#ymca education centre- singapore
ratiram · 5 years
“Increase in the number of people employed coupled with rising demand of specialized courses has driven the Executive Education market in Singapore”
The report Titled “Singapore Executive Education Market Outlook to 2023 - By Type of Program (EMBA and MDP), By Funding of the Program MDPs (Company Sponsored and Self Funded) and EMBA (Self Funded, Partial Funding and Company Sponsored), By Duration MDP (1-7 days, 7-14 days and more than 14 days) and EMBA (up to 12 Months, 12-24 Months and More than 24 Months)” by Ken Research suggested that the Executive Education market in Singapore has been growing due rapid transformation in education system, increase in the number of people employed and evident salary hike after completion of these courses. The market is expected to register a positive CAGR of 1.1% in terms of revenue during the forecast period 2018-2023E.
Rise in Joint EMBA programs and Contracts with Companies: Singapore has witnessed surge in the demand for executive education in order to explore the potential opportunities. It has been observed that the many B-schools and universities have started offering executive learning programs for professional development and career building in alliance in the country. For instance: UCLA Anderson and National University of Singapore, Tsinghua University and INSEAD (TIEMBA). In addition to this, it has helped the B-schools in broadening their student base and in creating brand value which will further lead to enhance alumni network which is a major attraction for students. On top of it, partnership with these companies would aid in structuring the course specifically catering to the industry vertical required.
Lifelong Learning Programs: The current trend in Executive MBA is that they offer the alumni's with the opportunity to study lifelong in the institutes such as in NUS where the alumni can go back to the college and participate in new classes or they can even take new classes as a fresher with no additional cost. This facility is available to the alumni’s upto 20 years from the time of their enrolment into the program. This would help the college to build a strong alumni network and will further increase the demand for executive education in the country.
Company Sponsored Programmes: In Singapore, it has been observed that majority of the enrollments in the MDP courses are company sponsored in the year 2018. On the other hand, number of enrollments in EMBA which are company sponsored accounted a mere share in the year 2018 owing to these programs are of longer duration and are costly therefore they are least funded by the companies whereas MDP programmes are generally short term courses due to which companies generally provide full sponsorship to their employees to learn new and highly demanded courses which will help the association in the longer run.
Key Segments Covered:-
By Type of Programmes
By Funding in MDP
Company Sponsored
Self Financed
By Funding in EMBA
Self Funded
Partially Funded
Company Sponsored
By Duration of MDP
1-7 Days
7-14 Days
More than 14 Days
By Duration of EMBA
Upto 12 Months
12-24 Months
More than 24 Months
Key Target Audience
B Schools
Online Education Consultancies
Ministry of Education/ Higher Education Authority
Online Education Aggregators
Investors in Private Equity Firm
Time Period Captured in the Report:-
Historical Period: 2013-2018
Forecast Period: 2019-2023E
Major Institutes Covered:-
National University of Singapore
Ngee Ann Academy
NTU - Nanyang Business School
ESSEC Asia-Pacific (Singapore)
Singapore Management University
Management Development Institute of Singapore
Rutgers University - Singapore
Aalto Executive Education Academy (Aalto EE)
YMCA Education Centre- Singapore
Aventis School of Management
ERC Institute
FTMS Global Academy
Singapore University of Technology and Design
IMD Business School Singapore
PSB Academy
Executive Education Singapore
Short Executive Courses Singapore
Management Development Programme Singapore
Singapore Executive MBA
Major Institutes Singapore Executive MBA
Singapore Executive Education challenges
Singapore Executive Education Issues
Singapore Government Initiatives Executive Education
Singapore Executive Education Strategies
Singapore Executive Education programmes
Singapore Executive MBA Student Profile
Singapore EMBA Programmes
Singapore Long Duration Courses
Singapore Short Duration Courses
Singapore Executive Education Enrollments
Singapore EMBA Enrollments
Singapore MDP Enrollments
