#yall pray that my hubs lets me get that adorable black n white ham tho ;u;
hella-free-space · 7 years
life update~
the fin kids: all doin pretty good :) beans (my halfmoon double tail male) has bitten some of his fins but they haven’t got any rot and he has SO MANY THINGS to rest on and he seems otherwise healthy so hopefully he doesn’t nibble any more <3 the guppies are mostly grown :O one female is rly big o.o i ended up with 4 females and one male, but he’s pretty colorful :3 love his blues ^-^ bubble (ct female betta) is forever wiggling and crystal (vt female betta) is big and graceful af. triton (delta tail male betta) is enjoying his new sponge filter. the inverts: FRIDAY FINALLY MOLTED!! so that’s cool :) but i can’t remove her molt :) because it’s in her webbed up cocoon of a corkbark tube :) el capitan died ;n; the first dwarf cray i had disapeared ._. so i decided to give the next one it’s own tank...since s/he had a sunken ship hide i named it el capitan. it molted and seemed okay but then i went away for 2.5 days over thanksgiving and i came back and it had passed :/ i did wc before i left and testing the water when i came back wouldn’tve helped since ammonia would’ve been spiked anyways. all i can think of is that it didnt eat enough after it had molted or not enough iodine or excess copper in my water...i’m gonna stay away from crays for a while :/ tbh i’m super bummed because i’ve wanted a dwarf cray since i started the hobby...maybe next year when we move i’ll get another but for now no more crays :/ tiny kitty: still very tiny .-. she’s nearly a year! her bday is in january :) she’s got shortish legs BUT CAN JUMP SO HIGH OML. TALKIN LIKE 5 FT VERTICAL HERE. and she’s very very fluffy. she loves crunchy treats v much. lulu: our dachshund mix :) excited about all her new toys! we cleaned out under the bed...and we found her hoard of junk e.e like socks and toys and stuff like that...we had an intervention and we’re working through this with her. she’s not afraid of her harness anymore (she’s a leash puller so harness > just collar) and she wants 100% of your attention. always. the cutest puppy-dog-eyes face; no human can resist.  the geck: skippy is doing well! she’s got a little nub now and her tail healed up just fine :) she does NOT like dubias but she loves to hunt for crickets! she sleeps in the funniest positions and i love her. she currently weighs 28g and i found a little gram scale at goodwill for $4 *0* so i’ll be able to track her weight now! :D possible future ham: i’ve been on and off researching hamsters and their care for about a year or so now and i’m finally into the more complicated stuff like nutrition and foods :3 i saw this suuuper cute little black and white syrian (which is the species i wanted!) and im hoping my hubs lets me get him for xmas :) cuz i’ve already started buying supplies :) took advantage of black friday/cyber deals week to pick up bedding (60L bags of carefresh are $10 on amazon rn yall! reg priced at about $20!), toys, chews, hides, treats, etc. i’ve messaged someone about a 12″ wheel (they’re like 20-30 bucks reg price so HOPEFULLY they’ll sell it separately from their stuff for 5-10 cuz that’d be a steal!) and i’ve found a cute sand bath container :) the last things on my list are: staple diet, water bottle (petco, $5), 12″ wheel, sand, sand bath, small corner litter box, screen mesh for bin. he’ll have a bin cage (650 sq in rn) since its most cost effective...the plan is to have 2 bins on top of each other (1300 sq in total) to give him more floor space but not take up any more room in the apt since there’s not a lot left tbh ^-^” probably the bottom will have deep bedding for him to burrow in and the top bin will have a thinner layer :p so anyways he’s black and white and i might name him oreo but who knows~ possible future ratties: my mom has 4 rats in a double critter nation and she takes awesome care of them :) but she feels like she doesn’t give them enough time out of the cage (their cage has plenty of enrichment tho, no worries there) so she said if i had the time/room i could take them when we move back to san antonio :D she also said i can just keep the cage and all the supplies after they’ve passed :O she also said i could have her planted 10 gallon when she rehomes the fish ;u; which means an awesome upgrade for my little bubbles! basically she just wants to have their chihuahua (which my lil sisters BABY. they had matching halloween costumes and they’re goals af.) from now on since she’s gotten really busy and she’s basically giving me all of her pet supplies for free o.o i feel so hella blessed to have such a rad mom (and not just cuz she gives me stuff~ she’s always been rad <3)
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