#yokai watch 3 ver. 2.0
kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki (and I think ver. 2.3 in general), so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “The Yōkai Council's Secret Investigation Order” sidequest.
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I know this is not from ver. 3.0, but I’ve been meaning to do this one since Sukiyaki’s release, it’s just that 3.0 got released faster than I expected.
I’ll go through this scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I´m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
First of all, in order to be able to start this quest, you will need a certain item that you get by scanning in the QR code of Nurarihyon’s medal. However, this item isn’t actually involved with the quest itself.
Item Description: 議長の錫杖 妖怪評議会議長に選ばれた者のみが持つ ことの許された錫杖。 ぬらりひょん専用。 Chairman's Khakkhara A khakkhara that only thoses who were elected chairman are allowed to possess. Only for Nurarihyon to use.
A Khakkhara, called  shakujō in Japanese, is basically a staff used for prayer and as a weapon by Buddhist monks, from what I know.
Accepting the Request:
Nurarihyon: はぁ… まったく。 *Sigh*... Honestly, now.
Whisper: おや? ずいぶんと お悩みのようですねぇ。 Oh? It sounds like you’re quite worried about something.
Nurarihyon: …この街の危機を救った お前たちになら まかせても いいかもしれんな。 ...Maybe I can leave it to you, the ones who saved this city from the crisis.
Nurarihyon: 妖怪評議会としての依頼で 極秘の調査を たのみたい。 At the Yōkai Council's request, I want to conduct an investigation.
Mission Description: 妖怪評議会のぬらりひょん議長。 エンマ大王の側近でもある彼から 直々に極秘の依頼があるようだ。 一体どんな極秘指令なのだろう? Chairman Nurarihyon of the Yōkai Council. It seems that he, who is also the Great King Enma's aide, personally has a top secret request. Just what is this top secret order?
Nate: それで なんの調査をすればいいの? So, what kind of investigation should we do?
Nurarihyon: …その前に 場所を移そう。 だれかに聞かれては こまる内容なのだ。 ...Let us go somewhere else first. ...It would be troublesome if someone overheard it.
Nurarihyon: たしか… おまえたちは 「バスターズハウス」を拠点にしていたな。 If I am not mistaken... You used the Busters House as a base.
Nurarihyon: 私がそこに向かおう。 依頼内容については その後に。 I will head there. There I will tell you about the details of the request.
Nate: うん 分かった! Right, got it!
At the Busters House:
Happierre: 待ってたボーノ! お客さんが 来てるボーノ! I've been waiting, bono! There's a customer, bono! (1)
Nate: もしかして ぬらるひょん? Is it Nurarihyon, by any chance?
Happierre: そうだボーノ! 失礼のないように するんだボーノ。 That's right, bono! Please be respectful, bono.
Nurarihyon: それでは 依頼内容についてだが… これは評議会からの極秘指令だ。 Now, I will tell you the details of the request, but... this is a top secret order from the council.
Whisper: 超・超・超! 重要ってことでうぃすね! So it's a super, super, super important thing, whis!
Nate: …ごくり。 それで オレたちは何をすればいいの? ...*gulp* So, what are we supposed to do?
Nurarihyon: エンマ大王さまを 調べてほしい。 I want you to investigate the Great King Enma.
Nate: ええええ〜!? どういうこと!!? Whaaat!? What do you mean!!?
Nurarihyon: あのお方は ときおり人間界へ... それも お前たちの街へと出かけられる…。 He occasionally goes out to the human world... and to your town, at that...
Nurarihyon: しかも 人間に化けてまでだ。 そう ちょうど…… He even takes on human form. Yes, the form... (2)
Nurarihyon: このような 少年のすがたでな。 ...of a boy just like this.
Whisper: …よ よく覚えてますね。 ...H-He sure remembered that well.
Nurarihyon: わざわざ 人間たちにまぎれて… いったい 何をされているのか…。 Going out of his way to mingle with humans... What in the world is he doing...?
Nurarihyon: そう… たまりにたまった仕事を ほっぽりだして 何のおつもりなのか…。 Right... what is he thinking, leaving behind his piled-up work...
Nurarihyon: だいたい 私が目をはなすと すぐに どこかに行ってしまわれ… He usually immediately goes off to someplace the instant I take my eyes off of him...
Nurarihyon: ……コホン。 というわけだ。 ...Ahem. That is the situation.
Nurarihyon: あのお方が 人間界で何をしているか それを調査してほしい。 I want you to investigate what he is doing in the human world.
Nurarihyon: 私が行くべきなんだが いろいろあってな。 人間界へ同行することはできん…。 I should be going, but I can not do that for multiple reasons. I can not go to the human world with you...
Nurarihyon: ゆえに コレをわたしておく。 何かあれば連絡してくれ。 Therefore, take this. Please contact me if something happens.
Text Box: ぬらりひょんから 謎の 黒いスマートフォンを受け取った!! You got a mysterious black smart phone from Nurarihyon!!
Nate: コレって… スマホ? This is... a smartphone?
Nurarihyon: ただのスマホではない。 私に連絡ができるのは 当然だが… It is not just an ordinary smartphone. Of course you can contact me with it, but...
Nurarihyon: 大王さまの妖気に反応し 居場所を 特定してくれる。 It responds to His Majesty's yōki, and determines his whereabouts. (3)
Nurarihyon: さらに 持ち主の気配を 「ぬらり…」と隠す特性も持っている。 Furthermore, it possesses the characteristic of 'slimily...' hiding the presence of its bearer. (4)
Nate: そんなこともできるの!? It can do that, too!?
Whisper: こんなスゴいスマホ… ヨップルストアでも売ってませんよ! Such an amazing smartphone... They don't even sell that at the Yopple Store!
Nurarihyon: ああ 私ヨップル社に作らせた 特別製のスマートフォン… Yes, a specially constructed smartphone that I had the Yopple company make...
Nurarihyon: ぬらりフォンだ。 The Nurariphone.
Nurarihyon: お前たちの住む街が 夜に変わるころ… 大王さまは 出歩き始めるようだ。 It seems that His Majesty goes out... when night falls in the town you live in.
Nurarihyon: そうしたら ぬらりフォンが反応し 大王さまの居場所を 示してくれるはずだ。 When that happens, the Nurariphone should react and show you His Majesty's location.
Whisper: つまり 日本で夜まで寝たときに ぬらりフォンが反応するってことですね! In other words, once we sleep until night in Japan, the Nurariphone will react!
Nurarihyon: 調査方法はまかせる。 それでは たのんだぞ。 I leave the method of investigating to you. Now then, I am counting on you.
In Japanese Happierre ends most of his sentences with ボーノ/bōno, which is derived from his Japanese name ホノボーノ/Honobōno, which in turn is derived from ほのぼの/honobo, which means something like heartwearming.
The word used to describe Enma taking on human form is 化けて/bakete which is a word often used to refer to the transformations of yōkai and similar creatures from folklore. 
“Yōki“ is a term used in the Japanese versions of the Yokai Watch games. It is made up of these Kanji: 妖/Yō (the same Yō as in Yōkai, which can mean “mysterious” or “bewitching”, among other things), and 気/Ki, which is the Japanese word for the concept of Qi. It’s not a term exclusive to this franchise, but in Yokai Watch it seems to basically refer to a yōkai’s Ki, to put it simple.
Nurarihyon is making a bit of a pun here. He says the phone can hide its bearer’s presence “nurari...”-like, which is of course a reference to his own name, and ぬらり/nurari can basically be translated as something being slimy or slippery.
First Night, Beginning:
Whisper: ケータくん! ぬらりフォンが 反応しているでうぃす! Nate! The Nurariphone is reacting, whis!
Whisper: エンマ大王さまが 人間界に 来ているようでうぃすよ! It seems that the Great King Enma has come to the human world, whis!
Nate: ホント!? どこにいるの? Really!? Where is he?
Whisper: ええっと… レーダーの反応によると… Let's see... according to the radar's reaction...
Whisper: どうやら さくらの湯に いらっしゃるようでうぃす! Appearently he went to the Springdale Hotsprings, whis!
Jibanyan: 大きなお風呂に 入りにきたニャン? Did he come to take a big bath, nyan?
Nate: う〜ん… とりあえず さくらの湯に 行ってみようか! Umm... let's just go to the Springdale Hotsprings for now!
First Night, Finding Enma:
Whisper: ああっ! エンマ大王様えすよ…! それと… となりにいるのは もしや…。 Ahh! It's the Great King Enma...! And... next to him is...
Enma: ひさしぶりだな。 …いつ見ても お前は変わらないな。 It's been a while. ...You just don't change one bit, no matter how often I see you.
Mr. Goodsight: これはこれは… 大きくなられましたなぁ。 Dear me... You sure have grown.
Enma: 最近 調子はどうだ? 人間たちとも 上手くやってるか? How are things lately? Getting along with the humans? (1)
Mr. Goodsight: ああ この街の人間たちは 物を大切にしてくれる人ばかりでな。 Yes, among the humans in this town, there are many people who cerish things.
Mr. Goodsight: 時計の修理よりも おしゃべりをしに 店をおとずれる方が多いくらいじゃ。 There are more people who visit the shop to have a chat than those who want to have their watches repaired.
Enma: ハハッ そうか。 Haha, is that so?
Whisper: まさか おふたりが知り合いだったとは! No way, these two actually know each other!
Nate: 昔からの知り合いみたいだけど… どういう関係なんだろう? It sounds like they're old acquaintances, but... I wonder what their relationship is?
Whisper: う〜ん… サッパリでうぃす…。 Hmm... I haven't the foggiest, whis...
Nate: そういえば… オレたちの姿って 見えてないんだよね? That reminds me... They can't see us, right?
Whisper: うぃす。 こんなに近くにいるのに ちょっと不思議でうぃすねぇ。 Whis. It's a bit strange, since we are so close to them, whis.
Nate: うん ヘンな感じ。 結局 何の用だったんだろうね。 Yeah, feels weird. I wonder just what this was for.
Whisper: むむむ よくわかりませんねぇ…。 Hmmm, I don't really understand...
I think Enma makes a bit of a pun here. In Japanese, the part I translated as “how are things?” is 調子はどうだ/Chōshi wa dōda?, which sounds similar to Timers & More’s Japanese name:  チョーシ堂/ Chōshi-dō, which I think is probably a pun on the phrase to begin with. Adding to that, in Japanese Mr. Goodsight is unnnamed and is only referred to as “Owner of Chōshi-dō”.
Second Night, Beginning:
Whisper: ケータくん! ぬらりフォンが 反応しているでうぃす! Nate! The Nurariphone is reacting, whis!
Whisper: この街に エンマ大王が いらっしゃるみたいです! It looks like the Great King Enma has come to this town!
Nate: よし さがさなきゃ! 場所はどこ…!? Alright, we gotta find him! Where is he...!?
Whisper: ええっと… レーダーの反応によると… Let's see... according to the radar's reaction...
Whisper: …さくら中央シティの路地裏に いるようでうぃす? ...it seems like he's in Downtown Springdale's back alley, whis?
Jibanyan: 路地裏なんかで 何してるニャン? What's he doing in a back alley, nyan?
Whisper: それを調査するのが 私たちの目的でうぃす! It is our objective to find that out, whis!
Nate: よし こっそり行ってみよう! Alright, let's go and see, stealthily!
Second Night, Finding Enma:
Jibanyan: あの人間 きっとエンマ大王だニャン! それに 見たことある人もいるニャンよ? I'm pretty sure that human there is the Great King Enma, nyan! And also, someone we've seen before, nyan?
Ms. Frost: もう… いらっしゃるなら 前もって 言ってくださればいいのに。 Honestly now... I wish you would tell me in advance before you come to visit.
Enma: 顔を見に来ただけだから 気にするな。 店のジャマをするのも悪いしな。 I'm only here to see your face, so don't worry. Getting in the way of your store would be bad. (1)
Enma: 「スナック ゆきおんな」… ずいぶん 人気の店みたいじゃないか。 "Frostia's Place"... Seems like it's a pretty popular place. (2)
Enma: アンタにグチを聞いてもらえば どんなに頭に血がのぼって 熱くなっても… You got this reputation that, no matter how angry people get, how heated they get...
Enma: 不思議と熱が冷ませるって 評判だったぜ。 さすがだな。 When people tell you about their complains, they're mysteriously able to cool down. As expected of you.
Ms. Frost: うふふ… そう言ってもらえるなんて とても光栄ですわ。 Teeheehee... I am deeply honored to hear you say this.
Ms. Frost: 今度 お店にも いらしてくださいな。 おいしいお菓子を 用意しておきますよ。 Please, come into my store next time. I will prepare delicious candy.
Enma: おいおい… ガキ扱いするなよな。 Hey now... Don't treat me like a kid.
Nate: このふたりって 知り合いだったんだ So these two knew each other...
Whisper: ママさん ケータくんには お菓子を売ってくれますけど… Ms. Frost sells candy to Nate, but...
Whisper: エンマ大王さまってば お菓子好きなんですかねぇ〜? Does that mean that the Great King Enma likes candy?
Nate: ええっ? そういう話なのかな…? What? That's what you got from this...? 
Nate: でも 何かしてるワケでもなさそうだし… 遊びに来てるだけなのかも。 But, he doesn't seem to be doing anything... maybe he just came to visit.
Whisper: うぃす… そうかもしれませんねぇ。 Whis... yes, that might be true.
Whisper: それにして あのおふたり… どこで知り合ったんでしょう…? But still, those two... how do they know one another...?
Unsure if I got the second line here completely right.
In Japanese, Ms. Frost’s shop is called スナック ゆきおんな/SNACK Yuki-onna, with Yuki-onna being a type of yōkai and Frostina’s Japanese name. The “snack” part refers to the fact that it’s a so called “snack bar” , or just “snack” for short, a type of Japanese hostess bar. Adding to that, in Japanese Ms. Frost goes unnamed and is only called “Mama-san”, which is what the female mangers of such establishments are called, from what I understand?
Third Night, Beginning:
Whisper: ケータくん! ぬらりフォンが 反応しているでうぃす! Nate! The Nurariphone is reacting, whis!
