#wtf is the tagging for this game it's so frickin' long
cowsaresushi-coral · 2 years
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Do. Not. Separate. Them.
WIP of the boys. I was doing lineart, but I just...really wanted to paint. Also, them. The twins.
(Not fun fact, but I drew Ingo first and then Emmet, and Ingo looks way better. Just lost my steam with Emmet even though I spent more time on him. Oh well, art be like that sometimes. Maybe I’ll give him another go a different day. Both still looked better than anticipated regardless!)
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themightyboosh · 4 years
autumnal asks 🌙
tagged by my penguin @wldstdream​ who took matters into her own hands and decided to make this a tag game and who am i to disagree. probably some of you have done this as an ask game already lmaoo BUT oh wellzies
i tag @rchtzr​, @blueeyedrichie​, @datingdonovan​, @ughkaspbrak​ & literally anybody who loves the most wonderful time of the year 🎃👻
1. what is your favorite autumn scent? the smell in the air at night in october. no i will not explain. if you know, you just know
2. would you rather go through a corn maze or go pumpkin picking? i live in a corn maze. i’m isaac, child of the corn. look at my stupid hat 👒
3. what is your favorite halloween candy? take 5s bitch (aka the god of all candies)
4. favorite autumn holiday? .....................wtf do you think i’m gonna say here, LABOR DAY????? COLUMBUS DAY?? GIVE URSELF A STOMACHACHE DAY?? frig off randy there is only one correct answer to this question and you know what it is
5. rainy, foggy autumn days or cold, sunny autumn days? um....... neither 👿 i want cold, foggy, and NO rain.
6. favorite horror movie to watch on halloween? halloween... duh. the one and only time of year i will allow michael myers: the (bitch ass) killer the gift and grace of my presence
7. do you like raking leaves? no i don’t like exerting physical energy ever <3
8. do you have any special autumn traditions? me and my family go apple picking every year at the orchard near my house that you can drive your car through and then we eat apple cider donuts and jump on hay bales
9. do you like carving pumpkins? no i don’t but yes i do 🧡 here’s my portfolio:
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10. combat boots or cardigans? why is this an autumn question i wear both of them all year bro
11. yellows, reds and browns or purples, blacks and oranges? 💜🖤🧡
12. favorite autumn drink? honestly i do not drink anything different lmao i’ll still just be sipping my daily berry hibiscus lemonade and my daily sodie and maybe if i’m feeling very 2017 me i’ll drink a razzleberry peace tea but probably not
13. do you like pumpkin spice flavored things? no but i wish i did ;/
14. favorite type of pie? apl.de.ap baby 🍎
15. do you have any special halloween traditions? what are they? yes i watch hocus pocus approximately 666 times, eat my weight in candy, and then save halloweentown from the evil annoying sorcerer son of my mom’s evil annoying ex-boyfriend who is trying to turn everything into a depressing black and white movie because he’s bitter that he doesn’t have the vernacular that he thinks he possesses and that somebody LIED to him several times and told him that he was fly, hot, and sexy, and beautiful, and he’s nothing like that. he’s nothing of the sort.
16. halloween parties or giving out candy to trick or treaters? parties baby, *winnie sanderson voice* dance dance dance until you dieeeeee!!!!!
17. hayrides or campfires? how about campfires ON a hayride. fire hazard who?
18. describe your ideal autumn day? mid-october when it’s cloudy out and the weather is not really cold but is cold enough to wear a sweatshirt and all the leaves are pretty as can be in full foliage :’)
19. coffee or hot chocolate? hot chocolate <33333
20. alcoholic or non alcoholic apple cider? non alcoholic cuz. that alcohol intolerance bullshit my body decided to bless me with 🤟🏻💀
21. what is your go to autumn outfit(s)? anything you see a kid wearing in a 90s halloween-themed movie. for example every outfit that adam, my og KING, rocks in absolutely legendary dcom mom’s got a date with a vampire:
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22. do you wear scarves? i have one long black scarf and i wear it when i don’t feel good in the fall/winter and what is the correlation there? i do not know
23. describe your dream autumn date? ok picture this. we go to an abandoned summer camp in the middle of the woods and get murdered by a silent, undead, machete wielding freak with mommy issues in a hockey mask and it’s all because we’re too out of shape to outrun somebody who ONLY walks. so sweet and romantic 😍💖
24. scary stories around a camp fire or getting lost in a corn maze with someone? WHAT did i JUST say before 🌽🔪
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25. black cats or bats? BOTH. i’m loyal to black cats because of owner of halloween thackery binx and i’m loyal to bats because it’s frickin bats. i love halloween
26. do you decorate for autumn? my mom literally has 12 boxes of halloween decorations in the attic. i don’t even need to go to a haunted house my house becomes one baby 💅
27. vampires or witches? you can go fuck yourself miss questionnaire how about that because you and i and everybody knows that i would never be able to choose. i love both and i want to be both and i invite any and all vampires and witches to come bite me and bewitch me please and thank you.
