fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Xyrida Poales
(She’s baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Well, to an extent. I wanted to try my hand at an Alternian troll given all the new information we have after Hiveswap, and who better to test than Kamala’s possible post-scratch descendant? Time for a study in contrasts.)
Let me say right from the get-go that I LOVE her and also that I really don’t have too much in the way of things to suggest, because I love her.
Universe: Alternia!
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Xyrida Poales! As far as I’m aware (correct me if I’m wrong) all of the Alternian trolls have the same surname as their Beforean Ancestors, which would mean that Poales would stay. Xyrida comes from Xyridaceae, a family of flowering plants within Poales, for that double reference synergy! Also it just sounds alien, which I like. I debated “Millet” because I find it charming but it seemed too on the nose.
You’re right, they do share it. And Xyrida works well!
Age: Roughly 6-7 Sweeps
Strife Specibus: Bookkind!
Had she been smart, she might have tried to come up with something like “Grimoirekind” to try and cast magic (spoilers: she can’t, but she wants to) but the comfort of having a book in hand to smack a fool upside the head with is something too natural for her to pass up.
If she’s lucky she still could end up using magic with it. We know that Rose couldn’t really use magic until she started combining items to result in wands, like the Wizard Statue + the Knitting Needles. If she combined the book with something symbolically magical like that, she could end up having some good magic book fun later on in the story!
Fetch Modus: I’m horrible with these. My current idea (to tie into her interest in myth and history) is Interpretatio, from the Latin Interpretatio graeca, trying to relate Greek myth to Roman sensibility. So in order for her to put something in (or take something out) she has to think up some kind of justification as to why these things should be stored together. The more outlandish and silly the answer, the better. 
That is a really funny idea. Considering her interest in stories and stuff like that, I can see her doing this… Writing a complicated narrative to justify keeping a collection of entirely unrelated items together. 
Blood color: Jade
Another thing she inherited from Kamala, though they don’t take the same stereotypes from the Caste. Xyrida falls more into “ intelligent and steady, they are excellent organizers and planners” than “Naturally loyal and loving” but she she can get to that kind of emotional foundation if you give her enough time.
Symbol and meaning: So! Here we have… something of a dilemma. Kamala was designed years ago around the symbol Hi'iaka:
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Which logically her descendant would have the right to lay claim to. However, this was before Extended Zodiac gave all trolls Canon symbols, which given their positions as the group’s Heart Prospit players, means they would lay claim to this symbol instead:
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Virlo, The Foundation.
HMM…. I think I’ll just try to figure out how to reform Hi’iaka to fit the jade sign language instead of changing it entirely, because it fits thematically so well that it’d be a shame to muck that up.
Trolltag:  acroamaticCamarilla [AC] and viciousVagabond [VV]
Okay, so here we go. Xyrida uses AC as her main, which is in her Jade Blood Color. The name is a reference to her love of dramatic secret societies. Acroamatic means roughly “esoteric” as in “hidden or hard to understand”, but specifically to the teachings of Aristotle, mirroring her obsession with the teachings of a certain other male philosopher. Camarilla means “a small group of people, especially a group of advisers to a ruler or politician, with a shared, typically nefarious, purpose” but this is really just a fun reference to Vampire: The Masquerade, since Jadebloods all seem to be some kind of vampire reference. Xyrida herself is very much a “Dracula never leaves the castle grounds” kind of vampire reference though.
Xyrida uses VV when she’s trying to dig up dirt on the Sufferer cult, and she puts it on hemoanon. She’s about the aesthetic, and she figures it’d be dumb to do that on main. However, she’s absolutely horrendous at remembering to log out of it, so most of her friends have received really strange messages from VV and have by now put it together that that’s her side account.
I love the AC one. VV is a great setup too, though I don’t necessarily see the reason for vicious? Maybe vicariousVagabond instead. Living out excitement through researching The Cult without indicating that she’s a tendency towards violence? Unless that’s the impression she Wants to make, then that’s fine.
