#yeah there's been a lot of fresh trauma but I dunno how much STUFF has happened except for the whole Visser thing that was the whole book
swan2swan · 2 years
<Since the math teacher married my dad. It’s a crime, that’s what it is. Had to be math. Couldn’t have been some subject I can fake my way through. No. Has to be math. The answer is either the square root of pi or it isn’t, dude, there’s no bull factor. I can’t say, “Well, I felt what the writer really meant was …”>
Honestly I think that’s been the Biggest Jump in the plot in ages.
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Lost & Found by Darkfalli - Chapter 7 : Disaster (gay)
Click here to see the story
"Paeonia took the word from me." It took two whole paragraphs for me to realize she had been hypnotizing her to help her out of her self-loathing. X)
Aw, Paeonia is going full psychologist on Evie! That's good ^^
""Uh…" Thoughts were reconfiguring." XD Evie rebooting, please stand by!
"I, Evie, was smiling just from thoughts… thoughts that used to make me break down crying." This is so nice, I'm so happy for her!
Oh gosh this is so cute!!!
It is a bit spooky to have someone who can guess everything you're thinking...
"Synna had bad girl vibes, but like in a good way. Like a hot bad-girl." Evie is so gay, it's adorable x)
Aw, it took so long for her to realize what Paeonia meant x) This is just pure cuteness so far.
"Talking stuff"? What does she mean? Oh! Oh, actual talking therapy! Oh that's awesome! :D
"Synna was gone… again." I wonder if Synna has a job or something. Since she had bodymods to look like a succubus, I'm inclined to think she's a sex worker or something in that vein, but really it could be anything. It'd be so funny if she had like, the most mundane job, like a cashier or a gardner, while looking like a demon x)
"It was a very delicious looking cookie that affini food science miraculously kept at that perfect fresh out of the oven consistency" gaaaaah, I'm hungry now x)
Oh no :( That's so sad! She was enjoying her cookie and it was going fine and then those stupid thought got in there again :( Man, poor Evie, that trauma does run really deep, doesn't it. And on top of that, since she's been doing hypnosis, the thoughts can't get in the same way, it must feel so bad. No wonder she panicked.
"I don't have a crush on Abies! I'm a lesbian!" Aw, so glad we're kinda exploring out of the rules of attraction. Yeah, sometimes, the person you end up crushing on isn't your type, and that's okay! There is more to a person than gender or looks.
"Beloved doll, and darling dearest prey, enamoured by her gentle, quiet gay, to whom she can't confess, or bear to say, she did already give her heart away." I love every line Dianthus says, the poetic style is so nice ^^
"You may enter, oh tree of merry." Did-did she just call him a christmas tree? x)
Oh, so when Evie is starting to have bad thoughts, the hypnosis triggers pet mode? x) That's pretty nice, but it must not be very convenient. Hopefully, with time, she won't need it anymore.
Well of course she's crushing on everyone x) She's getting so much love!
I like the explaining of different types of attraction, it's always nice to see!
*gasp!* Date with Abies!!! Omg!
"The xenodrugs were the soup and they souped my thoughts." XD I really like that line, it's so funny!
XD Once Evie realizes how many people she's attracted to she'll be cuddling the entire planet/ship.
Evie faceplanting the table because of how flustered she is so funny x)
"Gosh, he was saying that a lot of affini basically pretended to gender… I mean they were shapeshifters." Not only that... They are freaking plants! x)
Huh, I have the feeling that Darfalli likes chicken tenders. Dunno why x)
When you are kissed so good you pass out XDDDD
This. Chapter. Was. So. FLUFFY!!!!!!
Gosh, I needed that after the previous one x) But man, it was so cute!! So soft!!! So adorable! The date was incredibly sweet. I'm Daisy the spying waitress x)
I also really liked the serious talk about gender and attraction and presentation and Evie realizing she has a crush on Abies. I must admit, I wasn't expecting it, I hadn't really paid attention to the relationship tags.
Anyway, this was very good and gay and apparently the next chapter is even gayer. I am so excited about this!!
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riverboundao3ff · 4 years
Riverbound, Chapter 17
All in all, Lanque’s a whole lot calmer about the whole thing than you thought he’d be, which makes you feel better about going to him right away instead of Daraya. Of course you love Daraya, but knowing the kid she’d probably run off to start a fight with Bronya, Lynera, and any other poor bastard who gets in her way.
“I want to believe Bronya’s doing this because she thinks she’s in the right, but I just can’t… augh! I just… can’t believe she’d ask me to do something like that.” You conclude your messy rant by flopping down on the carpet. There’s a dull ache in your skull from either exhaustion or anxiety, possibly both.
Lanque’s looking down at you from the loveseat in the corner like the universe’s most judgemental therapist, sprawled across the whole thing with his gangly self. “You haven’t known her nearly as long as I have. You heard me say once that she’s the craziest bitch in the whole cloister. I meant it.”
You want to argue with him; Bronya isn’t crazy, just a control freak, but that’s gonna have to be a discussion for another time. “You’re not surprised at all by this? Not even a little?”
“Not surprised. Just… disappointed.”
“What, does she make you to sleep at certain times and check your palmhusk, too?” you joke.
“Not anymore, she doesn’t. She learned her lesson after I filled my whole camera roll with the spiciest nudes you can imagine.”
You try not to imagine anything of the sort and fail miserably. Your last brain cell hangs on for dear life. “So, uh… w-what should I tell her the next time we go out?”
“Tell her that I’ve been taking Daraya to a slam poetry club. We’ve actually done poetry in the past, so it’s not like you’ll be lying,” he says with a smirk. “You should come sometime. Talk to people about all sorts of controversial alien opinions. Maybe throw in some rhymes while you’re at it.”
“Alright,” you agree.
“... Darling?”
“Yes, babe?”
“Don’t breathe a word of this to Daraya. She’s stressed out enough as it is.”
“Of course not.”
The next night you spend with Polypa, vandalizing stuff with the Heiress’s face on it and even setting a billboard on fire. It’s a lot of fun, but between vandalizations you can’t stop yourself from thinking about the girl herself. From what you can tell she’d be around seventeen in human years, which meant she’d soon have to challenge the Empress, as all the Heiresses before her did.
Some teenagers like to play video games, some like to sing or dance or do sports; you even know a few who live all by themselves on an island in the middle of the ocean who can shoot guns better than most military personnel. But not Trizza Tethis. No, she’ll be off to duel for the throne… and her life.
In your hearts of hearts you know that Tethis is a monster. There’s no doubt about it. But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s still just a kid, a kid who is going to be murdered soon for the crime of reaching adulthood.
It makes your heart hurt just thinking about that, and all of the other girls that came before her, and if this rebellion goes to shit all the girls who will come after her.
“Hey, Polypa?” you ask.
“Yeah?” She’s hanging upside-down on some broken piping while spraying THE REVOLUTION IS HERE on the side of a post office. You’re being a good moirail and keeping watch for anybody who might see her, even though it’s dark out and you can’t see much past the street lights lining the sidewalk. For some reason she refuses to tell you, she’s been in a mood ever since she came back from Tegiri’s, but you’re patient. You can wait for her.
“Do you ever wonder if Trizza might have been a good person if Alternia wasn’t the way it is?”
Polypa stops what she’s doing and stares down at you. “Honestly? I don’t really care how she might have turned out if things were different. All the things I’ve seen her do, the shit I’ve heard her say on social media… I just can’t bring myself to believe anything other than she’s one of the most horrible Heiresses Alternia’s ever had and that she deserves to die. Slowly and painfully, that is. And then she deserves to be forgotten.”
“That’s fair,” you tell her. “I dunno, I just kept thinking about how she’s supposed to go off and duel the Empress soon, and that she’s definitely not gonna win, because none of the fuschias who went up against her ever did.”
“... Does that make you sad?”
“It makes me sad that a kid is going to die, yes.”
She huffs. “Save your sympathy. She doesn’t deserve it.”
“Can trolls control who they sympathize with?”
“Of course we can. Can’t humans?”
You laugh. “No. Or at least I can’t. Empathy’s a blessing and a curse.”
Polypa chucks her spray-paint can into the nearby dumpster. “Empathy? Isn’t that like, feeling what other people are feeling? I thought that was just a myth.”
“Some humans can feel the emotions of others. I’ve always been able to.”
“That sucks.”
“Again, it’s a blessing and a curse.”
Polypa shudders, flips upright, and then drops down to the concrete. “If you say so. C’mon, let’s scram.”
You scram, or at least you try to before somebody bumps into you hard enough to nearly knock you over.
“Watch it!” Polypa hisses from somewhere behind you.
You look up at a boft looking (buff plus soft) rustblood guy, who flinches back when he accidentally looks you in the eye. “Sorry! Sorry. Bye.”
He shuffles off down the street, shoulders hunched in like he’s trying to make himself as small as possible even though he’s easily the biggest rust you’ve ever seen. Huh.
“Well, that was weird,” you say, and then you feel something crinkle in the hood of your jacket. Cautiously, you reach up and grab it, hoping that he didn’t just put a bomb on you or something. You aren’t that worried about dying, because you know your immortal ass is coming right on back, but if Polypa’s in the blast zone--
“It’s a piece of paper,” she says.
“Oh, yay. I thought it might be a bomb.”
“Definitely not a bomb.”
The paper’s been folded several times, so you smooth it out and read the letters that have been cut out and glued out in a note, like some kind of Nancy Drew shit.
“What the…” You read the message, and then you read it again, once, twice, thrice, four times before Polypa starts swatting at you and grabbing for the paper. You hand it over and stare out across the street.
You are not alone. Tomorrow at midnight.
“I’m texting the others,” Polypa mutters, shoving the paper into her pocket and whipping out her palmhusk.
“There’s more of us,” you whisper. “That’s what it means, right? We’re not the only faction out there fighting for-!”
“I don’t know, I don’t know, let’s not believe anything that some stranger wrote down on a piece of paper and shoved into your hoodie--”
“But he came to me, Polypa--”
Both of you turn around to see some cerulean girl you don’t know storming across the street to you. “The fuck you think you gutterbloods are doing, huh?”
“The revolution is here, bitch,” you tell her, and you grab Polypa’s sleeve and zap away.
Polypa does not hesitate to smack you upside the head the second you two appear on the roof of some building downtown. “The hell was that? She just saw an alien and an oliveblood teleport out of an alley with fresh graffiti on the post office!”