Singapore Executive Education Programmes
Singapore EMBA Programmes
For more information, refer to below link:-
Singapore Executive Education Market Outlook
Related Reports by Ken Research:-
UK Executive MBA Market Outlook To 2023 - By Type Of Program (Structured And Customized), By Electives, By Blended Learning (Online & Offline And Only Offline), By Program Duration And By Course Type (Part Time Only, Full Time Only Or Either Full Or Part Time)
UK Executive Education Market Outlook To 2023 - By Type Of Management Development Programs (Finance, Strategy, Leadership, Ethics And Others), By Duration Of The Course (1 Day, 1-2 Days, 2-3 Days, 3-5 Days, 5-10 Days And 10+ Days) And By Type Of Universities (Private And Public)
US Executive Education Programs Market By Type (Open And Customized Programs), By Universities (Private And State), By Mode Of Delivery (Business Schools, Online, Foreign Collaborations) - Outlook To 2022
Contact Us:- Ken Research Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications mailto:[email protected]
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madeleinehistory · 4 years
Mobile: 917.833.2168
Hi, I’m Madeleine – a creative director with 16 years’ experience working across a huge range of brands, both creatively and strategically. I’m a writer by trade, but draw on the side (#madeleinedigangi on instagram, if you’re curious). When I’m not writing CV’s, I like reading books, bowling, observing absurdity in the world and talking my face off with smart, funny people.
 Lead a multi-disciplinary team to develop culturally-relevant ideas that shape brand narratives across PR, broadcast, social and experiential.
CLIENTS: Audi, CVS, Marriott, Michelob Ultra, NFL, Papa John’s, SmartyPants, YMCA
 Did everything and the kitchen sink: from developing brand voice guidelines, strategy, and corporate values, to developing campaigns for both sellers and buyers, to playing client to develop first ever above the line marketing. Even made crafts at a pop-up at JFK.
 I worked on a huge spectrum of advertising campaigns, strategic projects, new business pitches and creative problem solving. Wrote, created and produced everything from television campaigns to digital experiential to apps to brand guidelines.
CLIENTS: ALMAY, Android Gaming, Calvin Klein, Dr. Pepper, Fresh Direct, Galderama, Gannett Media, Garnier, Google, JCPenney, jet.com, National Campaign to prevent Teen & Unplanned Pregnancy (TNC), New Venture Fund, Singapore Tourism board, Tampax, Target
I made things. Took projects from insight to strategy to creative solution to production, all while (hopefully) writing the damn out of it.
CLIENTS: ABSOLUT, Accenture, Bird’s Eye Vegetables, Michelin Tires, Vonage
I made things. Created and produced everything from film to digital to mobile to print. I also developed strategy for brands and so, so, so many new business pitches in the wake of the 2008 economic disaster.
CLIENTS: Blue Shield of California, Jewish Federations of America, Motrin, New York Life, One Laptop Per Child, Rail Europe, Rover Wireless
 I made things. I also played a large role in creative department integration by helping traditional teams understand the digital space, back when people hardly knew what a blog was.
CLIENTS: Amp’d Mobile, Aviva Insurance, Canadian Film Centre, Canadian Tire, Molson, MINI, Reitmans, Telus, Viagra
 I learned how to make things, back when agencies were full of silos and the Internet was seen as alien territory. I chose digital because I was psychic. Or maybe just a little lucky.
CLIENTS: General Motors, Johnson & Johnson, The Sony Store, UPS
For 7 summers, I did everything and anything I was asked to do, including: supervising Russian workers (in case they were spies), crumpling classified documents for burning, counting silverware, fixing military computers, going to Capitol Hill and writing congressional reports on environmental issues, and even photocopying one guy’s entire business card collection.
Somehow during my academic stint, I managed to write and direct two plays, was the opinions editor of the college newspaper, scribe of a notorious secret society, choral scholar in the chapel choir, and archivist of debating club. Possibly a dork too. 
0 notes
A Continuing Journey In The Magic History Of Singapore
This article is to introduce magicians and magic fanatics to the rich records of magic in Singapore. It honours the exquisite achievements, prominence and significance of nearby magicians from the beyond and gift.
