#yes she's toewalking
abeeutifuljoyful · 11 months
/so...I tried making a younger bea...emphasis on tried
( @jonesyjoyful-quietdude @thegrumpiestjoyful​ @julie-joyful-1​ )
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voidtongued · 4 years
Warframe Stims!
Is this going to be a list of the base Warframes and their favorite stims?  Yes.  Yes it is
Why?  Because I’m autistic and stim and this is one of my special interests so therefore I need to make all of the Warframes like me.
Other neurodiverse slash mentally ill folks who stim are welcome to interact!
Continued under the readmore!  Because.  There’s a lot of these guys lmao.  I’m also only doing the ones that are currently Out and In-Game at the time of writing this post, but more may be added in the future!
ASH - Watching smoke curls
ATLAS - Hitting things for both the impact and the sound it makes
BANSHEE - Making weird and loud noises
BARUUK - Drumming fingers on things
CHROMA - Flapping hands
EMBER - Watching candles, feeling warm things like passing hands in front of a heater
EQUINOX - Day form likes body stims like rocking and flapping, while Night form likes sensory stims like watching glitter jars or making weird noises
EXCALIBUR - Classic stimmer, likes flapping and rocking and bouncing
FROST - Likes to hold cold things like ice cubes and touch fluffy textures
GARA - Watching light pass through prisms and stained glass
GARUDA - Watches cooking shows where they start from the whole animal, sometimes picks at skin
GAUSS - Runs around in circles and deliberately bumps into things
GRENDEL - Chews on EVERYTHING and only eats specific textures
HARROW - Watches incense smoke, weighted chain bracelets and necklaces, sometimes will hit self in the leg when not able to use other stims
HILDRYN - Likes full body deep-pressure stims like weighted blankets and weightlifting as a way to stim
HYDROID - Blowing bubbles in water, the pressure of being submerged
INAROS - Sand jars, zen gardens, smooth textures of sea and river rocks
IVARA - Quiet body stims like rocking and flapping, also tip-toes around naturally
KHORA - Cat purring, petting cats, fidget chain necklaces
LIMBO - Slight-of-hand tricks as a way to stim, rocking and flapping, only wears specific textures
LOKI - Also tip-toes or toewalks around like Ivara
MAG - Visual stims like glitter jars, plays with magnets when bored
MESA - Has one of those stimmy clicker things, learns neat revolver tricks as a way to stim
MIRAGE - Echolalia City, glitter jars, very aesthetic stimmer
NEKROS - Watches restoration videos mostly
NEHZA - Runs around in circles with Gauss, has a spinner ring, likes watching candles
NIDUS - Pimple-popping videos, slime videos, watches Garuda’s cooking videos with her, chews on random things, picks at skin, walks strangely
NOVA - Either likes slow or fast visual stims.  There is no in-between
NYX - Mostly echolalia, doesn’t stim much outside of that, mostly retreats when overloaded
OBERON - Being barefoot in grass, the smell of freshly cut grass, the smell of air just after a rainstorm
OCTAVIA - Echolalia, ASMR, you have an audio stim?  She likes it
PROTEA - Hacky-sack as a way to stim
REVENANT - Likes watching candles
RHINO - Weighted blankets and randomly yelling
SARYN - Has a little scent vial thing that she smells as a way to stim
TITANIA - Queen of flapping
TRINITY - Mostly body stims, rocking is a big one
VAKLYR - Literally will just yell all the time, also does Cat Things like meow and hiss to express things.
VAUBAN - Constantly tinkering and fidgeting as a form of stimming, likes taking things apart and putting them back together
VOLT - Runs around in circles with Nehza and Gauss, likes thunder and white noise
WUKONG - Mostly body stims like spinning and flapping
ZEPHYR - Tactile stimming with feathers
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