“Who’s gonna believe her?” you snort.
“She’s a cerulean, she’ll make somebody believe her.”
“Dude. Chill. We still have time before things get crazy.”
“Apparently not! Tomorrow at midnight--”
“I know! Isn’t it great? What if it’s like, a big post on Chittr, or a public service announcement from God knows where saying that it’s time for bigots to start shitting their pants, because the revolution is here and it is sexy!”
“Augh!” Polypa throws up her hands. You start to get a little concerned. “Aren’t you scared? Like, at all? We could all die tomorrow and you’re just… totally fine! You disappear for half a sweep and come back ready to lead a revolution!”
Alright, it’s time to bring out the big guns. Slowly, so she has time to pull away if she wants, you step forward and reach up to caress her cheek.
The effect is instantaneous. She visibly loosens up from horns to toes, leaning forward into the contact with a low chirrup rising up from deep in her throat. If you were a troll, that sound would have probably made you pale-horny to the max, but you’re human so all you do is just stand up on your tippy-toes to press your foreheads together. You imagine pulling away all of her fear and stress and releasing it into the open sky, never to be seen again.
“We’re not going to die,” you tell her. “We’re just not. And if we were, I’d tell you, because dying isn’t that bad. Doesn’t even hurt, really.”
“... You’ve been dead before?”
“Yeah. Feels like the best fucking nap you’ve ever taken.”
She snorts hard enough for you to feel her breath across your face. “Only you would say something like that and be completely unbothered.”
“That’s just how it be sometimes,” you say, because joking about your trauma and having anxiety are basically your only two personality traits nowadays.
“I’ll write that down for the pile,” she says, because she’s always been able to see right through you, even when you can’t see yourself. “Which we’re going back to an abandoned apartment building to do once I yeet this glass bottle into that window over there.”
She picks up the broken glass bottle at your feet and proceeds to do just that. It sails through the air with all the majesty of an eagle and crashes through somebody’s office window. You know enough about troll romance by now to be a little scandalized by how forward she’s being, but you both know it’s out of necessity. Troll language is far from just verbal-- it’s flattened ears or bared fangs or dilated pupils. It’s hissing and chirping and growling and all sorts of sounds you don’t even know the names for, and you can’t even hear most of them because they’re either too low or too high a pitch for your human ears to catch.
“Hot damn, wildcat. You gonna take me out to dinner before you throw me down on somebody’s abandoned loungeplank?” you tease. Her face lights up in green, and you grin in satisfaction as she splutters something about saving it for the respiteblock.
You’re about to cook up something truly slutty to say when her palmhusk vibrates. Polypa reads it and snorts. “Aaaannnddd Daraya is losing her mind, Tagora says it’s a trap, Tyzias wants to know what the rustblood looked like, Stelsa is in agreement with Tagora, Lanque is asking how the hell it could be a trap when the rustblood didn’t even ask you to meet him anywhere, and Mallek is telling everybody to shut up so he can take a nap. Konyyl and Azdaja haven’t responded yet. I bet they’re making out in a back alley somewhere. Oh, Tagora is telling Lanque to shut his Troll Twilight-looking ass up before he fines him for wasting the rebellion’s time… and Tyzias just sent a bunch of hysterical laughing emojis.”
“I love my friends,” you say.
“You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself.”
“I’m gonna get Mallek to hack the server so whenever people start arguing over stupid stuff a bot starts spamming the chat with gifs of fighting purrbeasts.”
“Do group chats have servers?”
“I have no idea. Come on, I’m fucking freezing up here.”
Your memories of growing up on Earth are fuzzy at best. You have no idea if it’s from Scratch, or Ultimate Dirk, or hell, maybe it’s just regular old brain damage, but one of the few things you can vividly remember is when your grandma died.
You can’t remember her name, but you can easily recall her eternally-smiling face, that smile that always reached her eyes-- hazel, like yours. She’s the one who taught you how to braid your hair, wing your eyeliner, ask out a crush. She also taught you how to take down a grown man with nothing but your fists and a pocketknife. Old age hadn’t ever been a problem for your grandma. Or at least, that’s what it felt like.
The morning your uncle found in her lifeless in bed hadn’t felt any different than all of the mornings before. You just woke up and started to get ready for school, and then your mom… yeah, it was your mom who picked up the phone. She didn’t cry, but your uncle did.
It was a heart attack.
Your mom told you that you didn’t have to go to school, but you were still pretty young, and it still felt like every other morning before so you went to school.
You’re not sure why you’re remembering this when you first smell the smoke, or see the burning buildings from the roof of the abandoned apartment building you and Polypa crashed in. Maybe it’s because it still feels like every other night before this one.
Something deep in you that’s been irreversibly interwoven with time and space begins to tingle. This is a turning point in history, you just know it.
Polypa’s shaking her head like she can’t believe what she’s seeing. “It’s a riot. A riot. In Thrashthrust. We really aren’t…”
“Alone,” you finish with a smile so big it hurts your face.
“... Do you think this is really the right thing to do?”
“A wise man from my planet once said that riots are the language of the unheard.” You turn to her and take her hands in your own. “So let’s make them hear us.”
You’re not sure what you were expecting when you drop yourself and Polypa into downtown Thrashthrust, but you definitely weren’t expecting to almost get run over by Konyyl and Azdaja, both panting, sweaty, and smelling faintly of smoke.
Konyyl yelps and jumps about a foot in the air. “WHAT the-- oh, hi, guys. You didn’t scare me, I just… yeah.”
“Dude, what is all this? This is incredible!” you crow.
An explosion rocks the ground, followed by a giant plume of fire that shoots up into the sky just one street over. Azdaja whoops in delight, and Konyyl cheers even louder as a piece of flaming metal you think used to be a scuttlebuggy sails through the air and takes out a convenience store. Normally, something like that would have worried you, but seeing as the store’s already nearly burnt to the ground you think everybody’s already gotten out.
Not to be outdone, Azdaja telekinetically grabs on to a fallen lamppost and hurls that bad boy through the grocery store across the street.
“Show-off,” Konyyl scoffs.
“Where’s the main protest?” you ask.
“Like, a couple of blocks back that way. Some bronzeblood is leading the charge. Absolute mad lad,” she says, grinning. “I think a few more people you know might be there.”
That’s all the convincing you need to grab Polypa’s hand and take off running. You can hear the roar of a crowd chanting something.
“What are they saying?” you ask Polypa.
“Be silent no longer, when we’re together, we’re stronger,” she replied, glancing back at you with a twinkle in her eye. “I kinda like it.”
“Me too!”
The both of you turn the corner at the end of Hookedclaw street and find yourself face-to-face with a sizable crowd of about one hundred trolls. They’re all looking up to a pair of trolls standing on an upturned scuttlebuggy-- a bronzeblood, like Konyyl said, and the same big rustblood guy who you ran into last night.
You gape in shock. “Holy shit!”
The bronzeblood boy is yelling something, so you press closer into the crowd to hear what he’s saying. Most of the trolls here seem to be lowbloods, so when they see you and Polypa, an oliveblood, they gladly make room for you to join.
“... for what? A social construction that keeps us divided, because those who sit on thrones marked with the blood of our people know how strong we are together! They know that we’d be able to take control of our own destinies, and that terrifies them!” He pauses to take a short breath. “For fuck’s sake, I just want a world where I can walk down the street without worrying about getting killed! Is the bar really that damn low? Think about that, all of you!”
Another wave of cheering echoes through the streets, and you join in without hesitation.
“This guy’s spitting straight facts,” Polypa admits, looking impressed.
“He’s got balls, all right,” you agree. “That rustblood guy look familiar to you?”
She ribs you. “Yeah, yeah, you were right. I admit it.”
You turn your attention back to the boys, but they’re looking over the heads of the protestors at something behind you. A soft wave of hisses rise into the air as you turn to see a trio of purples stalking towards everybody, clubs dragging behind them with the awful scrape of steel against concrete. They’re twice the size of Polypa, except the giant fucker in the middle, who you think might be just a little bit shorter than Chahut.
“That’s a pretty sermon there, bronze brother,” he calls with a voice that crackles like burning wood. “Pretty for a load of treasonous fuckin’ shit.”
“Can’t be shittier than whatever they’re cooking up in that drug-hole church of yours,” the bronzeblood fires back with a smirk.
Even the rustblood standing next to him sucks in a sharp breath as the clown regards him with no trace of emotion. Polypa grabs your hand, and you squeeze it tight.
“You’ve got a big-ass mouth for a critter the size of my motherfuckin’ left toe,” the clown on the big guy’s right says.
“And you’ve got a big-ass forehead for a bastard with such a tiny skull.”
Somebody lets out a loud snort. It might have been you.
The feeble tendrils of bravery holding everybody together begin to unravel as the purplebloods begin to approach once more. You instinctively back up and pull your jacket hood over your head.
“Get ready,” Polypa growls.
But before the clowns have the chance to attack or use their chucklevoodoos, or before the lowbloods gather their courage enough to storm the intruders, a deafening CRACK splits the air like a thunderclap.
The clown to the far left drops like a rock, and standing over him, bat raised, is Elwurd.
She’s wearing a mask to conceal her face, of course, but you’d recognize that crest of blue hair anywhere. Beside her is Remele with her oversized mallet-club thing, and bringing up the rear with shining dual blades is none other than Ardata Carmia.
“Am I fucking dreaming,” you ask nobody in particular, and then all hell breaks loose.
The cerulean girls lunge for the two purplebloods that are still on their feet. The bronzeblood screams for everybody to scatter just as drones begin to swoop down from the sky, opening fire on the trolls below. Half a dozen kids drop dead on the spot.
You and Polypa duck into the nearest alleyway just in time before bullet holes pepper the pavement. Behind you, Elwurd roars something that sounds like “Duck!” before another explosion blows out all the windows. You yelp and cover your head as glass showers down on you like rainfall.
“Zap us out of here!” Polypa yells.
“No, wait! We have to go help the girls!”
“I’m not going back out there and neither are you!”
You glance back just in time to see Ardata drop to her knees, holding her bloody arm. She’s shrieking in terror as a drone advances on her, culling fork glinting bone-white in the darkness. Remele and Elwurd are too busy getting their asses kicked by the last living clown to help.
