#worldbuilding: legend of the red comet
gildedink · 5 years
Gods of Tenruon'ou - Tsakiri, Goddess of the Moon
The Goddess of the Moon, Tsakiri is both the literal and metaphysical embodiment of the heavenly body within the world of Tenruon’ou. She is one of the first two divine beings to emerge from the ether of The Void and in affiliated with human females. She is also known as the Holy Nurturer, the Protector, the Goddess of Tragedy, Mystery, Misery, Lovers, Repentance, Mercy and Protectress of Women. Commonly referred to as Lady Moon or Lady Tsakiri, she was the one to create the oceans and the Sea Realm. Alone she created the Great Silver Shark, Kural, to rule the watery domains she had made and is thus referred to as The Great Mother by Sea Spirits.
There are several symbols, motifs, plants and animals that are connected to Tsakiri. They are listed below.
Animals: sharks, coral, starfish
Plants: moonflowers, jasmine, lavender
Stones: emeralds, pearls, white marble
Objects: shark teeth, sea shells, sea glass
  Physical Appearance
Within the lore of Vidy'aa, Tsakiri is described as a female figure with three sets of arms and a long, semi-sheer veil that covers her body. In the full version of The Legend of the Sun and Moon, Tsakiri is described thus;
       “With long tresses, dark as the cosmos, she extended her white arms up, down and out to her sides. Delicate fingers grabbed starfoam with which she molded Kural, the Great Silver Shark, first-born of the Great Spirits. The Bright Mother than ripped out the eighth row of her teeth and affixed them to her child’s mouth so that he may use both teeth and tongue as weapon in place of claws. Thus, seven rows of razor sharp teeth remained in the Goddess’s lovely pink mouth.”
Later within the story, her appearance changes as a result of pushing her brother, the Sun God Zoleko, out of their shared Celestial Palace;
       “Thus with a great, furious cry the white Goddess pushed her brother and friend from the tower on high in the cosmos. Noble Zoleko tumbled down, shocked at the betrayal of his sister and friend. When her shadow-lurid rage subsided, Tsakiri recoiled at her actions. With a wail she scratched at her face, furrows deep as her sorrow becoming etched on her cheeks. The marks wept silver as her eyes, her tears falling into the Sky Realm as stars.”
It is due to this event that the Moon Goddess begins veiling herself and creating the phases of the moon humans see today, as well as the stars in the night sky.
Through various legends and stories, a concise description for the Goddess is as follows; long, wavy black hair that melts into the dark night sky or cosmos, silver eyes and pale-white skin. Three sets of arms are on her torso; the top set is studded with the gemstones of the Sea, the middle set is swirled with black characters in a language known only to the Gods, and the bottom set has been completely blackened due to her sin of evicting the Sun God, Zoleko. Within her mouth are seven rows of pointed teeth (previously eight before the Great Silver Shark was created) and clawed marks on her cheeks like tear tracts that weep silver liquid. It is unclear if this liquid is the Goddess’s blood or another manifestation of her remorse.
The following is the family tree of the Goddess Tsakiri.
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Siblings: Zoleko, God of the Sun; Sheliirpa, The Demon King
Children: Kural, The Great Silver Shark; all Sea Spirits
  Lovers and Offspring
Currently, it is unknown if Tsakiri has ever had any lovers. By creating Kural, it was shown she does not require a male counterpart to create. However, all other Sea Spirits were created by herself and Kural. It is unclear if this union was purely in the crafting sense or in the sexual sense.
Some local retellings of The Legend of the Sun and Moon state that Tsakiri and Zoleko were lovers.
All Sea Spirits are the offspring of the Moon Goddess. Kural, The Great Silver Shark, is the only Spirit she created alone. Humans who are Blessed by Sea Spirits see themselves, by extension, as children of Tsakiri. The most notable family is the Jurai Clan who have been Blessed by Kural for as far back as human records go. Those Blessed by The Great Silver Shark inherit silver eyes that match both Kural and Tsakiri.
