#wwx did extensive research on this when they first moved in together
biwenqing · 4 years
Congrats on the milestone! For the prompts for drabbles: 41 please?
Thank you so so much, and thank you for the prompt! Here is a little modern AU (still ft. courtesy names tho) Wangxian and Xuanli. I hope you enjoy! Prompt: “I’m not drunk enough for this.”
"Both your brothers are coming?" Jin Zixuan hoped that he had heard wrong. 
"Yes," Jiang Yanli smiled, that full real smile that showed her dimples. Jin Zixuan never stood a chance when she smiled like that. It made him fall in love all over again.
But it didn't mean he was going to be as excited as she was that her brothers would be over. He walked over to the couch and sat down. “I’m not drunk enough for this.”
"They're not that bad," Jiang Yanli said, and it was true. They were worse than "that bad." Jin Zixuan knew he wouldn't get any points for saying so, and sunk a little deeper into the couch. Maybe he could hide there until this was all over. "Will you help me make the food?"
So much for hiding. Jin Zixuan stood up and followed his fiance into the kitchen. He loved to cook with her, listening to her tell stories as she directed him to this task or that. Or whenever he found recipes he thought she'd like and her whole face would light up. It was easy to fall into a comforting rhythm of making food together at the end of a long day.
After washing his hands and beginning to work on preparing the vegetables, Jin Zixuan asked, "When are they supposed to be here?"
"They're coming for dinner around six, but you know how they are," Jiang Yanli said as she began her own prep.
"Jiang Cheng will be here exactly at six, and Wei Wuxian will be here fifteen to thirty minutes later?" 
Jin Zixuan shook his head. "Did you tell Wei Wuxian he should be here at 5:30?"
"Maybe," Jiang Yanli chuckled. "Oh that reminds me, he's bringing someone."
"His roommate?" Jin Zixuan guessed. "Have they figured out they're dating yet?"
This got another laugh from her and Jin Zixuan paused long enough to press a quick kiss to her hair. "I guess we'll find out depending on how he introduces Lan Wangji to us."
"I feel like I almost still know the guy from all I've heard about him," Jin Zixuan rolled his eyes. He really didn't have a leg to stand on when it came to judging romances though, given his own often disastrous courting of Jiang Yanli.  
"You were friends in high school, right?"
"Yeah, small world," Jin Zixuan said. "Don't know how they get along though. When I knew him, he was the polar opposite of your bother."
"Maybe that's why they are so good together," Jiang Yanli mused. "Or maybe they have more in common then we know? I guess we'll just have to see them in action."
"Wei Ying, where is my cardigan?" Lan Wangji stared into his closet. It was organized by color and type of clothes. He knew exactly what outfits he had used, and if they were waiting to be washed, in the wash, or needing to be placed away. Thus, if anything was missing, there was only one culprit and it wasn't his rabbit.
"I may or may not be wearing it?" came a call from the living area. "You can borrow one of my hoodies!"
"How often do you wash said hoodies?" Lan Wangji asked, taking one of his other sweaters from the closet. It was a light blue. He didn't usually wear it because of the stitching behind one pocket made it look like a little bunny was peaking out. Also, it had been a gift from Wei Wuxian. It was his favorite.
"Um, no comment," was enough of an answer.
"Where is Bichen? He needs to go in his pen before we leave." Lan Wangji checked to make sure there was plenty of hay and fresh water in the pen that took a good area of his room.
"In my lap! I got him, let me save my game." Wei Wuxian came in a minute later, Bichen carefully held against his chest. He was indeed wearing the missing cardigan, and now also a good amount of Bichen's fur.
Once the rabbit was safely back on the ground Wei Wuxian didn't even bother brushing on the fur. Lan Wangji took his wrist and led him back out into the living room. Picking up the lint roller he passed it to Wei Wuxian, who took it with a sigh and a little smile before Lan Wangji went back to finish getting ready. Or he tried to because Wei Wuxian was pulling him closer.
"We're going to be late to your sister's," Lan Wangji reminded, as Wei Wuxian pressed a kiss to his wrist.
"No we aren't, they always give me the wrong time," Wei Wuxian's smile against his skin tickled. It was so easy to be with him, to lean into the warmth, happiness, and love.
"And why would they do that?" Lan Wangji asked, keeping his face serious. 
Wei Wuxian could read him though and tossed his head back to laugh. "Well, because I'm pathologically late, of course!"
"Mn," Lan Wangji kissed his jaw. "Wouldn't be best to prove them wrong?"
Wei Wuxian's eyes lit up. "Show up thirty minutes early, exactly at the time shijie gave me? Bug the peacock in his own home before anyone else? Oh Lan Zhan, you're a genius!" Wei Wuxian pulled away now, glancing at the stove clock. "Okay if we are out the door in eight minutes, we should get there right "on time"."
"Yes," Lan Wangji headed for the bathroom. "Help me put my hair up?"
"Yeah, let me find my earrings."
"They're in the earring dish in the bathroom."