The starting of Modern Magic in Singapore
It is the general consensus that contemporary magic in Singapore (post World War 2) started out with the overdue-Ng Bo
Oen AKA The Great Wong. Information on nearby magic pre-battle is very scarce. The handiest facts found has been on The Great Wong performing at the New World Amusement Park (then positioned at Kitchener Road) inside the Thirties.
The Great Wong changed into born in 1908 in Shanton, a town of the Guangdong Province, China and immigrated to Singapore in 1933. He was the only professional magician of his time in Singapore and performed throughout South East Asia. He became known for his sharp stage magic, Linking Rings routine and Sword Basket phantasm. He become also an professional craftsman who built all of his props via hand. He had the present of identifying the mechanics and method of magic props and fabricating them from scratch.
In 1962, The Great Wong made a huge contribution to the global magic network through publishing his famous linking earrings recurring with English script written by Tudor Brock. Davenports Magic in London distributes his manuscript to date. In 1982, he became invited by way of the Federation Internationale des Societes Magiques (FISM) to carry out at the fifteenth World Congree of Magic in Lausanne, Switzerland.
(For extra information on The Great Wong; talk to 'The Great Wong Story' in The International Brotherhood of Magicians Singapore Ring 115 The Quantum Ring Golden Jubilee Issue)
Another local magician who become instrumental in developing cutting-edge magic in Singapore all through the beginning became the past due-Tan Hock Chuan. He changed into a instructor via profession however executed for annual unique occasions, charity indicates and personal events. He was (and nonetheless is) across the world acknowledged for his magical innovations. His outcomes and ideas are nonetheless marketed provider gadgets today and have been published in endless publications (of that point) consisting of Gen, Spinx, Pentagram, New Pentagram, Swami Mantra, Abracadabra and even Tarbell's Course in Magic. He is the first Asian magician to receive the Spinx Award (1936-37)
Both The Great Wong and Tan Hock Chuan have been critical impacts to most of the first era of Singapore present day-magicians who have paved the manner for future generations.
It became simplest after the warfare and at some stage in the British Military Administration that magic in Singapore started its upward thrust to where it is today. 1950 become the yr that the Singapore Magician's Club changed into formed by using a collection of novice magicians, comprising of English-educated specialists.
In 1951 the Singapore Magician's Club obtained their charter from The International Brotherhood of Magicians HQ in America and become from then on changed into formally known as The International Brotherhood of Magicians Singapore Ring one hundred fifteen. Founding individuals of the membership at that point covered Tan Ewe Chee (President), Yeo Soon Kian, Lim Kim Tian, Lim Hap Hin, J.H Stafford, L.A Joseph, J.W Jackson (Vice-President) and Tan Hock Chuan (Secretary).
The 50's gave birth to Singapore's first generation of cutting-edge magicians. Besides the founding members of the IBM Ring and The Great Wong (who joined the Ring in 1952 through invitation), a few prominent first technology magicians blanketed Lim Hap Hin, Tan Choon Tee, Tan Bah Chee, Yeo Soon Kian and his student Michael Lim.
The Great Wong operated the first magic shop from his domestic cum showroom/ workshop in Singapore at 255-A Jalan Besar where he sold his very own hand made props in addition to imported provider gadgets from Japan. (This home/ keep changed into destroyed in a fireplace in Dec 1988 inflicting him to lose maximum of his books and props)
During this era, magicians like The Great Wong, Tan Bah Chee, Lim Hap Hin and Tan Choon Tee carried out magic guides on the National Theatre Club and the YMCA. They have been responsible for producing active magicians along with Charles Choo, Wong Fok Choy, Chia Hearn Jiang, Gwee Thiam Hock and the overdue-Vijeyacone.
The early 60s also saw the 'Golden Age' of magic with magicians performing at different venues across the country. Besides local magicians appearing in night time golf equipment, foreign magicians consisting of Socar accomplished a grand illusion display to a full house at the Capitol Theatre (along Stamford Road) and The Great Nicholas at the Sky Theater in The Great World Amusement Park at Kim Seng Road (Now, Great World City).