  Key Myths
The following are the myths and legends that are integral to Tsakiri either in regards to characterization by the religion, cosmic role or moral lesson.
The Legend of the Sun and Moon
The story of the creation of the universe. It also tells of the awakening of the Goddess Tsakiri and her brother, Zoleko.
The Legend of the Great Silver Shark
The story detailing the creation of the Great Silver Shark by the Goddess. He was created by Tsakiri alone with no other aid.
The Legend of the Great Drowning
The myth of how the second great human city, Hajitanjō, was drowned at the request of the Great Silver Shark Kural by the Goddess Tsakiri. The city was flooded in order to hide the body of a brave warrior from the Demon Prince Xi’hasa who, it is claimed, to have threatened to defile and puppet the body.
The Legend of the Dragon’s Eye
The tale of how a powerful gem called the Dragon’s Eye is made. There have only been two recorded sightings of the gemstone and both times it has been wielded by someone within the Tanaka Clan.
The Legend of the Constellations
The story of how a young woman showed the Goddess how to make pictures with the stars. A touching tale of female friendship that crossed both station and time.
The Legend of the Lanterns
The tale of three pairs of forbidden lovers; a young priest and a male acolyte of his, an elderly maid and an elderly widowed man, and two female prostitutes. The story blends the three tales into one as the six people encourage and influence one another. It is a love story of hope, kindness and joy. Vastly popular with the common people. Not a religious text.
The Legend of the Bow
A story that tells of how the Moon Goddess inspired a blacksmith to create the bow weapon. Because it was inspired by the crescent shape of the Moon, it became a common weapon for female nobility and linked to the Goddess herself, though the Goddess herself does not wield a bow.
The Legend of Many Scarves
The story of how a male dancer captured the eye of the Moon Goddess. In return for his companionship, she taught him the way of silent movement. It some retellings they become lovers. In others the relationship is that of mentor-student.
The Legend of Destruction
A conspiracy story that is at the crux of the Cult of Rebirth. The story claims that when the end of days comes for the Universe, Alohirona will ascend to the Heavens and the Goddess Tsariri shall unhinge her 7-rowed maw and devour the world whole. She will then give birth to the world once again in another dimension of reality, where Alohirona does not exist.
  Known Favor
While Tsakiri is not known to often interact with humanity, some mortals have caught her eye on occasion.
  Javed Sherazi No record exists of this man, but The Legend of Many Scarves claims he was a clerk in service to Lord Prakash of the Bhāharas’ City-States. By night he would be taught by his elder sister, who excelled in the art of ritual dance. Over time, with Javed dancing under the moonlight, he caught the eye of Tsakiri. In some version they became companions of the night with the Goddess whispering secrets to the young man of the cosmos. In other versions he became a lover to the Goddess and laid with her. It in unclear how true this story is.
Jianyi Li The blacksmith of the providence of Sunwen from the destroyed Zhohang Empire. A well-known blacksmith, he is credited with creating the bow during a sleepless. He was inspired by the shape of the Goddess’ mostly-veiled face. In his notes there is line that seems to be either a prayer of a promise to the Goddess; ‘Though you shield your face, I shall make grief a weapon. Your sorrow will protect those of fair form.’
Roshan Terzi A young, Sea Blessed woman from the destroyed Ērsia Kingdom. Legend claims she is the one who created the first constellations by mapping the stars in the sky and noting the pattern of their movements in relation to the earth. All that is known about her comes from The Legend of the Constellations. She may have been a nobleman’s daughter, a favored concubine within the court or simply a fisherman’s daughter depending on the telling.
Himiko Fujita The sculptor of the largest statue of Tsakiri. A flower seller in Hachiiru, it is said she one day awoke with an insatiable need to create the largest image of the Goddess possible. She spent the next several years tirelessly working. The nobility of Mikaizu, moved by her dedication and fierce piety, provided her with gemstones, the finest stone to be mined, sculpting tools, food, water and silver. Though the then head of the Jurai Clan, Ryouta Jurai, offered to send workers to help her, Himiko vehemently refused. When the sculpture was completed, she collapsed on the ground in front of the statue, dead. The statue is enshrined in Haachiiru with an additional small shrine made on the spot Himiko collapsed to honor her. The Smarnians believe she was driven to madness by the Masked Muse.