"Lan Zhan, I'm right. You really are a genius." Wei Wuxian skipped ahead of him, flicking on the light. Lan Wangji noted the navy cardigan he'd stolen looked good with his black skinny jeans. "Oh, are we pretending to still not be together? I want to see how red Jiang Cheng will get out of annoyance."
"We could reveal it at the end of the night as we leave." He passed Wei Wuxian the brush.
Wei Wuxian began to carefully put his hair in a braid. "Perfect. Maximum scandal."
"You're such a bad influence, Lan Zhan."
"That's a lovely sweater a-Xian," Jiang Yanli said with a kind smile.
"Thanks! It's Lan Zhan's," Wei Wuxian beamed back.
Jin Zixuan watched in amusement as Jiang Cheng choked on the sip of wine he'd just taken. It seemed Jin Zixuan still knew Lan Wangji well enough to tell that he was equally entertained. Jin Zixuan just had to sit back and wait for whatever shoe was to drop. This was already much better than any of the dinners previously without Lan Wangji.
Maybe that was just because Wei Wuxian's pranks seemed to be aimed at Jiang Cheng instead of himself tonight. But who could really say?
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theoneyouneed · 4 years
“I birthed him”
Okay time to get this idea out of my head. When wwx and a yuan meet lwj for the first time, wwx says that he is my son, using a verb that means he mothered him or birthed him. I’ll have to fact check that but wheatever. I was trying to wrap my head around this. Dismissing the fact that wwx could have just been messing around and dismissing mpreg because ew. The reasonable next answer was that wwx assisted in the delivery of wen yuan’s birth, allowing him to say I birthed him, completely honestly.
I also pondered with the idea of him sirring the child, but the only woman in the burial mounds was wen qing and that doesn’t make sense either. I had an idea a while back that the mother of wen yuan was a close friend of wq, but she passed after the birth. This could align to why wwx would help with the birth in the first place. If it was a difficult delivery, if the mother wasn’t able to get everything she needed in the pregnancy and in the delivery. If wq did her best but she needed wwx to help, and if wwx played a major role in the delivery and the survival of the baby.
I’ve only ever read one book in my life about midwifery and the last time I took sex ed was in high school, but oh well.
Zhao Mei. (Little red gem).
Zhao Mei unfortunately only became friends with Wen Qing after The Wen clan was already turning for the worst. She was older than the young and serious doctor, only by four years, but the four years between twenty one and seventeen felt like a wide river running between them sometimes. Zhao Mei was from a smaller clan, small and insignificant and swallowed up by the Wen clan early on. Sometimes when she is strolling around the city, she sees a face that she recognizes from the small village that used to live behind the mountains. There eyes might meet, and they both might understand, but neither of them would say the words. They don’t talk about the dead Zhao clan, one of the first casualties of the reaching suns power.
Zhao mei considered herself fortunate that she was able to marry into the clan. Her husband was kind enough. He held himself tall and stiff and his brow was always furrowed in frustration. His hands were callous and his arms were tan, but he always touched carefully and gently, like she would break if he applied more than a breath of air of pressure. He was quiet and considered his words before speaking, but carried on into long stories when he was drunk. He rarely laughed but when he did he laughed loudly and suddenly. He was older than Zhao Mei, by six years, and he was a cultivator. Wen Guowei. (May the country be preserved).
When the Wen clan kidnapped all the young cultivators to the nightless city, wen guowei was told in simple terms that he would follow orders and his alliance would be to the Wen clan, or his wife would be killed.
When the sunshot campaign began and the Wen cultivators were brought to war and the couple parted for the last time. When the sunshot campaign ended and all the Wen cultivators That didn’t fall in battle were executed by the Jin clan.
When Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing found the work camp months later. Finding elderly men and women, a nearly dead brother, and a lost friend near the end of her pregnancy.
The journey to the burial mounds. Settling in and scratching life into the dirt of a place that only knew how to carry death.
Zhao Mei helping with things while she could. Wen Qing scolding her for pushing herself. The elderly uncles and aunts of the wens working together with slow and tired hands to cut wood and assemble rooms and ceilings and huts and houses. Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing huddled over the body of Wen Ning, covered in tailmans and arrays to call his soul back.
Zhao Mei and Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian outside of the burial mounds. Maybe getting supplies or retrieving something as the most able bodied people. Wei Wuxian laughs when Wen Qing says the Zhao Mei is not that much more abled than uncle four.
Wei Wuxian panics when Zhao Mei doubles over twenty minutes later.
Everything is messy. Wen qing snaps instructions at him and he tries to listen as best he can without making things worse. She thought she wasn’t due for another two weeks.
They were close enough to a small river that carved lazily around the hills. With a flick of his wrist a stream of Smokey resentful energy swept around the ground to clear it off. As an after thought he sent the energy through the grasses behind him, slicing them apart and sending them ack towwards him. A nice soft grass bed near a river.
Something goes wrong with the birth. Wei Wuxian doesn’t exactly know what and wen qing doesn’t have time to explain everything. She’s kneeling in between Zhao Mei’s knees, Wei Wuxian to at Zhao meis side, allowing his hand to go numb in her bone breaking grip. With his free hand he swipes again at her red face with a damp cloth.