[AC]: On her main, Xyrida differentiates herself primarily through her typing all of her dialogue like stage directions, which is obnoxious! She sometimes struggles with finding the right emotion to put down, so her friends have gotten used to not getting replies from her when she’s stressed. She has a big love of CAPITALIZING when she’s TRYING TO SHOW EMOTION which reflects the way she stresses words when she talks.  “[AC]: Xyrida [Thoughtful]: the quick brown fox JUMPED over the lazy dog”
[VV]: When she’s hemoanon, Xyrida uses the Sufferer Follower quirk, which according to the wiki is “referring to him [the Sufferer] by the numbers 6 and 9 replacing the b and o respectively in sym69ls, as they resembled the cuffs confining him at his execution” though she’s a bit clumsy with it, so she replaces practically every “b” and “o” with it. “[VV]: the quick 6r9wn f9x”
Special Abilities (if any): While having the vague Jade possibility of “becoming a rainbow drinker (maybe)” Xyrida possesses no supernatural abilities, nor does she possess any physical abnormalities that might give her an edge. She’s really just a girl with a book.
Lusus: I’m currently going to have the girls share a Lusus of a Kamehameha caterpillar, but their circumstances are different. Xyrida’s lusus brought her to a hot and humid cave systems somewhere far away from average troll civilization (though, that’s something standard for jadebloods) which is absolutely littered with carvings and long dried paintings in what should be a dead Alternian dialect. It turns out that Xyrida happened to settle in what used to be a base for the Sufferer’s followers, which is what lead to her lifelong obsession with learning about the cult and her Ancestor.
V e r y neat concept, and very good for building a character foundation for her.
Interests: History, Mythology, Storytelling, Dance, Acting/RPing/Theatre in general
You should add the additional more Specific layer of her really liking romantic drama. A highly specific interest in historical drama, maybe? You know those tv shows that are all about reenacting the romantic drama of various royal reigns? Make her love those. Make her love troll romeo and juliet. Maybe make her fawn over fictional characters who are Her Type. 
Appearance: Xyrida wears her hair long, but she ties it back in a long fishtail looking braid that she hates to keep anywhere but behind her. Otherwise it’s everywhere and gets in her eyes and drives her batty. Lately she’s been very taken with the idea of looking ominous and ethereal, so she wears a absolutely impractical black cape that’s lined on the inside with jade, so then when she runs around her hive at night it billows behind her and gives her the aesthetic she’s been looking for. Since procuring her cape (she snatched the materials for it from her Lusus’ chrysalis beginnings) she tries to hide her average wardrobe of greys and blacks behind it, so as to add to her mystique.
Adore This I will keep it in mind while working on the redesign.
Personality: Xyrida is a hermit at heart, and she knows it. And hates it. She knows she doesn’t like leaving the hive, she knows she doesn’t like large groups of people, she knows she doesn’t actually like adventure, or strife, or any of the uncomfortable situations that come with it. But by god, does she want to be that person. Xyrida is hopeless with people, and her close circle of friends have just kind of gotten used to her oscillating moods between expressive joy and crushing dourness. In any mood, she’s always dramatic. She feels strongly and expresses with even more strength, partially because she has no idea how not to. This causes her to latch on to people and then push them away with force once she gets too close. This penchant for theatrics certainly leads to her natural skills on the stage -not that she’d ever perform, of course, but the thought is always in her head- and she loves to put on elaborate one-troll shows for her lusus, complete with singing and dancing and of course a tragic love triangle that ends in pathos and disaster for our wayward heroine. In her dreams, Xyrida sees herself as some kind of character in a really strange and elaborate production. It’s the closest thing she gets to thrill in her life.
I love this so much. What a poor hopeless romantic who likes to be alone. In my heart I really hope she likes writing scripts, too. Ones that she could accidentally post online after hours of panicking about whether or not she should post them online.
Ancestor: The Wayfarer [Kamala Poales, The Mage of Heart]
Xyrida is a big believer in the “you must be fated to follow your Ancestor” philosophy that Alternian trolls seem to be split on. I envisioned Kamala’s Alternian counterpart as a minor member of the Signless/Sufferer cult-rebellion. Her skills at pathfinding surely lead her on the road to what she felt was something moral and greater, desperate to convince her two closest companions to join her. However, much like Hi’iaka and Pele, the Wayfarer found herself in the heart of emotional turmoil, and her closest companion betrayed her, slaying her lover and culminating in a duel that left both parties dead, as the rest of the Signless’ retinue fell by the wayside.
Xyrida is absolutely obsessed with this. To her, it is the height of romantic tragedy, and she’s spent many wistful nights dreaming about how amazing it would be to be involved in something to extraordinary, so climatic, so… storybook.