In the late 60s, Wee Peng Guan (Uncle of Charles Choo), opened the second magic keep in Singapore at a store residence alongside Robinson Road. Around that point, famous entertainer Victor Khoo's father Khoo Teng Heng who become a magician, a ventriloquist and hypnotist opened his magic store at Bras Basah. (in which Carlton Hotel stands presently).
During this decade, Tan Choon Tee was creating a name for himself inside the worldwide magic community inside the field of Mentalism. He won numerous worldwide Linking Ring Awards for his One-Man Parades and has  books posted by way of Micky Hades. He changed into also a normal contributor to numerous international magic magazines such as Gen, New Pentagram, Magicgram, Magicana and The Linking Ring.
Overseas magicians whom exceeded via Singapore protected Milo & Roger, Milbourne Christopher and Maurice Fogel.
The 1970s saw the start of the second one era of Singapore magicians. Some well-known magicians who got started out during this time covered; The Great Wong's son Ng Kee Chee, John Teo, Tang Sai Thong, Ng Seow Kiat, Tang Yeng Fun, Bob Chua, Eric Leong, Tan Teck Seng, Lawrence Tham, Tan Tuan Seng, Lawrence Khong and Andrew Kong.
The Singapore Association of Magicians became founded on 10 March 1973 in pleasant 'contention' to the IBM Ring. The membership was led via Tan Bah Chee with prominent founding members consisting of Lim Hap Hin, Tan Hock Chuan and Charles Choo.
Magic stores in Singapore started to spring up at some stage in the overdue seventies. Ng Kee Chee installation a magic stall at Yaohan in Plaza Singapura and Wang Leng opened his shop in Peninsula Plaza. Charles Choo opened his shop in August 1978 on the sixth ground of Far East Shopping Centre. (It could move numerous instances to numerous department stores however finally lower back back to Far East). His shop would soon grow to be an group in which magicians could buy diverse magic products as well as join up and study from each different.
It became a variety hang-out for lots magicians in the years yet to come till the shop closed inside the new millennium.
During this era, The Tropicana Night Club, which become situated at Pacific Plaza, was a venue that had normal magic performances. Several famous magicians also visited Singapore within the 70s. In 1970, John Calvert executed on the National Theatre. In 1972, Albert Goshman visited Ring 115 to give a lecture. In that identical 12 months, "The Professor" Dai Vernon also visited Singapore, lectured and interacted with nearby magicians. Other touring magicians protected Andre Kole, Billy McComb, and Ali Bongo.
Nineteen Eighties
By the Nineteen Eighties, the nearby magic scene was flourishing with healthful memberships for the two main magic clubs in addition to a surge within the quantity of appearing magicians. Many of state-of-the-art veterans made their name in the 80s. Familiar names like Richard Ang, Patrick Wan, Patrick Ng Wang Lin, Tan Hai Yan AKA Gician, Paul Koh, AB Francis and Gordon Koh had been acting often at public and personal shows throughout this decade. Popular local venues for public magic indicates by magic clubs held on a everyday basis at that point blanketed the Drama Centre and the National Museum Theatrette.
The popularity of magic shops also grew and in 1982, Chew Kin Song opened a Magic & Novelty Corner on the Chinese Book Section of Popular Book Co Pte Ltd on the 4th Floor of Bras Basah Complex. Gician Tan additionally unfolded his first magic store at Parkway Parade which subsequently moved to Marina Square and was managed by Richard Ang. Besides this fundamental store, he dispensed magic items and sets through branch stores
in Singapore and South East Asia.The Singapore target market become additionally uncovered to world-class magic via several magic tv shows and collection that have been aired on nearby TV such as the David Copperfield specials, Magic Magic and The Best of Magic.
Foreign magicians who visited Singapore throughout this time included David Copperfield, Mark Wilson, Ben Harris, Paul Daniels and Gene Anderson.
