#yes this is about calcium-cat being a transphobe
calcium-supplement · 5 months
trans people are goddamn amazing and beautiful and i love you all, i hope you have a nice day and a good life full of respect and love and safety, you deserve it
transphobes, get the fuck away from my art and my family and my friends and my community. i hope for the sake of both yourself and the people you hurt, you privately figure your bullshit out and change and repent
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everyone else, hi i love you. god. trans people kick so much ass. love you so much. take care. get some water, stretch, get something to eat, shower if you can, and i hope you sleep cozy tonight
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leviathanverse · 5 months
This isn't a matter of "differing beliefs" that we can all "ignore and get along" when her belief is that she wants us dead. She supports people who want us dead. She likes and agrees with tweets literally saying that we deserve to be dead.
By the way, the idea of there being only two genders, at least in the modern sense, is a white myth rooted in colonialism. At least two of the people who reblogged calcium cat's post to express their upsetness were native people, one of them (zenpai-art) explained with detail that the tradition of not comforming to someone's birth gender has been a part of native culture in hundreds of separate tribes across the world going back thousands of years. Other cultures do this and have done this for thousands of years too. Who are you to tell random groups of black and brown people they cannot celebrate their culture because white Christians think they're secretly wrong?
One of them (sunnemona) said they were intersex. What gender are they, then, since you can only pick one of two?
Definitely not transgender. But it is a rare phenomenon that happens to almost only 10% of the population. And yes, intersex is a phenomenon that isn't transgender. It is something that scientists are still trying to figure out.
Just because she follows and likes those people and stuff doesn't mean she wants you dead. I, too, am Christian and believe what the bible says. I believe what God says about there only being man and woman. The rest is just something humans had come up with.
Second of all, do you know how many of you tried to turn me into someone I DON'T want to be by force? I might sound transphobic, but you have to respect others for their choice, opinions and beliefs.
Why can't you all accept that there are people that disagree with you? Arguing with me for having a similar belief to Cal won't get you anywhere.
This whole being offended by someone's different belief and choice is just utterly ridiculous, not to mention that it looks absolutely childish.
If you have nothing better to say then leave that person alone, or even block them! I don't support LGBTQ+. I have friends that are part of that community. And what were their reaction? They didn't give a fuck. Even my transgender friend didn't give a fuck.
It isn't what is based on their likes and follows but how they interact with you as an individual. I respect people, but I don't respect people who are trying to achieve something from me.
My final answer to intersex is that it is a rare phenomenon that happens. And it isn't something that you can call transgender, just because you have both male and female organs.
So, no, it isn't trans. It is just a phenomenon scientist are trying to better understand. If they want to stay as intersex, then good for them. But that doesn't mean that they are part of the LGBTQ. If they choose to be part of it, then good for them! I respect that.
But trying to ask me what gender an intersex person is, is actually very good you asked me that!
Some people have a different variety of being intersex. Some have XXY, some have the reproductive organs outside and some have the two reproductive hormones on the inside. If you did your research, then you would see that it has become a medical problem and not a natural. Intersex babies are assigned a gender at birth by parents. There are always those that have a more feminine or masculine look. Allowing them to choose which gender they want to be- say that they are around 18 or younger- puts pressure on them. If they want to be female, then they can be female. If they want to be male? No problem. Why? Because it is a natural phenomenon and not something that some people are influenced to do surgically. If they want to remove the extra male or female reproductive organs, then they can by surgery. Some people have decided to identify as intersex.
Transgender is something ENTIRELY different. It is done surgically and not because it is a natural phenomenon like intersex. A girl wants to become a boy? Surgery. Same goes to males. Transgender is a label that mankind has made- the other genders too. And the " I identify as..." part.
I personally don't have a problem with adults wanting to become trans. I just have a problem when it is CHILDREN at a younger age! For me, personally, twenty is the appropriate age to decide to be trans. Why? Simple: the brain is then fully developed. Not to be considered "transphobic" but that is my personal opinion. These days, everything is considered transphobic. I don't mind if you are trans at a young age- teens- but I just don't think that, that is the appropriate age to decide to be trans.
The point is, I listen to both sides and I have already chosen my side. Backlashing at someone is not right. Calling them a bigot is ABSOLUTELY not right. I have the right to have a choice of who I want to listen to, and who I don't want to listen to.
The world is changing and I don't believe it is for good reason. You have to accept that I view things differently than you, and that I am a person who is different. And mind you I listen to biological things. Like there being biologically being only two genders.
I am DONE being suffocated by people making me question myself! And I am MOST CERTAINLY done staying silent! I don't want to keep quiet and let people think I am a person with no purpose and assume I support LGBTQ! I want to be my own person, want to make my own decisions and live carefree. It is difficult when people are trying to force you to become someone who you aren't comfortable with or don't want to become!
I am just a human being who respects people. But those who dont accept reality of people being who thwy are? You lose my respect. People backlashing at creators for being who thwy are and respecting you? You can guess the answer.
People change for the better or worse. You have to accept it and not lash out on people disagreeing with you, or who believe different things. I am disappointed in Gen Z, my very own generation. I mean- where is the moral: " We will be a better genera tion!" and " We won't judge others for their choice and who they are!" Where are those morals? This generation is making me realize how judging people are and how people seek out ways to backlash at people for being different or disagreeing with you.
If you leave me alone, then I'll leave you alone. As simple as that.
If this was transphobic, then leave me the heck alone. This an opinion, and an explanation for intersex and why it isn't viewed as trans. Sorry, let me rephrase. This is MY opinion and how I view everything. This is MY explanation for intersex with facts.
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