28. do you collect crystals? no i have enough random shit in my room, i do NOT need more
29. do you like cold weather? yes until it freezes my car door shut and i have to run an extension cord outside and use a blow dryer to melt it and get it open just so that i can get to work and then i hunt the snow miser down and kill him with the icicle hanging off his own nose
30. what was your favorite autumn activity as a kid? TRICK OR TREATING!!!!!!!!!! my costume game went hard, my scopin for neighborhoods that gave out king size candy bars went hard, my candy trade game to maximize the amount of reeses i got went hard. time machine me back right now jack skellington *eddie kaspbrak voice* i’m SERIOUS.
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rnaxwellbeaumont · 7 years
rules: answer the questions & tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better.
tagged by @stellabeaumont @queenreginascontour​ @smartlillian @michellenguyens this means a lot i love yall sm !!!!!!! sry this took 58 years to answer i wanted to do it properly
name: stephanie
nickname: steph 
zodiac sign: aquarius
hogwarts houses: I took the test when i was 12 and got gryffindor, then again and got slytherin. took the test a few months back and got raveclaw, which i whole heartedly agree with !! i’m also a pukwudgie in ilvermorny!
height: 5′1... rip
sexual orientation: im still.. tryna figure this out tbh

ethnicity: chinese

favourite fruit: banana, honeydew melon, mango
favourite season: winter
favourite book series: the maze runner !!!!!!!, harry potter and the pjo series marked my childhood tbh
favourite fictional characters:  god frickin damn yall sitting down?? this gon be a long one but ill make it short lol 
non choices (m):
stiles stilinski my number bby for life . showed me what love was. will carry this love to my grave. his and dylan obriens existence helped me through the many angsty teen years. I LOVE HIM MUM
tony stark unfollowed blocked and reported if u slander my dad. if yall dislike him then uve missed his entire character arc and fallen for his confident facade and are unable to recognise a mentally ill hero and i feel sorry for u
sam drake. wow. i hate him. this man has ruined my life. unlike tony i actually invite yall haters to show up at my doorstep so i can educate u on why he does not deserve ur negativity. i will provide u a 24 page essay justifying his actions and that he is a Good Man
sam winchester what a kind hearted soul. a pure gigantic nerdy bean that deserves all the damn love. compassionate, sensitive, cares about literally everyone.
dean winchester. everyones emo fave. riddled with sadness but still is stoic as sweet fuck to convince other ppl hes ok.  i relate. deserves the entire goddamn world and to be happy.
non choices (f):
clementine 8 y/o when she lost everything. can hardly push a table in twd game 1. when she turns 14??? ya girl able to singlehandedly chop down a mf tree AND takes care of an orphaned baby all while straight shootin zombies in the head. a legend. ppl sing songs about her.
ellie williams another 14 yr old thrown into post apoc wasteland (@ humanity get ur shit together). sassy lil shit. strong as mf hell. took care of a grown ass dying old man! ‘ELLIE IS THE LITTLE GIRL WHO BROKE YOUR FUCKING FINGER!!!’
elena fisher a literal angel wow nathan drake doesnt deserve her. world doesnt deserve her. smart. dedicated af reporter. high morals nd sensitive but takes no shit. a queen.
