#yandere watchmen concept
anxiousnerdwritings · 11 months
I'm sorry can I be weird about platonic Yandere watchmen on main rn? I just think they would be so complicated and toxic and shit but they would tear each other apart for their kids attention. Rorschach would stalk and hunt down anyone who would hurt you. Dan would try so hard to be a normal father figure but he's just so paranoid all of the time? Laurie would try to get you out of being a hero so bad. Adrian would try his hardest to be a beacon of normalcy from the rest. Dr. Manhattan is y'know
I want to say that the Watchmen would be much more toxic towards each other but try for the most part to be pretty good for their kiddo. Neither party thinks the others are anywhere capable of being what their kid needs, each member being a hypocrite in their own right. At first, I could see Dan being the one to persuade everyone to come together and be a family that their darling needs only for that to really be what tears the group apart. It’s Dan, Laurie and Adrian who are the ones who really try and even then Adrian isn’t completely trying. To be honest he would much rather prefer not having this little so called family dynamic thing going on and has his own plans to help make it come to an end. Eventually it’s pretty glaringly obvious that this just isn’t going to work. Everyone has such different ways they want to go about bringing their bby up and their own version of what a family should or shouldn’t be that they all come to a begrudging agreement to co-parent individually, resulting in their obsession being pulled every which way like a crude game of tug of war.
Daniel especially seems to be the one who is really honestly trying to be a typical father figure. He really wants to give his bby the best, not just that but he wants to be the best for them. But he can’t turn off his paranoia, he can’t help but be overwhelmed by the many terrible thoughts and worries that cloud his mind when it comes to his bby’s safety and overall wellbeing. With his constant paranoia and need to protect his bby at all costs, Dan would grow to become smothering towards his darling. He knows they need their space, he knows he shouldn’t be hovering over them as much as he does but he can’t help it. He’s well aware that his actions could very well push his bby away from him and that thought alone scares the hell out of him but he can’t say he doesn’t understand it. Dan wouldn’t blame his kid for wanting some space and as much as he wants to give it to them he can’t bring himself to. At least not completely.
Rorschach comes off more as not being too involved, he’s more hands off than the others but that doesn’t mean he does know what’s going on with their darling. On the contrary, Rorschach is very much aware of everything going on with and around his kid. He keeps a very close eye on them, watching and taking notes of everything happening. It isn’t too often that Rorschach actually physically interacts with his kid but he does keep an excruciatingly close eye on them and protects them from anything he views as a threat. The most interaction Rorschach has with his kiddo is if they were a hero or trying to take on becoming a vigilante, then he would be more inclined to take on more of a mentor role for them in his own way.
Laurie, similar to Dan, tries hard to be the epitome of a good/perfect parent. She wants to be the one her bby can depend on for anything, the first person they run to when they need absolutely anything. She wants to be the one to comfort and love them, she knows she’s the only one who can truly give them that. She wouldn’t be nearly as paranoid as Dan is but she is very much worried about her darling’s safety. Especially if they were in fact a hero/vigilante themself. She would be extremely incessant when it came to trying to get her darling to give it up. She can’t fathom anything happening to them, especially without her being there to prevent it. She would of course seek advice from her own mother about what to do and how to go about things without causing her darling to pull away from her. Of course her greatest fear is anything happening to her darling at all but her second biggest fear was having her darling hate her. She didn’t want that, she couldn’t possibly bear it.
Adrian would try to give their darling more of a semblance of normalcy to a degree but he mostly just spoils the absolute hell out of them. He wants to make it very clear who the better parent is out of the Watchmen and it’s him. He proves just how much he can give and provide his bby. Anything they wanted, Adrian could give them easily. Out of all the Watchmen, Adrian is the most cunning and willing to sabotage his fellow Watchmen when it comes to gaining the favor of their darling. He’s not nearly as fearful of having his darling hate him, of course it would bother him but he knows he’s doing what’s best for them. Even if that means keeping them locked up against their will in his own personal oasis. But that wouldn’t be the first thing he does, no, he would work up to that later on. Baby steps after all. Adrian wouldn’t necessarily be accepting of his darling being a hero/vigilante but he would come off far more supportive and encouraging of it then he actually is. He’d even go as far as to give his bby the best tech needed to ensure their safety and help them with their heroic endeavors. But really, Adrian wants nothing more than for his bby to not be involved with crime fighting whatsoever. Maybe it’s him using reverse psychology on them or just him biding his time and trying to play himself off as such so that he’s seen as the more accepting and better Watchmen in his bby’s eyes because of it. Either way, Adrian would devise a plan to get his darling to stop crime fighting one way or another, whether by their own accord or he has to force their hand into doing so. Adrian wouldn’t be too opposed to formulating a plan to do just that even if it meant traumatizing and even scarring his darling in the process so long as it worked out in his favor. And of course he would come to save the day at just the right moment, further proving to the Reader just who exactly is the most dependable and caring parent out of the Watchmen.