Nineteen Nineties
The beginning of this decade saw the creation of the u . S .'s third generation magicians into the local magic scene. Prominent budding magicians covered Enrico Varella, Sherman Tjiong, J C Sum, Joe Yu (Chan Ee Kang), Nique Tan Li Keong, Prakash Puru, Kiki Tay, Alex Tan and Jeremy Pei.
The neighborhood chapter of International Magicians Society changed into fashioned, based by means of its President, Tan Bah Chee; although the club's presence in Singapore became brief-lived.
The past due-Nineteen Nineties noticed a large surge in magic international recognition due to David Blaine's street magic specials. Many human beings started out to 'get into' magic and had new mediums to examine the craft which include the introduction of DVDs and the Internet.
A new magic keep, Magic Castle & Promotions, spread out through Vijay Kumar at Shaw Towers soon became 'the area to be' wherein new magicians would dangle out and meet.
During this decade, Wang Leng's keep in Peninsula Plaza turned into bought to Patrick Wan. The save was in the end offered to Richard Ang and is now properly known as Ang House of Magic. Patrick Wan opened his new save, Magic Wand, which has spawned into several stores in numerous elements of Singapore. Steven Sim also opened Magic Supreme at Coronation Plaza which has subsequently moved to Park Mall.
The 90s turned into an exciting decade with many visits and performances with the aid of well-known magicians. Apart from lectures by Michael & Hannah Ammar, Mark Leveridge and Wolfgang & Sonja Riebe there had been also public theatre performances by way of the Pendragons, Princess Tenko, Andre Kole, Franz Harary, David Copperfield, Rudy Coby and Robert Gallop. Other journeying magicians included Larry Becker, Tim Ellis, Terry Seabrooke, Phil Cass and Albert Tham.
2000 - Present
Magic has endured to flourish at the neighborhood degree on this decade. New opportunities and capabilities have emerged to raise the artwork in Singapore. In May 2000, J C Sum staged the primary ever nearby full-night theatre display 'Magic at the Theatre' at Victoria Theatre. Just a month later, greater than a dozen magicians from the US and Canada got here all the way down to Singapore as a part of the Magic Festival prepared by way of the Malls of Centrepoint. Magicians such as Robert Baxt, Rocco and Peter Gossamer completed multiple shows at numerous Centrepoint Malls for over a week.
In 2004, the Singapore Magic Circle (SMC) was created via Aloysius Yeo and with its online forum drew a brand new pool of magic fans together. SMC has because grown to over 1000 members and regularly organize gatherings, occasions in addition to the recent Concept:Magic Micro MAGIC Convention in January 2007.
Through a huge-scale theatre magic musical 'Magic of Love', Lawrence Khong, a pastor with Faith Community Baptist Church and his daughter Pricilla, unfold the gospel message.
The multi-million dollar manufacturing has been staged usually over the years internationally to spread the word of Christ. Subsequently, the identical crew prepared  International Festival of Magic conventions in 2003 & 2005. The first of its kind massive magic occasions included competitions, lectures, a sellers' room and performances. International performers such as Jeff McBride, Max Maven, Johnny Thomspon, The Pendragons, Lee Eun Gyeol and Tommy Wonder were booked to carry out on the gala suggests and lectures.
In current years, J C Sum has end up arguably the maximum outstanding Singapore magician of this era. His magic has been seen by way of millions via his live performances throughout Asia in addition to his landmark mass media initiatives on MediaCorp Studio's Ch eight as well as next 'Street Illusions' compilation DVD/ VCD.
His 24-episode 'Magic in Motion' series can currently be visible each day on Singapore Press Holdings MediaBoxOffice via 2007. In the international magic community, J C has additionally hooked up himself as an elite phantasm designer from Asia with the e-book of his three seriously acclaimed illusion books that have been sold in extra than 30 international locations so far.
Another talented award-triumphing magician, Jeremy Pei, is elevating the profile of Singapore magic in the regional magic community along with his theatre suggests, prepared lectures, workshops and energetic participation in magic conventions & competitions in Japan, Korea, China, Thailand and Australia. His special North-Asian affect fashion of magic performance has garnered him a following with new budding magicians whom he teaches and courses. He has additionally released multiple unique magic merchandise that are available to magicians global.
