#yes i know the elvis pictures are shit ok the Google search wasnt very high effort
im-sorry-what-ii · 1 year
Ice was an 100% an Elvis fan. I will not back down from this, Val told me himself
Do i have any proof for this?
No. Anyways
This is Val Kilmer in his 1984 movie 'top secret'
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I have not seen the movie I'm just bullshitting my way through this
And this is a young(ish) Elvis Presley
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Tell me I'm not the only one who sees the similarities plz (yes I know val Kilmer plays an American rock n roll singer which is essentially what Elvis is just go with it)
I hc Ice wore his hair like in the 70s/early 80s, bc he had the biggest crush on Elvis Presley this is completely self indulgent thank you goodbye
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