In that moment you can’t remember her as the bloodthirsty murderer who tortured you in her basement. All you can think of is the time she broke down in your arms, overcome with guilt at the monster she’d become in the name of being accepted by highblood society. A monster who’d traumatized you, and then became your friend.
You’re moving through space and time before your brain can catch up to what you’re doing. Ardata is cold and hard when you tackle her out of the way of the drone. The two of you tumble across the street together as the culling fork hits the spot where Ardata just was with a SHUNK. Even with adrenaline racing through your system the sound chills you to the core.
Remembering what Dirk taught you about hand-to-hand combat with a larger opponent, you grab one of her knives and zap right over to the clown, getting right up in his business before burying the blade into an eye socket.
Unsurprisingly, he drops a squirming Remele and covers his face with a scream so horrible you almost pee your pants. Ardata’s wailing your name from the sidewalk like a terrified child. You want to yell at her to shut up and run before the drones spotted her again, but you never get the chance. One moment you’re twisting a knife into a purpleblood’s skull, the next you’re flying through the air like a ragdoll before a pair of strong arms wrap around you. You and your rescuer land hard on the street with matching grunts of pain.
You look up into Elwurd’s bewildered face and burst out laughing. “Hi!”
“What the--”
“Time to go!” Remele yanks the both of you up by your scruffs like a pair of naughty cats. “Ardata, stop screaming like a wiggler and get your arse over here now!”
“My arm!” Ardata screeches. “I’ll be scarred for life!”
“No, you won’t, idiot, not when you hit your adult molt-!”
You zap the three of them out of there and into the alley, grab Polypa on your way, and then get the hell out of dodge.
The five of you end up in the back of a Troll Dennys, because of course you do. Polypa falls on you, knocking you to the ground, and then she yowls in anger when Elwurd lands on her legs, only for Ardata and Remele to hit the concrete ass-first. Remele accidentally kicks you in the stomach. Ardata falls back against a dumpster and hits her head on the metal with a BANG.
Everybody stares at each other for a long moment with varying degrees and expressions of utter shock. Polypa glares at you, and you just know you’re in for a long discussion about putting your own safety first in dangerous situations, or something like that.
You decide to break the ice first. “Anybody want pancakes?”
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littlecountrymouse · 5 years
Space Cowboy podcast episode 19: An interview with Michael Vlamis transcript.
So guys, I got a heap of messages from people saying they’d like this thing transcribed, because not everyone can listen to podcasts. I do this for a living, but also do it occasionally for my dad with Alan Alda’s podcasts because he’s mostly deaf and can’t understand them. So I’ve typed this sucker out for you all on my phone today. It’s not perfect, and I had to go back and edit it for clarity because holy shit, Vlamis says like A LOT. But it’s beautiful, and hopeful, and the biggest take out from it that I cranked the volume on and checked with my work software is that Malex LOVE each other right now, in the present. Screw this ‘loved’ shite, it’s current day, baby. They just gotta learn to talk and be honest and vulnerable with one another for it to work. 
Liz: Welcome to Space Cowboys, a Roswell New Mexico podcast here on purefandom.com. I am Liz Prugh, joined by my co-host Meg Bonney.
Meg: Hello, hello.
L: And while each week we normally give you amazing one-of-a-kind theories on the fabulous TV series Roswell New Mexico, the show was on hiatus this week, which was a big bummer because we forgot. But we didn’t forget about you listeners, we’re bringing you a special episode. Meg, give us the details.
M: On this week of Space Cowboys we’ll be talking about hair care and hair products, and - just kidding. So we don’t have a recap, obviously, because there wasn’t a new episode. But we chatted with our favorite midwestern curly haired cowboy, Michael Vlamis!
L: Woowoo!
M:  He talks about why he loves his fans so much, and it will melt your heart, and how he maintains those gorgeous curls, and Malex, of course Malex.
L: All things Malex. So make sure you guys keep tuning in, and check out all of our other amazing podcasts on purefandom.com and we’ll catch you next week for a new episode. Enjoy this lovely conversation with the even more lovely Michael Vlamis.
*Space Cowboys intro theme piece.*
L: Hey listeners, welcome back to Space Cowboys. We have a very special episode for you, we have Michael Vlamis, who plays Michael Guerin on Roswell New Mexico, what’s up Michael?
MV: Woo! How you guys doing?
L: Awesome.
MV: I am happy to be talking to you guys, this is fun.
L: It’s a good vibe for all you listeners, we all have really really curly hair, and we’re all from the midwest, so it’s a great space right now.
MV: The curls are very hard to manage, I’m gonna, I’ll be real with you. It took me like twenty-six years of my life to figure out what to do with my hair.
M: We were just talking about how it’s so hard to manage our hair, and it took us so long, and we’re the only ones who know how to deal with it.
MV: Yeah, nobody else knows. Nobody knows the trauma. When I was a kid I wanted straight hair, I wanted one of those bowl cuts, and my mom was like, honey you’re never gonna have that, your hair is not straight, and it was sad but I’ve come to terms with it finally.
L: Yeah, and you rock it now, I love it.
MV: Yeah, thank you. It gets wild in some of those episodes, I see it blowing in the wind and I’m like ‘oh, man, that’s it? There you go.’
M: Giggles
L: It has a life of its own, Meg and I were just saying we’re still living that Herbal Essences life, like we’ve tried the expensive stuff and I dunno, you just, you gotta stick with what works.
M: Mmhm.
MV: Honestly, this might gross some people out, but I hardly ever wash my hair. I hardly ever wash it, the woman who cuts my hair, she says you don’t wash it, your hair gets oily when you’re not a - we’re like turning into a hair campaign now, I love it - when you uh, you wash it too much and it just creates more oil, so if you’re not washing it, then uh … you know. I still use conditioner though. I smell okay, I will say that. I smell okay.
M: Well, there you go, that’s all you need.
MV: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you for having my back.
L: We got you. Well, that’s a perfect segue into this next question into your love story on the show. Let’s talk about - Tyler Blackburn’s here - no, I’m just kidding.
MV and M both laugh
MV: Oh, that’s great.
L: So when we recently Carina, of course the amazing showrunner of Roswell New Mexico at your ATX screening in Austin Texas, and she said it was very important to have the Michael and Alex story start in the darkness and come into the light versus the other way around, which is the way we see a lot of LGBTQ relationships on TV. What darkness do you think that both Michael and Alex need to overcome in order for them to be like ‘okay cool, we both deserve to be happy and love each other?’
MV: Oh my gosh, that is such a deep, tough question to answer cause there’s so many things, and when it comes to Michael and Alex a lot of like who Michael Guerin is is a lot of the feelings that I have, and I draw straight from what I’ve had to overcome, and like similar to Michael Guerin, you know, he’s been an outsider his whole life, right? And so has Alex, they both have these secrets, and I think the biggest thing that you have to overcome is accepting who you are, that your secrets don’t always need to be kept so close to the chest and I think it’s the vulnerability, it’s accepting that it’s okay to be vulnerable and you’ll still be liked, you’ll still be accepted. And if people don’t accept you for your vulnerability then you don’t want them in your life, and I think that’s like, that’s the biggest thing, is that you can be honest with yourself and with others. And, I mean obviously the two of us, I mean, we didn’t even tell each other that - we had been separated ten years and we never even told each other that we loved each other when we did, you know? And I think that’s a mistake a lot of people make and I make in my own life, which is like, the things that are hard to say, not saying them, and I think that’s the biggest thing you have to overcome, that it’s okay to be vulnerable.
L: Aww, I love that. Also I’d like to just say that I love both of you, just so that doesn’t become an issue and I didn’t tell you.
MV: Laughs. Okay, thank you.
L: So speaking of Michael and Alex, one of our favorite scenes was that flashback with you playing the guitar in the shed. So I just wanted to know, are we gonna get to maybe see more musical moments, or maybe is that something that you’re gonna try to save for next season, if we knock on wood get next season?
MV: Oh man, you know, I can’t give anything away. I can’t give too much away with that, because - just know that you know, my hand is messed up in the show and that’s why I stopped playing guitar, and a big part of me kinda disappeared that day in the toolshed, like an identity, you know, something that - in that scene that talks about how my entropy changes when I play music and I kind of escape my life and all the chaos going on in my head. So definitely know that it’s something that Michael Guerin is very passionate about, and he would love to get back to, but he’s gotta do something about that hand if that’s ever gonna happen, you know?
L: Mmhmm. So, we’re both super sci fi nerds and you probably, you probably can’t answer this next question, but we recently learned that Guerin is building a spaceship, and it would be so rad -
MV: Yeah!
L: If you guys went to space. Do you see that happening in the show, do you want it to happen in the show?
MV: Um, you know what, I would love to see, to see something like that happen, but I think what’s more interesting than going to space is the choice of going to space, you know? It’s not necessarily being there, but it’s the choice that I’m actually going to leave all these people I love. Because I don’t know, even if I do go to space am I even going to be able to bring everybody, do I wanna bring everybody. It’s kind of like - Michael Guerin, his whole life has been building this spaceship to go back to his family, but like at the same time he’s also running from something. But he’s also running towards something that he believes wholeheartedly in which is like family and his origins and things like that. But I would love to see a moment come where he has to really decide you know, am I going or am I staying, and I think that could be a really powerful scene.
M: I’m team space, I say send everyone to space, let’s just start over on a new planet. I would love to see that.
MV and L laugh.
MV: Yeah, we would probably end up polluting it though, but yeah, you know, it would be nice to get a little fresh start every now and then.
L: Yeah, totally agree. So with so many reboots and reimaginings on TV right now, a lot of fans tend to compare them to the original, or even just there’s kind of backlash surrounding it. What has the fan experience been for you so far in this process?
MV: Oh my God, honestly overwhelming. I honestly didn’t really know what to expect, this is my first TV show, I’ve never had like, I’ve never really had fans before or people that blindly support me because of a character that I portray. I’ve had some success in the past where that’s happened a little bit, but not like this. And all I can say is that I feel so lucky that I get to through acting, what I love doing most in my life, I get to give people an escape and challenge their thoughts and get them to open up, and a lot of these fandoms that are following me, especially like, on instagram is kind of where I spend the most of my time with social media, I think it’s the app that I enjoy the most, it’s so visual you know? And I love making my instagram into, you know, I like that it almost looks like a magazine spread or something of just like, my humor and what not and I enjoy that, I really reveal a lot about myself on Instagram. And I think people appreciate that, so I get like, there’s LGBTQ Vlamis accounts, there’s malex accounts, there’s Michael Vlamis Italia, um, it’s people in Italy, and it’s so wild. And the messages that they send me about how my character and my love story with Alex has opened them up with their life and helped them get out of a dark place is honestly why you do the job. Because sometimes acting can feel like such a selfish career at times, and I think a lot of actors are very selfish you know, like you’re the center of attention, you’re doing this you’re doing that. But when you can actually help the world and it’s bigger than you is when it’s most important. And luckily I’m in a position where that’s happening right now, and I’m not gonna lie, it’s very rewarding.
