#you are free to softblock/block me as you please
theman-and-themachine · 2 months
Commissions on hiatus. may not come back! glad to have tried it out though!
Donate to me though if you want at kofi bongothebear
*general tumblr info: PLEASE message/send asks/send requests. I lvoe talking to people. If i am annoying, no hard feelings, just block/softblock/or let me know. i apologize in advanced ;D
Older post versions below. keeping them up to be transparent because, involves money and serious topics i'd rather not have missing/contextless. Likely will make new pinned post later but idc rn
':3 thank yall so much. I just wanna make sure i get these ones done.
After these ones i will likely change up pricing and maybe add a seperate, cheaper commission. Making it geniunely QUICK doodles instead of me actually trying to make them properly good hwbhshajsnehdd
Feel free to still donate tho. At kofi bongothebear
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Heres daisy encased in a blanket from right now. Vet check up in like.... an hour.
Old text below..no changes and stuff still applies for now. Just ya know.
(this was once a read-more)
Get 'em hot and ready. At this ko-fi. bongothebear
You get a quick doodle, I get money to help my cat and her cancer situation.
You get to choose if you want the art Traditional or Digital.
(Art is colored digitally, even with traditional images. All traditional images will be on lined paper. All art will be doodle-level quality, not rendered)
Please don't screw me over with weird disputes or refunds. If you really want something for free, send me an Ask and I'll get to it when I actually have money saved to help my cat's cancer(and the free-time).
This is a glorified donation page. Please don't screw me over, because you'd also be screwing over my cat. She's turning 10 this May.
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Most recent photo of her. She is home now and everything's going a lot better this time around.
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bisexualfagdyke · 10 months
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LOU or SUNNY or KITTY ⭐️🌈💓
she/him ⊹ 8TEEN ⊹ butchy femme bisexual achillean with boydyke tendencies (>_^ ) ⚣
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I mainly post about queer stuff and my interests! I like all for the game, cats, the colour pink, literally anything queer (but particularly bisexual / achillean / butchfemme / mogai / flag stuff), video games, web graphics, sanrio, plushies / figures, achillean media / ships, spider-man, the hunger games, tma / tmagp & lots more! ^^ I hyperfixate so whatever interests I reblog and talk about frequently change
I support bi lesbians / gays, sapphic men / achillean women, all queer people using butchfemme, etc. & I believe in anti-transmasculinity / transandrophobia. if this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to block me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if I follow you first it was probably a mistake or I am unaware you fit my DNI, so please softblock or hardblock me! please respect my boundaries!
zionists / "neutral" / pro-israel / support genocide in any sense
proshippers & anyone else who partakes in or condones the romanticisation / sexualisation of pedophilia, rape, incest, abuse, zoophilia, etc. including those neutral / "don't get involved" / "anti-harassment" / "dead dove", who tolerate / interact with them, or reduce it to "shipping discourse"
the "pro-paraphilia" community, you believe in "paraphilias" / don't acknowledge the history and flaws of the term, or anyone who has / supports attraction to children / animals / those who cannot consent
radfems of any sort (including TIRFs, lesbian separatists, political lesbians), or if you tolerate / interact with them
anti-mogai / exclusionists / hateful to ANYONE for their queer identity, radqueers, self-proclaimed fujoshis or you frequently talk / joke about yaoi (just makes me uncomfortable), edgy / mean / hateful people, you say the R slur, RPF / ship or headcanon real people, erase canon / implied bisexuals, (primarily) nsfw / kink blogs
(aftg fandom specific) if you like Riko Moriyama in any capacity / ship him with people / post positive things about him
I block liberally for many other reasons!!!
pinned art credit -> @/sweatermuppet
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lesbianvillain · 14 days
hello this is eden. im a 30 year old autistic ADHD lesbian. she/her. gnc cis but im just a lil guy. im married to my lovely wife @eirian :]
i draw art! i enjoy drawing backgrounds but i especially enjoy drawing OCs. you will see a lot of my pokemon villain oc priscilla specifically. i am not normal about her.
please do not follow me if you are under 18. its for my comfort. if i accidentally follow you and you are under 18 feel free to block/softblock/tell me to unfollow :]
heres some of my arts
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oudachi · 30 days
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                                             𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 ⋯
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    Hello, & welcome to my blog. This is a HIGHLY UNAFFILIATED, cross-over/multiverse preferred & plot driven roleplaying account for Raiden Mei / Acheron. I heavily associate her with snake & serpent imagery. If that is an issue, please look away now. To add* I'm going to be mega selective with MHY/Hoyoverse centered blogs, as I've had primarily bad experiences with the people here. I use my block button/blacklist add-ons regularly... No offense if you're caught in my blocklist. I generally only interact with those who my partner is comfortable with, present mutuals on other blogs, etc.