Whisper: かなり強い反応ですよ! おそらく この近くにエンマ大王が…! It's a pretty strong reaction! Perhaps the Great King Enma is close by...!
Nate: えっ! 近く…!? What! Close by...!?
Whisper: ええっと… レーダーの反応によると… Let's see... according to the radar's reaction...
Whisper: どうやら さくら第一小学校の体育館に いらしゃるようでうぃす! Appearently he went to the gym of Springdale Elementary, whis!
Nate: 学校の体育館? なにしてるんだろう? The school's gym? What is he doing?
Jibanyan: さっそく調査 開始だニャン! Let's begin with the investigation immediately, nyan!
Third Night, Finding Enma:
Nate: エンマ大王 ホントにいた…! あれ? いっしょにいる人って…。 He really is here...! Huh? That person with him...
Mr. Barton: おやおや こんな夜更けに 子どもが出歩くものではないよ。 Oh my, children should not be outside this late at night.
Enma: 何かあれば お前がどーにかするだろ。 If something happens, you'll take care of it.
Mr. Barton: それは… 信頼されていると 思ってもいいのかねぇ。 That is... Should you be thinking that you can trust me? (1)
Enma: 好きにしろ。 Suit yourself.
Enma: しっかし… お前が先生とは… そういう性格には見えねぇけどな。 But... You as a teacher... You really don't seem like that kinda person.
Mr. Barton: それ どういう意味だい? まあ… この立場は何かベンリでね。 What do you mean? Well... there is something convenient about this position.
Mr. Barton: よその町から 礼儀をしらないキツネの子が 人間に化けて やってきらとしても… Even though there is a fox child with no manners, that came from another town, and took on human form...
Mr. Barton: 学校の先生として 自然に 追い払えるからね。 As a school teacher, I can drive him away naturally. (2)
Mr. Barton: それに 意外と面白いものだよ。 みんな元気で いい子たちだしね。 And, it's suprisingly interesting. They're all energetic, good children. (3)
Mr. Barton: キミも学校に通ってみるかい? Would you also like to go to school?
Enma: …エンリョしておく。 ... I'll pass.
Nate: エンマ大王って 理科の先生と 知り合いだったんだ!? The Great King Enma knows my science teacher!? (4)
Whisper: この人も ナゾの多いお方でうぃすね…。 That one is also a very mysterious person, whis...
Nate: うん… いつもの先生と しゃべり方も ちがう気がするし。 Yeah... the way he's talking also feels different than usual.
Nate: ちょっと意外かも…。 I didn't really expect that... 
Whisper: ですが どうやら先生とも 話しているだけのようですねぇ。 Still, it seems that he's only talking with your teacher.
Whisper: 何をしに来たんでしょう…? What did he come here for...?
I’m unsure if I got this line right.
Because of how the Japanese language works, a pronoun isn’t actually used to refer to this fox child he mentions, but I’m pretty confident that he is referring to Kyubi-kun, so I went with “him”. EDIT: Also note that he could be referring to multiple fox children coming to the village too, given the ambigious plural of the Japanese language.
The word I translated as interesting here is is 面白い/omoshiroi, which can also be translated as amusing or funny.
In Japanese, Mr. Barton goes unnamed and is only called “science teacher”.
Fourth Night, Beginning:
Whisper: ケータくん! ぬらりフォンが 反応しているでうぃす! Nate! The Nurariphone is reacting, whis!
Nate: エンマ大王は 今日はだれに 会いに来たんだろう? I wonder who the Great King Enma has come to see today?
Jibanyan: レーダーは どこを指してるニャン? Where is the radar pointing, nyan?
Whisper: ええっと… ひがん山トンネルを 指しているみたいでうぃす。 Let's see... it seems to be pointing to Prayer's Peak Tunnel, whis.
Nate: ひがん山トンネルって… 団々坂の? Prayer's Peak Tunnel... the one in Blossom Heights?
Jibanyan: そんなところ だれがいるニャン? Who would be at that place, nyan?
Whisper: で でもレーダーは そこを指してるんでうぃす! B-But the radar is pointing there, whis!
Whisper: とりあえず 行ってみましょう! For now, let's go there and look!
Fourth Night, Finding Enma:
Enma: 出てこいよ。 今日もついてきてるんだろ? Come out. You're following me again today, aren't you?
Whisper: もしかして バレてるんでうぃす!? Has our cover been blown, whis!?
Enma: やっぱり お前たちだったか。 So it was you guys after all.
Nate: い いつから気づいてたの? W-When did you notice?
Enma: ん? ああ… だれかが尾行してるのは 最初から気づいていたんだがな。 Hm? Ahh... I noticed that someone was following me from the get go.
Enma: なにかの力がジャマして 気配が感じ取れなかったんだ。 Because some kind of power was getting in my way, I didn't sense any presence. (1)
Whisper: きっと ぬらりフォンの力でうぃすね! It must've been the Nurariphone's power, whis!
Enma: だが この場所は少し特殊でな… オレの妖気が強くなるんだ。 But, this place is a bit special... My yōki is stronger here.
Enma: だから 尾行に気づいたんだが… お前たち 何が目的だったんだ? So, I noticed you following me, but... What are you guys up to?
Nate: あ うん! ちょっと 聞きたいことがあって。 Ah, right! I got a quick question for you.
Nate: この街で 何をしてたの…? 街の人たちと合ってたみたいだけど…。 What were you doing in this town...? It looked like you where meeting townspeople, but...
Enma: …アイツらは この街で人間として暮らす 物好きな 「妖怪たち」だ。 ...Those guys are curious 'yōkai' who live in this town as humans. (2)
Nate: ええっ…!? あの人たちって 妖怪だったの!? Huh...!? Those people where yōkai!?
Enma: ああ… アイツらは昔から この街を守ってくれてるんだ。 Yeah... they have been protecting this town for a long time.
Enma: オレたち妖怪と… 人間たちとを つなぐためにな。 In order to connect us yōkai... with humans.
Enma: それは… 部屋に閉じこもって 書類と向き合ってるだけじゃ わからない。 This is... something you can't understand just by staying confined to a room facing paper work.
Enma: 今の世界が どうなってるかも知らずに 妖怪たちを束ねる王なんて… If the king who rules the yōkai were to not know about the current world...
Enma: 閻魔大王の名が 聞いてあきれるだろ? That wouldn't be worthy of the Great King Enma’s name, now would it?
Whisper: ははぁ… 妖怪と人間の関係を知るために ああやって人間界にきていたんですねぇ。 Hahah... So you came to the human world like this in order to learn about the relationship of yōkai and humans.
Enma: それじゃ オレはそろそろ帰るぜ。 Well then, I should be heading home.
Enma: お前たちの 「依頼主」さんも 心配してるだろうしよ。 Your "client" is probably worried, too.
Nate: あ 行っちゃった…。 Ah, he left...
Nate: あっ ぬらりひょんからだ。 Ah- It's from Nurarihyon.
Nurarihyon: すべて聞いていた。 そんなお考えだったとはな… I heard everything. So this is what he was thinking...
Nurarihyon: …話がある。 あらためて バスターズハウスにうかがおう。 ...We need to talk. Let us meet at the Busters House once more.
Nate: わかった! 待ってるね! Got it! Wait for us!
The word I translated as presence, both here and when Nurarihyon first explained the phone, is 気配/Kehai, which can be translated as presence, among other things, but in fiction it notably is sometimes used to refer to people’s presence in the sense of like an aura or ki.
The word I translated as curious is 物好きな/monozukina, which can also refer to someone being eccentric or having peculiar interests.
Back at the Busters House:
Nate: …というワケで けっして 遊びに来てたわけじゃないみたい。 ...Because of that, it really doesn't seem like he went there for fun.
Nurarihyon: ご苦労だった。 Thank you for your efforts.
Nurarihyon: 大王さまは 妖怪と人間の未来を だれよりも考えておられる… His Majesty is considering the future of yōkai and humans more than anyone...
Nurarihyon: 今回のことで よくわかった。 Now I understand this.
Nurarihyon: 日々の仕事に追われ 視野がせまくなっていたのは… Being driven by one's daily work, one's horizon narrows... (1)
Nurarihyon: どうやら 私の方だったようだな。 It seems that is what I have been doing.
Nate: ぬらりひょん…。 Nurarihyon...
Nurarihyon: 今度は私も 妖怪と人間のつながりについて 学んでいこうと思う。 Now, I think I will learn about the connections of yōkai and humans, too.
Nurarihyon: お前たちといれば それが 学べるのだろう? I wonder if I could learn about it if I were to stay with you?
Whisper: も もしかして ケータくんの ともだち妖怪に なってくれるんでうぃす? C-Could it be that you're going to become Nate's yōkai friend, whis!?
Nate: えっ!? ほんと!? What!? Really!?
Nurarihyon: ふっ… 今の私には それが必要なようだからな。 Hmph... It currently seems necessary to me.
Nate: やったぁ! ありがとう! Hooray! Thanks!
Nurarihyon: ただし… However...
Nurarihyon: ともだち妖怪になるのは 私に勝てたら の話だ。 I will only become your yōkai friend if you can beat me.
Nate: え… それってまさか… Huh... No way, so then...
Whisper: バトルってことでうぃす〜!? You're gonna battle us, whis!?
Nurarihyon: 見せてみよ! おまえの実力を! Show it to me! Your true power!
The word I translated as horizon is 視野/shiya, which refers to one’s literal field of view, but also to one’s view of the world, mental horizon, etc.
After the Battle:
Nurarihyon: ふっ… さすがだな。 Hmph... As expected.
Whisper: まさか いきなりバトルになるとは 思いませんでしたねぇ…。 I really didn't think this would turn into a battle all of a sudden like that...
Nate: は〜… 強かった。 さすが議長…。 Haah... You're strong. As expected of the chairman...
Nate: でも これで ともだち妖怪に なってくれるんだよね! But, with this, you're my yōkai friend now!
Nurarihyon: ああ。 よろしく頼むぞ わが友よ。 Yes. Well met, friend of mine.
Nurarihyon: さあ 大王さまの愛する 人間たちの生き様… Now, please show me...
Nurarihyon: とくと見せてくれたまえ。 The humans' way of living that His Majesty loves.
Enma: クソッ! つえーなこの人間…! もう1回だ! Damn! This human is tough..! One more time!
Enma: ま でも… Though...
Enma: エンマ大王の仕事なんかサボって 人間と遊ぶ方が ずっと楽しいぜ! It's so much fun to just kinda ditch the Great King Enma work, and play with humans!
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest from Sukiyaki and version 2.0 of the other Yokai Watch 3 games, so proceed with caution.
This will be a translation of optional dialouge about Ikakamone (McKraken) and the Yōkai World, that you can see after the “ENMA NOTE” sidequests.
After you’ve finished both ENMA NOTE quests you can return to Enma’s place and talk to the various people that are there. Talk to Inumaro and he will tell you a bit about the Yōkai World and Ikakamone’s takeover of the protagonist’s hometown.
There is some interesting stuff in here that explains how the world works a little better, but its a bit hard to explain because of some stuff in the English localization, so bear with me and please read my translation notes.
Also, you may recall me posting an inclomplete version of this before. Since it’s optional dialouge I’ve been having trouble finding it, but finally I saw that twitter user noshibeya seemed to have screencapped all of it, so I can finally translate this bit.
I hope this is all of it, but I don’t know for certain.
Bolded is original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
(Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Inumaro: おまえは たしか桜町… いや さくらニュータウンに 住んでおったな。 If I'm not mistaken, you live in Sakura-machi... no, Sakura New Town. (1)
Inumaro: かつて イカカモネという妖怪が 人間を支配する事件を起こした場所か…。 The place where that yōkai called Ikakamone once caused an incident by trying to rule humans, huh...? (2)
Inumaro: エンマさまは その事件をきっかけに あの街を 気にかけるようになったのだ。 As a result of that incident, Lord Enma began to care about that town. ()
(I'm assuming a text box along the lines of "Do you want me to tell this story?", like with the other stories, would go here, but wasn't photographed.)
Inumaro: うむ… まずは この妖怪ワールドについて 話をせねばな。 Hmm... First, I should tell you about this Yōkai World. (3)
Inumaro: 妖怪ワールドは 果てしなく広い。 そこには 数多の 「妖魔界」 が存在する。 The Yōkai World is endlessly vast. Within it, numerous "Yōmakai" exist. (3)
Inumaro: そして今のエンマさまは まだまだお若い。 その力がおよばない妖魔界もあったんだ。 And the current Lord Enma is still young. There are Yōmakai which his power cannot reach, too.
Inumaro: 中には エンマさまに従いもせず 身勝手に 各地の妖魔界を 支配するものもいた。 Within them, there are also individuals that selfishly rule over various Yōmakai around the world, without obeying Lord Enma. (4)
Inumaro: さくらニュータウンから通じていた妖魔界も そのうちの ひとつだったのだ。 The Yōmakai that Sakura New Town leads to used to be one of those, too.
Inumaro: イカカモネは その妖魔界を「魔界」 と呼び 魔界の支配者 「魔界議長」 を名乗った。 Ikakamone called this Yōmakai "Makai", and named himself its ruler, "Makai Chairman". (5)
Inumaro: だが さくらニュータウンに古くから住む 妖怪たちが 行動をおこしてな… But, I heard that yōkai, who have lived in Sakura New Town since long ago, took action...
Inumaro: 街を 支配から解き放ったと聞いておる。 「妖怪と人間の絆」をつなぐ者と共に…な。 ...freeing the town from his control. Together with someone who connects "the bonds between humans and yōkai"... yeah.
Inumaro: その後 イカカモネはとらえられ 重い罰を 与えられることになった。 Afterwards, Ikakamone was captured, and given a severe punishment.
Inumaro: エンマさまが 事件を知ったのは すべてが終わったあとのことだった…。 Lord Enma learned of the incident after everything was over...
Inumaro: だが エンマさまは あの街にあふれる 「妖怪と人間の絆」にお気づきになられた。 But, Lord Enma noticed the "bonds between yōkai and humans" that were overflowing in that town.
