#yes Madam Hotel and the Hotel Herself are two kinda different characters in my mind
thehotelpod · 9 months
i've been bitten by the star trek bug lately and i know you're a trekkie too, so i gotta ask: what alien species do you think the different hotel characters would be if they were in star trek? madam hotel def has Q energy but idk abt the others so i'm curious to know your take 🤔 (feel free to ignore this too though lol)
oh boy star trek! let’s do everyone, and don’t worry i’m throwing in pictures too and explanations too!
Manager - Vulcan. she’s cool, calm, and logical. plus she can pull off the bowl cut. This Vulcan is an arms dealer so sometimes they can be bad.
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Lobby Boy - it’s tempting to go for the easy joke and say Pakled, but our boy is on a journey from prey animal to predator so he is a kelpien.
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The Owner - Cardassian. Cuz he loves paper work. but seriously folks, Gul Dukat’s being forever an unliked outsider desperate to be one of the cool kids is Ownercore all day.
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The Hotel Herself - whatever the hell Naglium is. This thing trapped the Enterprise and just stared killing people out of curiosity. Q is a good guess too, but Q has got too many secret (good/mischievous??) intentions
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bonus! Madam Hotel - Lwaxana Troi. This one’s harder to explain broadly, you’re just gonna have to trust me.
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The Bellhop - Vidiian. their population is infected with the Phage and they stay alive by harvesting the organs and flesh of whomever is unlucky enough to find them. i think she’s have fun doing that.
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The Concierge - Romulan. He’s so deadly, but so charming, so classy, so mysterious.
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The Auditor - Vorta. The powerful cloned right hands of the Founders whom they worship as gods (though they are treated as disposable irritants). I actually wrote her first episode very much with Weyoun in mind so this one was easy.
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