L: That’s awesome, and I’ve seen a lot of those accounts too, and when we’re just tweeting about the show in general and like, their tag is your name and that’s gotta be pretty wild to see.
MV: Oh it’s so wild, it’s so funny for all my friends too, because now all of a sudden any time they post a story or something, like the fan accounts are reaching out to them, and they’re like, ‘oh, oh, what’s Michael doing right now,’ or they’re reposting pictures of my roommates just because they’re in my life, so now they’re all kind of experiencing a little bit too, which is, it’s been a lot of fun and we’re having a lot of laughs with it and we’re all really grateful about it.
L: That’s awesome. I love that. Okay, so, I don't know if you can answer this but I’m gonna ask it anyway because, I don’t know if you listen to the podcast and you can lie and say you listen to every one religiously, but we talk about a lot of theories, and one of the biggest theories we’ve been talking about recently is the fourth alien. And we think we know who it is, but we wanted to know what was your reaction when you learned about the identity of the fourth alien, and have you really seen anyone guess it correctly?
MV: Oh man. I have seen one person online guess it correctly, I will say that. And it was one of those things where I almost didn’t even want to like interact with the post, because I didn’t want to give anything away whatsoever. But this one specific person did guess it and I don’t think that’s giving it away too much because so many theories are out there that I don’t think anyone’s gonna find this one person that guessed it right, but somebody did. And when I was shooting the show, the fun thing about the show is that I never knew what was gonna happen every episode right? Like they would sit us down and talk to us about major story points and what’s gonna be going on with your character and kind of the necessities of what you need to know in order to give an honest performance. But I didn’t know what was going to happen actually, how we were gonna get to where they said we were going. So every episode when I read it it was a surprise, I was blown away, it was like ‘oh my god, this is happening in this episode? This is crazy, this fun, it’s exciting.’ And when I found out who was gonna be the villain I was a little taken aback because even I didn’t see it, and I think that’s what’s fun about the show, is that of all the theories, everything, I’ve seen one person guess it and that’s how we wanted to do it, right, we didn’t want to give anything away. I think Carina did an amazing job of like, revealing who the fourth alien is and you know, what they stand for and why they’re coming from the place they’re coming from, so I was almost like a viewer on the show, I was just learning kind of as the episodes go what was going down. But once I knew who it was a lot made sense and at the same time I was just taken aback that okay, this was the person who is doing all this, and it was a lot of fun for me to discover as well.
L: Ooh, that’s so fun, we can’t wait.
Mv: Yeah.
L: So music is also a big part of the show and we know what nineties songs that Liz Ortecho plays on the jukebox you know, she’s got her Counting Crows and her Third Eye Blind. What song or songs, or we’ll even make it easier for you, what bands do you think Guerin would pick or that he has on his iPod?
MV: I can tell you what song I am most proud of having in a scene that I’ve done thus far and that was in the flashback episode, that was episode six when you see our first kiss. I remember reading the script and originally in the script, when, because Jeanine and Nathan have a very touching moment in that scene too, right around that scene where I kiss Tyler for the first time, and the song that’s playing in the script is ‘First Day of my Life’ by Bright Eyes, and I’m like a huge Bright Eyes fan, and when I saw the episode cut together they played that kiss over our song as well and honestly that was like one of the coolest moments for me, to see a band that I grew up on, a band that I have just screamed at the top of my lungs in my car or just listening to to find an escape, going through a breakup or something like that, to have that song that means so much to me play over my kiss with someone that I love in the show was a really, really special moment. And I could sit here and say that Michael Guerin is the type of guy who’s just listening to like, old school country or some John Denver or some rock n roll or something like that, but I think at the end of the day Michael Guerin is a big softie. And I think that a song like Bright Eyes not only affects me but affects Michael Guerin, obviously because I bring so much of myself to the character. But definitely, the guy puts on such a tough guy act and he’s like this bad ass sex symbol, but at the end of the day he’s a sad vulnerable boy who just wants love and acceptance.
L: Aww, that’s so sweet!
M: I know, right?
L: I think we actually just talked about that in our last episode about how he wants everyone to thinks he’s such a badass, but he’s just this big old heart on his sleeve guy, and I love that you picked more of a softer, vulnerable song, I like that. Back to the malex relationship, obviously I’m single-minded here, but it’s been so special for the fans and for us to even get to talk about it week to week. But what can you tease about their bond in the rest of the season?
MV: Oh boy. You know, I don’t wanna give anything away, but I can say that everything does come to a head, you know. And I think that even if we do say it or we don’t say it, you really know how we feel about each other, but you know, I don’t know if - I wanna be really careful with my words, because I really don’t want to give anything away. But I will say that in the next few episodes Michael and Alex get to really spend a lot more time together, they kind of bond up as they try to figure out this alien conspiracy, and you see how apparent the love is and I can’t say where we end up at the end of this season, but I will say that everyone will have a very clear idea of how we really feel about one another. Because right now, even though like, I think it was episode nine maybe that Shiri Appleby directed outside the trailer, you know, we tell each other that we love each other for the first time, and now it seems like, okay, we’re getting to know each other almost on a friend level because we never really got to be friends, we were broken up from each other for so long after that traumatic incident and everything happened so quickly, and all of a sudden he was gone off to war and I was doing my own thing, so I can’t say what the resolution is but you definitely get to see each other spend much time together, get to know who we are and set up anything that may be able to happen in the future or by the end of the season amongst the two of us.
L: That’s awesome, we’ll take it.
MV: Yeah!
L: I think it’s *inaudible cross talk for a second.* It’s apparent too, like there’s no doubt that you guys love each other, it’s just all the noise getting in the way a little bit.
MV: Yeah, that’s the problem. I go through this in my everyday life, you can love someone so much but maybe they’re just not right for you and that is a horrible feeling, something so hard to deal with and you never really know. Cause is love enough, or is it personality traits that need to align or family background or taste in different aspects of life, do all those things need to be in line too, or is love enough? And as a hopeless romantic I like to think that love is enough, but I don’t know, as I get older I’m not sure. I think it’s more than love, it’s compatibility, that these two guys up til now have just not been compatible because they haven’t been completely honest with one another. So it’s interesting, it’ll be interesting for you guys to watch too as the characters become more honest with one another where they end up.
L: Well, we’re so excited and we’re so grateful that you took the time to chat with us today, this was so much fun.
MV: Yeah, it was a blast. I appreciate you guys wanting to chat.
L: Don’t forget, listeners, important things to note from the discussion today. If you have curly hair wash it every other day or every few days.
MV: Laughs. Yep. Yep.
L: No matter what happens Malex still loves each other and let’s just accept what happens, whatever does, for the rest of the season. The fandom has just been so positive and so awesome  thus far. It’s been great for us so it has to be even better for you. We’re just waiting for that season two renewal.
M: Mmhmm.
MV: Woo! I’m waiting too, I’m hoping they’ll let us know in the next uh - they gotta let us know by May, right? We got upfronts in May, we have to know by May.
L: That’s what we’re hoping too.
MV: That’s what I’m hoping too. And the show I heard goes on Netflix May first, I think Carina tweeted that out. So I think once that happens that’ll get a lot more people knowing about the show and watching us, and that’ll help the decision by the studio as well.
M: Oh yeah.
L: Woowoo!
MV: Yeah!
L: Well, thanks again for tuning in, and cheers to you! Thanks for joining us.
M: Yeah, thank you.
MV: Thanks, Meg, thanks Liz, I appreciate the support and good luck with everything. So I’ll be cheersing to you if I found out we got that season two.
M: Heck yeah.
L: Awesome, hopefully by the time you guys get season two, my second is due on May twenty seventh, that’s my due date, so Meg has been drinking without me -
MV: Oh!
L: And I’m like, ready to play that drinking game.
MV: Yes! Do you know if you’re having a boy or a girl?
L: No, we’re gonna be surprised again, so.
MV: Wow, that’s fun!
M: I was just gonna say we could name it after Roswell if we get that pickup, so CW, if you’re listening, you can name Liz’s baby, it’s fine.
L: Yeah, Pedowitz, I’ll name the baby after you if you renew Roswell.
M: Have little Marky.
MV: Yes, I love that. Well, congratulations.
L: Thanks so much.
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cartooness · 5 years
Sum Masonder Stuff part 82 or something lol
Okay, so. Lavender Grey and Mason Adalbert are both huge dorks. They are. And they're in love and it's beautiful. So, here are some dialogues I've made up for them haha.
Lav, jokingly,- You look like a cheeto.
Mason- Well at least I'm flaming hot then!
Lav, staring at Mason, admiring him with so much love- You're gorgeous. <3
Lav, red as a strawberry,- O///////O thanks.
*proceeds to hold him tight under the blankets*
Lav- I love all of you <3
Mason- You do??? :')
Lav- Of course I do! I love you here *pecks his forehead* and here *pecks his cheek* and here *this goes on for a while lmao*
••Like almost an hour later••
Lav, very smitten,- Does that answer your question?
Mason, malfunctioning due to the amount of love,- Yeah. My turn.
Lav- Heh.
Mason- *does the exact same thing*
Lav- Button?
Mason- Lovely?
Lav- >///< sorry I just. Love my pet name so much.
Mason- Well it's true! You ARE lovely! *hugs her and kisses the corner of her mouth*
Lav- Aww, thanks n///n
Lav- Button. I'm cold. Are you?
Mason- Yeah, kinda.
Lav- Wait I'll get us a blanket. *uses magic to levitate a blanket towards them*
Mason- Also my heart is cold. Can you warm it up owo??
Lav- *adjusts blankey, then snuggles up close to him.* Of course. <3
Mason- Can I kiss you please?
Lav- Okay.
