#yeah I could write more but. too many thoughts in my head oof ouchie
unexpectedgeese · 1 year
Thinkin abt how ORV explores the power of stories as a tool of both the oppressor and the oppressed. Kimcom uses stories to inspire hope and break cycles, whereas the Star stream uses them to shift the narrative and keep the cycle going. KDJ loving a story enough to survive vs. the constellations consuming them as food, uncaring towards the suffering involved. HSY and crew writing a happy ending in the epilogue vs. the Star stream violently course correcting Shin Yoosung (the disaster one) into acting out a tragedy. the 73rd Demon realm dehumanizing people SO MUCH that they didn’t even have names or identities. Olympus creating Heracles AS A STORY WEAPON from old myths to convince incarnations to buy into the system and strive for the top. Gigantomachia in general tbh.
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