Very fitting for Kamala’s situation, unfortunately. Poor girl. It’s great for her personality and tendencies, though… I adore her. And it’s a great thing for Xyrida to discover and read about. I hope she writes tragic stories about this, and rps as her ancestor All The Time. 
Title: Knight/Witch of Heart
Given what happened in Canon, it seems to be a fact that all trolls share the same Aspect as their Ancestors, but different Classes. As Kamala is a Mage, that’s right out, and doesn’t really work for Xyrida’s whole schtick anyways. I’m torn between two very active classes for her, though: Knight and Witch.
With Heart’s inverse being Mind, Xyrida would find more success retreating inward and moving Witch to Seer of Mind, which stifles her growth as a person (becoming the confident go-getter she dreams of) but plays to her strengths (sitting around reading, considering all possibilities and letting her friends do all the heavy lifting). Much like Jade, Xyrida has something of a learned helplessness complex, where she simply believes that she just can’t do things because of who she is. As a Witch, she’d have to learn that she change herself just as much as she can change everyone else.
Knight is a fun option I’ve considered because Knights have something of a “hidden self” complex. Dave’s sunglasses coolkid facade and Karkat’s shouty, bossy leader self are both akin to Xyrida’s “dramatic heroine caught in a Shakespearean tragedy” persona that she’s created for herself (and partially become out of habit). Knight stretches Xyrida to her absolute breaking point, because not only does she have to go out and do things, she has to save people?! The idea of watching someone get hurt because she did not act would shatter her, but her own tendencies would make that an inevitability. Hence, Knight of Heart- the Heroine gets on her own damn horse, dons a set of armor, and saves her friends herself. (Even if she’s terrified the whole time).
God I’m so conflicted here TOO. I think… Knight might be the way to go. She has such a limited self perception that she needs to develop that potential and learn to utilize her passion and confidence and true identity instead of being so afraid. It definitely flips the sort of dramatic heroine/damsel in distress common narrative on its head and turns her into her own hero, the resolver of her own conflicts. The inverse is Rogue of Mind, which also means she’d have to learn to passively reallocate action and would likely be Required to take a lot of decisions and thought and Active Movement on herself for the benefit of the team. 
Land: The Land of Rope and Screams
Xyrida walks out of her hive reluctantly, and finds herself in something straight out of a horror movie. Her hive’s been placed somewhere at the top of a mountain, the sky is an endless black-brown haze, and the wind whips by her so fast she fears she will fall. It’s only then that she realizes that this is no ordinary wind, but the screams of… something far down below. The only way around her planet are very rickety wood-and-rope bridges stretched between vast spaces between mountains, sometimes a sharp inclines. The only way she survive is to take a leap of faith and head downward, with little hope of making it back up. Hopefully she figures out who or what is in such distress, and get them to stop screaming.
Oh this is really good and terrifying and plays right into the idea of her needing to learn to be a hero for herself and others instead of just sitting up in her home passively.
Dream Planet: Prospit
Given that the trolls share the same symbol, and symbol alignment is linked to Dream Selves, then both Poales girls would be Prospit Dreamers. Despite her obsession with a heretical cult of dissidents, Xyrida doesn’t share any of their moral strife or conviction- she is exactly as who she says she is, a lover of history and tragedy.
I think prospit definitely fits, too. She’s Very interested in destiny and following the flow of it, which does seem important to prospit dreamers.
Design time!:
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Horns: I gave her the same pronged horn as Kamala, but I had to add a hook for jade themed. 
Hair: I am ashamed to admit I based her bangs loosely off of Yuki Cross, because she’s such a dramatic vampire protagonist caught in romantic turmoil of the worst kind. The top part of her hair is meant to look a bit like Kamala’s. I did keep the braid, though I kind of want it to be shaped more like a heart in the back than a simple fishtail braid. 
Eyes: I did something I don’t usually do and gave her downward facing eyelashes. It gives her a sort of sleepy and demure look I can imagine in a romantic tragedy heroine. They’re still shaped somewhat like a lotus petal, though.
Mouth: For similar reasons, I gave her lips that are somewhat heart-shaped. With nice tiny fangs. 
Cape: I based the bottom fringe loosely off of one of fan-troll’s dresses. I wanted to make sure it looked flowy and loose, like it was made of silk and could be easily flapped around. Complete with nice jade inlining. 