Mason- *kisses her hands*
Lav- Ò/////Ó *SPUTTER*
Mason- ÒwÓ
Lav- Hmph. My turn. *holds his face and kisses him rather passionately*
Mason, a few minutes later,- Ò////Ó
Lav- ÒwÓ
Mason- Lav is like a basket.
Travis- Explain.
Mason- She holds me.
Lav- *is carrying him bridal style* uwu
Mason- !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Decan- She's been like this for an hour. I'm scared. Do you think you know what happened?
Mason- ...catnip.....
Decan- Wha?
Mason- *sigh* Okay so, Jace invited Lav and I to the animal shelter he works at and she was playing with all the cats, which was absolutely ADORABLE, and SOMEHOW, SHE FOUND CATNIP, SNIFFED IT, AND NOW SHE'S HIGH OR SOMETHING!!! Is it because she has cat like qualities????
Decan- She. Got high. Off of catnip??
Lav, delirious,- HELL YEAH I DID!!! *goes back to the floor*
Decan- I'll carry her to her room. *sigh*
((This was so stupid fhdhgsfhah))
Mason- Your eyes sparkle like the ocean~♡
Lav- My eyes are brown?
Mason- Your eyes sparkle like the Hudson River?
Lav- Button, can we cuddle please?
Mason- Of course!
*cuddle each other*
Lav- *snuggles up real close*
You're such a wonderful human being, you know that? You're so compassionate about others, even when you've had a rocky past, you listen to others and what they have to say, and you're never angry like, ever. It's really rare to find people like that.
Mason-.... well, I'd say you're not so bad yourself. First of all, you're like. The most powerful human to ever exist, and that's really saying something, and from what I've been told, you escaped from your childhood hell and actually made it here, and by the luck of the all mighty universe, found a family to call your own. And the trauma? You have a super strong support system AND you're a natural born fighter.  Not to mention, you are like, SO smart about so many different things. It's amazing. And you're so, so sweet and passionate about so many people and things you love and care about. Falling in love with you was the best thing that's ever happened to me. *realizes what he just said*
Lav- *blushing like crazy* you... fell in love.... with me?
Mason- Yes! I have! I've fallen and I can't get up! You're, just, so smart, so passionate, so strong, not to mention you're absolutely GORGEOUS in every sense of the word, how could I not fall in love with you! I love you! So much!
... I love you too. Jesus, I am so in love with you I literally can't put it into words. You are such a wonderful, kind, handsome, absolutely adorable human being, all around the absolute love of my life. *holds his face*
Lav- And I think I want to kiss you until I can't feel my face anymore. You?
Mason *blushing* - Yes please.
And then they’re hardcore making out, and by that I mean they're in a mad lip lock while hands are entangled in hair and/or holding the others face. This goes on for a while lmao.
~~About like 7 minutes later~~
Lav- *breathless and very lovestruck*
Mason- *Also very breathless and very lovestruck*  So... my love, how'd I do?
Lav- Well, darling, I think you've really outdone yourself~
And then they’re snuggled up into each other, once again, enjoying the moment. <3 ((they're so cute ahhhhh))
Ok so, I like to think Mason would definitely have yearning sessions with Kyle because they would. So this was right before lav and mason got like, together together.
Kyle- You ever just have the need to like. Cuddle up with someone. And hold them close.
Mason, in a proper yearning mood,- Ugh, YES. Don't judge please, but you know Lavender?
Kyle- Yeah. We see each other every day, and she made me pride pins. That was really kind of her.
Mason- .... I would love to hold her tight and just. Snuggle up with her all day. Yeah, that sounds wonderful.... -///-
Kyle- OOOH! YOU LIKE HER!!!! ~~~
Mason- Heh!? Wha.... maybe!!! I don't have to tell you!!! *hiding his face*
Kyle- My dude, it's okay! I mean, she's nice and stuff, you guys are already giod friends, so it's not like there'd be any major problems I guess.
Mason- Well, yeah, but I just don't know if she likes me back! Like, as more than a friend!! I dunno. I'm going to her place tomorrow on Friday, and maybe I'll tell her then. Better to rip the band aid off now when it's fresh or whatever.
Kyle- Ah, ok. Tell me how it goes!! But for now, let's finish Mr. Caps homework.
Mason- Yeah, let's do that.
Ok now here's one with Lavender and her friend Tracy ; )
Lav- Cloudy?
Tracy- Yeah?
L- I like Mason. A lot.
T- Oh, please! You guys are so CUTE! You're always with one another, always enjoying company, and I'm pretty sure those platonic relationship cuddles are flustering you now. Do you get all shy and stuff when you're around him now?
Lav- Wha- yeah? But it used to not be that way!! Hmph. Damn his cute face and his laughter. And his caring touch. And his beautiful smile. He probably tastes sweet as well...
Tracy- >:3 You're head over heels for him!!!!!
T- But what if he does??
Lav- ... but what if he does? *hopeful*
And then they kissed the next day XD
So me and my lovely mutual @ghostly-business came up with these uwu
Did you know Lav's favorite way to hold Mason is by straddling him and snuggling into his chest while holding each other taught? Also he strokes her hair and face as well ((Note- on this blog straddling is never s*xual)) And they're on her bed, with a warm blankey, enjoying the moment :'') They nap/sleep together all the time. For reals. Mason has been in her room more times than he can count lol. They are so cute and fluffy and in love it makes me so soff Lav wears flavored lip balm all the time (like me, currently wearing the flavor strawberry sprinkle :p) , so she likes to kiss him and she'll be all like "What flavor is it? OwO" and he'll either actually guess or be like "Hmmm, I dunno, I need to taste it again ;)" cause he's flirty like that sometimes and they're favorite flavor is root beer. Or he decides to purposely guess something very wrong to mess with her, and guesses things that are inedible like “toothpaste” and they both giggle about it YES. HE WOULD.
"Pft, not even CLOSE to blueberry, Button."
 "I know, I know."
Have you seen Cloudy with a chance of meatballs???
You know that scene where flint and same like, puffed their cheeks up and kissed each other? Big masonder vibes right there :OOOOOOOOOOOOO :D !! I also rly love the jello scrunchie tooo aH
 Honestly they are like, a version of masonder. Exactly, The embodiment of masonder. YES. Also Mason would totally go to like. A peach farm and pick a bunch for lav cause she loves peaches. Mason, one day, on the phone, "Hey lav meet me at my place I have a surprise byeee" Imagine them. Sharing a peach tho, like, they just take a big bite of it at the same time and then give each other the biggest smiles. Y E S.
 I’m. Somft
And she's all like "Ah, nothing beats a near over ripe peach!" Mason, "I think your smile begs to differ" Lav-😶😶😶
 Mason- And you're definitely way sweeter than they'll ever be <33 *pecks her lips*
 I just had a wonderful idea. Lav and Mason, on a fruit farm date, And they have so much fun. There's a bunch of kids there as well, and it's so cute seeing them help the babies reach stuff. Or taking pictures for other families. Yessss love that.
 Imagine they find this weird looking fruit and give it a name like “Fred” or something like that and take a bunch of photos/selfie of said fruit. Y E S. THEY WOULD. I'M LOVE. Mason- LOVELY OMG LOOK AT THIS STRAWBERRY
 Lav- :OOO It looks like a Fred! They name it after Scooby doo’s Fred Jones because it looks similar to him. Like it’s just vaguely Freddy like. And then it's the evening, they have like 2 baskets of various apples and peaches and stuff, and they're sitting under a big tree, Lav's head on his shoulder, and Lav's all like "Mason, I'm going to feed you a strawberry, okay?" "Okay. Ah-" and then she catches his mouth in a kiss and starts passionately kissing him. He's kissing her back as well, and after a minute or two, they depart and he holds her in his lap. The sun is going down, so they head to Mason's house, and they put away all the fruit they didn't already eat, and now they're in his room. Mason lays on his bed, Lav right after. Then they get real close and snuggle into each other. "I love you." "I love you too." And then they drift to sleep.
OK BUT I had this new idea abt the whacky strawberry thing - what if, instead of Fred Jones, the strawberry looked vaguely like Lewis. They call it “Lewis Pepperberry” and the second they show Lewis he’s just:  ಠ_ಠ. Lewis Pepperberry has a very special place in the fridge.
 Oooh! Yay! Lav put a spell on it so it'll never rot.
I’m thinkin the green leaves of the strawberry could be the 2 little tufts of hair on the back of head (hopefully you know what I’m talking abt lol -) Must never let the Pepperberry rot.
 Oh Vivi and Arthur would absolutely LOVE the Pepperberry, they would never let Lewis live it down. They would pepper it in (hehe) to their conversations from time to time and Lewis would always be caught off guard by it. Mystery would find it kinda ridiculous but support it anyways (and maybe put into some of their conversations as well sometimes)
Vivi, after kissing Lewis,- Mm, sweet as a pepper berry~♡
Lewis- Ò////Ò Vivi, darling, Please....
 Oh did I ever tell you lav is strong enough to bridal style carry Mason and she loves to scoop him up and shower his face and jaw with kisses?
“Sometimes our relationship is built by being silly and Lav holding me bridal style and smooching me” - Mason
 Also yes, masonder in a nutshell. Infinite smooches and holding. Along with being huge dorks. Omg.  You know how when moms kiss their newborn babies and they make those little noises while they kiss them 50 times on the same spot of their cheek? This makes little sense, but Lav and Mason kiss each other like that. They like, chose a spot and rapid fire kiss it like 50 times and it makes this little like, noise, IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN LMAOO. I literally can't explain it omg. But they smooch All. The. Time. And Mason is a surprisingly good kisser lol. Lav is almost there XD.
 I think you may be talking about a raspberry (not the fruit, the informal def is: a sound made with the tongue and lips in order to express derision or contempt. It’s like a pbbth sound I think how you’d describe it? I might be wrong so correct me if I am lol) KINDA. Like, it sounds like you're calling for like. A cat. This makes no sense I'm so sorry. It’s alright XD
But they do blow little raspberries on like the neck and stuff to get a laugh out of each other. Awwww.
The night of their wedding. They go to their room it's literally DRENCHED in pillows and blankets and sheets. There's a note from everyone that says "do what you want :p" They build the best pillow fort ever and be cute and cuddle and snuggle. They also try for a baby but that's another story lol
XD I love that tho pillow forts are most certainly their thing. They do it every Friday night and watch a sappy movie too with their favorite beverage. 
