#yes basically I've got another pretty traumatized elf man
rtnortherly · 3 months
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Finally made that other Tav based on this post
Went with archfey and based the whole story on the Näcken/Nøkken/The Neck/Nixie?? Basically this is Corwynn. They were destined to be a bard, but due to some mighty hubris, he thought it'd be a good idea to pick up some fey music skills, and it bit him in the ass. Now they can no longer sing, or play any music until thee fulfill the conditions set for him.
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thatwitchrevan · 4 years
I'll probably post more info about them later, but here's an overview of my tabletop characters so far:
Caro Amberleaf (family campaign 1 - ended)
- halfling rogue from the lost mines of phandelver campaign
- NB (they/them) and v gay; 24, underemployed adventurer
- former member of the redbrands, currently full of rage. they only really care about their aunt & cousin, getting back at those jerks that betrayed them, and having money. they end up killing literally everyone still with their old gang and then going to to help the party take down a dragon. and then what?? nobody knows, least of all Caro.
Aleta (family campaign 2 - planning)
- half-elf rogue for a homebrew campaign, probably about a ragtag band of misfits
- queer lady, mid twenties. a high society gal who's rebelling and running away from home to be a vigilante but isn't yet very good at it
- she's set out to travel and pursue her idea of justice bc of her ~traumatic backstory catalyst~ but really she's naive and a little selfish, and she has a pretty limited skillset for adventuring so she's got a lot to learn.
Arrena (online campaign - planning)
- an aasimar rogue (yes, there is a pattern) for a campaign in a discord I'm in.
- another queer lady, this time a pirate in her late twenties - early/mid thirties
- she's less the quiet, stealth kill rogue and more the charismatic, lying her ass off, occasionally brawling type. steals when the opportunity presents itself. mainly wants to get back to her life and stuff but we'll see how that goes.
now for a couple that I'm not prepping for any specific campaign, but I've thought them up and so they live in my head now.
- tiefling fighter/bard
- possibly a NB lady, definitely queer. she was a dancer in a troupe or something until recently, when some kind of disaster struck. said disaster also resulted in one of her horns being broken, which besides being really painful also fucks up her balance, so she'll have to learn to adjust. she's very sweet and cheerful, but ofc circumstances are challenging her on that.
- I'm thinking about finding a way to play this character solo bc I want to play her soon and I want her to be the focus of the game/story. I will probably also just write about her but I've been wanting to try solo gaming anyway so..
- orc barbarian
- big buff lady, 30s - 40s
- would basically be a mom friend to whatever group she fell in with. and maybe closer to an actual mom if she ran into any actual kids. she might even have a son at home, depending on what she's doing on the road.
- genuinely all I've got is that she's very strong and sweet and she will crush a man with just cause but she will also hug her friends and sing road trip songs with them.
- I want somebody to have a tame owlbear companion and I'm p sure I want it to be her.
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