#yes he's annoying. yes he's my blorbo. no i will not clarify <3
katasstrophy · 1 year
What are your favorite pet names for your fave blorbos??? Mine are beebee for Bachira and YoiCHU! *insert cheek kiss* for Isagi~
d’aaawwww nonnie you got me giggling over this how cute<33 i may have gone overboard like always lol but here are some of my takes !! (these low key just. turned into headcanons oop i hope that’s okay!)
this is my personal favorite because it just fits him so fucking well and i know it in my soul of souls that he’d adore it. like yes he is your feral hellcat<3 your demon spawn<3 but you’re crazy enough to love that about him, to turn it into an endearing pet name, even. bastard would probably purr and meow just to lay it on real thick pls i can never be normal about this man.
calling the ever stoic, foul-mouthed younger itoshi smth as sickeningly sweet as rinnie is the best thing since sliced bread actually idc if i’m basic! it’s true! ofc he’d absolutely abhor it at first, snapping at you to “fucking stop calling him that” which just spurs you on more tbh lol he’s furious with you. he thinks he abhors the nickname, then one day you drop the cutsy act to return to his given name and he’s just left standing there like🧍baffled and pissed out of his mind bc where’s his mf rinnie huh?? i want to eat him so bad.
i feel like reo – party due to his lavish upbringing but mostly because he is just the ultimate lover boy – would definitely gravitate towards more ‘classier’ terms of endearment. call him handsome, or go all in by calling to him as my love and his chest is instantly puffing up like some bird about to perform the sickest mating dance ever lol he’d be so smug about it. definitely, 100% the type of guy that still gets weak in the knees when you call him husband – doesn’t matter if you’ve been married three months or 5 years he eats that shit up!
okay so because i’m a little shit i can’t ignore the juxtaposition of the big bad criminal being committed to the pink aesthetic (don’t get me wrong i’m obsessed with it), so in my head i could get away with calling sanzu annoying crap like barbie doll or cupcake – or probably his most tolerated one out of the bunch, candyman (because of the, ya know, murderous implications lmfao). all in a very sarcastic vain ofc! i feel like calling him by his given name, or just simply haru, would def be all the more special then <3 (… BUT bc he’s sick in the head he’d probably love it even more if you romanticized his psychotic tendencies – call him stuff like my lovely little killer and he’s a goner he is clinically insane like.)
let me just clarify that this man is not picky! whatsoever! he’s so starved for love he’d literally eat any term of endearment straight out of your mouth if he could. everything is one the table: baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, love – you name it, tora likes it, he wants you to keep calling him sweet names until he’s drowned in it. but what gets him really over the moon is if you just insert a small little ‘my’ in front of it. yeah, he loves being called baby, but my baby? he’s on his knees for you goodbye he loves the subtle ownership of it. (not to get n/sfw but uh… call him your sweet boy when you’re overstimming him and his pupils might just turn heart-shaped he’s ruined.)
i only recently found out that “hitto” is actually a fanon made last name for kaku darling and i’d like to report that i’m still devastated over it so :( when you two get married – because he will marry you, if he’s in love like that’s it he’s locking you down for life – you ask him if he’d like to take your last name and yeah he cries a little he’s so touched pls :( so when people refer to him as L/n-san or mr. L/n he’s still not over it he has to remind himself that they are, in fact, talking to him. the effect triples when it’s you that calls him as such he’s so proud to wear your name brb gonna bawl my eyes out.
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boasamishipper · 2 years
character ask, tell me about Owen baybeeeee 👀👀👀
Sexuality Headcanon: Owen has always been attracted to men and women, but wrote off the former in a 'who hasn't had gay thoughts am i right guys' way for many years. (He likes his men like he likes his women: driven, intelligent, infuriating, and snarky.) Once he comes to terms with his attraction to men, he is slightly overwhelmed by All The Labels out there that well-meaning people try to foist upon him (you're pan! you're bi! are you sure you're not straight?). He feels most comfortable labeling himself as queer and just living his best life.
Gender Headcanon: Cis male.
A ship I have with said character: Owen/Billy has taken over my entire brain (as evidenced by this entire blog and my ao3). Narrative foils!! Snark and sexual tension!! Enemies to friends to lovers!! Chaotic dumbass old men!! This ship has it all. (I also have a soft spot for Owen/Gwyn; they have an Excellent dynamic.)
A BROTP I have with said character: Owen and Tommy are the BEST. Team mom and dad who can be petty and childish around each other (see: Completely Valid and Consuming Hatred for Pearce Risher) while still being supportive friends and co-workers. Give me more Owen&Tommy in s4!
A NOTP I have with said character: Owen/Catherine. I know Rob Lowe is a Republican but you CANNOT ever convince me that Owen is one or would date one, let alone date one who works for the governor of Texas and was canonically called 'Ann Coulter without the warmth'. And honestly?? They can Both do better. I hope to God we have seen the last of her.
A random headcanon: When TK was five and the three of them were at that wedding in Montauk that TK talked about in 3x09, Owen couldn't react or even breathe when he saw TK fall headfirst off the pier. After Gwyn saved TK and he saw that his son was okay, Owen shook TK hard and yelled at him for wandering off, and then hugged him So Hard and apologized for yelling. (He excused himself while Gwyn comforted TK and locked himself in the bathroom and had one of the most excruciating panic attacks of his life). After that, Owen insisted on being the one to teach TK how to swim, and every time he and Gwyn took TK to the ocean or the pool (or any body of water) after that, he didn't take his eyes off TK for even a second. Just In Case.
General Opinion over said character: I was mostly neutral about him at first (I didn't hate him, but I did find him annoying) but he's grown on me a lot, especially over the course of this last season. He's an impulsive idiot who makes a lot of bad decisions, but he's loyal and loves very fiercely and has a lot of pain and guilt beneath the superficial facade he puts on, and I'm very intrigued where they're going to take his character next. (And honestly, some of the hate he gets from the fandom feels very unwarranted. He's not a bad dad or a bad guy! He's just Not Perfect, and that's okay - a realization that I hope is part of his arc in the episodes to come.)
send me a character and i'll answer these questions
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