Inumaro: あの街は 閻魔一族と親交の深かった妖怪も 人間のまざって 暮らしていたからな。 Because in that town, there are also yōkai who are close friends of the Enma Clan, living and associating with humans. (6)
Inumaro: 彼らの生き方を 知ったあとだろう。 エンマさまの想いが より強くなったのは。 I assume it happened after learning of their way of life. The fact that Lord Enma's feelings grew stronger. (7)
Inumaro: 「人間と妖怪が仲良く暮らす世界」への… かつての先代と 同じ想いがな。 Aiming for a "wold where humans and yōkai live together in peace"... The same feelings his predecessor had long ago.
1. Sakura New Town is called Springdale in English.
Sakura-machi is what Sakura New Town was called in the past, in the Japanese version. In the English version however, Springdale did not have a differen’t name in the past, and when travelling to the past in YKW2, it’s simply called “Old Springdale”.
2. Ikakamone is called McKraken in English.
3.The phrase I translated as “to care” here is 気にかける/ki ni kakeru which means something like “to care”, but also “to have it on your mind“, and the like.
3. The 妖怪ワールド/Yōkai World that Inumaro mentions here is technically not the same as the place as the one that was called Yo-kai World in the English versions of YKW1 and YKW2. More on that in the next note.
4. The term 妖魔界/Yōmakai is what the place that is called Yo-kai World, in the English versions of YKW1 and YKW2, is called in the original Japanese version. It doesn’t seem to be a term exclusive to Yokai Watch and has appeared in some other stuff, but not that often from what I can tell.
It is made up of these kanji:
妖/Yō (the same “yō” as in “yōkai”, depending on the context it can mean something like “mysterious” or “bewitching”, among other things),
魔/Ma (in general meaning something like “demonic” and/or “magical”),
and 界/Kai (meaning “world”; it’s not the same “kai” as in “yōkai”, by the way.)
Furthermore, 妖魔/yōma is a word that can mean “demon”, “ghost”, or “monster” and can be considered somewhat synomynous to “yōkai”. And 魔界/Makai is a word that is often translated as “spirit world” or “hell”
(Note that the word used for the Infinite Inferno’s Japanese name, Infinite Hell, is a different word from this one).
Previously, it was thought that 妖魔界/Yōmakai referred to the world the yōkai live in as whole, but with what Inumaro says here, YKW3 has now revealed that it’s just a term that refers to different smaller parts of it, and  妖怪ワールド/Yōkai World is the term that refers to the world as a whole.
Adding to that, the place that got called Yo-kai World in the English versions of YKW1 and YKW2 has been revealed to simply be the 妖魔界/Yōmakai that is connected to Sakura New Town (Springdale), in other words, just a small part of the ACTUAL 妖怪ワールド/Yōkai World.
However, be aware that the term 妖魔界/Yōmakai is still often used to refer to the Yōkai World as a whole, which I know is even more confusing, but the reason for that is likely the fact that in Japanese there is no direct plural or singular with words.
Thus, 妖魔界/Yōmakai as a term can refer to more than one Yōmakai, so it can be used to essentially refer to all of them at once.
I hope this explanation is understandable.
5. Like I mentioned above, 魔界/Makai is a word that is often translated as “spirit world” or “hell”,  made up of the kanji 魔/Ma, and 界/Kai.
I think the idea here might be that he changed it from a word that could easily be translated as “World of Yōma” (again, “yōma” being somewhat synomynous to “yōkai”) to a word that ca come across as more sinister?
6. Because there is no true plural in Japanese, this could technically either refer to multiple, or just a single yōkai being friends with the Enma Clan.
For me, Orochi (Venoct) is a yōkai that comes to mind with this, but, after translating this quest, I feel like it’s also a possibility that this line also refers to the people that Enma meets up with during it.
Therefore I went with plural in this translation.
7. The word I translated as “feelings” here is 想い/omoi  which can also mean emotions, thoughts, or sentiments, among other things.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest from Sukiyaki and version 2.0 of the other Yokai Watch 3 games, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of  some optional dialouge that occurs after the “ENMA NOTE Part 2” sidequest, involving a certain notable character that appears towards the end of that one.
This is some optional dialouge that only occurs when you talk to Mao (Lucas) for the first time after the second Enma Note quest.
Since it’s optional dialouge that only occurs once, I’ve been having trouble finding it, but finally I saw that twitter user noshibeya seemed to have screencapped all of it, so I can finally translate this bit.
I hope this is all of it, but I don’t know for certain.
Bolded is original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
(Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,)
Talking to Mao:
Mao: やぁ ケータくん。 Hey, Kēta.
Kēta: マオくん! Mao! (1)
Mao: うしろのオバケくんも 相変わらず元気そうだね。 The little ghost behind you seems as lively as ever, too. (2)
Whisper: うぃす! なんだか マオくんとは ひさしぶりに 会った気がしますねぇ。 Whis! Somehow it feels like we haven't seen each other in forever, Mao.
Kēta: たしかに…。 USAに行ってたからかな…? Definitely... Maybe it's because we went to the USA?
Mao: …うん そうだと思うよ。 ...Yeah, I think that's it.
Mao: でも ケータくんと また会えるようになって 嬉しいよ。 But, I'm glad that we got to meet again.
Kēta: へへっ オレも! Hehe, me too!
Whisper: …そういえば マオくんてば 先代の閻魔大王さまの 息子なんですよね。 ...Come to think of it, you’re the son of the previous Great King Enma, Mao.
Whisper: 妖怪ワールドに戻らなくて いいんでうぃす? Is it alright for you to not go back to the Yōkai World?
Mao: うん。 妖怪ワールドには 今のエンマ大王がいるからね。 Yes. Because the current Great King Enma is in the Yōkai World.
Mao: ちゃんと話したことはないけど… 彼がいるなら きっと大丈夫。 We didn't get to talk properly, but... I'm sure as long as he's there, it will be alright.
Mao: それに… 妖怪としての力が目覚めるまで 人間として育てられてきたから… Besides... I'm being raised as a human until my powers as a yōkai awaken, so...
Mao: この街の 妖怪と人間… どちらも ボクにとって大切なんだ。 The yōkai and humans of this town... Both are very important to me.
Mao: だから ボクはこの街で 日影マオとして 生きていくつもりだよ。 That’s why I'll continue to live in this town, as Hikage Mao. (3)
Mao: そうだ… 今のエンマ大王に会ったら 伝えておいてくれないかな。 Oh right... If you happen to see the current Great King Enma, could you please tell him something?
Mao: …ありがとう って。 ...Tell him I said 'Thank you'.
Mao is known as Lucas in English.
This is a reference to Yokai Watch 1, where, in the Japanese version, during the scene where Mao reveals he has been seeing yokai, he refers to Whisper as a ghost that’s behind Kēta. The word I translated as ghost that he uses is actually オバケ/obake, for the reference.
In the Japanese version, Mao has a family name in the form of Hikage, with in English Lucas does not currently have a known family name.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for Yokai Watch 3 and Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki, and also Yokai Watch 2 and Yokai Watch 2 Shin’uchi, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “Chronicles of the Old Hag’s Sukiyaki Prosperity” (”ババアのスキヤキ繁盛記 “) sidequest.
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Since the entire quest is kinda long, I´ll go through these scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I´m a beginner when it comes to japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
I want to start this off with a bit of a translation note foreword.
In this quest, you interact a lot with the Wicked Executives. And they all have rather distinct ways of speaking, but most of these can’t really be literally translated into english well, plus, some of them seem to speak with dialects I´m not very familiar with. As a result, them all sounding very distinct from one another may not come across as well in my translation, since it is a more literal one.
In a more general sense, from what I can tell Unkeen might have a bit of a specific dialect going on, he also occasionally talks a bit more... boasting that the others. His manner of speaking also can come across more formal when compared to the others.
Unpleasant has a rather heavy stereotypical old people way of talking, and maybe  abit of a dialect too, and occasionally kind of drags out the ends of his senteces slightly (?), which to me gives off this vibe of an old guy that speaks just slightly slower than most people.
Untidy has the most informal (?) and simplistic way of speaking of them all, and also seems to speak in some dialect.
Unfairy speaks kinda informal. but most notably he has a habit of going "Chu", especially at the end of his sentences, with "chuchu" being the japanese way of writing out the sqeaking of a mouse.
Unkaind seems to speak the most formally (out of them) from  what I can tell, but also feels like she's being condescending, kind of.
But for the most part I´m really not 100% sure about all these, especially the regional dialects they might be using, cause again, I don't know too much about those yet. Keep that in mind.
I also haven’t played Yokai Watch 2 in English, so I don’t know how their manner of speaking was localized in the english version.
Talk to the Wicked Executives:
Nate: あれ 怪魔たちだ! こんなところで なにしてるの? Huh? It’s the Wicked! What are you doing in a place like this?
Unkeen: ああ お前たちか…。 ひさしぶりだな。 Oh, it's you guys... It's been a while.
Unpleasant: スシ屋とテンプラ屋の 客を減らす方法を 考えておるのじゃが 実に難解での…。 We're thinking about how to reduce the customers of the Sushi and Tempura shops but, it's really difficult... (1)
Unkaind: あのスシ屋とテンプラ屋… 不快だわ。 やっぱり 料理に毒を入れちゃいましょ? Those Sushi and Tempura shops... are really unpleasant. How about we just poison their cooking after all? (2)
Unfairy: チュチュ〜!! それは厄介なことになりそうッチュ♪ Chuchuu!! That could be trouble-chu♪ (3)
Unpleasant: 愚かな… それがエンマ様にでもバレたら ウバウネ様が どうなるかわからんか…? That's foolish... Don't you understand what would happen to Mistress Ubaune if Lord Enma happened to get wind of that...? (4)
Unkeen: ブルァァァ! それなら… オレが スシ屋もテンプラ屋も破壊しょう! Buruaaaah! In that case... I will destroy the Sushi and Tempura shops! (5)
Untidy: おう!! ドカーンと 豪快にやっちまうどー!! Yeah!! Let's do it heartily and with ka-pow!! (6)
Whisper: …なんか すごく物騒な話をしていますね。 ...They're kinda talking about pretty dangerous stuff.
Nate: な… 何があったの…? Did... Did something happen...?
Unkeen: オレたちは今 ウバウネ様のスキヤキ屋で 働いているのだが… We are working at Mistress Ubaune's Sukiyaki shop now, but...
Nate: え? ここってウバウネの店なの? ていうか なんでスキヤキ屋…? Huh? This is Ubaune's store? Also, why a Sukiyaki shop...?
Unkeen: うむ… まあそこは オレたちにも色々あってな…。 Mhm... Well, that's for a lot of reasons...
Unkeen: だが まったく繁盛しておらんのだ! あるライバル店のせいでな! But, business is completely slow right now! It's because of those rival shops!
Whisper: なるほど… だから ライバル店の料理に毒を盛るとか… I see... That's why you were saying dangerous stuff like...
Whisper: ライバル店そのものを破壊するとか ヤバそうなこと言ってたんですね…。 Poisoning the rival shops' cooking, or destroying the rival shops altogether...
Nate: いやいやいや… ぜったい そんなことちゃダメだから! No, no, no... You absolutely can't do something like that!
Unkeen: では どうしればいいのだ…! So what are we supposed to do then...?!
Whisper: ケータくん… もっと平和な解決法があるはずです。 Nate... There must be a more peaceful solution.
Whisper: 協力してあげてはどうですか…? How about we help them out...?
Mission Description: キレイな心を取り戻し、地獄から解放された、トキヲ・ウバウネは上級怪魔と共にスキヤキ屋を営む。 彼れが、今かかえる問題とは…? Having regained her beautiful heart, Tokio Ubaune was released from Hell, and runs a Sukiyaki Shop together with the Wicked Elite. What is the problem they are facing right now...?
Nate: うん! オレも手伝うから いっしょに お店を盛り上げようよ! Yeah! I will help you too, so let's make this shop bustling!
Unfairy: でも どうやって盛り上げるっチュ? But how do we make it bustling-chu?
Nate: うーん… Umm...
Nate: やっぱり料理屋さんなんだし 料理で勝負したらいいんじゃないかな? Well this is a restaurant after all, so wouldn't it make sense to compete using cooking?
Unpleasant: なんとフツーすぎる考え…! 逆に その発想はなかったわい! What an exceedingly average idea...! I for one would have never thought of that!
Untidy: それじゃ オデたち 「究極のスキヤキ」つくる…だな!? So then, we make the "Ultimate Sukiyaki"...right!?
Nate: 究極のスキヤキ…? Ultimate Sukiyaki...?
Unkaind: 最近みつけたのよ… 「究極のスキヤキ」のレシピをね。 We recently found... a recipe for the "Ultimate Sukiyaki".
Whisper: そ… そんなレシピを見つけといて どうして あんな物騒なことを…!? I... If you found a recipe like that, why were you planning to do those dangerous things...!?
Unkeen: その 「究極のスキヤキ」をつくるには 5つの 「究極の食材」 が必要でな。 To make this "Ultimate Sukiyaki", 5 "Ultimate Ingredients" are needed.
Unkeen: それだったら いっそライバル店の方を 破壊したほうか早いと思ったのだ。 Because of that we thought destroying the rival shops would be faster.
Whisper: え… ええー……。 Uh... Uh-huh...
Nate: じゃ… じゃあ… オレがその 「究極の食材」 をあつめてくるから!! Well... Well, then... I will collect those "Ultimate Ingredients", then!!
Unkeen: 悪いな…。 それでは まずは肉だが… Sorry... So, first thing is the meat... (7)
Unkeen: 究極まで熟して もはや腐る寸前の 「限界を超えた肉」がイイらしい。 The "Meat that goes beyond the Limit" that's on the verge of decay, having ripened to the ultimate, seems to be the best.
Unpleasant: 何かの魂をつかえば 「世界一の割り下」… つまりスキヤキの調味料ができるそうじゃ! It appears that if you use some kind of soul, you can create the "World's Best Warishita"... in other words, the seasoning for the Sukiyaki! (8)
Unkaind: 幻の鳥が生む 「幻想の卵」は 濃厚で スキヤキにもってこいだそうよ。 It seems that the "Fantasy Egg", laid by the Phantom Bird, is perfect for rich sukiyaki. (9)
Unfairy: ある人が栽培してる 「伝説のしいたけ」は 肉厚で ジューシーらしいっチュ! Looks like the "Legendary Shiitake" that some person grows is thick and juicy-chu!