I LOVE YOU, YES They're watching Frozen and Lav is belting all the songs as Mason awkwardly dances, he sings along as well. Big cuddle time, Lav is probably laying in or on Mason’s lap, or against his side with her arms wrapped around him and his hand stroking her hair. Yes :'') They always sing along during musicals on Friday night’s it’s a rule that must NEVER be broken. Y E S. (Unless they’re in a theater, that’s the only exception tho) Of course uwu
 :OOO THEY SING BROADWAY TOGETHER. YES. BROADWAY MUSICALS THAT IS. THEY KNOW THE BE MORE CHILL AND MEAN GIRLS MUSICAL BY HEART. Those also happen to be the only musicals I know all the songs of haha. Mason definitely brushes her hair. Lavender has very voluminous hair and it's long and pretty and so much fun to play and style it. He'll blow dry it and brush it for her 100% And then he'll hold her and sleep with her :') I’m listening to a song in Singin in The Rain and I heard the PERFECT masonder quote that I think fits them really well: *it’s raining pretty hard outside* Lav - “Be careful, it’s raining a little harder than usual tonight.”
Mason - “Really? From where I stand the sun is shining all over the place ~”
And then Mason gives a sweet peck to her lips (it’s not the EXACT quote from the movie bc I altered it so it isn’t as specific and could be applied anywhere, but it still followed what was said)
 Awwwwwwwww I love it!!
 I don't deserve my own ocs mgsmgysltsltlstlstlslts
 XD They’re too good for this world. Exactly. They have so, so SO much love for each other.
😍😍😍😍😍 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Constant masonder mood.
And that's what we came up with XD
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a7xlizardqueen · 5 years
Title: Your Knight in a Sweater Vest
Overall Rating: NC-17
Overall Warnings: Parental bullying, mentions of bulimia, nudity(?), drinking, partying, cursing, very slight mention of war and trauma, smut
Pairing: Reader x Steve Rogers
Summary: When you need help dealing with your rude and overbearing family, your best friend Steve Rogers comes to the rescue. Modern!AU - For  @barnesrogersvstheworld Writing Challenge Shot Through the Heart
Chapter: 1/10
Word Count: 1,638 words
Chapter Warnings: None
The bar was packed as you squeezed yourself through the crowd, searching for a group of familiar faces. It was Friday, which meant only one thing: meeting up with the guys at your favourite spot for beer and wings. Afterward you’d probably play pool and keep your eyes out for someone to hook up with.
“Yo, Y/N, over here!”
Sam is peering over the crowd, waving his hand in the air. He, Bucky, and Steve are already packed into a booth, a pitcher of Bud half empty.
“What, you guys start without me?” you ask, sliding on to the bench next to Steve.
“That’s what happens when you’re late,” Bucky scolds, sliding over a fresh glass.
“Dude, not even five minutes.”
“Five minutes is still late, Y/N.”
“I’ll remember that next time you’re late, James.”
“Now, now, children, settle down,” Steve smirks. "You're both late as often as the other."
You and Bucky smirk and he winks. Steve is always the peacekeeper between you two. Not that you don’t like each other, just the opposite, but you have kind of a love-hate relationship, as if you’re each other’s annoying sibling.
The waitress comes around, blonde girl with big tits. She smiles at all the guys, and ignores you. You’re used to it. Downside to being the only woman in a group of men. You order five-dozen wings, another pitcher, and a round of shots of Honey Jack.
“Kay, so, game at my place Sunday?” Sam asks.
“You got it, man,” Steve says and Bucky nods.
The shots come and before anything else is said you clink your glasses and shoot back the sweet, amber liquid.
“What ‘bout you, Y/N?”
You shake your head, “Sorry boys, no can do. Prior engagement.”
“Hot date?” Steve smirks.
“I wish,” you pause and take a large gulp of your beer to stall for a moment. The guys’ questioning faces don’t relent. “I’ve got a barbecue at my mother's house to go to.”
Their immediate reaction is to look concerned, quickly followed by angry.
“What the hell are you doing even talking to her?” Bucky’s brow furrows, “She treats you like shit.”
“She's my mother, Buck. Besides, it’s not so bad anymore.”
“I don’t believe you for one damn second, doll. You always make excuses for that family.”
You swallow the lump in your throat. Sam, Steve, and Bucky are quiet, unhappy with you.
“There’s something more isn’t there?” Steve asks.
You nod and whisper, “He’s back.”
“Who’s back, Percy’s back?!” Bucky’s fist hits the table with a thud.
“You mean that asshole that had you starving yourself?” Sam asks.
“That asshole who had you working out so hard you passed out and had to be rushed to the hospital?”
“He doesn’t want to get back together, does he?” Steve asks.
You shake your head and call the waitress over for another round of shots, doubles this time.
“No, he just wants to show off his new girlfriend and tell me how much better she is then me. And how much more successful he is then me.”
“Want us to come beat his ass?” Sam offers.
The wings arrive and you all dig in. You laugh and shake your head.
“No, that would be a seriously unfair fight.”
Bucky laughs, “Dude still skinny as shit?”
“You know it.”
“Never skip leg day!” Sam yells.
The tension of the previous minutes has lifted and your plight is ignored for a while as you watch a random soccer game on the TV and continue to stuff yourselves with beer and wings and whiskey. After another round you head over to an empty pool table, you and Steve against Bucky and Sam. As Bucky and Sam rack up the balls Steve hands you a cue and says quietly.
“Seriously, Y/N, if you want some back up, I’m there.”
You sigh, of course he would offer. Steve was one of those seriously good guys that always tried to do the right thing.
“And how would you help?”
He shrugs, “I dunno. But I could at least stick up for you. Be there to let everyone know how great you’re doing with your life.”
“Really, Steve, I don’t need a cheerleader.”
Steve smirks, “Damn, now what am I gonna do with my pom poms?”
“Y/N, your break!”
Friday night ended rather uneventfully. You drank more. You played pool. Did a bit of dancing. Went home. No one got lucky that night.
Sunday rolled around. It was a hot day so shorts were a must. You still had a hard time showing off your legs, especially around your family, but if you tried to cover up with pants you’d regret it. Besides, Sam was always telling you to show off the body you’d worked so hard for. He’d kill you if you told him you hid it away. You paired it with a thin white button up, rolling up the sleeves to your elbows. You knew your outfit wasn’t nearly as fancy or feminine as your mother’s or your sister’s surely would be, but you’d mostly abandoned the need for their approval by now, anyway. Mostly.
The look of utter disappointment was exactly what you’d expected, followed by the obligatory scolding for your tardiness. The tardiness was completely intentional, of course, the less time you spent with them the better.
Your mother and sister were visions of perfect beauty. Hair shiny, bouncy, not a flyaway in sight; and they were both wearing long flowing maxi dresses. It made your $5 bargain store shorts and shirt seem frumpy.
Then there was the ex, Percy. He wasn’t typically good looking. His face held too much expression, almost goofy, his eyes and lips large on his narrow face and his dark hair was unruly, sticking up in every direction. He wasn’t particularly tall, and had a thin body with just enough muscle to counteract any fat. But he had a certain charisma in the way he carried himself and the way he spoke that captivated people. It had certainly captivated you once.
His girlfriend was beautiful. Like a movie star from the 1950’s. She dressed like one too. And she was so damn nice that it was hard not to like her. Even though you tried, very hard.
You milled around the barbecue mostly, sipping your beer and trying to avoid conversation. You don’t often get what you want, though.
“Long time no see, Y/N, how ya been?” Your stepdad’s work associate asks as you try to slip quietly by to get yourself another beer.
“I’m fine, Geoff, how are you?” You answer politely, looking down at your empty bottle.
“Oh, just fantastic. Did your stepdad tell you we made a killing this year? Yeah, Jan and I are gonna take a trip to Hawaii to celebrate.”
And thus began the extremely exciting and titillating conversation of the world of insurance. Somehow the man was able to talk about the most boring subject in the world for an entire half hour. You zoned out after about five minutes and only came to when he finally asked you a question.
“What is it that you do again?”
Great, the question. Everyone always asks that question. Normally you wouldn’t care, you enjoy telling people what you do for a living. Just not this crowd.
“I’m a woodworker.”
“Oh. So what does that mean, exactly?”
“I build things out of wood. Furniture, sculptures, you name it. Some of what I make is my own design, whenever I get inspiration; a lot is custom building stuff. I also do antique restoration. And I teach yoga and self-defence at my buddy’s gym.”
“How interesting. And is there a lot of money in the woodworking business?”
“Probably not as much as in the insurance business,” you shrug and back away, “if you’ll excuse me, I’ve been empty for far too long.”
All these people ever talk about is money. They base their ideas of success on how much money can be made, not how happy something can make you, or someone else. Your favourite thing in the world is seeing the amazed looks on a client’s face when you bring their ideas to fruition, sometimes better than they could have imagined. But conveying that feeling to these vultures was impossible.
“Good to see you again, Y/N,” his voice interrupts you before you can even take five steps and you once again look down at your empty beer and sigh; you’re gonna have to upgrade to whiskey.
“Wish I could say the same for you, Percy,” you turn and paste a fake smile onto your face.
You don’t know why, but he still makes your stomach tie into knots every time you look at him. He broke your heart, and you got over it. You did. There isn’t a bone in your body that wants to revisit the lack of a relationship you had with this man for one year. And yet when you look at him, especially with her on his arm, you think about how long it’s been since a man has touched you. You think about how long it’s been since a man looked at you with desire in his eyes. You look at him and your body yearns, and aches for what could have been.
“You’re breaking my heart, babe,” he feigns pain with a hand over his heart.
“Oh, if only I could.”
“No date again?”
“Well, I didn’t want to make you jealous.”
“How kind of you.”
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell me you had a guest coming?” Your mother rushes over.
“What are you talking about?”
“Don’t worry, there’s plenty of food and beverages, but really Y/N, it’s quite rude. Please tell me next time so I can be prepared.”
“Mother, what are you talking about?”
“Hey, honey, sorry I’m late.”