I will be tying my own personalized headcanons into my portrayal, which may carry over into plotting ideas if they feature the trailblazer. Don't worry, these will not be forced onto people who write trailblazer, or any character I have pre-made ideas for... I am very flexible in what can be done. Due to this, I tend to take a highly divergent stance on my writing, as it just makes it more fun & opens our little worlds to new things to build off of.
    I would firstly like to say, Acheron is not available to romance. I am not interested in pairings that go beyond Black Swan, Kiana Kaslana & Trailblazer for the time being. However, this will not be forced onto others who happen to be writing these characters; Acheron will simply brush off any flirtatious affections that may occur. Please respect this, & do not force anything on myself. ( To add* Acheron/Mei is a lesbian. I will not interact with people who have an issue with this or create drama with me over this. Just block & move on. )
    Due to Acheron's / Mei's nature, along with the story molding them into who/what each other is, some heavy topics will be featured here. Such as, but not limited to: Death, PTSD, Suicide mentions, heavy depression, descriptive blood/gore, mature language, artistic nudity & descriptive sexual encounters. <- Acheron / Mei are over 21 years of age. However, anything sexual in nature will be reserved for people I am fully comfortable with, such as those who are my 'associations'. This offside mature jokes are alright to throw Acheron's / Mei's way, although they will more than likely brush it off or find your character annoying.
    This space is a drama free zone, meaning I want nothing to do with callout culture, hateful messages, or coming to me as an unknown person to warn me about how apparently horrible someone is. That does not account for those I'm close to, & consider friends. I know how a majoring of dash vaguing commentary goes, how hurtful it is because people tend to make assumptions & point fingers at others without a shred of proof, or they often splice screen shots to look worse than they are. I've had many things said about myself & friends that I have that are just simply not true, due to jealousy, among other things. & for this, I want nothing to do with those who are overly dramatic & take issue with 99% of what they find online... I will block you if you like to stir the pot for no other reason than to do it & get clout. If you share callouts, or try to tell me who I can & can't talk to. I'm pro-free mind, as in not following the crowd on harassing someone over a callout. Please respect this. Otherwise, block & be on your way. Thank you.
    Too add on to the above: On blocking/soft blocking/unfollowing: I don't just unfollow or softblock, I always out right block. I don't like being questioned on it, as my reasoning for doing so is such a long list. However, it's almost never personal... If I don't vibe with you anymore, don't enjoy your tone of speaking, overly aggro in your own guidelines pages, try to police people on how they write or what they write (i.e.; saying they should end their life over something fictional... yeah, no.) I block if you're a person who genuinely believes what media someone likes is a direct reflection on their own views & morals... grow up. I will also block, if I'm just simply not interested in your blog or character.
    The PSD used here is a mixture. One is from my good friend, S. The other is by a user I no longer remember who created 'Blood Debt'.
    The overall aesthetic & icon border creations are of my own. & while I know character themes can run similar to other canon-character blogs, please do not come to me saying 'you're stealing' or 'you're copying', etc. I will block the anonymous message/blog that approaches me with this.
    I think that's all, so here's a little bit about me: My name is Archeon, "Ark", 1995 is my birth year. I am a Polyamorous Lesbian, I've been together with Yuri 6 years as of May 2024... She is my everything. My favorite color is red, my favorite Pokemon are Gengar & Umbreon. I also write a few characters, mostly known for Makima, Dame Aylin, Mei Raiden, Shadow & Dante... Currently, I am casually re-learning & learning the following languages: Spanish, Japanese, Chinese & German, along with going through a weight loss journey - as of typing this, I'm 6 months in!
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    Special notes**
    i.    I am against users who create art or feed writing/roleplay responses with the use of AI, or artificial intelligence. Please refer to this post for further info ->     ii. Yuri took the screen caps & cropped them for my icons.
