#wow i love a gundog
whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
Hello, 'tis me, again, with more rambling Glasses or contact lenses to make eyes of df users less shiny sound legit as an existence, but I think? Most of them would be in world government hands. Similar to sea stone maybe, but potentially less Wano? Though they could be glasses made with sea stone dust or something, that could be interesting. I could also picture Dr Vegapunk inventing them. And while we're a vegapunk, didn't he also make weapons eat fruits? (1/?)
I think Vegapunk did. And remember two of those df weapons: Funkfried, the elephant sword of Spandam, and the bomb barking dog back in Alabasta (Mrs Christmas and Mr 4 I think). Which, technically, wow, cool thing that that works but also,,, how. And then: did they have to 'tame' the animal weapons after their creation? I mean dogs are good boys and elephants are gentle creatures, but still. Also, while I'm not sure how shiny eyes applies to weapon form, shiny elephant eyes are now a thing
Back with shiny eyes, on your right you can see the heavenly demon staying true to his name, because imagine Doflamingo sitting in a dark place, light flashes, eyes do their shiny thing, and he is cackling. That Is Some Supreme Creep. On that note, evenings with the doflamingo fam must have been generally heart attack inducing, too. So many df users. And family photos! I wonder if there are exorcists or something in the blues where df are not as well known as on the grand line. 
Another thing: Doflamjngo makes strong puppet copies of himself. Do they have the shiny eyes too? I mean, asking the law of physics, probably no, but whenever has one piece actually listened to laws of physics. Is he always wearing sunglasses to not always have the shiny eyes? Robin makes copies of herself too, as it's the whole thing of her df. I'd say they have all the shiny eyes. Also! Robin! Eldritch being confirmed, but also, with so many extra limbs and eyes, I could imagine 
- I could imagine that on one island she isn't looked at as potential eldritch horror, but maybe an angel, going with the old biblical angels of Too Many Eyes iirc. Bonus: everyone on Sabaody after 3D2Y must be new to grand line, overworked, or...dumb? bc how can anyone fall for the fake Luffy trap if he doesn't have shiny eyes? I think general marines may be overworked, bc new HQ in NW, more pirates bc of WB last words i guess. Doesnt excuse the pirates tho. Maybe they didnt see his eyes? - Minchen0897
HOLY FUCK IM SCREAMING this is all so good oh my gosh.
Anyway for the lenses - definitely Vega punk made the clear looking ones that alter the light, but I think that normal shades (so Doflamingo’s eyes) would also block it as well... but also Vegapunk becoming interested in the science of Df eaters hmmmmm many thoughts many thoughts many suspicions fgdhjsak
And yeah! DF weapons are the coolest! Theres the gundog and funkfreed, but Rakuyo, one of Whitebeard’s commanders, also has a flail that ate a devil fruit, (though the df isunconfirmed! )Pretty cool and it has like demon eyes, which imagining just this hunk of metal flying at you absolutely terrifying with it’s demon eyes I would cry its so cool. 
If they didn’t have visible eyes though... what if they just freaking glowed. Like working like tapetum lucidem in theory but without the actual science and just shined sense their whole ‘body’ is the eyes??? Idk food for thoughts.
Doflamingo is an awesome case because in canon we haven’t even seen his eyes - so picture this. those who interact with df users know about the shiny eyes - but they haven't seen mingos. They say he’s eaten the string fruit but are we sure? What if he’s lying? what if he’s truly a heavenly demon?  Rumors erupt adding to his fame 10/10 concept. 
His clones would have the shiny eyes if we could see them this is truth I say it now.
Eldritch being Robin going to a new island doing her usual thing expecting to be creeping ppl out but instead she’s revered and offered gifts and thank you and praises for the message she brings, and robins face has never smiled more she prefers this revered angel treatment a lot.
.... in theory though, could robin, if she had like a glowing ball, attach her eyes to it to make her look like one of those flaming hell angels? 
holy shit that would be cool.
AND AS FOR SABAODY! Here’s what im going with! I might have said this before to idk, the tag for all the posts should be devil fruit users have tapetum lucidum I think so maybe check that out. ANYWAY
Here’s the theory - shiny eyes are a rumor, nothing confirmed, one you only know if you have interacted with a df user in the right lighting. Sabaody’s far too bright for shiny eye science, however, most people don’t think its true in the first place -df users on pirate crews are common, but in modern islands? nah. 
God I love this shiny eyes offers much more world building to op im losing my shit I love receiving these
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