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suepixels · 5 years
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Get to Know Me
Make a simself and add traits if you like but you don’t need to! “Me with my most important men Nero Valcari on the right and Levithian Cavallo on the left - Pixelthirst is real, you guys!” The peeps I met here who encouraged me to start my story? Yeah, I’m freakin’ grateful! Thank youu..! Aspiration: Soulmate + Bonus trait “Romantic” Traits: Creative, Active, Cheerful
I was tagged by the wonderful lady @cillaben and @awolzai is the one who created this tag. So if you wanna read all that shizzle about me. Go ahead and read, I’m not gonna stop you - Oh Gosh! Thanks a bunch, sweet Cilla, you are just wonderful the way you are to me and also for being a fab friend, I 💛  you , obviously you not gonna be tagged for this! Hehe - just messing around... 😉
I’m tagging following simmers because welp I don’t know much about them but I truly 💛 their blog and their stories and personality and would 💛  to know them better. @beverlyallitsims  @josiesimblr @tigerellasims , @tangandzing   @keysims , @skellysim @shysimblr , @weicyn, @glovely1simmer, @ktosiksims @fabflubs , @cayrees , @shespeakssimlish
Guys you don’t need to do this but it would be dope! There are loads of questions here. So you don’t have to answer all of them if you don’t feel like it. Even if I didn’t tag you feel free to do it - it’s fun!
WARNING: Answers to 125 questions are under the cut.
What is your name? Suzana
What is your nickname? Sue
🎂? May 11th
What is your favorite 📓 series?  Um, the last I read as a series was “The Lord of the rings” (A throwback to childhood, damm I was 13 when I read it the first time, hehe) I rather read single books 📚, seldom series
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Ghosts? Dunno I’m not sure, never met one but don’t want either if they exist! LOL. Aliens? Wait a billion of galaxies with trillion of stars and I should believe that we are the only living creatures in the universe? Naah we are not alone - E.T. is out there. Does it answer your question? LOL
Who is your favorite author? Ugh... The ones I can think of right now? goshI have a bunch... um... Robert Greene, Marion Zimmer Bradley (all Avalon books) Patrice Leovold who’s book taught me that Eleanor of Aquitaine used to be a strong woman and queen of two countries in Europe! I love history stuff so I read a bunch of German authors who write historical novels.
What is your favorite radio station? If I listen to any it would be JAM FM from Berlin (Hip-Hop, RnB, Soul etc) Haven’t heard it in years... but Youtube is my main source for music, hehe
What is your favorite flavor of anything? If it’s not spicy go home and try it again, okay? It has to be spicy... yeah I’m used to it. A day without my Latte Macchiato is a no-no! (80% creamy milk with 1 cup of espresso, only the real deal for me, capeesh? Hehe! 
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Dope!
What is your current favorite song? 💛 Stuck in my head this one arrrgh gosh: Blindness by Justin Timberlake
What is your favorite word? Welp? LOL 😆
What was the last song you listened to? I will wait for you by Nicky Parrott
What 📺 show would you recommend for everybody to watch? The Originals, Vampire Diaries (isn’t it obvious?) Lucifer (love the sarcasm) The Good Doctor, This is Us and heck, yeah Game of Thrones agree with @cillaben
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Any good sci-fi, fantasy movie “Just let me escape this world for a second or two”
Do you play video games? Yup, as an addict I play only Sims 4, 3 & 2 😲
What is your biggest fear? To die, too early before I could do all the things I desire to do.
What is your best quality, in your opinion? I’ve been told be caring, dunno!
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? I can be stubborn but hey someone told me I’m just persistent in all the things I do, you know... 😁
Do you like cats or dogs better? I used to love cats more but since my sis has a Malinois. I love both.. Guys, Stella is the best craziest dog I’ve seen!
What is your favorite season? Summer
Are you in a relationship? Neep, bloody single...welp =D
What is something you miss from your childhood?  My love for ballet? I did yesterday the first time after 15 yrs some exercises on a bar at the gym and the belief that anything is possible - still hoping!
Who is your best friend? Currently, run out of “best friends” shizzle
What is your eye color? Green-yellowish - yup like a cat  😁
What is your hair color? By nature? Ash blonde but I love brown!
Who is someone you 💛? My sister and my nephews
Who is someone you trust? Only my big sis
Who is someone you think about often? My ex, who I still love. I know I should drop it but when your heart says something else and your mind reminds you NOPE - Game over! Dang, it! Can someone press the restart button for me, please? LOL Naaah, don’t worry I’m fine but you know sometimes you think too much about could have, would have blah, blah...
Are you currently 🙌 about/for something? I’m 🙌 about to go to bed!
What is your biggest obsession? Fitness (again), Dancing, being creative, TV series, Cooking, Web surfing, Gaming, Traveling geez I can’t name them all I have many obsessions. LOL 
What was your favorite 📺 show as a 👶? As a child, I wasn’t allowed to watch TV but what I remember is that I liked “Once Upon a Time... Life” a European/Asien cartoon about how the human's body system works (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY11Hu_ju5M&list=PLtAciEfQHAwvs1hIkWN_YNpD8E4sno--C)
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Nobody. I’m too open-minded and a bunch of peeps are simply sick in their head and interpret shizzle just because I say “Live your life your way - it’s not my business” So I keep it private.
Are you superstitious? Nope, not that I’m aware of =D
Do you have any unusual phobias? Darkness, if the light goes suddenly off and I see nothing? Yeah, it creeps the heck out of me. A childhood trauma - my mother did scare to death!
Do you prefer to be in front of the door or behind it? In front!
What is your favorite hobby? Fitness, surfing, 👀 movies and playing sims of course.
What was the last 📓 you read? The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
What was the last movie you 👀? The new Fantastic Beasts movie
What musical instruments do you play, if any? None =( wish to play piano, tho - need to check Google Play for an app - LOL
What is your favorite animal?  Birds
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?  I have quite a bunch I check daily like a stalker - all wonderful human beings =) 
What superpower do you wish you had? The ability to be immortal
When and where do you feel most at ✌️? Sweet Home
What makes you 😁? Sarcastic Humor, it goes deep under your skin
What sports do you play, if any? Naah, I do Functional Fitness and soon Breakletics but I don’t play sports.
What is your favorite drink?  Latte Macchiato and Raspberry Mojito
When was the last time you wrote a ✋-written letter or note to somebody? A goodbye letter to my ex-boyfriend when I canceled to continue to be just friends with him. Well because of the feels I still have him...even after 5 yrs...still unforgotten!
Are you 😨 of heights? Depends...
What is your biggest pet peeve? Fake people, superficial characters
Have you ever been to a concert? Yes, quite a lot...
Are you vegan/vegetarian? Never ever - I need meat!
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A ballet dancer or an artist in general.
 What fictional place would you like to live in? Atlantis - Undersea Waterworld
What is something you worry about? Yes, I worry all the time
Are you 😨 of the dark? Depends, if there is no light, yes!
Do you like to sing? Yes!
Have you ever skipped school? Never. I was a proud nerd!
What is your favorite place on the 🌍? Home
Where would you like to live? Atlanta, USA or UK - London
Do you have any pets? Neep, not allowed by the landlord
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night Owl
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunrise - A new day to start fresh!
Do you know how to drive? I know, but I don’t have a license - hihi
Do you prefer earbuds or 🎧? Earbuds
Have you ever had braces? Neep, lucky me
What is your favorite genre of 🎶? RnB, Soul, Hip Hop, “German Hip Hop”, Classic, Jazz, Blues, Bossa Nova, Dancehall, Reggaeton, Twerk - actually all kind of genres, always depends on the song! 🎶
Who is your hero? Hero? Ugh... Dunno to be honest...
Do you read comic 📚? I used to, not anymore
What makes you the most 😠? Rudeness, Racism in general, Lies, and Betrayal
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real 📓? I need a real book, okay? As much as I ’m a lover of newest technologies but some stuff are simply gold when it’s the “real deal”.
What was your favorite subject in school? Languages ( I speak 3 fluid English, German, Serbian somewhat a little French), Informatics, Art, Music, and History
Do you have any siblings? A sister and a brother
What was the last thing you bought? Meat
How tall are you? 5′3 or about 164 cms
Can you cook? Yeees, herbs? Spices? Experimenting? All that jazz, yes
What are three things that you 💛? My sis, Fitness and writing my story here.
What are three things that you hate? Racists, Betrayal and when people lie about their feelings.
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Male, most women never liked me... dunno... why! 
What is your sexual orientation? Straight
Where do you currently live? Germany
Who was the last person you texted? My sister
When was the last time you 😢? On 3rd of Nov. because I saw my brother - we don’t talk
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Xurbansimsx (Sims) that’s it!
Do you like to take selfies? Neep, not currently... I gained too much... due to my illness but working it off now that I’m feeling better.
What is your favorite app? Tumblr and Pinterest
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?  My dad passed away. Broken, dramatic family war! No, contact with my brother because of my mother this binch. My sister is my everything  💛 💛 💛
What is your favorite foreign accent? French and when American speak German, aaah I love it!.
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? New York, South Africa, New Zeeland and Australia
What is your favorite number? 5
Can you juggle? Naaah
Are you religious? Nope
Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? Both
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Sometimes, a little naughty, hehe
Are you allergic to anything? Cat hair :(
Can you curl your tongue? Yips
Can you wiggle your ears? Nooope
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? When I’m wrong I do apologize but it happens seldom
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Beach, babe!
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? Who has told you that life is fair?
Are you a good liar? I guess I can be if I have to!
What is your Hogwarts 🏠? Hufflepuff
Do you talk to yourself? Yeah, I do so what? I just maintain a relationship with myself, okay  😂 Call me crazy, I don’t care..hehe 😜
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? extrovert
Do you keep a journal/diary? I used to but stopped, have 5 books
Do you believe in second chances? Yes
If you found a wallet full of 💰 on the ground, what would you do? Tbh? Currently, I would keep it.
Do you believe that people are capable of change? Difficult, it depends on the character. 
Are you ticklish? Some secrets areas - yeas!
Have you ever been on a ✈️? Heck yeah, quite a lot - I’m a “Fernweh” Girl and a traveler!
Do you have any piercings? Ears, Belly and I used to have my nose pierced, too but business sucks so I had to take it out! LOL
What fictional character do you wish was real? Mr. Darcy from ‘Pride and Prejudice’
Do you have any tattoos? Yes, one on my back and I want more!
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Running away from home, living my own life and not allowing anyone to tell me how I should live my life - I have one life to live, so my rules apply!
Do you believe in karma? Yes
Do you wear glasses or contacts? Contacts during daytime at night glasses
Do you want children? Yes, at least one - hopefully!