Untidy: あとは 「黄金の大豆」でつくった豆腐! ブッたまげるくれー ウマいらしいど! Last is tofu made from "Golden Soybeans"! It says it's super duper yummy!
Unkeen: …この5つの食材が必要だ。 ...That's the 5 ingredients we need.
Nate: オッケー! 食材は オレにまかせてよ! Okay! Leave the ingredients to me!
Whisper: それではケータくん! さっそく食材をさがしにいきましょう! Well then, Nate! Let 's go search for the ingredients immediately!
The word I translated as “difficult” here is 難解/Nankai, which can also mean difficult to understand or esoteric, among other things. It is also the word that Unpleasant’s original japanese name, 難怪/Nankai, is derived from.
The word I translated as “unpleasant” here is 不快/Fukai. It is also the word that Unkaind’s original japanese name, 不怪/Fukai, is derived from.
The word I translated as “trouble” here is 厄介/Yakkai, which can also refer to something like a bother, a nuisance, or a burden, among other things. It is also the word that Unfairy’s original japanese name, 厄怪/Yakkai , is derived from.
Even though I usually refer to characters by their english names whenever possible, I will refer to Ubaune by her japanese name for this translation. I will explain the reason at a later point of this translation.
The word I translated as “destroy” here is 破壊/Hakai. It is also the word that Unkeen’s original japanese name, 破怪/Hakai, is derived from.
The word I translated as “heartily” here is 豪快/Gōkai, which can also mean lively, exciting, or tremendous, among other things. It is also the word that Untidy’s original japanese name, 豪怪/Gōkai, is derived from.
The “Sorry” here is something like “Sorry to bother you (with this)”, i.e. “Thank you for your help”
Warishita is a japanese sauce used for sukiyaki, among other things.
The words I translated as “Phantom” and “Fantasy here are 幻/Maboroshi and 幻想/Gensō respectively, and can be translated as other things, too.
Note that you can ask about and gather ingredients in pretty much any order.
Asking Unkeen where to find the Meat:
Unkeen: この俺には 「限界を超えた肉」 を持ってきてくれ。 Bring me the "Meat that goes beyond the Limit".
Unkeen: その肉は 腐りかけで まるでゾンビ肉のような見た目らしいが… It says that because of the decaying, this meat almost looks like zombie flesh...
Unkeen: 味は それはもう絶品なのだそうだ。 Despite this, the taste is supposed the be outstanding.
Unkeen: ブルァァァ! すまんが よろしく頼むぞ。 Buruaaah! Sorry. I´m counting on you.
Getting the Meat:
Super Manager: いらっしゃいませー! Welcome! (1)
Nate: あの… 限界を超えたすっごいお肉とかって あったりしませんよね…? Um... you don't happen to have some kind of amazing meat that goes beyond the limit, do you...?
Super Manager: おっ! あなたはゾンビパンツを ご購入いただいたお客さん…! Oh! You're the customer who purchased the Zombie Underpants...! (2)
Super Manager: 限界を超えた肉ですか… へへ… それでウチを選ぶとは さすがですねぇ…。 The meat that goes beyond the limit, huh... hehe... It was a good idea to come to us for that...
Super Manager: ちょうど 裏ルートから入った品がですね… 少々 お待ちくださいませ…! We just got some in from a back channel... Just a moment please...! (3)
Super Manager: へへ… こちらになります。 どうです? 限界… 超えてるでしょう!? Hehe... Here it is. What do you think? The limit... it really exceeded it, right!?
Text Box: 限界を超えた肉を まざまざと 見せつけられた! You get a good hard look at the Meat that goes beyond the Limit!
Whisper: な… なんですか… このおぞましい色の肉は…。 Wha... What is with this... disgustingly colored meat...
Super Manager: へへ… 腐る直前のギリッギリまで 熟しに熟した牛肉になります! Hehe, when ripened until just right before decaying, it becomes ripe beef!
Nate: た… たしかに限界を超えてそう…。 It... It sure goes beyond the limit...
Super Manager: 見た目は 私どもゾンビのようですが 味は絶品も絶品! 最高の肉ですよ! It may look like us zombies, but the taste is excellent! It's the best meat!
Nate: へぇ〜… そうなんだ! Wow... I see!
Whisper: でも… お高いんでしょう? But... isn't it expensive?
Super Manager: 今ならなんと お手頃価格! 100.00ドルですよ! Right now it's quite the affordable price! It's 100 dollars!
Whisper: まぁ なんてお得! ケータくん 買っちゃいません? Wow, that's a steal! Won't you buy it, Nate?
Super Manager: 腐る直前の ギリッギリまで熟した牛肉! お値段 100. 00ドルでございます! Beef, ripened until just right before decaying! The price is 100 dollars!
Whisper: 「究極のスキヤキ」 の材料… 「限界を超えた肉」 とは きっとコレです! This has to be that ingredient for the "Ultimate Sukiyaki"... the "Meat that goes beyond the Limit" !
Whisper: 買っちゃいませんか!? 100. 00ドルで買っちゃいませんか!? Won't you buy it!? Won't you please buy it for 100 dollars!?
(select yes)
Text Box: 限界を超えた肉を 100. 00ドルで買ってしまった…! You bought the Meat that goes beyond the Limit for 100 dollars...!
Super Manager: へへ… まいどあり……! Hehe... Thank you for your continued patronage...! (4)
Nate: よし これで 「限界を超えた肉」 ゲット! 破怪のところに 持っていこう! Alright, with this we got the "Meat that goes beyond the Limit"! Let's go and take it to Unkeen!
This “Welcome” here is one in the sense of shop owners and the like wlecoming their customers.
That is a reference to an earlier quest, in case you’re wondering.
The world I translated as “back channel” here is 裏ルート/Ura Rūto, and from what I can tell, in cases like this it can be used to refer to obtaining something through shady, maybe even illegal means? But I am not 100% sure.
What he says in japanese does not literally mean that, but it’s something in a similar vein that shopkeepers say to customers when they make a purchase.
Giving Unkeen the Meat:
Unkeen: もしかして… 「限界を超えた肉」 を手にいれたのか? Could it be... Did you get the "Meat that goes beyond the Limit"?
Unkeen: よし その肉をオレにくれ。 Alright, give that meat to me.
(select yes)
Unkeen: なんだ そのおぞましい色の肉…。 こんなものはみたことがない…。 What a disgusting color... I've never seen something like this before...
Unkeen: だが たしかにこれが あの 「限界を超えた肉」 なのだな。 But, this definitely is that "Meat that goes beyond the Limit".
Unkeen: なにはともあれ 礼をいうぞ。 Anyway, I want to thank you.
Unkeen: お前には 世話になってばかりだ… オレと ともだちになってくれないか? You were a great help... How about we become friends?
Text Box: 破怪と ともだちになった。 You befriended Unkeen.
Nate: わー! ありがとう 破怪! Whooah! Thanks, Unkeen!
Unkeen: この肉があれば… 破壊的にウマいスキヤキになるぞ…! With this meat... The Sukiyaki will be destructively delicious...! (1)
Unkeen: ブルァァァ! あとは この肉を絶妙な厚みに切るのみ…。 Buruaaah! First, I just have to cut this meat to exquisite thickness...
This is yet another reference to his name.
Asking Unpleasant about the Warishita:
Unpleasant: スキヤキの調味料… 割り下を 「世界一の割り下」にするためには… The seasoning for the Sukiyaki... to make the Warishita the "World's Best Warishita"...
Unpleasant: 隠し味として とある魂のエキスが なくてはならん… ということなのじゃが… You need to have a certain soul's extract to bring out the flavor... so it says but... (1)
Unpleasant: 牛肉のエキスが ギュッと濃縮された魂 …ということじゃが 何の魂じゃろうな? A soul high in beef extract ...So it says but, I wonder what kind of soul that is?
The word I translated as soul is 魂/Kon, though notably this is the kan'on reading of the kanji, and I think the kun'yomi reading of it (”Tamashii”) is more common for it usually. This “Kon” is what Soul Gems are called in the japanese versions of the games.
Note that for Unpleasant, you simply have to get a Gyūjiru and convert it into a Soul Gem. No special dialouge seems to occur for this.
Giving Unpleasant the Soul:
Unpleasant: おっ… もしや 「世界一の割り下」に必要な 「例の魂」 を持ってきてくれたのか? Oh... Did you bring me "that soul" that is needed for the "World's Best Warishita"?
(select yes)
Unpleasant: なるほどうのう… 隠し味に入れるのは ギュウ汁の魂じゃったか…。 I see... So to bring out the flavor, you needed a Gyūjiru's soul...
Unpleasant: ふむふむ… たしかに いいコクが出そうじゃのう! Hmm, hmm... This certainly will bring out a nice flavor!
Unpleasant: いやいや お主には世話になったのう。 ほれ 感謝のしるしじゃ。 I have to admit, you were a great help. This is my sign of gratitude.
Text Box: 難怪と ともだちになった。 You befriended Unpleasant.
Nate: わあ! ありがとう 難怪! Whoah! Thanks, Unpleasant!
Unpleasant: フフフ… これで 「世界一の割り下」をつくってやるぞい。 Huhuhu... with this, I will make the "World's Best Warishita".
Unpleasant: しかし困ったことに… レシピには 「少々」としか書かれておらん… Unfortunately... the recipe says to use "just a little"...
Unpleasant: この「少々」が かなり難解なのじゃが… 必ず正解を みちびきだしてやるぞい。 That "just a little" is a bit difficult to understand but... I´ll surely find the right amount on my own. (1)
This is yet another reference to his name.
Asking Untidy where to find the Soybeans:
Untidy: 「黄金の大豆」は オデがうけとるどー! Gimme the "Golden Soybeans"!
Untidy: ピカピカ光る大豆だって書いてたけど ほんとに そんな大豆あるか…? It says something about all sparkly shiny soybeans but, are there really soybeans like that...?
Untidy: もしあったら… すっごくキレイなんだろーなー…。 If there are... I bet they're super pretty...
Untidy: だだっ広い農場とかに 落っこちてないかなぁ… I wonder if they may be lying around by a ginormous farm or something...
Getting the Soybeans:
Text Box: 黄金の大豆を 手に入れた! You got the Golden Soybeans!
Nate: ねえ きっとこれだよね… 「黄金の大豆」って…! Hey, these gotta be... those "Golden Soybeans"...!
Whisper: ええ… こんなに光り輝いている 大豆は見たことがありません…! Yes... I have never seen soybeans shining like this...!
Nate: うん… これなら すごい豆腐がつくれるかも…! Yeah... you can probably make amazing tofu from these...!
Nate: よし それじゃあコレは 豪怪のところに もっていこう! Alright then, let's go and take these to Untidy!
Giving the Soybeans to Untidy:
Untidy: もしかして 「黄金の大豆」もってきたか? オデにくれるか? Did you bring the "Golden Soybeans"? You gonna give them to me?
Untidy: これ…  「黄金の大豆」だなっ!? These... are the "Golden Soybeans"!?
Untidy: すっごく光ってるどー! キレイだな〜!! They're really shiny! So pretty!!
Untidy: ありがとぉ… オデ キレイなもの… スキ…。 Thanks... I like... pretty things...
Text Box: 豪怪と ともだちになった。 You befriended Untidy.
Nate: くれるの? ありがとう 豪怪! You're giving me this? Thanks, Untidy!
Untidy: でへへ… Dehehe...
Untidy: キレイな大豆 宝物にしたいけど… I wanna make the pretty soybeans my treasure, but...
Untidy: ウバウネ様のためだ… 豪快にツブして ウマい豆腐にしてやるど! For Mistress Ubaune's sake... I´ll grind them heartily and make them into yummy tofu! (1)
This is yet another reference to his name.
Asking Unfairy about the Shiitake:
Unfairy: 「伝説のしいたけ」 は ぼくのことに もってきてくれっチュ! Bring the "Legendary Shiitake" to me-chu!
Unfairy: 奇妙なおばさんが栽培してるって レシピには書いてたっチュ!! The recipe says that a bizarre lady grows them-chu!!
Unfairy: 奇妙なおばさん… これは厄介そうっチュねーー!! A bizarre lady... Sure sounds like trouble-chuuu!! (1)
This is yet another reference to his name.
Getting the Shiitake:
Nate: もしかして このおばさんから 「伝説のしいたけ」を持ってるかも…。 Maybe we can get the "Legendary Shiitake" from this lady...
Mushroom Lady: あら アナタ。 Oh, you.
Mushroom Lady: アナタの 盛り上がりよう… すごくよかったわよ。 You got so excited... It was great. (1)
Nate: ど… どうも…。 T... Thank you.
Mushroom Lady: キノコフェスを成功させたアナタになら… このキノコをあげてもいいわ。 Since the Mushroom Festival was a success thanks to you... I can give you this mushroom.
Text Box: 伝説のしいたけを 手に入れた! You got the Legendary Shiitake!
Whisper: ケータくん… コレって… Nate... Is this...
Nate: うん… アレだね! 「究極のスキヤキ」の食材のひとつ! Yeah... it is! One of the ingredients for the "Ultimate Sukiyaki"!
Nate: 厄怪のところに もっていこう! Let's go take it to Unfairy!
This is a reference to a previous quest, in case you’re wondering.
Giving Unfairy the Shiitake:
Unfairy: チュ!? それはもしや 「伝説のしいたけ」っチュ!? Chu!? Is that the "Legendary Shiitake"-chu!?
(select yes)
Unfairy: これが… あの 「伝説のしいたけ」っチュか…! So this is... that "Legendary Shiitake Mushroom"-chu...!
Unfairy: 奇妙なおばさんから もらってきてくれたっチュね!? You got it from the bizarre lady, right-chu!?
Unfairy: ありがとうっチュー! きみとは なかよくなれそうっチュ! Thank chuu! I´m gonna be friends with chu! (1)
Text Box: 厄怪と ともだちになった。 You befriended Unfairy.
Nate: ありがとう 厄怪! Thanks, Unfairy!