Thanks for checking out my links & reading this far, I look forward to writing & chatting together. & Please give this post a "like" just so I know this page was at least visited!
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gatheredfates · 1 month
fox anon: Probably because we don't really talk/interact, not being mutuals. But your question drives are really fun to see go around
Hi anon! Is that because you follow me and I'm not following you? There was a period where I didn't really follow personal blogs because I was trying to keep this blog strictly XIV related, but I ended up putting @abyssine as a sideblog so I started caring less about personals verses xiv-specific blogs. I did try to follow blogs in that time period, but there's a good chance I missed it!
Please feel free to DM me if that's the case (and if you're comfy enough to do so!). I can promise you it wouldn't be anything personal because I block people I don't vibe with.
I also tend to either unfollow/softblock people who have been inactive for x amount of months, but that's to keep my follower/following list clean and ensure I have room to follow active blogs. If you were inactive for any period of time, that could be why too! That's also nothing personal and you can just yell at me and I'll follow back. ✨ I get irl happens.
I do try to follow most of the people on my follower list unless their blog is so completely left of centre I can't find connective tissue to xiv or I suspect they're a bot.
Or I just missed it. Because, y'know, Tumblr.
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
Hi, I’m Bird. welcome to my sideblog! i hope you have a good time :) thanks for reading! 🩵
Ask box is: On hold
WIP tracker
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Rules & TOS:
- I am using this blog as a place to put my self-indulgent fandom fics. i don't proofread or beta my stuff so if i make typos no i didn't 🫡
- blank blogs please do not +follow! i will assume you are a bot and block/softblock you. You can remain empty/anon as long as you have some profile customization and maybe a post/reblog or two
- you can send asks/requests and i'll tackle 'em asap but please don't expect too much of the social aspect from me, i struggle with socialization like a feral cat
- i write reader fics. this means: gender neutral, no physical description/indicators, no gender-biased nicknames clothes or scenarios, you/yours and they/them pronouns only.
- do not call my Reader she/her, or any fem-aligned nicknames. im dead serious, this is a ‘block on sight’ thing, it kicks up my dysphoria and it's the same reason i won't read fem!reader fics. i won't block for the first time, but if you commented on something or sent an ask/request and I deleted/didn't respond, this is probably why. I'm giving y'all the benefit of the doubt that maybe you didn't check my page first though! but continued behavior will earn a block .
- i’m not holding a taglist atm, you either perceive me or don't. (if i ever write smth longer that warrants a taglist i’ll be sure to mention it!)
- no bigotry or discrimination allowed, please use your good judgement when consuming media, etc. there will be no bitchin in my kitchen!
- no reposting, copying, or heavily referencing! plaigarism is the 8th cardinal sin 😊 yes this includes feeding my writing to AI. don't do it.
- re: above ^ making stuff inspired by/expanding on concepts is totally fine though! i'm inviting everyone to come play in my sandbox :3c if you do, please tag me! i'd love to see and rb from you 🥰 (AI is still 100% off the table though)
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Request Rules:
currently in genshin/sagau fandom so mostly stick to those themes please! (and do let me know if you want canon or other AU settings! otherwise i'll assume sagau)
i won't do crossovers sorry! i'm not too knowledgeable on many other media or fandoms and i'd rather not butcher something im not familiar with!
willing to write both platonic and romantic! (specific character romance with the male characters only, sorry, but platonic is free game!)
i write kinda slow tbh, so please don't send me anything that is time sensitive or has a deadline bc i probably won't make it in time :')
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General Tags:
Writing -> #seabird.txt
Doodles -> #seabird.png
Asks/replies -> #seabird.inbox
Personal -> #seabird.exe
Reblogs -> #seabird.rb
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Masterlist below the cut:
Glitch in Irminsul AU
SAGAU setting, where the Irminsul tree behaves like a GIT repository, and the Creator's arrival accidentally merged old branches into the current data.
Blog Tag - [p1] [p2] [p3] [p4] [p5]
Bloodletting AU
SAGAU cult au, the Creator descends to Teyvat with no obvious godly powers and is rejected by the acolytes, until it's discovered that their golden blood has strength-enhancing properties.
Blog Tag - [p1] [p2]
[rb1] [rb2]
Voice of God AU
SAGAU cult au, set pre-isekai. The Shouki no Kami is powered up and connected to Scaramouche, who then experiences a sudden jarring connection to the Creator.
