#yeah def cried in the middle of the library when i found this and reread it
savventeen · 1 year
until next time
pairing: jeonghan x gn!reader rating: G wc: 253 words summary: you've never had to say goodbye like this before. jeonghan tells you that maybe you don't have to warnings: grief, crying, offscreen/implied death tags: emotional hurt/comfort a/n: was going through my old notes on my laptop and found this, something i wrote almost exactly a year ago. it hurts a lot more, reading it now, but i also think it's something i needed to hear. here's to learning how to say "until next time"
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Your question is croaked into his shoulder, trapped between the folds of the oversized hoodie he’s wearing.
Jeonghan hums, pulling you a little tighter to him where you both lay together on the bed.
“How—" You cough around the lump coagulating in your throat. "How do you say goodbye to somebody?”
It's the question he's been dreading, if only for the way it sounds — like it was dragged out from the core of you, catching on your ribs and your heart and your lungs, collecting all of your tears and choking you on the way out.
The hand on your back comes up to cradle the back of your head, like if he holds you just right then he can pull all of the grief off of your shoulders and into himself.
Jeonghan breathes slowly; swallows. “You love them, right?”
He knows the answer even before he feels your trembling nod.
“Then you don’t. You don't say goodbye.”
Jeonghan gives you another squeeze and places a gentle kiss on the crown of your head. His lips linger there for a moment before moving to press against your forehead, where he murmurs his words into your skin. “You keep them in your heart and you greet every memory and reminder of them with a warm hello.”
His heart breaks when you let out a sob, and silent tears spill over Jeonghan's cheeks as well.
“They might be gone, but you don't have to say goodbye, jagiya. You can say ‘Until next time.’"
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