leslie knope a ray of poewrful sunshine !! the most fucken determined woman EVER. a soft marshmallow teddy bear. inspires me to keep hustlin and hold my head high
choices (endless summer):
endless summer characters. just a long ass read. anyways i love them
choices (f):
val greaves a mf woman. merc with a mouth ! takes no shit! cares so damn much about kenna. just about ready to kill dom for hurting her. wow. ‘she who craps lightning’ best mf nickname given ever. jake who?
annalyse adair: this goddess back handed bitch slapped azura nd kicked her uglie ass ! look so damn good doin it too. hold my diamonds raydan, this bich messed w the wrong queens kingdom. feminine strong female character written right !
sei rhuka were all just lowlanders to her. a waste of her mf time. we aint good enough for her. stoic silent strong ass woman. oh . sis also a fucking dragon !
hana lee like the most perfect human to ever exist. does it all. can do it all. better than u in every goddamn way. humble and sweet. an innocent angel. this is all her world we’re just living in it. anyone who hurts her can catch these mf hands!
oh god ive written sm im tired yall are just getting my fem faves for choices ok
favourite flower: umm id ont know? like.. the ones i find pretty lol. babys breath? single daisies? anythin deep purple coloured, roses that arent red?? i love flowers tho gimme them all
favourite scents: lavender, vanilla in food goddamn!!, fresh air lol
favourite color: deep purple, pastel pink, unconventional colours in neon lights idk
favourite animal: dogs, doggos, puppers, woofers, otters, deer, wolves
favourite band: all time low, five seconds of summer
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffeeEEEEEE
average hours of sleep: it depends on whether i can fall asleep lmao
numbers of blankets: one 
dream trip: @ my nana inheritance wya?? but italy, i just wanna hit basically everywhere europe tbh. iceland, bahamas, MALDIVES. 
last thing I googled: the mummy 2017 (jsdjkf it was so bad i was laughing the whole way through also totally ripped off uncharted 3 ! only watched for queen sofia boutella tho)
how many blogs I followed: 68.. wtf i didnt realise i followed so little????/
numbers of followers: 282 whaat i just startd this blog like a lil over a month ago i love yall!!
what I usually post about: 110% choices!!

do I get asks regularly: nope but sometimes anons pop in to my inbox asking things directed at me and im like?? are u lost fam// i love u anyway thank u
tag (u mightve done this but im tagging u anyway bc i love you heh): 
@thechrispowell @zaddykatsaros @zahranamazis @hollyashton @ohmymaxwell @ladyashtonofcordonia @ohmysnarkydrake @the-light-of-stars @zigisbisexual @kittenmusicals @firefly-hwufanficwriter @endless-vall @endlessbeaumont @heart-drake @nerdy-twin @jakekatsaros @liamxdrake @maxwelbeaumont @luminous-drake-heh @shazrystyles @quarterbackzig @quinn-kelly @lanapowellblog @davesreyes @protect-drake @beccagreaves @zigsexual @heart-jake @ohmysnarkydrake @diamondsaregold @craighsiao @becky-powell
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may-shepard · 7 years
s4, breaking the fourth wall, the arg, and gaslighting as literary device
And if the pretentious title didn’t frighten you away, or cause you to immediately unfollow / block me, I offer some thoughts:
Following the cues left by the hot mess s4, it’s reasonable to assert the following (which has been asserted just about non-stop since each of the episodes aired; I am not pretending to be original here):
s4 is fucky in a way that seems to call attention to its own fuckyness, especially if you take events and themes of the previous series as guidelines for what to expect / how things work in the world of Sherlock. (A ton of people have done a ton of work on this, but thanks to @antisocial-otaku​ for making it clear how frickin obvious this pattern is, here.)
The subtext is richer / more coherent than the text, especially in The Final Problem. (Links # 2 and 3 to videos by @marcespot​--shameless self-promo in #1 and #4)
Breaking the fourth wall is a major theme. This includes s4 references to Twitter, and the #sherlocklive event, as well as the numerous and sometimes literal references to breaking the fourth wall. (post by @inevitably-johnlocked​) 
As much as recent arg developments have been A Ride, I really think we’ve missed the obvious, because it wasn’t nearly as much of a challenge as people were looking for / as the fandom genius hive brain is capable of meeting. I think we’ve been looking too hard.