Shirt & Pants: I decided to keep them relatively plain and dark, for the mystique. 
Symbol: I kept the base of Hi’iaka, but edited the outer curves into the looping fish shapes we see in a lot of Jade signs. I also turned the circles into smaller loops that hook on the straight line. The added bonus is that the reflected symbols are reminiscent of the Sufferer’s rotational motif. 
Shoes: They’re really super simple, too, but I based them off of the Disciple’s really simple shoes, so that’s fun. 
Thank you so much for sharing her!
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Libele Castan
(Cerulean duo complete? This one turned out… much nicer than expected ;~~~~;)
She’s such a well-rounded character that I’m really not going to have many recommendations!
Universe: Alternia!
Name: Libele Castan
“Libele” is a reference to Libelle, a French genre of pamphlets geared around insulting and crtizing public figures, nobility and monarchy especially- a reference to her high social standing and struggles with it. “Castan”, perhaps fittingly, is from Castanea dentata, the American Chestnut, a reference to her Life aspect and her desire to grow back from and beyond the limitations placed upon her.
Age: Roughly 6-7 Sweeps
Theme/Story: Libele’s never been good at this whole “high society lady” thing, but she tries a lot! She doesn’t really understand the importance of six different kinds of forks when there’s real problems out there! Out there in the big, scary, wide open world, that her lusus does not like letting her out into. She knows she has to learn this stuff eventually in her inevitable place in the Space Conquering Nobility, and so she sits down and shuts up, and tries to learn. But the only thing she’s dreaming about is running wild, the wind in her hair…
I love this. I love her. This is such a good foundation for a life player of her variety. I wish I’d read Pride and Prejudice in high school so I could make a joke about it here.
Strife Specibus: Fankind
As a proper lady, Libele knows all about fan communication. She likes that part a lot, actually! Lots of fun rules that she use to talk to her friends from across the room! She keeps a wide variety of war fans around that perform double duty as shields, blades, and bludgeons!
Fetch Modus: Etiquette
With her focus on propriety and “being a proper lady”, it’s no surprise her modus is something stuffy and obtuse. Any item added becomes a utensil or plate on a dinner table. If she wants to take anything off, she better have another salad fork to replace it, or else upend the table and send all of items careening out of it.
Blood color: Cerulean/Blue
Cerulean’s are known for being adaptive, and Libele is no exception. She’s a different person depending on the situation, always jumping from one pose to the next. She doesn’t really know what she’s doing in each pose, but she’s trying her best to be everything everybody wants her to be. There’s a kind of intensity there not seen in other colors.
Symbol and meaning: From her Dancestor-
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Trolltag: [AA] agromanicAtaraxia
Someone who is “Agromanic” has a pathological desire to be in open spaces. Libele is a self-aware miserable person, at the very least. ‘Ataraxia” is “a state of serene calmness”, which together implies that she’s serene overall but going crazy cooped up inside. Which she is.
I always love your trolltags.
Quirk: Libele capitalizes all of her M’s in an atteMpt to recreate her syMbol. SoMetiMes this looks ridiculous and she wishes she thought of soMething better.  
Special Abilities (if any): Perhaps because she’s never had the inclination to try, Libele has no aptitude for the classic Cerulean mind control suite of powers. The most she’s ever managed to do is sing to her mint plants and get them to grow better. That may have just been the fertilizer she was using, though.  
Ancestor: The Marquess [Crypha Castan, The Prince of Life]
Scorsci’s last bearer was quite the woman. She built herself a castle and set to calling herself Nobility, though her name was so feared that they referred to her as nothing but The Marquess. She and her army of diseased ants razed the countryside to gain new lands to expand upon, and she eventually drew the attention of a Seadweller who fought back against her. The two met eventually in the middle, where each had a secret weapon waiting in the wings. When they two met, they literally blew themselves off of the map.
Lieble’s been living in the literal legacy of the Marquess her whole life. Following her rules, following in her footsteps, doing what she would have wanted (she thinks… most of the time). She’s in an on again, off again fling (is it blackrom? Is it redrom? She’s so exhausting) with the current bearer of that Seadweller’s symbol, which she goes along with because she thinks they’re supposed to like… interpret and follow the example of their Ancestors? She doesn’t realize that this emotional exhaustion is… not normal.
