crimsonmoonscrypt · 2 months
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Before Homestuck day ends, here's vast error content (WIP)
I wanted to finish this today but I'm tired and I don't want to get my carpal tunnel worseded!!! Goodnight!
Stay tuned for tomorrow when it's finished! Prommy!
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 1 year
Sick Day
Note: Remember when Alonsonaomi was a thing. I made a thing. Enjoy!
“I want to die,” Alonso sniffed 
Naomi patted his shoulder with an indulgent smile, and pulled the blanket over the curled body of her boyfriend. “Somehow I think you’ll find the strength within you to keep fighting. It’s just a cold.” 
“Jusb a cold? This night be a flu, it’s worsede. Like a million colds at once!” Alonso groaned, swiveling his head dramatically, causing the bangs to flop over his eye. A clear sign that he was sick that he didn’t bother to sweep it off. Suddenly he sat up. 
“Whab about you! Your job!” He cried
Naomi brushed a stray hair out of his face for him a smile creeping on her face as she looked. Even though his skin was ashen, his usually bouncy brunette hair limp and stringy, his eyes were bloodshot and his nose was as stuffed as a toy, she thought he was still cute. Maybe not physically but his concern for her time and her work was endearing. 
But the matter was that even though she maintained her independence, her ambassadorships and travels, since dating Alonso, Elena allowed her more flexibility to allow her time to make this long distance relationship work. Including times like these, caring for Alonso.
Now Alonso was almost a grown man but he was practically useless when he was sick. Physically unable to get out of bed, utterly useless. He couldn’t even get lunch without his servants, take his medicine or get tissues. King Ramon said he was always like that when he was sick and it clearly hadn’t changed over the years. 
Naomi didn’t indulge such childish antics except for an extreme case. Alonso was correct he had the flu, two nights ago, but it had broke by now. She was doing this because he still wasn’t up to his normal strength, and-she’d never admit this outloud- but she thought he was sweet when he was sick. Not when he was refusing to swallow his medicine and such, but the grateful smiles he gave her that he truly appreciated her time. Sometimes falling asleep together when she sang. It was an oddly peaceful time. 
“I’m gonna make you some food that will help clear your sinuses. You stay here and try to go to sleep,” Naomi told him. Alonso did so, burying his head under the pillow with a loud moan. 
When she came back from chopping sage and thyme, Alonso had fallen off the bed and was staring dazedly at the wall. 
“Nadomi, fuddy ting. I can’d ged up,” Alonso said. She could swear the stuffiness was getting worse. 
She placed the bowl of piping chicken soup that the cook had made on the dresser and swept him up in an army lift Gabe taught her in self-defense. She gently placced him into the bed, rearranged the pillows and pulled the blanket over again, and made sure the tissue box was close by. 
“Here, some soup.” She handed the bowl and he managed a wry grin. 
“Danks!” He took a slurp and spewed it across the bed, violently coughing. 
“Sorry! I did’d mean do!” Esteban cried, getting off the bed to start wiping the blanket when he dizzily fell again. 
“Alonso rest. I got this,” Naomi insisted, gently shoving him back to the pillows so she could strip the sheets and wrangle up new blankets from the back of the closet. Where Alonso only mildly shivered when left without his comforter for a minute. He learned two sick days ago that she wouldn’t put up with complaining when they both knew she was helping him. 
Well, maybe one or two complaints slipped. 
“Jou devil woman! Jour are drill tryin’ do kill me,” Alonso mock-glared when he was seized by another harsh sneeze. 
Naomi simply shook her head when she shook the cough medicine bottle, “This will help ease the burning feeling and some of the stuffiness.” “Tank you!” He croaked
Naomi put a finger to his lips despite the germs, “Rest your voice.” “Bud I like talkging wid jou. Jour inderesing. More than the wall,” He smiled. 
Naomi turned away but knew Alonso could see her bite her lips as the ends curled up into a half-smile. Another reason that she became his semi-reluctant caretaker. 
They got to talk together. Brief conversations that Alonso sometimes fell asleep in the middle of, but it was nice nonetheless. It was usually mundane reminisces or stories of olden sick days but it was a pleasing pastime. 
Naomi put a hand to his forehead and smiled at him once more, seeing how his eyes were drooping closed despite Alonso’s efforts to remain upright and awake. To continue to try talking to her, “You’re less hot. So you’ll probably be better soon. And you’re not going to die.” 