The Drowned Warrior An unknown warrior whose death caused the flooding and concealment of the rumored second settlement of humanity, Hajitanjō. While no sex is specified by the legend, some scholars speculate them to be Kibou Jurai is the story states that it was at Kural’s request that the city was drowned. Those of the Smarnian Villages believe the drowning occurred due to an offence caused by the people against the Great Shark. The version of the legend told by the Far North Descendants says the warrior was a woman, a virginal maiden who was beloved by Kural but defiled by the demon Xi’hasa. The drowning was a means to purify her soul and allow it to be changed by the Goddess into a shark Spirit so that he may wed her.
Ayako Jurai While there is no record nor rumor that Lady Ayako Jurai has direct favor with the Moon Goddess, it is speculated she is highly favored by her son, Kural. As such, it can be said she is indirectly favored by the Goddess. One of the few female Jurai clan leaders, under her command the region of Mikaizu flourished both economically and socially. Many new temples dedicated to the Goddess were erected, worship of her increased within the region and women were given more freedoms both in possible job occupation and personal health rights. As all women are under Tsakiri’s care, such progressive strides may be seen as worthy of favor by the Goddess.
Kibou Jurai The first human to be Blessed by the Great Shark Spirit, Kural, on record. Kural was the last Great Spirit to Bless humanity and as such, it is surmised that Kibou also received the goddess’ favor.
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thebardanon · 4 years
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Tell us about the stars in your world building. Are there myths or legends about the constellations? What do they believe is up there? Has anyone ever been up there? Is space travel old hat? Tell us all about it! (I am so sorry about the random "ask" about how my baking is going XD)
Stars are a big deal in the Thaum, while there is no official astrology and more than 400 constellations and celestial events celebrated by tribes, cultures, and people all over the world, here are the most commonly shared and observed events and locations of the heavenly bodies.
The Giant Sojirr ; Appears in the North East, Year Round, Made of 18 primary stars and up to twelve smaller stars depending on culture. The Legend is Sojirr was the first and only giant, who was slain by the first Dyne Magus. The people of the Dyne lands chopped at his body and from the shavings and pieces mankind was born. The stars show a giant walking, and many small stars attacking the larger cluster. 
The Six Eyed Goat; Appears in the Eastern most sky  in the spring, and western most sky in the fall. Made of 9 stars, it shows the profile of a ram’s head with three stars close together seen as eyes. The Six Eyed goat is a good omen in Human myth, and a boogey man to the Ovis. Humans claim the constellation is a representation of the six days of sowing and harvesting done under the farmer’s traveling stars. The Ovis claim the creature is a glutton who will force bad children to work fields to feed its endless appetite. 
Goodwin’s Sons; Appears three days before, during, and three days after the Spring Equinox traveling East to West. Three Stars. The Farmer’s Sons, or Goodwin’s Sons create a large amount of light and are used by farmers to spend hours sowing more seeds. Some villages have entire festivals that last as long as light is in the sky, (often as much as 220 hours) Each night is named after a different saint of Harvest. Joseph, Garlan, Lillie, Timothy, Deandre, and Kilia. (Henrietta was born on Garlan’s night)
The Ship of William; Appears only in the southern hemisphere, in the southernmost skies, year round. Fifteen stars make up the great ship, that points to the south where all oceans rest. It is named for a myth where the first aquamancers tried to find the original source of all seas, but instead found themself sailing in the stars never finding the oceans.
Goodwin’s Daughters; (like the Sons, more of an event than actual constellation) Appears on or just before the Summer Solstice, Seen Globally, Four bright stars of different colours. That fade as the days follow. Rarely lasting more than three days. Starts the festival of lights for the Rakasha people. 
The Arrow of Alicar: Appears in the south west sky, Also called the Spear of Turin made of 4 stars in a line. The stars point north and are used as a compass to read direction. 