Blog Tag - [p1] [p2] [p3]
Wish Upon series
Stardust AU, canon setting. Wanderer tries to catch a fallen star to get a blessing from Celestia and obtain a heart. Instead, he gets you.
Blog tag - [p1]
Misc. fics
Not aligned to any specific AU or series!
[200 Follower Event tag]
[Creator!Reader and Cyno's bad jokes] [dollmaker!Reader and the scara gang]
🔞 [18+ tag] 🔞
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whothehellisgojoe · 4 months
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★ this blog is for an 18+ audience. dni if you don’t feel comfortable with dark content and/or nsfw.
★ blogs that are minors, ageless and/or blank will be softblocked. It doesn’t take too much time to put your age or year of birth.
★ i have an inconsistent pace in posting, I could go from posting daily to every 3 days, depends mostly on my mood and inspiration when writing.
★ english isn't my first language, i don't mind ppl correcting my grammar, spelling or lexicon mistakes as long as it's done respectfully.
★ request are always welcomed! however, keep in mind i'm the one who decides what to write and what not, please don't take it personally if I didn't write any request of yours.
★ i feel flattered that you like what i post, but please restrain from spam liking my content. it could get me shadowbanned and i really don't wanna block anyone bc of it. liking 5+ post will get you blocked.
★ do not copy, translate or modify my work unless my given permission. ask first! it’ll depend on me if i accept it or not.
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ψ(`∇´)ψ → INTERACTIONS !
★ feel free to interact with me whenever you want! i dont bite, i swear.👹
★ i don't do discourse, i'm not interested and you probably won't see me engaging in any of it so please don't bring it into my blog bc you will be ignored, unless i feel like something said is worth calling out.
★ don't vent in my inbox, anon or not. ...why would you do that? unless it something mild like 'today i ran out of my fav snacks' or 'my fav character just died', don't trauma dump, friendly reminder that i'm a complete stranger to you.
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(´・ω・`) → ABOUT WRITING…
★ things i won't write: incest, stepcest (pseudo is ok), scat, vore, bestiality, raceplay, vomit, minors involved in sexual acts, aged up characters, etc. this list might get longer as i get requests.
★ don’t send me requests you’ve sent to other creators, i don’t feel comfortable about it and would like to avoid any misunderstandings.
★ i write for afab!readers/fem!readers only! dni if you don't feel comfortable with the use of fem pronouns.
★ reader's race, skin tone and body type will not be described as i want this to be as inclusive as possible, though she will be always depicted as shorter than who i'm writing abt.
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plulp · 9 months
about 🦠
hi! my name is germ/pulp or whatever else you want to call me.
i am 20+ and i go by they/them or no pronouns :) either one is fine with me
since this is a (currently) dol blog, even if i dont (probably will some time soon) post any nsfw, i ask of you to PLEASE be 18+ before following or interacting with me. i may post about dark content, so please be wary before going through my blog.
also please have 18+/your age/adult or anything somewhere on your account! in a pinned post, a link in your bio, anything is good! but this blog does post and contain adult content, so if there isnt any indication youre an adult, i may softblock/block you.
i mainly post about degrees of lewdity as of right now! i may or may not post about other things if im interested, and my posts are very sporadic to where i may leave for months at a time. i hit artblock very very very frequently.
my asks are always open so feel free to ask me any questions or give any requests or just talk to me!
thank you very much for reading!!!! :)
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vaniliens · 5 months
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Vanillas' Blog!! Number 2!!! Wahoo!!!
Nia / Vanillas / Vaniliens • Any Pronouns
Old Blog (@vaniliens-archive) | Carrd (WIP) | Milgram Off Voice Playlist | Editing Blog (@eebydeepers)
Art on blog theme by Negiyan & Hiro Mashima and sourced from Satsuten! & Fairy Tail (Edited by me)
Please do not repost my stuff without permission‼️
#nillas - Talk / Text / Original post tag!
#vanili powder - Rant / Vent / Salty shit!
#my manga coloring - Stuff i colored! Even if its not manga.
#my ocs - Stuff relating to my ocs! Mostly just posts that remind me of them or oc questions.
#spiralling - Dont worry about it. Yea there's 2 L's one for me one for that guy. Im putting this here out on public so you can filter it out if you want.