Unfairy: チュチュー! これからも よろしくっチュ! Chuchu! Let's get along well-chu!
Unfairy: …それにしても これは厄介なことになったっチュね… ...Anyway, this is troublesome-chu... (2)
Unfairy: このしいたけ… 七輪で焼いて いただきたくなるっチュ…。 I would like to to grill it on a Shichirin-chu... (3)
Unfairy: ああ… 食べたい… 今すごぐに食べたくてしかたないっチュ…。 Ahh... I wanna eat it... I just wanna eat it right now-chu...
Unfairy: いやいや ダメっチュ! それで 「究極のスキヤキ」をつくるっチュ! No, no, I can't-chu! We're gonna make the "Ultimate Sukiyaki" with this-chu!
I thought it’d be cute if I had him replace “you” with “chu” in my english translation here. In the original he just does his usual -chu suffix.
This is yet another reference to his name.
A shichirin is a small charcoal grill.
Asking Unkaind about the Egg:
Unkaind: 「幻想の卵」を 私の所に もってきてちょうだい。 Bring the "Fantasy Egg" here, to me.
Unkaind: その卵は… 幻の生物が生む  大きい卵だそうよ。 That egg is... A big egg laid by a Phantom Creature.
Unkaind: 何かのヒントになるかしら? Does that ring a bell?
Getting the Egg:
Nate: もしかして チョッコボなら 「幻想の卵」を 持ってるかも…! Maybe we can get the "Fantasy Egg" from Chocobo...!
Chocobonyan: ク… ケエェーーーー!!!! Ku... Keeehhhhh!!!!
Chocobonyan: ニャニャ? …そういうことニャンか。 Nyanya? ...Is that so-nyan? (1)
Chocobonyan: 「卵をあげる」って 言ってるニャンよ! "I´ll give you the egg", is what it says-nyan!
Text Box: 幻想の卵を 手に入れた! You got the Fantasy Egg!
Nate: うわ〜 ありがとうチョコボニャン! Whoah... Thank you, Chocobonyan!
Whisper: その卵が 「幻想の卵」である 可能性は高い高いですね! There is a high probability that this egg is the "Fantasy Egg!"
Nate: よし それじゃあ… 不怪のところに もっていこう! Alright, then... Let's go and take it to Unkaind!
The text box is always labeled as “Chocobonyan”, but sometimes it’s Jibanyan speaking, and sometimes it’s Chocobo.
Giving Unkaind the Egg:
Unkaind: あら もしかして… 「幻想の卵」 もってきてくれたの? Oh, could it be... You brought the "Fantasy Egg"?
(select yes)
Unkaind: そう これよ! これだわ… 「幻想の卵」 ! Yes, that is it! This is... the "Fantasy Egg"!
Unkaind: ステキ… なんて神々しいの…。 Splendid... Almost divine, even...
Unkaind: あ そうだ。 アンタになら コレあげてもいいかな。 Ah, right. I guess you can have this.
Text Box: 不怪と ともだちになった。 You befriended Unkaind.
Nate: わっ! ありがとう 不怪! Whoah! Thanks, Unkaind!
Unkaind: どういたしまして。 You are welcome.
Unkaind: …それにしても 不快だわ。 ...Even so, this is unpleasant. (1)
Unkaind: 卵割るのヘタなわたしが どうして卵の担当なのかしら…。 I am not good at breaking eggs, so why am I in charge of the egg...
This is yet another reference to her name.
Making the Sukiyaki after getting all the Ingredients:
Nate: よし…! 最高級の材料は 全部そろったね! Alright...! I got all of the best ingredients!
Whisper: それでは 「究極のスキヤキ」の レシピをおさらいしましょう! With that, let's recap the "Ultimate Sukiyaki"'s recipe.
Unpleasant: まずは 隠し味をきかせた 「世界一の割り下」をそそぐ… First, pour in the "World's Best Warishita", that has been seasoned to bring out the flavor...
Unfairy: 「伝説のしいたけ」を 美しく盛るッチュ… Serve the "Legendary Shiitake" beautifully-chu...
Unkeen: 絶妙な厚みに切った 「限界を超えた肉」 をいれて… And put in the "Meat that goes beyond the Limit", cut to exquisite thickness...
Untidy: 「黄金の大豆」で つくっ��豆腐をいれる! And put in tofu made from "Golden Soybeans"!
Unkaind: そして わたしが溶いた 「幻想の卵」 につけて食べる! And then add the "Fantasy Egg" that I scrambled, and eat it!
Nate: うん 完璧だね! それじゃあ さっそく作ろう! Yes, perfect! Let's make it right away!
After Making the Sukiyaki:
Everyone: うまぁい!!! Delicious!!!
Nate: やったー! ついに完成だね! Hooray! It's finally done!
Unkeen: よし… これを「究極スキヤキ·怪」と名付けよう! Alright... Let's call this "Ultimate Sukiyaki·Kai"! (1)
Unpleasant: くっくっく… この「究極スキヤキ·怪」があれば… Kukuku... With this "Ultimate Sukiyaki·Kai"...
Untidy: ウバウネ様の店は 大繁盛だどー! Mistress Ubaune's shop is gonna flourish!
Nate: すごい… お客さんがいっぱいだね! Amazing... there's so many customers!
Unpleasant: お主のおかげじゃよ。 Thanks to you.
Unkeen: よかったら お前も 食べていってくれ。 If it's alright, you should eat, too.
Text Box: 究極スキヤキ·怪を 手に入れた! You got the Ultimate Sukiyaki·Kai
Nate: うわぁ〜 ありがとう! Wow~ thanks!
Beautiful Ubaune: フフ みなさん おなかいっぱい 召し上がってくださいね♪ Huhu, everyone, please eat until you are satisfied♪ (2)
Untidy: ウバウネ様 ニッコり! オデ うでしい! Mistress Ubaune's smiling! 'm so happy!
???: キサマら! You! (3)
???: 私のシマを荒らすとは いい度胸じゃないイカーー!! You've got some nerve, invading my turf like that, don't you!!?
Unkaind: 急に何なの!? 不快な声ね…! What is this all of a sudden!? What an unpleasant voice...! (4)
Unfairy: 厄介なことになってきたっチュ! Seems like there's gonna be trouble-chu! (5)
Nate: 今の声… お店の外からだよね? That voice just now... did it come from outside?
Whisper: ケータくん! 外の様子を見に行ってみましょう…! Nate! Let's go see what going on outside!
Here they add the kanji 怪/Kai to the name of the Sukiyaki. This is the same Kai as in Yōkai and Kaima (japanese name of the Wicked Tribe), and the Kanji that the Executives japanese names end with. The reason they add it here this is the fact that it’s a reference to the Wicked Servants, which in the japanese version have the same name as the original yokai with 怪/Kai added to their names in the same manner.
In japanese, this “form” of Dame Dedtime is called キレイな ウバウネ/Kireina Ubaune, which translates to “Beautiful Ubaune”, with Ubaune being taken from Dame Dedtime’s japanese name トキヲ・ウバウネ/Tokio Ubaune (derived from “時を奪うね/toki o ubaune”, meaning something like “I steal Time”). Since this form hasn’t appeared in english yet, I refer to her by her japanese name in this, and keep the fact that others refer to her as Ubaune, for consistency.
In japanese this “You” is キサマら/Kisama-ra, with Kisama being an especially rude second person pronoun to use when referring to someone, at least nowadays (and especially in fiction). Originally it’s actually a very respectful way to refer to someone, but you rarely ever see that anymore.
Yet another reference to her japanese name, of course.
Same with him.
Going Outside:
Nate: お前は… You're...
???: 私は このグルメエリアを仕切る妖怪… I am the Yōkai who manages this gourmet area... (1)
Chairman McKraken: イカカモネ議長…! いや イカカモネ店長じゃなイカ! Chairman McKraken...! No, it's Manager McKraken, isn't it...?!  (2)
Whisper: イカカモネ議長!? いや イカカモネ店長!!? Chairman McKraken!? No, Manager McKraken!!?
Whisper: よ 妖魔界を支配しょうとしてた 悪の親玉じゃないでうぃすか! I-Isn't he the evil boss that was going to reign over the Yōmakai-whis!? (3)
Whisper: いや〜 生きてたんですねぇ…。 Darn, so he's still alive...
Chairman McKraken: お前らのせいで 私は100万ドル分 タダ働きの刑になったんじ��なイカ! Because of you guys, I was sentenced to doing 1 million dollars worth of free work, wasn't I!?
Chairman McKraken: なのに このスキヤキ屋のせいで スシ屋もテンプラ屋も… And yet, because of this Sukiyaki Shop, the Sushi and Tempura shops...
Chairman McKraken: 商売 あがったりカモネ! Might go bankrupt! (4)
Nate: あのお店って イカカモネ議長が 店長だったんだ… Wait, so Chairman McKraken is the manager of those shops...?
Beautiful Ubaune: そうだったのですね… ですが どうか許してあげてください。 I see... However, please forgive us.
Beautiful Ubaune: この子たちはただ アタクシのためを 思って がんばっただけのこと… These children were just doing their best for my sake...
Beautiful Ubaune: あなた方のお店をつぶそうなどと 考えたわけではないのです…。 We weren't thinking of something like shutting down your stores...
Chairman McKraken: そんなの ただの言い訳じゃなイカ! 実際にメイワクしているカモネ! That's just a sorry excuse, isn't it!? It might actually cause me a lot of trouble!
Nate: 自分のお店が売れなくなったからって そんなの 言いがかりじゃん! Don't make accusations like that just because your own store can't sell stuff! (5)
Beautiful Ubaune: 売り上げを競い合うことは 本来の目的ではないはず… Competing for sales should not be our main objective...
Beautiful Ubaune: あなたも かつての罪をつぐなうため 働いているのでしょう…? Are you not working in order to atone for your past crimes as well...?
Chairman McKraken: そ それは… そうカモネ。 T- That... might be so.
Beautiful Ubaune: 破怪たち… 目的を見誤っていたのは あなたたちもですよ。 Unkeen, and the rest of you... Your objective was also misguided.
Unkeen: ぐっ… おっしゃる通りです。 Kch... You are correct.
Beautiful Ubaune: 我々の役目は 罪をつぐない ここで妖怪たちを笑顔にすること… Our role is to make yōkai smile here, in atonement for our crimes...
Beautiful Ubaune: 決して 争うことではありません。 そうでしょう? みなさん。 In no way is it about fighting. Don't you think so, everyone?
Beautiful Ubaune: 我々の目的は 同じなのですから どうか 仲良くやっていきませんか? Since we share the same objective, how about we become friends? (6)
Chairman McKraken: フ… フン! そこまでいうなら 仕方なイカ…。 H... Hm! If you put it like that, it can't be helped, can it...?
Chairman McKraken: 今日のところは カンベンしてやるカモネ! I might let you off the hook for today!
Beautiful Ubaune: ふふ ありがとうございます。 Huhu, thank you very much.
Chairman McKraken: それと この店の究極のスキヤキとやら… And, about this shop's Ultimate Sukiyaki...
Chairman McKraken: そんなに美味なら 一度 味見してやってもいいカモネ!! If it's really so delicious, I guess I might try it sometime, too!
Beautiful Ubaune: ええ あなたのご来店 いつでもお待ちしてありますよ。 Yes, you are always welcome to visit us anytime.
Whisper: はー… 大事にならなくて よかったでうぃすねぇ。 Hahh... I´m sure glad this didn't turn into a serious issue-whis.
Beautiful Ubaune: あなたも ぜび いらしてきださいね。 おいしいスキヤキを ご用意しますから。 You should come and join us as well. We will prepare delicious Sukiyaki for that.
Nate: うん! ウバウネも 破怪たちも がんばってね! Yeah, do your best, Ubaune, and the Wicked, too!
The word here is グルメエリア/Gurume Eria, or Gourmet Area. From what I can tell, it appears that a Gourmet Area is basically an area that has a few establishments where one can eat, and it’s good food to boot. But I am not 100% percent sure.
Japanese McKraken has a habit of putting emphasis on any instance of イカ/Ika in his dialouge, and uses phrases and words that contain it a lot. As a result, he words a lot of his sentences like rhetorical questions, ending them with じゃなイカ/janaika, which could be translated as “Isn’t it?”. He does this because “Ika” is japanese for “squid”.
This refers to the events of Yokai Watch 1. Also, while it’s not a term exclusive to it, in Yokai Watch 妖魔界/Yōmakai seems to refer to various smaller parts of the Yōkai World. The place called “Yo-kai World“ in the english version of Yokai Watch 1 (and I think 2, too) actually seems to be specifically Springdale’s Yōmakai.
Japanese McKraken also has a habit of using カモネ/Kamone, which means might or maybe, in his sentences. This is because of his japanese name イカカモネ・ ソウカモネ/Ikakamone Sōkamone, which kind of translates to something like “Might be a squid. Might be so.” 
I translated this line a bit less literally, but I think this is basicaly what it means.
The “Let’s be friends” could also be translated as something like “Let’s get along well” and the like.
Mission End Description: かつての「悪」が罪をつぐなうために生きる。 これこそが、ラスボスたちのセカンドライフ。 The former "evil" lives, in order to atone for its sins. Such is the Final Bosses second life.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain major spoilers for the main plot of Yokai Watch 3 and a sidequest added in Yokai Watch 3 Sukiyaki and version 2.0, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “Y-Files Final Episode: Seeking a Dream”  (”Yファイル完結編:夢を求めて“) sidequest.
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From what I understand, this quest becomes avaiable once you defeat GoGoGo Treasure Dragon towards the main story end of the Busters T segment.
I go through these scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original Japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at Japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I’m a beginner when it comes to Japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Edit Note: This translation has been slightly overhauled to be closer to my current standard as of December 2017.
Changes include switching entirely to the Japanese names of the characters, fixing spelling errors I could catch, correcting a few mistakes and phrasings.
Agents show up at Kēta‘s House:
Malder: やあ 僕はFBY特別捜査官のマルダー。 そして となりにいるのは相棒の… Hello, I am FBY special agent Malder. And here next to me is my partner... (1)
Kakully: カクリーよ。 Kakully. (2)
Kēta: あっ! あなたは…! Ah! You're...!