I want to FREE her from this. I think she really needs Xyrida’s help. Just a thought. Just an idea. A knight of heart helping her to find her own identity… and expand her emotional horizons… 
Lusus: Lieble has the literal, honest to Condesce Lusus of the Marquess, a Ant Queen who has been living for what must be centuries now. She doesn’t know what bizarre magic the Marquess worked upon her to keep her alive, but Lieble does know that The Marquess has her under mind control even know. The Ant Queen has been programmed to raise Lieble as a Proper Lady, a true Marquess In Training. In the ruins of the Marquess’ castle, she’s learned all about property management, lowblood culling (which disgusts her), plant disease (which intrigues her) and of course, how to behave in polite society.
Interests: Court Etiquette, Wayward Rebellious Heroines and the Romantic Fantasies They Inhabit, Homesteading and Agricultural Sustainability, Hiking, The Troll Language of Flowers, Soap Operas
I would die for her. This is such a cute range of interests. You said she likes fan communication, and with the added flower language thing, maybe she likes symbolic communications in general? She could be taught nautical flag language- which would make sense for the Marquess to teach her, since she was at war with a violet. Knowing the enemy’s symbology is CRITICAL to intelligence operations. 
So she could have developed a little bit of an interest in cryptography. Maybe she even has her own cryptic language that she writes her journals in so her secret desires to run free can’t be observed by her lusus. Experimenting by dipping her toes outside of the rigorous system built around her. 
And she could do embroidery where she knits little secret coded messages in her work. 
Also this is just like a funny joke I wanted to make, but a lot of High Society women are interested in horseback riding, so what if sh. What if she did Horseant Riding. 
(Also she should like flower pressing. Okay I’m done).
Appearance: Lieble wears her hair curly and long, in a way she hopes will one day be immortalized by a painting of her in profile, wistfully looking at the setting sun as flowering trees drop their petals pleasingly around her. She wears a lot of fancy court dresses and corsets even around the house, because it’s what her Lusus (and by extension, The Marquess) wants. She has a friend who’s designed some… less horribly restrictive pieces that look the part, of which she is thankful for. It’s a lot of blue, all of the time. Seeing as they’re floor-length dresses, Libele tries to wear shoes as little as possible, but her ancient lusus also likes the sounds of heels clicking on the stone floor, so she can’t get away with it as much as she’d like.
I can already tell spriting her is going to be a (super fun and cute) pain in the ass, wish me LUCK. 
Personality: Libele’s under a lot of stress. She’s filled with a kind of bouncing, nervous energy at all times, but she keeps it under wraps and bottle up as much as possible. She just wants to SCREAM and DANCE and SING and LAUGH as the emotions come into her head. She wants to live honestly and deliciously, but that’s not what’s allowed of her. A Lady with her Station and Power and Privilege has to conform to certain expectations, you know. Sometimes she gets a little haughty and aloof about it, because her friends don’t GET IT (mostly because they aren’t being raised by centuries old megalomaniacs), really believing her own press, but she usually knocks herself out it pretty quickly. She’s a bit hesitant and meek socially, and has a hard time understanding her own worth as a person, so she gets taken advantage of by people who have stronger, more solid personalities. Of course, she is unaware of this, because that’s just how it’s always been for her. She dreams of running away and living the lowblood life out in the country (certainly not helped by the fact that two of her friends are country bumpkin Lowbloods), but she doesn’t realize that this would also… well… suck for her. The fantasy and illusion are what’s really keeping her going. She just wants to have a little farm, with a log cabin, out in the mountains, where she can do whatever she wants and is totally self-sustained. She sometimes wonders if she could switch gears and not be a noble when she goes offworld inevitably…
You’ve managed to craft such a good page here. She’s crushed by the system, surrounded by this zest for life but denying it of herself, overwhelmed by the rigorous binds around here but also by the limitless potential of a life fully lived. An indulgence in fantasy is definitely something I recommend. Maybe make her a little tiny bit accidentally on the close-minded side when it comes to like, Lowblood Stuff. Like, lowblood food? Eww- she means, er, well, she can just cook her own good food in her Log Cabin Farm anyways. Just to make things a little tougher for her in a goofy way. Just a little. It echoes the sort of accidental ignorance a lot of privileged people have, right along with her failure to acknowledge how hard lowblood life is.