#white boy wednesday - EVERY WEDNESDAY 7 AM MY TIME!!!!!!! FRESH FROM THE QUEUE!!!!!!!!!
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Blog Notes
Not an exclusionist, block me if you are one, i do not want to deal with you people im actually sick of you.
This is a multi-fandom blog, the major fandoms being: Fairy Tail, Milgram, Zero Escape, Angels of Death / Satsuriku no Tenshi, & Evillious Chronicles but I'll reblog other stuff too!!!!! Even stuff im not familiar with!!!!
Yea now that i mentioned evillious let me state this rq; i tag evillious / series of evil as its own series, separate to vocaloid, along with all the characters & voice synths 🫡 But no other series. Unless its kagepro but that ones obvious.
Also, specifically for FT characters, if they dont have a last name but have a well-known alias, their tag would be [Alias] / [Name] or [Name] / [Alias] (depends on whichever one we were introduced to first) (ex. #Cobra / Erik)
Speaking of FT, the sequel (100yq) is grouped in the same tag as the general fairy tail tag. But i have specific tags for each game. Will change once the 100yq anime is out
Every other character without a last name would get their series' name (usually shortened) at the end / beginning (#Clover 999 or #Fairy Tail Happy)
Big fan of Lucy & Lisanna not a big fan of Nalu & the other big ships except Jerza. FAIRY TAIL FANS do not be surprised of that!!! I will not be that much of a hater since i dont care but I will still complain sometimes.
I got shadowbanned for using a VPN while on Tumblr once and support will not reply to my tickets to be un-shadowbanned so heres a second blog!!! Let this be a lesson!!!
Feel free to tag me in stuff even if we're not familiar with eachother / not mutuals!! i love tags,,,, this is a plea for you to tag me in stuff please tag me in stuff send me asks anything please
Also i softblock a lot don't take it personally. You're Free to block me for any reason too idc 👍
Also you're free to send a dm or ask to tell me to tag things;;;;; Because i usually dont unless its nsfw or really triggering
I put most of the stuff i reblog on queue it spit s out 15 posts everyday but theres . 100+ posts in there at all times please be patient. You're not gonna see your stuff rb here for a Week probably
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^^^^VERY important^^^^
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dandyshucks · 6 months
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Dandy/Juno/etc || 22 || they/it || Métis
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hiya hello!! welcome to my silly little blog where I have a little silly fun rbing/talking about F/Os!! F/O list is under the cut way down there ⤵
I'm totally fine with sharing F/Os except for Guzma (if you tag all your posts abt him then you're a-okay to follow, I'll just block that specific tag)!
if you need to block me please just hardblock me - I have several disorders that affect my memory so if you softblock me I will likely just end up following again and I'd hate to be a pest that way!! no hard feelings, do what you gotta do!!
🔞 there might be (very rare) occasional suggestive posts, but those will be tagged accordingly for easy blacklisting! anything Actually nsfw will be over at my 18+ only sideblog @scandydandyshucks ! 🔞
I upload my selfship fics to AO3 now!
I also have a carrd with more info about me and this blog!
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📰 for posts about the ongoing genocide happening, please go to @piplupod my general account. please donate to gazafunds.com if you have the means!
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🚫 People who ship pedophilic or incestual pairings and people who write/draw(/otherwise create) porn of children will be blocked, I have zero tolerance for any of that ! Also, the "fiction doesn't affect reality" crowd is strictly NOT welcome here ! 🚫
If you ever see me reblog from someone nasty, please let me know so I can go investigate and deal with it! ∑ദ്ദി˙◡・)
If you need anything tagged, feel free to ask - even with the memory issues, I'm usually pretty good at remembering to tag for things when asked directly ^-^
F/O list under the cut !!
