#yes the fer.al situation was handled horrifically and is frankly embarrassing on ww's part
foxfinches · 1 year
every time ever i see a post about how wildworks "abandoned" ajc on purpose because theyre Evil and Money Hungry i see red. the devs literally had active plans for ajc before flash died AND STILL DO... come on.
AND ON THAT NOTE... people who wholeheartedly believe wildworks killed fer.al because they hate us and want us to die and had sooo much fun making nfts using your precious avatars. like Jammer the whole entire reason cinder happened was because feral was failing and wasnt making money. i understand like none of us are game devs but you could at least open google and look for any the several developer interviews or business articles or straight up Anything besides crying about your nostalgia being killed by the malicious Corn Stacey.
anyways whos hyped for upcoming AJ interview :-]
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