Malder: やあ ひさしぶりだね少年。 Hey, it's been a while, boy.
Kēta: なんで日本に!? それに… ウチがわかったの!? Why are you in Japan!? And... you know where I live!?
Kakully: ふぅ… 私たちを誰だと思っているの? Hmph... Just who do you take us for?
Malder: はは 君の引っ越し先を 調べることなんて 簡単なことさ。 Haha, it's very easy to find out something like the destination of your move.
Malder: 僕たちFBYにとってはね。 We are with the FBY, after all.
Malder: そんなことは さておき… 話したいことがあるんだ。 But aside from that... There is something we want to talk to you about.
Malder: 近くの公園… さんかく公園といったかな。 そこで待ってるから 来てくれないか? There's a nearby park... I think it was called Triangle Park. We will be waiting there, so would you please come over?
Kakully: それじゃあ またあとでね。 So, see you later.
Kēta: なんだろう…? What's this about...?
Whisper: まぁ とにかく 話を聞いてみてはどうですか? Well, at any rate, why don't we listen to what they have to say?
Kēta: そうだね。 Right.
Whisper: さんかく公園でしたね! 行ってみましょう! They are at Triangle Park! Let's go!
Malder, written in Japanese as マルダー/Marudā, is a reference to special agent Mulder from X-Files (written as  モルダー/Morudā in the Japanese version of that show). His name is a pun on Mulder combined with まる/maru, which can mean “circle” or “circular”.
Kakully, written in Japanese as カクリー/Kakurī , is a reference to special agent Scully from X-Files (written as スカリー/Sukarī in the Japanese version of that show). Her name is a pun on Scully combined with かく/kaku, which can mean “square” or “angular”.
Meeting Malder and Kakully at the Playground:
Malder: やあ 待っていたよ。 Hi, we've been waiting for you.
Kēta: 話っていったい 何なんですか? What exactly did you wanna talk about?
Kakully: 実はあれから… 私たちにも 「見える」ようになってしまったの。 Truth is, it seems that ever since then... we became able to “see” as well.
Kakully: そう… ミステリーを引き起こす不思議な存在… Yes... Able to see those mystery-causing, strange beings...
Kakully: 「ヨーカイ」の姿がね。 The “Yo-kai”. (1)
Whisper: …ってことは 私たちも 見えちゃってるんでうぃすぅぅ!? ... Wait, so you're saying that you can see us too, whiiiis!?
Malder: ああ… ハッキリとね。 Yes... Clearly.
Malder: おそらく… あのヨーカイの街に行き 事件に巻き込まれたせいだろう。 Most likely... it's because we went to that Yo-kai town and got involved with the incident there.
Kakully: ここまでハッキリ見えると もう信じるしかないわ。 I guess there is no choice but to believe when seeing them this clearly.
Kakully: でも ほかの捜査官にはサッパリ。 おかげで私たちはFBYでも厄介者扱いよ。 But, our other co-workers don't. Because of that, we get treated like a nuisance at the FBY.
Malder: 彼らにヨーカイの存在を 語ったところで誰も相手にしない。 Since we've told them about the existence of Yo-kai, everyone gives us the cold shoulder.
Malder: そこでぜひ 今回の捜査を キミに協力してほしいんだ! So please, we would like you to work together with us on our current investigation!
Malder: どうかな? What do you say?
Whisper: FBYの捜査… なんだか気になりますし 協力してあげましょうよ! An FBY investigation... That's kind of interesting, so let's work with them!
Mission Description:
FBYの、マルダーとカクリーがなんと、日本の天野家を訪れる。 妖怪が見えるようになった2人とゴゴゴファミリーの秘密を追え Suprisingly, Malder and Kakully of the FBY have visited the Amano Family in Japan. Having become able to see yōkai, the two of them chase down the secret of the GoGoGo Family.
Malder: ありがとう! そう言ってくれると思ったよ! Thank you! I thought you would say so!
Kēta: それで… いったい何を調べてるんですか? So... What exactly are you investigating?
Malder: ああ それはね… Right, it’s...
Malder: 僕たちを巻き込んだ あのUFO事件の首謀者… The secret of the mastermind behind that UFO case we were involved in...
Malder: ゴゴゴ·ゴッドファーザーの秘密だ…! GoGoGo Godfather...!
Kēta: ゴゴゴ·ゴッドファーザーの秘密…。 GoGoGo Godfather's secret...
Whisper: たしかに 私たちも 彼のことは よくしりませんね。 It's true that we don't really know him that well, either.
Malder: そして 調査の結���… And, as a result of our research...
Malder: ゴゴゴファミリーの幹部が 今も存在していることが判明したんだ。 We found out that the GoGoGo Family Executives are still around. (2)
Malder: 僕たちが手に入れた情報は4つ…。 We got 4 pieces of information...
Malder: 「妄想のクリエイター」 は 自分の世界へ帰っていった。 "The Creator of Delusions" returned to his own world.
Malder: 「邪心のティーチャー」 は 夜の小学校でヨーカイに勉強を教えている。 "The Teacher of Evil Hearts" is helping Yo-kai with their studies during the night, at a school. (3)
Malder: 「伝説のドラマー」 は とある屋敷で一流ヨーカイになっている。 "The Drummer of Legend" has become a first-class Yo-kai at a certain mansion.
Malder: 「漆黒のロボット」 は 元いた会社で働いている。 "The Robot of Jet Black" is working for the company he originally came from. (4)
Malder: もちろん すぐに捜査を開始したんだが… Of course we started investigating right away, but...
Malder: 僕たちだけの力では 彼らの潜む場所へ たどりつくことはできなかった…。 We couldn't reach the places where they're lurking on our own...
Malder: そこでぜひ キミたちの力を 貸してもらいたいというワケだ。 So, that is why we want you to help us, please.
Whisper: ちょっと気になりますし 協力してあげましょうよ! I’m a bit worried, so let's work togther with them!
In the Japanese version, when Malder and Kakully talk about yokai, they call them “ヨーカイ”, written in katakana, which is different from how they’re usually spelled in this franchise, which is in kanji as “妖怪”. Writing something only in katakana like that sometimes is used to indicate that the character in question is pronouncing it weirdly, like giving it special emphasis or talking with an accent, or the like. In this case I believe it might be indicating that Malder and Kakully are pronouncing it a bit odd because they’re English-speakers, and thus I thought it’d be fun if I translated it with the English localized spelling of “Yo-kai.”
The part I translated as “are still around.” could also be translated as “still exist.”
“Evil Hearts” could also be “Evil Mind” or “Evil Feelings” and the like.
“The Jet Black Robot” would probably be a less awkward translation, but I didn’t wanna break the pattern with the other executives.
At this point you can talk to the executives in any order you wish.
Talking to Mōsōmonmon:
Kakully: あなたがゴゴゴファミリー幹部… 「妄想世界にクリエイター」ね? Are you the GoGoGo Family Executive... "The Creator of Delusions"?
Mōsōmonmon: …ン? ンンン〜〜? あれれぇン… なんでココにいるのン? ...Nn? Nnnnn〜〜? My, oh my... Why are you here? (1)
Kakully: そんなことはいいから こちらの質問に答えてもらいたいの! Nevermind that, I would like you to answer some of our questions!
Mōsōmonmon: し… 質問ですってぇ…? 生意気だなン……。 Qu... Questions, you say...? My, aren’t you saucy...
Mōsōmonmon: でも いいよン♪ ちょっと退屈してたからね〜ン。 But sure~♪ I was a little bored anway~
Kakully: じゃあ… ゴゴゴ·ファミリーについて 何か教えてもらえるかしら? So... Can you tell us something about the GoGoGo Family?
Mōsōmonmon: ウフフン… それってぇ…♥ ボクちんのこと しりたいってこと〜ン? Uhuhun... You mean...♥ You want to know about me〜? (2)
Kakully: え… ええ… まぁ それでもいいわ。 Uh... Uhmm... Well, sure, that's fine, too.
Mōsōmonmon: えっとねン… ボクちんは〜 ファミリーの中で一番の新入りだよン♪ Hmm, you see... I am~ The most recent newcomer to the Family ♪
Mōsōmonmon: それでねン〜 いっつもコキつかわれてたのン! And also~ I’m always being pushed around! (3)
Mōsōmonmon: 五郎兄さんったら 自分の妄想世界 つくれって うるさいんだよン!? ‘Cause big brother Gorō won't shut up about wanting me to make him his own Delusion World!? (4)
Mōsōmonmon: ンもぉ〜! ボクちん おこっちゃうよン! Geez~! I’m getting ticked off here!
Mōsōmonmon: たのまれてつくるなんて ぜ〜んぜん 楽しくないんだもン! Being asked to make one is no fun at aaaall!
Mōsōmonmon: 人の頭の中 こっそ〜りのぞいて バクっと食べちゃうのがイイのにね〜ン…。 I'd rather seeecretly sneak a look at the insides of people's heads and then gobble them up〜...
Kakully: そ… そう… それは大変だったわね… Y... Yes... That must've been so hard for you...
Whisper: …それより なんなんですか? この奇妙な世界は…。 By the way, what is this here? This bizarre world...
Mōsōmonmon: ある女の子の 妄想世界よン♪ とってもイイとこでしょ〜ン? It's some girl's Delusion World ♪ Isn't it nice?
Mōsōmonmon: ここなら五郎兄さんに コキ使われることもないしね〜ン♪ When I’m here, big brother Gorō can't push me around anymore〜♪
Kēta: そ… そっか…。 I... I see...
Mōsōmonmon: ねぇねぇン… 今度は… キミの妄想 のぞかせてほしいな〜ン? Hey, hey... Next time... Do you want me to take a look at your delusions~?
Kēta: か… 考えておくよ… I... I’ll think about it...
Malder: それじゃあ 僕たちはこれで失礼するよ。 Now then, please excuse us.
Mōsōmonmon: ムフフン… また来てね〜ン♥ Muhuhun... Please come back some time~♥
Kakully: 何を言っているのか ほとんど わからなかったわ… I could hardly understand any of what he was saying...
In Japanese, Mōsōmonmon has what from what I can tell is a somewhat childish and also feminine way of speaking, but I am nto 100% sure. This includes him often adding “n” to the end of his lines, giving it a somehwat whimsy feel. Either way, it doesn’t translate easily into English.
Mōsōmonmon uses the personal pronoun ボクちん/boku-chin to refer to himself. ボク/boku basically is a somewhat informal pronoun usually used by young men and boys. It is more soft-spoken and formal than Ore, but more informal than Watashi. Adding “-chin“ to it basically turns it into a more childish/cutesy version of that.
What I translated as “pushed around” here refers to that in the sense of “being made to work hard”, “being overworked”, and all that.
Here he is referring to Kaminarasu Gorō here. He calls him big brother in the sense that he adds 兄さん/Niisan to his name.
Optional dialouge when talking to Mōsōmonmon again:
Mōsōmonmon: この妄想世界 と〜っても いいシュミしてるよねぇ〜ン♪ This Delusion World sure has some reaaally nice taste〜♪ (1)
Mōsōmonmon: ハァ…♥ キミの妄想は どんな色かなン…? Hahh…♥ I wonder what colors your delusions are...?
This is “nice taste” not as in taste of food, but taste in interests and stuff.
Talking to Yāmerunja-sensei:
Malder: キミがゴゴゴファミリー幹部… 「邪心のティーチャー」だね? You are the GoGoGo Family Executive... "The Teacher of Evil Hearts", right?
Yāmerunja-sensei: おや? あなたも授業を受けに来たのですか? Oh? Did you come to take classes too? (1)
Malder: あ いや…  そういうワケではないんだが… 実はキミに聞きたいことがあってね。 Ah, no... We actually have something we want to ask you.
Malder: ゴゴゴファミリーについて くわしく教えてほしいんだ。 We would like you to tell us more information about the GoGoGo Family.
Yāmerunja-sensei: いい質問ですねぇ♪ それじゃあ これは知っていますか? That is a good question ♪ Well then, did you know this?
Yāmerunja-sensei: 先生と もんもん君は ボスから生み出された妖怪なのです♪ Your teacher and Monmon are yōkai that were created from the Boss ♪ (2,3)
Yāmerunja-sensei: ボスはあまり自分のことを話さないので こ���は 先生の考えにすぎませんが… Since the Boss does not talk about himself much this is only an idea your teacher had, but...
Yāmerunja-sensei: ボスの 「大人の心」 と 「子どもの心」 が 私たちになったのかもしれませんねぇ。 ...Perhaps the Boss' "Adult Heart" and "Child Heart" have become us. (4)
Kakully: なるおどね… それじゃあ 他のファミリーについては? I see... What about the rest of the Family, then?
Yāmerunja-sensei: そうですねぇ…♪ Right...♪
Yāmerunja-sensei: 五郎くんはヤンチャだけど とっても元気あってイイ子ですし… Gorō is mischievous, but he is a very energetic, good child... (5)
Yāmerunja-sensei: インジャネーノくんは ずっと不機嫌ですが よく周りを見れいる心優しいイイ子です。 Injanēno is always sullen, but he is a considerate, kind-hearted, good child. (6)
Yāmerunja-sensei: それから ワルボくんも口は悪いですが 人助けのできるイイ子ですね♪ And Warubo has a foul mouth, but he sure is a helpful, good child♪
Whisper: なんだか それじゃあ イイ子ばっかりみたいでうぃすねぇ…。 That kinda seems like there's only good children, whis...
Yāmerunja-sensei: んま! 当たり前じゃないですか! Well! Is it not obvious?!
Yāmerunja-sensei: 先生は… 「イイ子じゃない子」をしりませんよ♪ Your teacher... does not know any "child that is not a good child" ♪
Kēta: そっかぁ… それじゃあ… Really... then...
Kēta: ゴゴゴ・ゴッドファーザーにも イイ子の部分は あったのかもしれないね。 Maybe part of GoGoGo Godfather was a good child, too.
Yāmerunja-sensei: ウフフ… 先生うれしいです。 キミは はなまるをあげましょう♪ Uhuhu... Your teacher is happy. You get a gold star♪ (7)
Kēta: あ… ありがとう… ございます…。 T... Thank you... very much...