The puzzle, the thing we are supposed to figure out, is s4 itself. The game is simply this: we are invited to have discernment with regard to what is and what is not possible in the world of BBC Sherlock, and to conclude, as most people did, that much of s4 is, indeed, not compatible with the world of Sherlock. The truth of the narrative is in the subtext, as almost everyone here has argued.
The narrative of s4 is, for the most part, really hard to get hold of, and full of content that blatantly works against everything the show has tried to set up so far. As much as I appreciate attempts to make sense of s4 as is, my mind, like a lot of people’s, recoils when asked to consider (for example) that the people who wrote this:
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Also wrote this:
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You’ve all seen the evidence. You’ve all watched The Final Problem and thought--what the hell is this? 
People in this fandom were crying foul from the moment TST ended. I think we were already playing the arg then (if such a thing exists), and we kept playing it all through s4, because we were thinking critically about the episodes, and questioning the reality status of the story with which we were presented.
Up until recently, I would have said, meh, maybe this apparent lack of skill on the part of the showrunners was deliberate, maybe it wasn’t. Maybe they just threw in a ton of excess detail (like Mr. Glowy Skull) because why not? I am not very big on writerly intention. The text I’m presented with, I feel free to interpret however I wish, and this, to me, is the point of s4. It undoes itself. It undoes the text of series 1-3. It invites critique in a whole new way. Regardless of what does or does not happen next, I will always choose to question this narrative, to read against the text, because that reading is more interesting and less infuriating. s4, like mofftiss, lies. 
The part that makes me think the arg is happening right in front of us, and it’s still live: 
This fucking thing.
This “John and Mary really love each other” barf festival video, released on 28 February. (Savage and efficient crit here, by @smoljohnlock​) 
I could see, maybe, that video flying as an s4 preview, but we have it released here, now, after...all that, when we know that the picture being presented in it is nowhere near the reality that we got in the narrative.
I don’t want to say it’s a sign. I don’t know, man. I’m tired. We’re all tired. But that video certainly did invite a renewal of the wtf-was-that outrage of s4, didn’t it?
The fourth wall, in my opinion, has already been broken. 
The show has been teaching us how to observe, and not just see, to think critically, and to look for solutions to puzzles, since the beginning. Now it’s turning the function of detective over to us. 
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Just like the #sherlocklive game was designed to allow us to practice our puzzle solving on a small scale, so is s4. The entire narrative invites us to sit up, take notice, and say, come on, that can’t be how it really happened.
I’m still not going to predict the future here. The show has broken the fourth wall before, and paid off careful observation, via the “1895″ clues. It might be doing that with the “March 8″ billboard thing. It might not. When I say that the narrative is unfinished, I mean exactly that--it lacks an ending (much like my languishing WiPs...sorry about those, btw). What will happen next? Who knows? None of us. Signs (that’s literal, billboard-type signs) point to something more. 
So: we have been presented with not one, but two false narratives. If mofftiss finish their damn story, and offer some sort of explanation for all the fuckery of s4, then we’ll have been told a bunch of lies in-story, about “what happened” to John and Sherlock, and a bunch of extratextual lies, about s4 being finished after three episodes. 
I will always assert, regardless of what happens next, that the in-story lies are there, and believing the textual level of the narrative makes less sense / is less happy making than believing that the story lies. As for the bigger lie, about the length of s4 / the end of this narrative--we’ll see. 
It’s a peculiar choice, this, as modern storytelling goes. Rather than just, you know, tell the story they wanted to tell, about a detective and his blogger, they’re really going the long way round. If the “s4 is fake” reading is confirmed, and there is a plan in place, it’s show-offy. It’s audacious. It’s gaslighting the audience to make a point. It’s putting us through an experience--the textual level content of s4--and asking us to believe something contrary to that experience. 
It’s not...enjoyable? Like with everything else, I think I’ll be left questioning why this way, and not some other way. It is, potentially, fascinating. 
If this is what we think it is, we’ve been playing all along, without even trying.
Tags under the cut.
@221bloodnun @devoursjohnlock @marcespot @theelephantglassintheroom @swimmingfeelsinajohnlockianpool
please feel free to forward to any arg-ers / tinhatters
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