up, she never outs Taco. Ever. And blames it on the contest. Soap/Whoever confronted her knows it isn't true, but doesn't push further. After the talk, Mic basically just sits there and contemplates, before deciding """past is past""". Eventually, she starts thinking about the whole thing less, and she's smiling a lot more the next few days/weeks. Er. Until. That one night.
The second comic - or, in both comics - , here's Taco's side
There was actually gonna be more similar..things.. in both of the panels i put up above,, but i decided they'd look too similar to each other so Taco looks angrier in the second one
It all starts when Mic walks through the portal. Yeah. She didn't expect that. Taco's not someone to be caught off guard; her moves are calculated, and she knows the outcome of something even before it had a chance to start. She's memorized the puzzles and patterns on an object's mind, knows how to use it to her advantage - knows how to manipulate it into what she needs it to do. So why was it that she..?
She's teleported to their little spot, and her emotions are. overwhelming. At first, she feels.. sad. Distraught. Distraught that Mic left. Then, she feels.. angry. Angry at Mic for even leaving without any further word. Angry at Mic to have the AUDACITY to blame ..her. And she's angry.. at herself. Then, she's sad again. Her mind goes back to the words Microphone last spoke to her, and it stings, just as much as when she first heard them, if not more. She sits on the log -[soft thud]- oh, nevermind, she's on her knees in the soft grass, head in hands. She grips her shell tight and tries to shout, to let out the scream that's been trying to claw its way out of her throat, to get all of the overwhelming thoughts out of her head, but all she can manage is a choked sob, her throat tightening as she curled into herself.
And I'm only now realizing I'm getting WAY too carried away so fast forward everyone:
Taco thinks back on all the mistakes she's made, and back at one of her.. biggest mistakes yet. And, after a while, she decides she's done running, and she's not letting her slip from her grasp that easily. Not again. Not like him.
So, she writes, and writes, and writes, and writes. Until, after over fifty crumpled papers and about three half empty cups of - now cold - tea, she's finished. A letter to Microphone. She spilled her heart out on it, not leaving a single detail on everything she's done, opening herself up completely to the object never expected to break down years worth of built up walls. She's a little hesitant as she sends it to the hotel's mail, and then she waits.
She doesn't respond. Its not the first time. She takes a deep breath. No, she's not letting it faze her. She needs Mic to see she's being genuine. Why couldn't you be genuine from the start? When she most needed you to be?
She sends another letter, this time, directly into her room. She drops it through the little window, and she runs off before anyone notices her. A week passes. She doesn't respond again. She doesn't give up. She sends another letter, and another, and another, and another..
Two months has passed since then - has it really been that long? - And she's on the floor, miserable. The cracks have gotten worse and she can barely see with her right eye, she can barely stand, and her knees feel weak. Her head feels heavy, and her mind goes back to quiet picnics, white bowties and purples hues. And it just.. hurts. It hurts. It hurts, so much and she doesn't want it to. It hurts, and she's angry. Angry at herself for even considering to leave Microphone after they get the million. She's angry at herself for not paying attention to what may have caused the whole thing. Angry at herself slipping up the one good thing she had.
Did you ever have her?
She's angry at herself for being the reason Microphone left.
She feels lightheaded, yet her head feels heavy. And she's so, so tired.. she blacks out
The next thing she knows, she's on her way to ..hotel oj.
Uh oh
so um when I said "small detail" i may have.. lied HEJHSJQJZNNQJXN I WAS GENUINELY GOING TO JUST DESCRIBE MY IDEA FOR THE COMIC IM OSRRY I GOT CARRIED AWAY i had many things to say about tacoy
YOU DONT HAVE TO FOLLOW THROUGH W THE PLOT I'd love to see ur take on the comic!! Ignore my gay little writings hehr
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134340am · 2 years
Good evening Miss Yuna,
Thank you for your well wishes on finding the one. Well there is someone im sort of involved with. I wouldnt call it a relationship as we are not a couple but we have a deep understanding of each other. I am at peace with them. I just find it hard to be a couple coz im afraid but mostly because of my insecurities.
But how about you Miss Yuna? How have you been? While i truly am excited for your works i believe that you deserve foremost to have it be fun for you. I hope you can find your rhythm once more. A lot of us are cheering on you.
I tried a waffle ice cream after seeing your post. I got the mint chocolate chip flavor, its my first time having it and honestly i dont get the hate. The flavor is quite refreshing. Whats your go to ice cream flavor?
My sincerest love,
ahhhh hello beloved! i was just thinking about you today and i'm so glad u're here :'-) leaving my reply under the cut!
dearest 🌸🌸🌸,
i'm stoked that you've written back to me so quickly, and i receive your letter with a thrilled and grateful heart.
first off, i'm so excited to hear that you've found a partner! (maybe partner isn't the best word, since it's frequently used in a romantic manner, but to have a person who is so finely in tune with you and your little you-isms - that definitely makes them your partner in my opinion!) i'm wishing the two of you all the best <3 and i just know that if they're meant for you, they'd wait for you for as long as you need and work through your problems together :-) hoping to hear good news soon, i'm so invested now! (fingers crossed for a ghibli-esque love story ~)
i'm doing alright as always, same old same old. i've been doing some planning for longer fics and i managed to write something tonight (my first kinda good-ish thing in a week!) which i'll post right after i answer this ask. i was thinking about why my writer's block has been so awful and persistent, and i've finally reached the conclusion that it's because i've been stressing myself out too much. my follower count jumps steadily everyday, and though it's not a crazy big amount, i still feel pressured to post good content consistently - because that's what people follow me for. that aside, it's also an issue of maintaining personal standards that i've set for myself. but i'm trying to be more flexible and i hope this strange period passes quickly. oh no, i rambled, but thank you so much for asking and for your kind advice <3 i'm cheering you on as well!
i'm honoured that you tried ice cream waffles after seeing my silly little food review! ; ; and i'm so glad you like mint chocolate chip - i'm a fan of its refreshing flavour too (+ i love nibbling on chocolate chips) 😋 you have good taste. i don't eat a lot of ice cream but i love pistachio for its nutty, earthy flavour. if not, vanilla is always a nice classic :-) what about you?
as always, thank you so much for writing to me. it brings me so much joy reading your letters and i'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. take care!
warmly, yuna <3
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