In every other first, award-triumphing junior magician, Kyle Ravin secured a thirteen-episode weekly Street Magic series, "Maya" on MediaCorp Studios' Vasantham Central. This 30min series noticed him carry out magic for the Indian community and celebrities across the united states of america.
This decade has visible the advent of even more magic shops and dealers run by young magicians to satisfy the demand of magic fanatics and magicians. These include new 'brick & mortar' magic stores such as Street Magic by Tan Wei Ping, Tricky Business by means of Jimmy Wong, The Magic Hall by way of Kenneth Peh as well as on-line stores like The Little Magic Shop by way of Ning.
Visiting magicians to this point for the brand new millennium have covered Joshua Jay, Shoot Ogawa, Charles Gucci, Nicholas Einhorn.
And the Magic History of Singapore continues to be written...
See more- https://www.australiaeta.com.sg/
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ratiram · 5 years
The report titled “Singapore Executive Education Market Outlook to 2023 - By Type of Program (EMBA and MDP), By Funding of the Program MDPs (Company Sponsored and Self Funded) and EMBA (Self Funded, Partial Funding and Company Sponsored), By Duration MDP (1-7 days, 7-14 days and more than 14 days) and EMBA (up to 12 Months, 12-24 Months and More than 24 Months)” provides a comprehensive analysis on the Executive Education (Management Development Programs and Executive MBA) industry in Singapore. The report covers introduction on Singapore Executive Education market, issues and challenges, trends and developments, SWOT Analysis, competitive landscape and government regulations. The report concludes with market projections and analyst recommendations highlighting the major opportunities and cautions.
Market Overview
Singapore Executive Education market is at a mature stage. Singapore Executive Education market in terms of revenue has increased at a positive CAGR during the period 2013-2018. This growth was supported by the increase in number of professionals who wish to pursue these courses while continuing their job, especially in the Strategy and Leadership, Digital Innovation, Cyber security in case of MDPs. In case of Executive MBA programs, there is an increase in the demand for industry specific programs. The market players catered to the needs of the clients by designing a specific curriculum. The customers in the market are driven by the brand value of the institution with duration of the course also being a major aspect in deciding the course and the college.
Singapore Executive Education Market Segmentation
By Type on Program (EMBA and MDP): EMBA programs have dominated the Singapore Executive Education Market in terms of generating revenue in the year 2018, this is largely due to increasing awareness among senior level executives of the need of programs and the salary hikes received by the alumni’s has amplified the demand for EMBA programs in the country. On the other hand, MDP programmes have accounted second highest share in the overall Executive Education market in Singapore.
By Funding of the MDP Programmes: In Singapore Executive Education market, majority of the programmes are company sponsored. This is largely due to most of the programs are of about 1-7 days and companies sponsor their employees to learn new and highly demanded courses. However, self funded MDP Programmes accounted a mere share in the market.
By Funding of the EMBA Programmes: Self funded programmes dominated the Singapore executive education market in terms of enrollments in EMBA courses in the year 2018. These programs are for a longer duration and are costly therefore they are least funded by the companies. However, it has been observed that the number of enrollments that are partially funded accounted for the second highest share in the market.
By Duration of MDPs: Courses with duration of 1-7 days contributed a major share in terms of number of programs in the year 2018. These courses are largely demanded by working professionals who cannot devote much time for explore the industry vertical. Courses with duration of 7-14 days and those of more than 14 days accounted for a mere share in the overall Singapore Executive MDP market.
By Duration of EMBA: The majority of the share has been accounted by the programmes that have duration of 12 to 24 months. As most of the students who opt to pursue an EMBA are already working within their field of choice, they choose not to leave their jobs in order to become a full-time student. Part-time student takes longer time in completing the EMBA over that of a full-time student. On the other hand, EMBA courses that have duration of upto 12 months accounted for second highest share and more than 24 months accounted for least share in the year 2018.