Yāmerunja-sensei is known as Slackerjack in English.
In Japanese, Yāmerunja-sensei often just refers to himself as “sensei”, which simply means “teacher” (in this case), and, in fiction at least, it’s a common way for teachers to refer themselves when talking to students from what I understand. I translated this as “your teacher”, because it feels a bit less akward in english than just “teacher”, but still shows the fact that he does it at all.
He’s referring to Mōsōmonmon here. Notably, he specifically calls him Monmon-kun in Japanese, with the honorific -kun also commonly being used by teachers when adressing their male students, among other things, from what I understand.
The word I translated as heart here is 心/kokoro, and like before could also be translated as mind or feelings, among other things.
He’s of course referring Kaminarasu Gorō here, and in Japanese he also adds the -kun honorific to his name, and continues to do so for all their other fellow executives.
I’m not sure if I translated “considerate” right in this case.
He literally says something like “Let’s give you a flower circle”, which is something like an equivalent to gold stars, as in little symbolic rewards for student’s good behavior.
Optional dialouge when talking to Yāmerunja-sense again:
Yāmerunja-sensei: 先生は しばらくここで 真夜中の妖怪学校をしています。 Your teacher will be doing a midnight yōkai school here for a while.
Yāmerunja-sensei: キミも また 先生に会いにきてくださいね♪ Please come visit again, too ♪
Optional dialouge when talking to the yokai students:
Isshun Boy: せんせー! おれ また速くなったでしょ! Teacher! I got faster again! (1)
Hanako: せんせー! 男子がそうじしませーん! Teacher! The boys aren't cleaning up! (2)
Sunao: ハイ 先生! 質問です! わからないことが あります! Hey, teacher! I got a question! There's something I don't understand! (3)
Onarazumono: ブフッ! 今おならしたの誰ぇ〜!? *PFFT*! Who farted just now!? (4)
Gaki: せんせー。 宿題 家にわすれましたー。 Teacher. I forgot to bring my homework. (5)
Isshun Boy is known as Minimoto in English.
Hanako is known as Toiletta in English.
Sunao is known as Sandmeh in English. 
Onarazumono is known as Cheeksqueek in English. 
Gaki is known as Tantroni in English.
Talking to Kaminarasu Gorō:
Kakully: あなたがゴゴゴファミリー幹部の 「伝説のドラマー」ね? Are you the GoGoGo Family Executive... "The Drummer of Legend"?
Kaminarasu Gorō: ハッ! 伝説のドラマーってか!! Ha! Drummer of Legends, you say!!?
Kaminarasu Gorō: いいねぇ〜 そのひびき! 気にいったぜ ねえちゃん! Nice~ I like the sound of that! I like you, sister!
Kakully: あなたたちゴゴゴファミリーについて 教えてほしいんだけど… We want you to tell me about your GoGoGo Family, but...
Kaminarasu Gorō: いいぜぇ〜! なんでもおしぇてやるジャン! Sure~! I'll tell ya anything! (1)
Kaminarasu Gorō: …つっても オイラはドラムばっか叩いて あんま しらねぇんだけどなぁ! ...'cept I dunno nothing 'bout anything, besides how to hit the drums!
Kaminarasu Gorō: オイラが よく知ってんのは ジャーニーのことくらいジャン? I do know Jany pretty well, how about that? 
Whisper: …ゴゴゴファミリーに ジャーニーなんて方いましたっけ? ...Was there someone called Jany in the GoGoGo Family? (2)
Kaminarasu Gorō: あー ジャーニーってのは 親友のインジャネーノのことな! Ah, when I say Jany, I mean my best friend Injanēno! (3)
Kakully: 親友…。 Your best friend...
Kakully: あなたたちは どうして ゴゴゴファミリーになったの? Why did you two join the GoGoGo Family?
Kaminarasu Gorō: あん? どうしてって… ボスに拾われたからだぜ? Hm? Why did we... Because the Boss picked us up? (4)
Kaminarasu Gorō: いっしょに夢を叶えねーがって 口説かれてなぁ! Sayin' “why don't we fulfill our dreams together”, is how he won us over.
Kaminarasu Gorō: もちろんソッコーついてったぜ! オイラにはデッカイ夢があったからな! Of Course I followed him right away! I got a BIG dream, after all!
Kaminarasu Gorō: オイラのクールなドラムを 大勢のやつらに聞かせるって夢がよぉ! A dream about letting a whole lot of people listen to my cool drums!
Kaminarasu Gorō: でも ジャーニーには夢がないどころか 夢なんか 持ったこともなかったんだよな。 But Jany didn't dream at all, he never had something like a dream. (5)
Kaminarasu Gorō: だから ボスの夢をきいているうちに… So I guess that’s why while he was listening to the Boss' dream...
Kaminarasu Gorō: いつの間にか ボスの夢が アイツの夢になっちまったんだろうなぁ〜。 Before we knew it, the Boss' dream became his dream.
Kēta: そっか…。 I see...
Kēta: だからアイツは ゴゴゴGFを… ボスの夢を守ろう必死あったんだ… That's why he was so desperate about protecting GoGoGo Godfather... the Boss' dream...
Kaminarasu Gorō: ま オイラはボスに感謝してるぜぇ? アイツに夢 見せてくれたんだからな! Well, I’m grateful to the Boss? 'Cause he showed him dreams!
Kaminarasu Gorō: 夢を見れねぇ人生ってのは やっぱ悲しいもんジャン!? A life without dreamin' is pretty sad after all, right!?
Whisper: ゴゴゴファミリーにも 情に厚いところがあったんですね…! To think that even in the GoGoGo Family such compassion exists...!
Occasionally Kaminarasu Gorō adds   ジャン/jan to his sentences, which I think is a reference to the onomatopoeia of a drum set’s cymbal being hit, but is also similar to an informal, casual way to end a sentence that basically translates to something like “y’know?” or “ain’t it?”. Overall Gorō has a casual and informal manner of speaking.
Jany is spelled as ジャーニー/Jānī in Japanese and is of course, a nickname of インジャネーノ/Injanēno.
The word I translated as “best friend“ here is 親友/shin'yū which can also be translated as very close friend and the like.
The word I translated as “picked up” is  拾う/hirou which can refer to literally picking up something, but I think it can also refer to picking up a person, as in taking them under your wing.
What I translated as “didn’t dream at all” does literally mean that, but it also refers to something like “had no ambitions” or “had no motivation”. But given the theme of these characters, I wanted to keep in the word “dream”.
Optional dialouge when talking to Kaminarasu Gorō again:
Kaminarasu Gorō: 格付けチェック やってみたんだけどよぉ〜 オイラって やっぱ超一流ジャン? I tried out that Ranking Check, yeah? Guess I’m really super first-class, huh? (1)
Kaminarasu Gorō: 全部 カンで当たっちまうんだよなぁー! I won everything with my gut feeling!
Kaminarasu Gorō: ラクショーすぎて 飽きてきちまったし… そろそろ ライブでまやるかぁ! I got bored from that way too easy victory... Can't I perform live anytime soon?
“Ranking Check” is a mini-game hosted by Sebastian in this mansion, in which you have to guess if a food is high and quality or not, and determine your “class” by that. I is areference to a Japanese gameshow called 芸能人格付けチェック  ( “Entertainer Ranking Check”), I believe. I don’t know much about it, but seems it is a show where various celebrites are tested on wether they are truly “first-class” or not? By being shown two products and needing to pick out which of the two is the more expensive one? It seems popular enough that you’ll see references to it pop up sometimes.
Optional dialouge when talking to Sebastian:
Sebastian: カミナラス五郎さまは 負けなしの超一流妖怪です。 Master Kaminarasu Gorō is an undefeated super first-class yōkai. (1)
Sebastian: いやいや 不思議なものです。 紳士的な方には とても見えな… Honestly thougj, it is strange. He does not look much like a... (2)
Verygoodsir: …ゴホゴホッ! いえ なんでもありません。 Cough, cough! Ah, no it is nothing.
Sebastian is known as Verygoodsir in English.
At this part Sebastian cuts himself off before finishing the line, so I can only guess on what he was going to say, but it appears to be something like “He doesn’t look much like a gentleman”. Either way the implication is he was about to say something bad about Kaminarasu Gorō but cut himself off, since a butler shouldn’t be saying that.
Talking to Warubo V5:
Malder: キミが ゴゴゴファミリーの幹部 「漆黒のロッボト」だね。 You must be the GoGoGo Family Executive "The Robot of Jet Black".
Malder: たしか… 昔の職場にいるという情報だったが… I’m certain that... According to our information you were at your old workplace...
Kēta: それじゃあ ワルボはゴゴゴファミリーに 入る前 ここで働いてたってこと!? So then, you worked here before you joined the GoGoGo Family, Warubo!?
Warubo V5: そうですが何か ▼_▼ That's right, what do you want ▼_▼
Malder: どうしてゴゴゴ ·ファミリーの 一員になったんだい? Why did you become a member of the GoGoGo Family?
Warubo V5: よろしい。 教えてさしあげようじゃねーか ▼_▼ Fine. Gonna tell you ▼_▼
Warubo V5: ワルボ あの日は眠ってたんだ。 ヨップル社の真っ暗な部屋で ずっとな。 Warubo was sleeping that day. In a completely dark room at Yopple Inc., for a long time.
Warubo V5: まー そこに ファミリーが現れた ▼_▼ Well, the Family showed up there ▼_▼
Warubo V5: やつら オレをゴゴゴ ·ゴッドタワーに 連れさって 改造しやがったんだ。 They brought me to the GoGoGo Godtower, and reconstructed me. (1)
Malder: …もしや こわれて捨てられていたキミを ファミリーが持ち帰って直したんじゃ…。 ...Maybe you were broken and throw away, and then the Family brought you home and fixed you...
Warubo V5: なあ それより見てみろよ… ヨップ野郎どもの あのニコニコ顔。 Hey, more importantly, look... That Yopp dude's bright smiling face. (2)
Warubo V5: くそイラつくぜ ▼_▼ Pisses me off ▼_▼
Warubo V5: ワルボは この目つきのせいで ポニーにも逃げられるってのにな。 Because of Warubo's expression, even ponies will run away. (3)
Warubo V5: だからワルボ決めた。 プチ整形して ニコニコ顔になる。 So Warubo decided. I will get a quick facelift, to get a bright smiling face. (4)
Warubo V5: でもジョーズさん 整形するには 1000ドル必要って言いやがった。 But, Mr. Jaws said that to get a facelift, 1000 dollars are needed.
Warubo V5: ワルボの日給は 1ドルだから… Because Warubo's daily salary is 1 dollar...
Warubo V5: 1000日 働けばイイ! I need to work for 1000 days!
Warubo V5: ワルボ 計算はやいだろ。 ロボットだからな ▼_▼ Warubo calculates fast. I am a robot after all ▼_▼
Kēta: 1000日… が… がんばってね…。 1000 days... G... Good luck with that...
Warubo V5: ニコニコ顔になったら ポニーのやつ 乗せてくれるかな。 ▼_▼ Once I got a bright smiling face, I wonder if I can ride that pony guy. ▼_▼
Warubo V5: そうだ オマエラ。 ワルボ厳選のジョークを聞かせてやろう。 Oh right, you guys. Listen to Warubo's carefully selected jokes.
Whisper: …その方 ほっとくと いつまでも しゃべりつづけそうですよ? ... Is this fellow is just going to keep talking forever?
Kēta: ワ… ワルボ! いっぱい話してくれてありがとう…! Wa... Warubo! Thank you for telling us so many things...!
Warubo V5: なんだよ オマエラ帰るのか? What, you guys are leaving?
Warubo V5: さみしくはないぞ。 ワルボ 機械だからな ▼_▼ I’m not sad. Warubo is a machine, after all ▼_▼
Warubo V5: またな T_T See you T_T
Warubo V5 mostly refers to himself as “Warubo” instead of using an actual first person pronoun, but here he actually uses one (ore), showing that he does use that occasionally. In my translation I had to use “I” for him occasionally to make lines not sound weird, so note that while he does switch between “Warubo” and “I” in Japanese too, he doesn’t do it as frequently.
He is referring to Yopp-kun (can alternatively be spelled as Yoppu-kun) in case you’re wondering.
It could either be “ponies” or “pony”
A robot getting a face lift may sound weird, but in Japanese the word being used can also literally be translated as something like “form adjustment”.
Optional dialouge when talking to Warubo V5 again:
Warubo V5: ワルボ ぜったい ポニーと ともだちになる ▼_▼ Warubo will absolutely become friends with the pony ▼_▼
After talking to all 4 Executives:
Malder: 幹部4人から話を聞いたワケだが… We listened to the stories of the 4 executives, but...
Whisper: ゴゴゴファミリーが どんな組織だったか なんとなく わかってきましたねぇ! I feel like I sort of understand what kind of organization the GoGoGo Family was!
Kēta: うーん でも… Hmmm, but...
Kēta: かんじんのゴゴゴGFについては あんまり 何もわからなかったよね…。 We didn't really learn anything crucial about GoGoGo Godfather...
Malder: そうだな… Right...
Malder: ボスの近くにいたアイツなら 何か知っているかもしれないが… That fellow who was so close to their Boss might have known something, but...
Kēta: そうだ… たしかにインジャネーノは ゴゴゴGFの過去を知ってた…! That’s true... I’m sure Injanēno knew about GoGoGo Godfather's past...!
Kēta: ゴゴゴGFは アイツにだけ 自分のことを 話していたんだと思う! I think GoGoGo Godfather only talked about himself with him!
Whisper: インジャネーノの最期の場所へ 行ってみてはどうでしょう? How about we go to the place where Injanēno last was, then?
Kakully: たしかに… なにか彼のヒントが 残されているかもしれないわ。 Definitely... he might have left behind some clues.
Malder: ああ そうだね。 Yes, that's true.
Whisper: ゴゴゴ ·ゴッドタワーの最上階ですね… 行ってみましょう! The top floor of the GoGoGo Godtower... Let's go there!
Going to the Top of the GoGoGo Godtower:
Malder: さあ 最上階についた。 Now, we've reached the top.