Title: Page of Life
Active Classes That Remain: Maid, Thief, Mage Passive Classes That Remain: Sylph, Rogue, Page   
Libele emotionally is a classic Life player- she’s emotional, she’s wild, she’s free. The problem is that she’s surrounded by Doom, which is putting chains on what should be her unrestrained energy. Libele has a hard time not sympathizing with people because she herself is so downtrodden. Like any good Life player, Libele knows she’s being left by the wayside and it’s slowly driving her mad, as all that pent up energy has to go SOMEWHERE and yet she has nowhere to put it. She’s just always pushing herself down, always conforming to the rules, always diminishing.
Libele, like all good Pages, is strangled by the influence of another. In this case, it’s a few others, but the idea is the same. Crypha’s Prince Class is haunting her even after death, and her restrictions on her actions is causing her to go a bit nuts and downplay her own worth and power. Pages struggle to establish themselves, and Libele is most assuredly struggling. She struggles with what she believes the correct way to have Power and Influence is. She’s a horrible noble and does not really want the wealth, or status or power that it comes with. Life Players tend to be surrounded by material goods, and Crypha is struggling to establish herself and put down roots amongst all of the Marquess’ memories and failures.
At her best, Libele could put the inversion to Thief of Doom to good use, by stealing away the rules and expectations placed upon everyone else and using her power and influence to basically… make them go away. But she hasn’t gotten there yet, she hasn’t learned just what it means to have power, nor has she a healthy avenue to use these boundless energy she keeps bottled up inside.
I’ve said this already, but you made SUCH a good Page of Life here. The page of life is the passive exploiter, the user. She has to use what’s there, and that’s frustrating. She can’t make something new. She can’t change how things are shaped. She can’t understand them, or break them. She’s a user and a mover, and she’s in a hard position as a passive player. She must sow her seeds and bide her time. She must be the budding plant that breaks the stone. She must creep inside all those little cracks in the foundation and she must grow, she must make her life the inconvenience of others, she must destroy the system by Being and Growing and Thriving. 
Her inverse, Thief of Doom, is above moving around the systems and structures. She’ll move around the rules. Steal them away and drop them on someone else. She could finally push her lusus down, or the spirit of her ancestor, or whatever the hell is troubling her. She could force the rules on anyone else. And when they’re off her, what’s left? That life. That life that she must use. She is FREE of her chains and she’s ready to rumble. 
I also like to Theorize that a Page of Life would quite literally weaponize their life. What a dramatic heroine thing to do, to lay down her life in some way that helps her friends.
Land: The Land of Evergreens and Curses
Libele all but takes off running out of her hive when it lands. Finally, somewhere new! Somewhere exciting! So many possibilities are whirring through her head. What are these trees? They’re so tall, and everywhere! Joy overtakes her heart, and with her lusus dead, she falls to the ground and laughs, and weeps because she’s laughing so much from the sheer joy of it.
Dark clouds roll in with a classic crash of thunder. Her prototyped Lusus hovers in after her, and the two look down a cliff to the land below. Crypts lie smashed before her as far as the eye can see. Her consorts, little iguana-people she finds dear, are suffering from disease and other curses more esoteric. The two look at each other and nod.
It’s called Noblesse Oblige for a reason, you know.
I Adore This.
Dream Planet: Prospit
Libele’s spent her whole life living under someone else’s rules. From her Lusus to her Ancestor, it’s never been something she felt the need to rise up against and destroy. She’ll just be here, quietly flowing through and around them, trying her best to live up to the expectations placed upon her.
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Hair: Nice and curly and beautiful. I pulled it up in a bun as another visual tie to Crypha’s design. 
Headband: I couldn’t figure out where else to put her symbol, so she got a headband with her symbol on it! 
Face: They’re obviously built from Crypha’s base, but I gave her concerned brows instead of malicious ones. She also got a set of old-timey spectacles, since Crypha got goggles. I kept her mouth the same because everything else changed so much it would’ve felt odd. 
Outfit: It’s just a nice old parisian noblewoman’s dress complete with gold waistbelt, cerulean train, and ruffled, tiered skirt. I also gave her some heels (from fan-troll’s sprite base) that just barely peek out from underneath the skirt. 
Note: As I said, I don’t often play around with troll body proportions, but on her I did. I basically just moved her body inwards and made her a bit skinnier, since I wanted to mimic the cinched waist corset look and new that’d be easier if I made her thinner in combination with the poofy skirt. 
Thank you for yet another great troll!
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