Jon could very easily take the darling away from the other Watchmen members if he so wanted and he would. In the beginning he decides to go along with the whole family dynamic thing and sharing of their darling. For a while it’s alright and he could tolerate the others being so involved with his kid but when everything falls apart and the fighting starts up even worse then before, Jon would feel the need to take the darling away from the situation. When the prospect of co-parenting comes up, Jon doesn’t really want to take part in it. He knows a repeat of before is bound to happen and he doesn’t want his darling forced into the middle of it all. But reluctantly he would agree if only to oversee the other members’ interactions with his bby. It doesn’t take long for him to regret having not taken his darling after the first time. Sure things aren’t necessarily bad but they aren’t what their kid deserves either. It isn’t until the other Watchmen are at each other’s throats again when Jon decides enough is enough and takes the darling away right before everyone’s eyes. And he takes them far, far away. From everything unworthy of so much as being near his bby. He knows the others will come looking for them, they already started the second he up and left with their kid but he also knows it’ll take them awhile to find exactly where they are. Until then he has plenty of time with his bby all to himself.
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Now, I can’t help but imagine yan!platonic!Watchmen with Deadpool!Reader. It would be a complete mess with them being so much more freaked out than the Batfamily was towards the Reader getting injured and just getting back up and going about their day like nothing happened.
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How do you think the yandere platonic watchmen characters would react to a kid with superpowers?
I feel like one of the biggest things is that they’ll be relieved that their bby can protect themself if any of the Watchmen aren’t around but there is also that massive worry about what the government would do when they find out about their bby’s powers. It would probably be left to Doctor Manhattan to find somewhere much more suitable to protect their darling in the case that they are found out and being looked into by said government.
Otherwise, all of the members of the Watchmen would be ensuring the safety of their darling and keeping them from being found out. Although there may be some disagreements of how their darling should be protected, some choosing more drastic measures than others.
Not to mention there is also that glaring issue of their darling possibly using their powers against the Watchmen. Of course Jon (Doctor Manhattan) would be able to handle them but even then he could end up going over board. The others would all be worried that Jon wouldn’t know his own capabilities or even think that their bby can handle more than they actually can leading to him hurting them or even killing them in the process.
Also, I feel like Jon would feel much more connected to the darling than anyone else. They may not be to his power level but they still share the fact that they both have powers out of all the members of the Watchmen, therefore Jon would feel more inclined to being invested in them.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Yandad! Rorschach and Dr Manhattan would probably be the most dangerous combination of yanderes to have. You'd have Rorschach breaking the fingers of anybody who dares think about hurting you and you'd have Dr Manhattan, a guy who practically has the powers of God, being protective over you.
Yan!dads Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan would both be dangerous and terrifying in their own respective rights. Rorschach would be more of the type to keep his obsession in the dark, he does everything for them without them knowing. He’ll protect them and get rid of whoever he has to while staying in the shadows, he wouldn’t want his darling to know about him or what he’s doing for them. But he would make it known that there was someone watching out for them, more often then not but leaving creepy letters/notes. Rorschach would definitely be the most violent in what he does and how he goes about it, particularly when it comes to keeping his darling safe. There would be no mercy for whoever Rorschach sets his anger on.
Dr. Manhattan would also be terrifying in more ways then one. He is so much more superior then his darling, not only with his powers but just with his mind alone. In the beginning, Jon would try his best to get his darling to understand him and his want/need to protect them. He would try to be understanding of them as well especially if they were to fight against him given how he would go about his obsession but he would get to a point where he has to show his darling just how powerless they truly are compared to him. Not only is he proving how powerful he is but also just how dependent and vulnerable his darling is on their own. They need him they just don’t know it yet but he’ll make them realize it, one way or another.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
I’m excited to see any Watchmen things you write in the future once you read the comics! I’ve always thought the idea of platonic yandere watchmen characters to be really interesting, especially regarding Rorschach given that he’s such a complex character. ( also I love that post you made recently about platonic yandere joker and Harley kidnapping their obsession! )
(Thank you!💕)
I’m also excited for any Watchmen requests I get in the future! Especially for Dr. Manhattan and Rorschach. Those two were always the ones I’ve been most interested in writing for as yanderes, particularly platonically. All the Watchmen characters yandere antics and overall dynamics are going to be interesting either way regardless the type of obsession they have (platonic or romantic).
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