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F/O list:
Main F/O:
Guzma (pokemon) (tag: "💜so good at being in trouble", ship tag: "💜a boy and his bug🪲")
Other F/Os (from most active to least):
Wardell Hurst (OC) (tag: "🕯the warmth of your doorways")
Julian (the orbiting human circus) (tag: "🗼got my love to keep me warm")
Shota and Hizashi (bnha) (tags: "🖤napping in class" and "🧡hello radio land!", ship tag: "🖤one lucky listener🧡")
Rum Tum Tugger and Mistoffelees (cats the musical) (tags: "🌟only like what I find for myself" and "✨never was there a cat so clever")
Theodor and Philby (OCs) (tags: "🚪theodor" and "☎philby" and "🚪take me home☎")
Marc, Steven, Jake (moonknight) (tags: "🤍whatever it takes", "🤎float like a butterfly sting like a bee", "🩶the man in the rearview mirror", ship tag: "🌙systems overlapping🪲")
Sun and Moon (fnaf) (QPP?) (tags: "💛lights on!" and "💙nightlight")
The Doctor (doctor who) (tag: "💓doctor doctor gimme the news")
Aziraphale and Crowley (good omens) (tags: "💞oh my angel" and "❤️‍🔥never (not) nice", ship tag: "💞temptation sparks❤️‍🔥")
Bart (Bartine) Curlish from DGHDA (tag: "🪚inmate qt 3.14")
Shane from SDV (tag TBA)
Senshi from dunmeshi (tag TBA)
self insert tags:
pokemon: junebug🪲
cats: tickitywick⚙️
orbiting human circus: star📻
DL: dandy🌻
general F/O posts are tagged with 💗
op tag: "dandy.cmd"
art tag: "doodlebug.png"
writing tag: "dandy.doc"
WIP tag: "doodlebug.jpeg"
vent tag: "vent //"
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leafposting · 4 months
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IC info
A backwoods Appalachia boy, Kel graduated from the best ag school in the state debt-free on one condition: he would serve the elder vampire who funded him.
In 2022, he skipped out on the deal.
Since then he's been constantly on the move, relying on his folk magic and goodwill from supernatural beings and humans alike to keep out of the elder's claws.
OOC about and rules:
18+ only. This is World of Darkness, after all. Child characters are usually okay to interact with Kel, but the person behind the keyboard must be an adult.
@corellianflyboy is my main/personal. This is a sideblog. I also run @knife-edged-dreams, @recursivegnostic, @boracyk, and @notchedwhip.
Don’t be an asshole OOC. If you’re a bigot or consistently rude I’m blocking you and moving on.
I occasionally softblock and URL filter IC blogs if the characters are based on themes that don’t play well with my personal history. Please don’t take it personally if that happens to you. I’d love to chat OOC or interact with other muses, just not those particular ones.
World of Darkness or similar muses strongly preferred for interaction. I don’t care if personal blogs follow or not. When reblogging dash games or ask memes, please either send one in or reblog from the source rather than me.
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vampryoteuthis · 1 year
—— 🦑 welcome to my main account 🦑 ——
my name is Robin | adult (20+) | he/him usually
quick links: my art | other links being fixed
any negativity is tagged with #.negative if you’d like to block that.
—— extended about below ——
my name is Robin! I’m an adult and usually use he/him pronouns. I use this blog to ramble or rb stuff. My actual art account is @theunderdoctor , if you want to see just my art.
I don’t have any hard DNIs other than usual ones, and if there’s an issue and we don’t know each other well I’m likely to just softblock + move on. Please tag genderbends - I don’t dislike them, but I just sometimes don’t want to see them.
if you’re following me for enstars, I’m an AKATSUKI producer. akatsuki are my favorite characters. Currently I’m not super into enstars.
I also adore deep sea ocean life and classic literature.
Please feel free to talk to me! I don’t bite and I love talking to people about stuff I like :>
you’re not required to like this post but it lets me know you saw this, if you feel like it!
have a good day :}
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fstbmp-a · 6 months
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I'm going to be adding this officially to my rules very soon due to recent events (no I won't discuss it) but I'll make this a post, too, so everyone is aware of this update.
I Hard Block, not Soft block-- and please do the same to me! It only leads to confusion in my personal experience and any hurt feelings you may think you're avoiding, personally, come tenfold because I'll wonder what had happened; if it was Tumblr's error or not. So it's much cleaner and less sloppy to simply hard block and move on. You've already decided this isn't a salvageable connection, so why leave it up to confusion/second-guessing? So please, do everyone in this a favor, and hard block me if you think it's an issue. If you see I'm no longer following you or you're not following me? Don't worry, I haven't softblocked you, as I don't partake in that. It was a Tumblr error and you're more than free to follow me once again.
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I'm a real stick in the mud at the very beginning here, I promise it gets good after the readmore, but this needs to be said first, in all caps because I'm tired of repeating myself:
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You can call me Saint.
