#yeah kiburi’s not the only one with someone to worry about
devilsrecreation · 5 months
All these oc’s but not enough threats, so let’s turn the sound up! You know what? I think it’s time for a villain roundup! (VILLAIN ROUNDUP)
Chonge (fang)-puff adder
I wouldn’t say Chonge is evil per se, more like misunderstood. He’s faced quite a bit of trauma in his past and his entire life thinking he was destined to be the bad guy. In reality, he’s afraid. He’s seen how his fellow snakes have been treated and has even watched his friends die with his own eyes. This got him to view everyone around him as an enemy in fear of getting eaten or mistreated in any way. He often tries to eat at least one of the skinks
He eventually starts thinking differently after getting rescued by Kifo, leading him to reform. No one (especially not the skinks) trust him at first, but they warm up to him
Chimp-Mkatili (cruel)
The leader of his tribe of violent chimps whom act like a gang. He’s an old acquaintance of Sumu and is majorly unpredictable. He can be chill one minute and trying to beat you senseless the next. Nobody really knows why he and his chimps are like this, but it seems as though he does bad things just because he can. He currently has a vendetta against the Outlands, as his former home got destroyed during Scar’s rule during Season 2. They now live probably in another forest out of the Pridelands and are plotting their revenge to destroy the Outlands and everyone in it, no matter what things are like now
As for how he knows Sumu, Sumu was a known hitman/assassin who would frequently get involved with evil animals to kill someone for food as payment. Yeah, the job with Simba was NOT his first rodeo, he’s been doing it for a while. Anyway, Mkatili was no exception to this and has hired Sumu to help them get rid of a rival chimp tribe. They eventually meet each other again, but a now (semi) reformed Sumu refuses Mkatili’s offer to join him which ultimately pisses the chimp off
Secretary bird-Kandamiza (crush; oppress)
A snobbish, holier-than-thou bird who thinks all snakes are evil incarnate and does whatever she can to harm them. She does this by trapping a poor serpent in her talons and stomping on their head until they’re either knocked out or dead. In her mind, she feels as if she’s protecting all of Africa from the evil that is the serpent race. Like Hatari, she claims she respects the circle of life, but fails to understand how snakes are part of it. She’s basically a representation of Hollywood’s tendency to make snakes the villain
She’s also a threat to the lizard population and tends to get a little greedy when hunting
Honey badger-Mpinzani (challenger; opponent)
Bunga, but evil. That’s how everyone in the Outlands describe him. A narcissistic, egotistical poacher who will gladly take anyone in anything. He used to be somewhat idolized as a hero/daredevil way back when, but all that fame got to his head and he started thinking he could do no wrong. Then he began causing problems just so he can swoop in and resolve it and starting unnecessary fights with other animals. He was eventually caught and banished, now poaching anywhere he wants …including the Outlands. Oh, and he’s friends with mongooses because of course he is
He doesn’t want peace. He wants problems.
Black shadow-like monsters- represent poachers/people involved with the Exotic Pet Trade
This one is….pretty self explanatory I think. Although I will say they are easily the most dangerous villains
Msumari (nail) and Mkaidi (bully)
Two more of Kenge’s toxic siblings who act as henchmen to Jino.
Msumari’s usually seen more with Jino than Mkaidi is and prefers to torture Kenge psychologically than physically, unlike her siblings. Her psychological torment can often break Kenge or whoever her victim is, thus putting the “nail on the coffin”.
Mkaidi is the dense, but short-fused one of the group that likes to aid Jino in beating up his victims. He’s also sort of the yes-man (lizard), supporting Jino’s quips with a “you tell em, Jino!” or something like that
I don’t know if they’d be alongside Jino in his debut episode, but they’d definitely be in the flashbacks
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