‘What do we do?’
Wen qings face is set into a grim scowl.
Later, Wei Wuxian is kneeling in between Zhao mei’s legs. His hesitance has him hovering over her with the resentful energy swirling in his palms.
Later, Wen qing is gently lathering the blood off of the babies skin in the stream. And Wei Wuxian is holding Zhao mei head up as she drinks from a jar of water. Later the four of them sit by the river, errand entirely forgotten until Wen Qing orders him to go to town to get new clothes for Zhao mei and the baby. Exhausted from his panic and elated that there is now a baby with them that they succeeded in delivering, Wei Wuxian will only laugh and agree to leave them as long as they stay safe. She throws his old coin purse at him, which had slowly become the community burial mounds coin purse, and tells him to not take too long.
He returns to the river bank with a basket of cloth and some more food, to find Zhao Mei sleeping against a tree with the baby cradled to her chest, and Wen Qing smiling softly at her side.
They return to the burial mounds. A clearing of a small farm and a few homes nestled up to an old shrine that is far to small to call a village. Wei Wuxian might call it an estate if he was feeling particularly humorous, the word implying so much money and political clout he almost laughed out loud. Or maybe even a palace.
There was a celebration that night. They are the same food together in main room as they did every night. But there was high energy and laughter in the air. The new born brought so much life to the place of death. He carried in hope with his little turnip hands.
It would be the happiest any of them would be for a while.
Wen ning woke up a few weeks later.
Zhao Mei got sick. She was weary and fatigued constantly. Wei Wuxian was under the impression that is was probably natural to feel like crap after giving birth. But even after a week she didn’t get better. Wen qing theorized that it could have been an infection, or her body rejecting the resentful energy. They didnt have much here. They didn’t have the extensive medical library that Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing scowered through when they were researching the golden core.
Wen qing stayed hovered around Zhao Mei during the day. And at night she and Wei Wuxian sat together watching over Wen ning.
A yuan was a wonderful boy. He had a sweet smile and a little giggle that could melt hearts. Wei Wuxian kept trying to get him to say words like ‘turnip’, ‘dirt’, ‘pretty’ and ‘Tell auntie Qing she’s being mean’. Wen qing only hit him in the shoulder for that one and informed him that a yuan probably won’t say anything for another eight months at least.
Six months after the birth, Zhao Mei was unable to pick up a yuan anymore. His arms were weak, her skin was pale and her breath was labored. She sunk down into the dirt and cried, her hands still wrapped around the baby that she had no muscles left to lift.
Two months later, the first grave was erected outside the burial mounds. Wei Wuxian stood with a yuan in his arms as the paper money burned in front of the grave, zhao mei’s named carved into the wooden tablet.
A year and a half later, Wei Wuxian stood in the street and watched a yuan cling to lan wangjis leg. He laughed and greeted his closest friend, his favorite person.
‘He’s my son.’
His Shijie gave birth to a son, and he was invited to the four month celebration. Wei Wuxian gazed down at a yuan who was napping in the turnip patch, his own red ribbon wrapped in the boys little first from when he pulled it from his hair. He would be three soon.
Wei Wuxian couldn’t get the image out of his head. Of Jin Zixuan with blood dripping from his lips, that damn peacock he used to hate, looking at him with such softness, pleading, fondness, telling him that yanli misses him, before his eyes rolled back into his skull and his body collapsed into the dirt like a cut string puppet.
He was hyperventilating. Pacing the cave that was his bedroom while Wen Qing and Wen ning watched. He shoved his hands through his hair and pulled tightly just to feel like his body was still together, still pulled together, that something wasn’t falling apart when everything was falling apart.
‘What do I do?? What do I do? Can anyone even tell me what I should do?’ He sobbed at the walls that have never given him an answer.
He felt a sharp pain in his neck, and pivoted only to see Wen Qing with tears in her eyes. Wait why was she crying it was him that was in this mess. He moved to put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, but he couldn’t lift his arm. When did his body get so heavy.
Wen qing smiled at him, she was still crying.
‘Thank you,’ she said, ‘and I’m sorry.’
Wei Wuxian saw Wen Qing and Wen ning turn away from him and leave. The retreating backs of the two people who he had grown to consider to be his second set of siblings. A deep sense of dread burst in his chest.
‘Nnnn’ He slurred out. ‘No come back, come back don’t do this, I can’t stand any more death, I can’t stand knowing it was my fault’
Wei Wuxian woke up on his bed staring at the same cave ceiling. He flexed his fingers to see if he could finally move and they responded with a loud crack from his joints. he moved to sit up, but found that there was a heavy weight holding hold his chest. He inhaled sharply in building panic, if they had restrained him too, if they thought that the sedative wouldn’t be enough and they tied him-
His thoughts cut off, panic dissolving instantly when his vision cleared and he saw a tuft if messy dark hair on a little head, tiny hands curled across his chest. A yuan...
He nearly sobbed in relief. A dry choke broke from his throat. His sore arms resisted sightly but he wrapped them around a yuan and pressed him closer to his chest. He pressed his chapped lips against a yuan’s messy hair . At least he still had this.
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