Bi, AFAB, black. She/They. Switch, prey & pet, vers/power bottom. Part-time service top & mommy domme.
I’m a writer, and I love what I do. I'm in it for the love of the game until I can do this full-time for a living. No pressure to tip (I have a day job ... one you will hear me complain about ... a lot 😑), but if you're so moved, go ahead and leave me a few coins.
More importantly: Please feel free to reblog my work (and don't be afraid to go off in the tags, I LOVE reading them). Or if you don't reblog, leave me a reply.
My smut tag is all original fiction or fanfiction by yours truly.
Check out the My Works link at the top of my page for all the stuff I’ve posted. Also linked below:
���original shorts, text posts, etc - #smut  🪶YSLT (A Heisenberg Smut Fic) - Tumblr  🪶YSLT (A Heisenberg Smut Fic) - AO3 
To My New Followers (Who Made it this Far):
I LOVE to hear from y’all. Shoot me a chat or, if you’re the shy type, hit my inbox. My anons are always on. Never be afraid to reblog or comment on my posts or my work.
I use gender neutral/flexible/ambiguous pronouns and second person POVs when I write unless otherwise specified. My writing might not be "for" everyone (in terms of the subject matter, tone, etc.) but I do still want it to be "for" everyone that happens to like what I like.
If you are a TERF (or radfem or gender critical or whatever the fuck stupid shit you dumb motherfucking assholes are calling yourselves nowadays to continue aligning further with the alt-right scum) and/or SWERF and you try to follow/message/reblog me, you will be reported, flagged AND blocked.
If I’m following you and you reblog a TERF’s stuff, I’ll assume you don’t have shinigamieyes and either unfollow you or message you about it in good faith. I try not to lose too much sleep over this, there’s plenty of blogs that don’t put that crap on my dashboard.
Now the part we've all been waiting for (congrats for making it his far down): DNIs and kinks
💕What Winds My Watch? (links to my tags)💕
CNC, or Consensual Non-Consent
Role Playing (mean bestie domme, sugar mama domme, mommy domme, slasherfucking, among others)
Free Use/Objectification
Bondage (rope, handcuffs, chains, leashes)
Resistance Play (struggle and takedown, chase/pursuit)
Abduction Play
Dumbification/Mind Break/Brain Drain
Primal Play
Pet Play
Orientation Play
Blasphemy Kink
Size Kink
Voice Kink
- “Raceplay” or racial fetishism of ANY kind - Scat or vomit - feeder/fat fetishism - TERFs - SWERFs
💞 Saint
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ode2rin · 1 year
✧˚ · . 【𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒】
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╰─▸ ❝ 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋:
blank blogs / ageless blogs / spam likes = block :)
i softblock or remove the following when i am bothered by anything, which isn't very personal i promise !! it's simply me trying to make this a genuinely enjoyable experience for myself :D (feel free to do the same thing w me !!)
for the most part, this blog will be sfw. the closest i'll get is suggestive content (which i'll still tag appropriately). if you want my nsfw blog, it's probably somewhere out here in tumblr xD kidding! just ask :>
some occasional explicit thirst/content/rambles will be tagged accordingly, if you're a minor, please don't interact with them.
also, i am fine with nsfw blogs interacting with me.
for my works, any age is free to interact!
and for interacting with me, any is also okay (i won’t followback unless you’re 15+ though)
have your age on your bio (so i know how to act around you, if you interact with me !!)
╰─▸ ❝ 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆:
i do not write nsfw and dark themes (in this blog), or any sensitive topics.
i will usually write in gender neutral tones, reader's pronouns will always be they/them. i may sometimes write gender specific ones but it will be a rare occurrence here :>
i don't do requests, but ideas are welcome though!
i don't have a posting schedule, i write only when i feel like it :D
╰─▸ ❝ 𝐁𝐘𝐅:
please know that i'm multilingual and english is not my first language, there will be (a lot of) times that my grammar and my syntax would not be the best, if that bothers you then this blog might not be for you hehe
i'm new here like that kind of new in a platform (as of writing this, month of may 2023!!) so i sometimes don't know whatnots especially on the technical side of tumblr
i joke and swear a lot, i also scream a lot about my interests, and if you don't like a bother in your dash, i'd appreciate if you'll rethink following me hehe.
i also suck at making things look pretty, so.. if the disastrousness of my blog bothers you (me too..) i guess i'll see u go !
i'm usually busy ._. and only opens this app when i have time to dispose or a brainrot is getting too real
i sometimes (usually) write fics that are inspired with taylor swift's songs bec i really like her art !! if that bothers you, suit yourself :D
lastly, this blog isn't just made for writing. i sometimes share personal things about me too :>
feel free to shoot me an ask or a message (don't trauma dump tho.. unless warranted by me) !