Who is the smartest person you know? My ex-boyfriend
What is your most embarrassing memory? When a friend of mine showed via an accident how fake she truly was. She lost her fake hair and her nails got broken and all this in public on a dancefloor in front of my friends. (We were teens, LOL)
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Almost but not really so, naah
What color are most of your clothes? Black, mint, turquoise and darker versions of green, blue, brown and red.
Do you like adventures? Depends on adventure
Have you ever been on 📺? Almost as a TV-host for a German music channel! Had a casting back in my teenhood! 
How old are you? 35+ I look younger than I really am and I don’t feel like it. Nope, not gonna say it publicly. I would feel instantly older.. LOL but I tell in private!
What is your favorite movie quote? “He is your first love. I intend to be your last” - The Originals by Klaus Mikelson
Sweet or savory? Sweet
Yeah, you may notice I like to add videos =) that’s the song which spins around in my head currently... Love the beat!
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My Friend Got Turned Into A Werewolf
Part 10 Full Moon
Tagging: @melyaliz @sea-quinn @coffee-randomness @speedypan
A/N Red Belongs to @melyaliz
“So how have things been going?” Shaylee asked.
“Busy actually.” Aquata said as she walked through the aisle of the store.
“School has been a handful but I’ve finally caught up on everything I fell behind on.”
“Oh come on don’t give me that.” Shaylee whined. “What’s the fun of being near werewolves if your not gonna get any action. There’s got to be some cute single ones.”
“At least tell me Red is nice to look at now.”
“Keep it up and I’m telling Casey.”
“Already heard it.” Caseys voice shouted from the other side of the phone.
“Red and I are kinda on house arrest this is the first time I’ve gotten out of the cabin. So sorry if things haven’t gotten exciting. And for your information Red has always been nice to look at.” Aquata defended lightly.
“Shut it Shay.” Aquata rolled her eyes. “How is it that we managed to switch roles after we left high school?”
“I dunno but it's nice.” Shaylee teased.
“I'm gonna hang up.”
“Oh come on, you know I’m playing.” Shaylee said and Aquata sighed. “But seriously how have you been?”
“Fine I guess.” Aquata shrugged despite the fact her sister couldn’t see her. “I dunno, I'm still trying to figure out why I even decided to come.”
“I'm sure if you talk to Auntie Jen you'll be able to get your answer.”
“Yeah that’s a pass.” Aquata laughed and she stopped suddenly realizing the aisle she was in.
“But speaking of feelings, how's mom doing?” Aquata continued as she stil browsed, eyeing the squeaky toys in the pet section.
“Well it's mom.” Shaylee sighed. “I mean you’re probably getting as much food from her as I am.”
“Yeah… still no word from Ezra?”
“Nope.” Shaylee sighed. “We're gonna go see her, you know keep her company. Laura and Carrie have offered to move in again but mom says it's fine.’
“I mean her and dad are finally getting proper alone time. I don't blame her.”
“Ew gross.”
“So much for changing roles.” Aquata chuckled.
“Ugh I don't know how you can joke about that stuff.” And Aquata could practically hear her sister shudder.
“Alright well I'm gonna let you go now. I'll probably give mom a call pretty soon.” Aquata said, picking up a rather large plush hamburger.
“Alright love you.”
“Love you too.” Aquata said as she hung up. She gave the fake burger a squeeze and it let out a small squeak, nodding as she tossed it in the cart.
“Hey sweetheart, is something wrong?”
“Good, I have a question however, is a chew toy a proper gift for a werewolf?” Aquata asked, pausing to hear what her mother might say as she pulled out of the parking lot.
A small laugh filled the car and Aquata smiled. "I don't know mija, you're the one who has more experience with them."
"Hmm true. Okay well if Red doesn't like it I'm giving it to the shelter." Aquata said. "How have you been mom?"
"Good. Your father and I are keeping busy."
"Ew mom."
"Oh get your head out of the gutter nina." Annabella chided. "No, we're looking over the beach house trying to see if anything needs fixing."
"Why? You guys are thinking of selling it?"
"Um no." Annabella paused. "We're thinking of moving back in actually."
"Wait what? So you're selling the house?"
"No, not at all. We're still going to need that house if we have family get togethers... Unless. No wait, sorry. Sweetie just listen, we haven't decided if we are going to move back but well you kids are all grown up now. You're living your lives and well it's time for your father and I to live ours again. I know you and your siblings are worried about us but you don't have to.”
Aquata sighed as she slowed down the car and put it in park.
“Don't feel guilty for leaving. Fresh air is good for you and so is being with friends.”
“Stupid mom powers.” Aquata grumbled.
“I heard that.” Annabella chuckled. “I gotta go sweetie but I love you.”
“Love you too mom.” Aquata said as she hung up and got out of the car.
“Hey you just missed Tyler and Cason.” Red said from his place on the couch.
“Oh right. How did it go?”
“Good my room has been reinforced and they added a couple more protection spells to your room. Or at least some guy did and Tyler and Cason tested them. I didn't know you could transform during the day.”
“Yeah once you're able to get a handle over your wolf you're able to control when you want your transformation to happen. Technically the full moon is already in effect. For newcomers though you need the full power of the moon in order to transform. Once you transform you have access to your wolf you're able to let it come out when you want on full moons. If you practice even more you're able to do half transformations before the full moon but even Tyler hasn’t gotten that far yet.” Aquata explained as she made her way to the kitchen to unload the bags.
“Oh cool.” Red said coming into the kitchen. “What did you get?”
“More tea because we are running dangerously low. Food, oh there's this little apothecary shop in town so cute so I got some supplies for healing. And I got you this for tonight.” Aquata pulled out the large squeaky hamburger and gave it a squeeze.
“A squeaky toy?” Red asked, eyeing it curiously.
“Yeah.” Aquata beamed. “Figured it could help.”
Red smiled and shook his head but took the toy nonetheless. He looked at her but she avoided his gaze as she sorted the food out.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yeah.” She said a little too casually. Red sat down at the kitchen table and looked at her.
"I hate you." She grumbled as she put the last of the groceries away and sat down. Why couldn't she keep her mouth shut around him?
"Ezra ran off a few months ago and my mom took it pretty hard. We're all just really worried, especially Shaylee and me." Aquata sighed as she rubbed her face.
"We've never told mom but we do remember what it was like when Calvin was born when she lost the other one. It was like she was there but the world around her didn't exist. Until she found Ezra and suddenly it was like she was back and nothing had happened. We're just worried she's going to fall into that again. But I just got off the phone with her and she told me that they're thinking of moving back to the beach house. She told me not to worry but-"
"Your family is good at hiding trauma." Red finished and smiled sadly. "For us it was Antoinette."
"Huh?" Aquata asked, a bit confused.
"Antoinette, she was the one who left suddenly. Shortly after Mandy died one day she was there the next she was gone. She didn't even say goodbye. Mom had a fit, thought someone had taken her especially after what happened with Mandy. She turned up, calmed mom down and said she was just going on more adventures and that was it." Red shrugged his arms wrapped around the hamburger and it let out a small squeak.
"I didn't want to leave my mom after that. But one day she told me that I needed to face my new adventure sometime too. May was already starting to have her career take off and I was the only one not really doing anything. So I took off, mom and dad visit from time to time but since they don't have to worry about us anymore they tend to travel a lot more. Though coincidentally they tend to follow Mays traveling plans."
"I guess after everything our parents have been through they do deserve some time for themselves." Aquata said, glancing up at him she couldn't help but ask. "Is that why you joined the X-Men? To go on an adventure?"
"In a way yeah. I mean everyone on the team started going their own way and being in the league means more solo missions. I like being on a team more and I could do that with the X-Men." Red explained.
"Makes sense you always were a team player. Bet you love being with the pack." Aquata nodded and Reds entire face lit up.
"Oh man, the trainings have been awesome. I can't wait to see what it's like running alongside them as a wolf." Aquata could almost picture him wagging his tail and she couldn't help but wonder had he been born a human would this have been the path he would have taken.
"Well, get through this night and you'll get that soon enough."
They had spent so much time preparing Red for the night Aquata didn't even consider preparing herself. She had been close to falling asleep when it happened.
Loud cracks echoed through the cabin and for a split second Aquata thought that it had started thundering. But then the howl of pain followed after and she hid herself in her covers. The transformation didn't take long but the howling didn't stop either.
Aquata's heart felt as if it was breaking, she wasn't sure if he was possibly projecting or if she was just imagining things. His paws paced back and forth in his room, howls filled the air accompanied by the howls from the pack outside keeping an eye. Low whines pierced her ears and Aquata shut her eyes and curled inward.
She wanted his pain to stop. She wanted to ease the ache. But how?
Without thinking she started to sing. Now Aquata had to admit she wasn't the best singer, but this was her favorite lullaby. It was one her father sang to them growing up, it was also the only one she knew by heart.
The howling and whining stopped so Aquata continued. Slowly his breathing seemed to level and a loud thump shook the floor. Aquata remembered all the happy memories she had of the song. Her own idea of it taking shape. It was actually more of a love song then a lullaby, but it was one her father wrote for her mother. A soft howl filled the cabin but it wasn't full of pain anymore instead it seemed to try to go along with the melody of the song.
Aquata wasn't sure when she fell asleep but when she woke up she realized it was later than usual. Carefully she checked on Red to see if he had transformed back. Sure enough when she opened his door she found him lying on the ground, his face buried in the hamburger toy.
She made sure to cook as much food as possible even taking out some of the leftovers from the food her mom had sent. Just as she was finishing up setting the table, Red came into the kitchen pouting his arms wrapped securely around his squeaky toy.
“I officially hate being a werewolf.” He huffed as he sat down.
“The hard part is over. It shouldn't be that bad from here on out.” Aquata said, placing a glass of orange juice in front of him. “Right now you just need to recharge.”
Slowly but surely Red was able to clear off the table and even then Aquata figured she should probably order take out for later.
“That song you were singing last night.” Red said as he put the last plate in the sink. “Why did it sound familiar?”
“My dad used to sing it to us all the time." Aquata couldn't help but smile. "You probably over heard it one of the times you slept over."
“It's a nice song.” Red said softly.
“Yeah it is… my dad wrote it for my mother when she was pregnant with us. It's my favorite song.” Aquata had to admit she was starting to feel a bit homesick.
“And here my parents just sang me boring old nursery rhymes.” Red joked and Aquata let out a soft laugh feeling her spirits lift slightly. Though she completely missed the happy smile Red had when he heard her laugh.
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