“Good,” Alonso said, “Bud I’m glad jou were here wid me if I did.” “Me too,” Naomi softly whispered, “I better go now. Hopefully, you’ll feel better when you’re awake.” “I will be. I alwayd wand to be wid jou,” Alonso smiled, drifting off at last. 
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rottentricks · 9 months
Did the med cat's relationship with one another worseded after Rosy settled for one of them?
The relationship between the two medicine cats are still the same, although I hadn’t played clangen for a while, I can sure say that Icegaze is still jealous but distracts himself to get over it.
Rosy and Icegaze are still friends, feelings are still lingering but it’s one sided for Icegaze since Rosy already moved onto his former apprentice.
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sherrid555 · 7 years
Blind dates don’t always rock...
So it was actually my mother - yes, you heard right - it was my mother, who set me up on a blind date many years ago...  I swear she said she’d met him before but either way, she knew him and the date was fixed. 
I met him outside the station - I’d stupidly not thought to ask what he drove but I could see him parked up in a low-key dark green Jag and he looked really nice. I walked over casually and started talking to him and just when it was getting past the ‘hello how are you’ bit, his other half got in the car and they drove away - clearly not my blind date then! Oh how I wished the ground would just swallow me whole...
So Darren eventually turned up late in a ramshackle Mini - it would’ve been a great motor if it hadn’t had a hole in the floor or the remnants of about a month’s worth of takeaway packaging in the footwell on my side. We drove to a local pub and got a couple of beers.
After about half an hour I realised this truly wasn’t a good idea - mum had clearly thought we’d have a lot in common - I was stuggling to find anything. He liked animation and I like art so that was one thing I guess - he liked electronics and did a lot of circuit building in his spare time (really?) - sadly there wasn’t a single spark on our date and I was desperate to leave.
I went to the bar under the guise of getting more drinks and asked for help - the guy serving said he’d give me a shout out in around five minutes or so, pretending a friend was in trouble and then I’d be clear to leave. Never has five minutes felt more like five hours and Darren was moving ever closer to me in my seat...
Eventually the bar guy ‘did his thing’ and I took the ‘message’ and told Darren that I had to go - he said he’d drop me back to my flat so I reluctantly got back in his smelly car and directed him to where I lived. Now obviously I didn’t want him to know where I actually lived so about a mile from my flat, I said this was it and went to get out of the car - I politely thanked him for the lift.
As I went to get out of the car, I had to lean over towards him as the seatbelt thingy wasn’t very good and I couldn’t unclip it. He clearly took that to mean I was going in for a goodbye smooch and he stuck his face full on mine, shoved his big wet tongue in my mouth and clamped my head with his hand! After I’d got over the initial shock, I did the one thing I could to get out of the situation and I punched him... Now it wasn’t a mega hit and it was totally a reflex action, but it did the trick and I managed to get the seatbelt off and get out of the car - I actually ran the mile back to my flat and the first thing I did (after brushing my teeth I’m sure), was ring my mother and tell her how horrible the whole experience had been. 
Apparently he spoke to mum not long after and she asked how the date had gone - according to him it had gone really well and we were planning to see each other again in the near future - errr hello!!!!!  Never have I been so sure that I’d done the right thing to get the hell out of there and apart from many years later when I was setup and genuinely knew nothing about it (hubby is the result), I never went on another blind date again...
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sassycowboyexpert · 4 years
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The heartbreaking death of a pregnant elephant in Kerala has sparked huge outrage on Twitter. The elephant died after eating a pineapple stuffed with crackers, allegedly placed by some locals. The wild elephant had left the forests of Silent Valley in Palakkad district, wandering into a nearby village in search of food where she ate the pineapple. The fruit exploded in her mouth and left her in searing pain as she walked around the village for days, unable to eat anything because of her injuries. She eventually died standing in a river.  . . . . . . #worse #worsethanachild #worseforwear #worserphoto #worseway #worsethanCarter #worseparentsever #worsethan22 #worsemassacreintheusa #worsethanfiction #worseeveryday #worseisyettocome #worsethancraig #worsesiblings #WorseThanReparations #worsethantheredwedding #worsethanvoldemort #worsethanacrime #WorseToBad #worseplacestobe #worsedates #worseningnews #worseplanner #worsethan (at Kerala, God's Own Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-XBWDpCsp/?igshid=ishoa7rkbgfg
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hotfuss · 7 years
@natmidd replied to your post: @handbasketofdreams replied to your post: ...
It finished before it satisfied you?
yeah. I adore summer storms so the longer the better, but also this was so short that didn’t change temp and just worseded humidity. there are 32C and 35% humidity and I’m sure it was lower before :(
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