╰─▸ ❝ 𝐃𝐍𝐈:
if you are homophobic, racist, transphobic, or just a hateful human being in general. i cannot stomach people like that. also, i don't like people who 'shades' others and think that it's edgy and quirky to be sending hate for no reason.
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corrpse · 5 days
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Hello, & welcome to my writing roleplay blog, featuring Mukuro Ikusaba. I would like to state firstly, this series & things to it are infested with triggering content - this does not mean I condone any of it. I expect critical thinking to be used & not an immediate insults of 'you are just as bad! you are an apologist!' I will not out right explicitly write some of these themes featured. However, as Mukuro is subjected to emotional / physical abuse by her sister & mistakes this as romance, it can be quite uncomfortable for most viewers. Mukuro has developed a co-dependency on Junko, she is confused & has had no real relationships outside of her sister. She is a Junko apologist.
I am still learning about the series. Most of my knowledge is based on the anime, reading the wiki, & tidbits given to me by friends. So, please do not compare me to other DR writers or give me negative feedback if I'm getting things 'wrong'. I am here for a fun time & to learn more about a series I've been intrigued by for many years. This is my first time writing a DR character.
Due to the nature of Mukuro's story, along with events molding her into who/what she is, some heavy topics will be featured here. Such as, but not limited to: Death, PTSD, Suicide mentions, heavy depression, descriptive blood/gore, mature language, artistic nudity & descriptive sexual encounters. <- I will be writing Mukuro over the age of 18.
More on mains/exclusives/affiliates: I do not partner with just anyone.I'm very particular about who I tend to have heavy association with, as I personally believe most do it to have a badge of popularity on their blogs rather than genuine connection between the writer & their blog Canon. I apologize if this seems like a wild reach & assumptions, this is from personal experience who used to actively participate in affiliations, etc.
Regarding relationships in the romance department: Mukuro is multiship. But, forming romance with her will be quite a feat. She CAN feel romance toward others, unfortunately it is pushed down & ignored for the sake of her relationship with Junko.
In addition, please do not only approach me on Mukuro for romance plots. I will only do this with a select few - namely, those I am close friends to / associate with in my pinned posts.
A note on blocking/soft blocking/unfollowing: I don't just unfollow or softblock, I always out right block. I don't like being questioned on it, as my reasoning for doing so is such a long list. However, it's almost never personal... If I don't vibe with you anymore, don't enjoy your tone of speaking, overly aggro in your own guidelines pages, try to police people on how they write or what they write (i.e.; saying they should end their life over something fictional... yeah, no.) I will block, too, if you are overly dramatic, meaning, you like to stir the pot for no other reason than to do it & get clout. If you share callouts, or try to tell me who I can & can't talk to. I'm pro-free mind, as in not following the crowd on harassing someone over a callout. I block if you're a person who genuinely believes what media someone likes is a direct reflection on their own views & morals... grow up. I will also block, if I'm just simply not interested in your blog or character.
I think that's all, so here's a little bit about me: My name is Archeon, "Ark", 1995 is my birth year. I am a Polyamorous lesbian who uses primarily masculine pronouns, however I don't care much for what you refer to me to. I've been together with Yuri 6 years as of May 2024... She is my everything. My favorite color is red, my favorite Pokemon are Gengar & Umbreon. I also write a few characters, mostly known for Makima, Dame Aylin, Mei Raiden, Shadow & Dante... Currently, I am casually re-learning & learning the following languages: Spanish, Japanese, Chinese & German, along with going through a weight loss journey - as of typing this, I'm 6 months in!
Special notes** i.    I am against users who create art or feed writing/roleplay responses with the use of AI, or artificial intelligence. Please refer to this post for further info ->    ii.    edits / border is made by me, the heart & knife image in my icon is made by my friend, S.
Thanks for checking out my links & reading this far, I look forward to writing & chatting together. & Please give this post a "like" just so I know this page was at least visited!
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