#wow :))) okay :))) thats so cool and awesome guys :))) go america amirite? :)))
gumy-shark · 7 months
just realized my situation in college is so funny rn. heres why in a greentext format
>be gumy's parents >you are Good Christian Parents who want your daughter to Walk In The Ways Of The Lord >when she wanted to go to a secular college you were Very Worried that your Impressionable Daughter would get Radicalized By The Godless Atheist College People (this one is actually somewhat justified- i AM very impressionable and got radicalized in junior high in a way that was very very hard on my mental health and my relationships with my family) > be relieved when she chooses to go to a Good Christian College instead (it was my own free choice and i had my reasons). > surely, with her environmental science classes being taught from a God-Fearing Perspective, and with no Godless Atheist College People there, she won't get radicalized! > she gets radicalized anyways
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