Competitive Landscape
The Singapore Executive Education market is highly concentrated. INSEAD is the market leader in EMBA market and NUS has the highest market share in the Executive MDP market in Singapore on the basis of revenue in 2018. Other major players on the basis of revenue are Ngee Ann Academy, Nanyang Business School, SMU, ESSEC Asia-Pacific, Management Institute of Singapore and others. In EMBA market, players compete on the basis of types of program offered (structured/customizable), faculty, fee structure, strategic alliances, number of electives offered, placements and alumni network. In MDP market, players compete on the basis of Technological Advancement and Robust Infrastructure, Strategic Alliance and Expertise Knowledge, course structure and faculty.
Singapore Executive Education Future Outlook
In future, it is anticipated that Singapore Executive Education market in terms of revenue will increase at a positive CAGR during the period 2018 – 2023(E). In Singapore, it is expected that the demand for 1-7 days courses will be further augmented largely due to increasing need of enhancing new skill set among professionals and as far as Executive MBA is concerned the demand for 12-24 months program will remain high. Moreover, increasing demand from multinational companies is likely to drive future demand for Executive education courses in Singapore. Evident salary hike after completion of these courses will further increase the demand among the new entrants in the corporate world.
Key Segments Covered:-
By Type of Programmes
By Funding in MDP
Company Sponsored
Self Financed
By Funding in EMBA
Self Funded
Partially Funded
Company Sponsored
By Duration of MDP
1-7 Days
7-14 Days
More than 14 Days
By Duration of EMBA
Upto 12 Months
12-24 Months
More than 24 Months
Key Target Audience
B Schools
Online Education Consultancies
Ministry of Education/ Higher Education Authority
Online Education Aggregators
Investors in Private Equity Firm
Time Period Captured in the Report:-
Historical Period: 2013-2018
Forecast Period: 2019-2023E
Major Institutes Covered:-
National University of Singapore
Ngee Ann Academy
NTU - Nanyang Business School
ESSEC Asia-Pacific (Singapore)
Singapore Management University
Management Development Institute of Singapore
Rutgers University - Singapore
Aalto Executive Education Academy (Aalto EE)
YMCA Education Centre- Singapore
Aventis School of Management
ERC Institute
FTMS Global Academy
Singapore University of Technology and Design
IMD Business School Singapore
PSB Academy
Key Topics Covered in the Report:-
Executive Summary
Research Methodology
Singapore Executive Education Market - Overview and Genesis
Singapore Executive Education Market Size
The Singapore Executive Education Market Segmentation (2018)
Student Profile in the Singapore Executive Education Market
Trends and developments in Singapore Executive Education Market
Issues and Challenges in the Singapore Executive Education Market
Global Synopsis of Executive MBA Programs
Government Regulations in Singapore Executive Education Market
SWOT Analysis Singapore Executive Education Market
Competitive Scenario in Singapore Executive Education Market
Market Share of Major Players in the Singapore Executive Education Market
Profile of Major Players in Singapore Executive MBA Market
Future Analysis of the Singapore Executive Education Market, 2019-2023E
Analyst Recommendations
For more information, refer to below link:-
Singapore Executive Education Market Outlook
Related Reports by Ken Research:-
UK Executive MBA Market Outlook To 2023 - By Type Of Program (Structured And Customized), By Electives, By Blended Learning (Online & Offline And Only Offline), By Program Duration And By Course Type (Part Time Only, Full Time Only Or Either Full Or Part Time)
UK Executive Education Market Outlook To 2023 - By Type Of Management Development Programs (Finance, Strategy, Leadership, Ethics And Others), By Duration Of The Course (1 Day, 1-2 Days, 2-3 Days, 3-5 Days, 5-10 Days And 10+ Days) And By Type Of Universities (Private And Public)
US Executive Education Programs Market By Type (Open And Customized Programs), By Universities (Private And State), By Mode Of Delivery (Business Schools, Online, Foreign Collaborations) - Outlook To 2022
Contact Us:- Ken Research Ankur Gupta, Head Marketing & Communications mailto:[email protected]
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