Whisper: ここに ゴゴゴGFの秘密が 隠されていないか さがしてみましょう! GoGoGo Godfather's secret might be hidden here, so let's look for it!
Whisper: みごとに何も 残されていませんね…。 There seems to be nothing left at all...
Malder: 他の幹部は ボスの過去を知れない… 知っていたのは あの側近のみ…。 The other executives don't know about their Boss' past... The only one who knew was that close aide of his...
Malder: だとすると ここで語られていた 可能性が高いと思うが… Assuming that's true, I think there is a high possibility that he told him about it in here, but...
Malder: 今や 誰も知る者はいない… か。 Now there is no one left who knows anymore... is there?
Kakully: いるとすれば この部屋そのものくらいね。 If there was, it'd have to be the room itself.
Malder: はは 部屋に刻まれた記憶でも 呼び覚ませればいいが…。 Haha, it sure would be nice if we could awaken the memories etched into this room...
Kēta: それなら…! 妖怪の力で なんとかできるかも! In that case...! The power of a yōkai might do the trick!
Whisper: えっと… 場所に刻まれた 「記憶」を思い出させる 妖怪ですか… Umm... A yōkai that can recall the “memory” etched into a place...
Whisper: いました! 妖怪おもいだ神…! Found it! The yōkai Omoidashin...! (1)
Whisper: おもいだ神は おもいだスッポンが 合成で進化する妖怪のようです! Omoidashin is a yōkai that evolves from Omoidasuppon through Fusion!  (2)
Whisper: 進化することで なんと場所の 「記憶」まで 思い出させることもできるとか…! Seems that by evolving they become able to even recall the 'memory' of a place...!
Kēta: うん! おもいだ神ならいけるかも…! 早く ここにつれてこよう! Yeah! Vaccumory might work...! Let's take him here fast!
Omoidashin is known as Vacuumory in English.
Omoidasuppon is known as Flushback in English.
Summoning Omoidashin:
Malder: この場所に 刻まれた 「記憶」… ヨーカイの力で 呼び起こせるんだったね? So, the 'memory' etched into this room... can be recalled with the power of a Yo-kai?
Whisper: さあ ケータくん! おもいだ神は ともだちにしましたよね! Alright, Kēta! We have made friends with Omoidashin!
Whisper: さっそく ここに呼び出して 過去の出来事を 思い出させましょう! Let's call him right away, and recall the past events!
Kēta: よーし… それじゃあ… Right... so...
Kēta: オレのともだち! でてこい おもいだ神! My friend! Come out, Omoidashin!
Kēta: 妖怪メダル セットオン! Yōkai Medal, Set On! (1)
Omoidashin: ふおっふおっ… ワシに 何の用じゃ? Hoh,  Hoh... What do you need from me?
Malder: …あなたが 「記憶」を 呼び起こしてくれるというヨーカイですね。 ...So you are the Yo-kai that can bring forth “memories”.
Malder: なんでも 場所に刻まれた記憶でさえ 思い出させることができる… とか。 I am told that you can even recall memories that are etched into a place... or something.
Omoidashin: ああ たやすいことじゃ。 場所や物も あらゆるものに記憶はある…。 Yes, that's easy. Places and objects, there are memories inside everything...
Malder: では… この部屋の記憶のなかには… ゴゴゴGFが語って その過去についても…? Then... Somewhere in the memory of this room... is there one where GoGoGo Godfather talks about his past, too...?
Omoidashin: …うむ たしかに存在するようじゃ。 この部屋は今も覚えておるのう…。 ... Yes, there certainly is. This room still remembers...
Omoidashin: 思い出させてやろう…。 この部屋に眠る かつての主の記憶を…! Let me recall it... The memory of this room's former master that sleeps within it...!
This is the Japanese summoning chant, in the English localization it goes: “Come out my friend! Calling *insert Yo-kai*! Yo-kai Medal, do your thing!"
Seeing the Memory:
GoGoGo Godfather: フッ… 変わったものだな 私も。 Hmh... I have changed, too.
Injanēno: どうしました ボス? What's the matter, Boss?
GoGoGo Godfather: …なに 少し昔を思い出していた。 ... Nothing, I was just thinking about the old days for a bit.
GoGoGo Godfather: 私はな 数百年前… Hundreds of years ago I was...
GoGoGo Godfather: ひとりの人間だったのだよ。 ...a human being.
Injanēno: …そうだったんですかい。 ...I see.
GoGoGo Godfather: 人間だったころの私は ただ夢を見続ける 純粋な少年だった。 When I was a human, I was just a pure boy who kept on dreaming.
GoGoGo Godfather: 私には 普通の人間には 見えないモノが見えていてね。 I could see things that were invisible to average humans.
GoGoGo Godfather: そういった 「幻の存在」 を見つけては 夢いっぱいに語ったものさ。 I talked a lot about my dreams of finding those 'phantom beings'. (1)
Injanēno: そいつぁ楽しそうですなぁ。 That sounds like fun.
GoGoGo Godfather: だが 人々は私を不気味がり だれも信じてくれなかった… But the people considered me creepy, and no one believed me... (2)
GoGoGo Godfather: そんな私は いつしか 「悪魔の子」と呼ばれ…… And as such, eventually they started to call me "devil child"... (3)
GoGoGo Godfather: …捨てられたのだよ。 本当のファミリーにね。 ...I was abandoned. By my real family. (4)
GoGoGo Godfather: 行くあてもなく さまよった私は ついに力尽き… I wandered aimlessly, until in the end, I was completely exhausted... (5)
GoGoGo Godfather: 自分自身が 幻の存在 「妖怪」 になった。 …というわけさ。 I myself became a phantom being, a 'yōkai'. ...that’s the long and short of it.
Injanēno: ボス…。 Boss...
GoGoGo Godfather: それでも 妖怪の世界でなら 私も受け入れられると思った。 But even so, I thought that in the world of yōkai at least, even I would be accepted.
GoGoGo Godfather: が… 妖怪たちでさえ UFOなどいない と私を信じない。 But... even yōkai don't believe in things like UFOs, nor do they believe me.
GoGoGo Godfather: 今では 妖怪ワールドでさえ 私は はみだし者さ。 Now, even in the Yōkai World, I am an outcast.
Injanēno: ボスのこと 信じないアイツらが まちがっとるんじゃ…! Those that don't believe you got it all wrong, Boss...!
GoGoGo Godfather: なぁに… 悪いことばかりでは なかったさ。 Hey... Not everything was bad.
GoGoGo Godfather: 今の私には 新たなファミリーがいる。 お前のようにな。 I have a new family now. Like you.
GoGoGo Godfather: なあ インジャネーノ。 「幻の大陸」 の伝説を知ってるか? Say, Injanēno. Do you know the legend of the "Phantom Continent"? (6)
Injanēno: 幻の大陸… ですかい? The... Phantom Continent?
GoGoGo Godfather: ああ。 人間界と妖怪ワールドの狭間に 存在するといわれる 幻の大陸… Yes. A Phantom Continent that is said to exist between the Human World and the Yōkai World...
GoGoGo Godfather: そこには 黄金の秘宝が眠っているという。 …お前はどう思う? Supposedly a golden treasure is sleeping there. ... What do you think?
Injanēno: …ワシぁ あると思いますぜ。 ボスも信じとるんでしょう? ... I think it's real. Do you believe in it too, Boss?
GoGoGo Godfather: ああ… だが多くの者たちは信じない。 人間も妖怪も 今の世界には夢がない。 Yes... But many don't. In today's world, both humans and yōkai have no dreams.
GoGoGo Godfather: 夢のない世界など つまらないではないか。 A world without dreams is boring, isn't it?
GoGoGo Godfather: 私は 「夢見がちな者」 たちを集め… 築き上げたファミリーと共に… I will gather "people that dream"... and together with the family I build up...
GoGoGo Godfather: この妖怪ワールドを作りかえ 「幻の大陸」 を 見つけ出したいのだよ。 I will remake this Yōkai World, and I want to discover the "Phantom Continent".
Injanēno: ボスなら… きっと見つけられますよ。 Boss... you'll definitely be able to find it.
Injanēno: ボスに拾っていただいた この命。 最後まで ボスのために。 This life of mine that you picked up, Boss. I’ll dedicate it to you, until the end.
GoGoGo Godfather: ああ… 期待しているぞ。 Yes... I’m counting on you.
The words I translated as “Phantom Beings” are 幻の存在/Maboroshi no Sonzai in Japanese, which can be translated in various other ways, too.
The word I translated as “creepy” is 不気味/bukimi which can also be translated as “uncanny” or “eerie”, in fact, it is where the Japanese name of the Eerie Tribe comes from.
The word I translated as “devil“ is 悪魔/akuma which can also be literally translated as “evil demon”, among other things.
When talking about family in this scene, GoGoGo Godfather actually uses the english word “family”.
What I translated as “completely exhausted” can also translate to “run out of energy” or “used up all one’s strength”, and notably it can be used to refer to someone actually dying from exhaustion.
Like with the case of Phantom Beings above, the “Phantom“ part here is 幻 /Maboroshi in Japanese, and can be translated in various ways.
After seeing that:
Kēta: あのゴゴゴGFも もともとは ただの 夢見がちな少年だったんだ…。 That GoGoGo Godfather was originally just a dreaming boy...
Malder: もし生まれる時代がちがっていたら… If he had been born in a different time period...
Malder: ミステリーに夢を見る者同士 ともだちにだってなれたかもしれない。 He might have been able to make friends with other people that dream about mysteries.
Kēta: そうですね… That's right...
Malder: そして幻の大陸… 「ヌー大陸」か。 And the Phantom Continent... it's the "Continent Nu", right?
Malder: キミたちはもう 知っているんだろう? I guess you already know about that one?
Kēta: はい…。 Yes...
Malder: 私たちも そこへ つれていってくれないか? Could you take us there, too?
Whisper: 妖怪が見えるようになった おふたりなら ヌー大陸にも行けるかもしれませんね! Since the two became able to see yōkai, they might the able to go to the Continent Nu, too!
Kēta: うん… そうだね。 Yeah... that's right.
Kēta: わかりました! 「ヌー大陸」に案内します! Got it! I will take you to the "Continent Nu"!
Malder: たのんだぞ 少年! We're counting on you, boy!
Optional dialouge when talking to Malder and Kakully at Kēta’s House:
Malder: ここはキミの家だが… This is your house, but...
Malder: まさか ヌー大陸へは ここから行くというのか…? Could it be that one can go to the Continent Nu from here...?
Kakully: 幻の大陸 「ヌー大陸」… そんなものが本当にあるのかしら…? The Pantom Continent "Continent Nu"... Does such a thing really exist...?
Kakully: マルダーは信じているようだけど 私にはまだ 信じられないわ…。 Malder seems to believe in it but, I still can't quite believe it...
Showing Malder and Kakully the way to the Continent:
Kakully: すごい… キミの家の地下に こんな場所が…。 Amazing... To think such a place was in the basement of your house...
Kēta: ここがヌー大陸につながってるんです。 This leads to the Continent Nu.
Malder: ほう… これはまるで運命だね…。 Wow... This is almost like fate...
Kēta: それじゃあ ついてきてくださいね! Well then, please follow me!
Malder: そんな… まさかこれが… No way... is this actually...
Malder: ゴゴゴGFの夢見た あの「ヌー大陸」だというのか…!? The "Continent Nu" that GoGoGo Godfather was dreaming of...!?
Kēta: オレたち… ここで またゴゴゴGFと戦ったんだ。 We... fought against GoGoGo Godfather again here.
Kakully: ど… どういうこと!? W...What do you mean!?
Kēta: 実は… To tell you the truth...
Kakully: そうだったのね…。 So that's what happened...。
Malder: なるほど…。 I see...
Malder: この大陸にUFOが現れ ピラミッドが導いたということは… A UFO appeared over this Continent Nu, led here by the pyramid, which means...
Malder: ヌー大陸は かつてエイリアンたちが 創り出したモノかもしれないな… The Continent Nu might be something that aliens created a long time ago...。
Kēta: エイリアンが…!? Aliens...!?
Malder: あくまで 僕の見解だがね。 Well, that's just my opinion.
Malder: それにしても… Still...
Malder: 黄金の秘宝に とりつかれてしまったヨーカイ… か。 A Yo-kai who was obsessed with the Golden Treasure, huh? (1)
Malder: 誰も信じてくれる者がいないなか 彼はひとり 信じて夢見続けていたんだ。 Since there was no one who believed, he believed alone and kept on dreaming.
Whisper: なんだか 少しかわいそうですね…。 Somehow, I feel kinda sorry for him...
Malder: だが 手段はともかく… But, by some means... (2)
Malder: 彼は 自分が夢見た 「幻の大陸」にたどりついたんだな…。 He did reach the "Phantom Continent" that he had dreamed about...
Malder: 僕たちも さまざまなミステリーを追ってきたが… We have also been pursuing various mysteries...
Malder: そうして伝説の大陸に立てたのは 彼の見た「夢」のおかげかもしれないな。 And the fact that we are now standing upon the legendary Phantom Continent, might be thanks to the "dream" he had.
Malder: 彼は 夢を見ない人間やヨーカイに 絶望したのかもしれないが… He may have fallen into despair due to the humans and yōkai that don't dream, but...
Malder: せめて我々は 彼のように 「夢見がちな心」を持ち続けようじゃないか。 How about we at least try to hold onto our "dreaming hearts", just like him? (3)
Malder: なあ 少年! Right, boy?
Kēta: うん…! Yeah...!
The verb here is とりつく/toritsuku which literally means to cling to, or “to obsess over“, but it can also mean “to be possessed by” and it is what is called “inspiriting” is called in the English version of the games, actually. But I feel in this case the translation “obsessed” fit best, but given the context of the word, the other meanings might be interesting to know.
I am a bit unsure about that line.
Like before, the word I translated as hearts is is 心/kokoro, and like before could also be translated as minds or feelings among other things. 
Mission End Description: ミステリーという夢を追っていたゴゴゴGF。 元々は、ただの「夢見がち」な男だったのだ。 GoGoGo Godfather was pursuing the dream of Mystery. Originally, he was a mere "dreaming" man.
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