The Horsemen Three; A North West constellation of twelve stars  that is important for the people living in the Dynelands. The first tribes of that land were said to be horsemen and many humans believed that three horsemen would ride ruin upon the Eriki. The Eriki too often have the constellation made into jewelry or art, as they consider themselves part of the long tradition of Dynespeople.
Goodwin’s Wife; also called the Red Woman. Transit star from the northwest to the southeast and back throughout the year. Notable by it’s red hue. The star is the primary calendar for many nomadic tribes in the wilds and barren steppes. 
The Amber Traveler A yellow satellite that makes its path in the sky every month, but is only noticeable in the final weeks of the year when the days are their longest. Its orbit takes an entire month and it is often crossing the sky during the daylight hours and goes unnoticed by many.
 Father Goodwin; Named after the first emperor of the Dynelands, A seven star wheel that sits in the center north sky that claims by myth that all the Saint Father, Goodwin, had a child of every race, without woman or womb. It is counter to the original myth that all life was born from an ovis matriarch who had no name, and each child was born not of a womb but of a fruit that grew from her head. 
 The Last Halo;  A sundog, and an event that occurs every winter Solstice. It is also the only known event celebrated in the Zorian people’s culture as a holiday. (Celebrated by dying their rivers in various colors depending on tribe, coven, or location.)
 The Comet Laran. An Annual comet that signs the end of one year and the start of another. All calendars are measured by the coming of Laran, though some years have fewer years than others, it is a reasonably accurate measurement of annual measurement shared universally by the people in the Thaum.
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gildedink · 6 years
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{WIP Introduction} Locations in Tenruon'ou Amakin, Home of the Golden Phoenix
The city farthest north in Tenruon’ou and the home of the Tanaka Clan (who is Blessed by the Golden Phoenix) that rules the northern region, Kōngběi-Hu. A port city nestled by the Sharizelka Forest, it specializes in glass making including tableware, glass windows and hand-blown glass figures. It houses the sacred home of the phoenix flame, The Nest.
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gildedink · 5 years
Jiteo-Sengu, THE Center OF TENRUON’OU - Religion
Those in the Center ascribe to Vidy’aa, the primary religion of Tenruon’ou. There are key differences with regard to worship, ceremonies, and certain festivals that are unique to the local cultus within Jiteo-Sengu. However, the base of the religion is the same; the worship of the Five Gods of Tenruon’ou. Those gods are Zoleko, the God of the Sun; Tsakiri, the Goddess of the Moon; Haakshul, the Being of Death; Seressia, the Goddess of Time; and Ferah’ai, the God of the Afterlife.
While the gods being worshiped are no different than any other region in Tenruon’ou, priority of the Gods does differ within the cultus. Because the capitol of Tenruon’our – Gyumo-Ang – resides in Jiteo-Sengu and thus houses the Oracle of Humanity, there is an emphasis of giving worship to Seressia, the Goddess of Time. The power of the Oracle stems from the Blessing of the Spirit Orchid who pulls its visions from Seressia. Because of this, there is also heavy household worship of the Spirit Orchid, Esfir’mya, which is unusual. While both Kōngběi-Hu and Mikaizu show reverence to The Golden Phenix and Great Silver Shark respectively, it is not to the same degree of veneration as the Orchid Spirit in the Center. It is also confirmed by the Royal Lanhua Family that a part of the Spirit Orchid does indeed reside physically within the Grand Palace, making it a holy place in of itself. It is not unheard of for the common folk to leave with guards offerings, notes of pleading and prayers to be delivered to the Spirit Orchid. The current Princess-Priestess, Princess Weilai, has taken it upon herself to hand-deliver these offerings though in the past, other Oracles have decided not to do so; it varies from Oracle to Oracle.
Ceremonies to the Gods tend to revolve around flowers, dance and the cycle of nature within the local cultus of the Center. Purification through meditation, incense, herbal smoke cleansing, signing bowls and bells are popular methods. Vibrant colors and patterns are important elements to religious ceremonies and as such, the clergy within Jiteo-Sengu wear brightly adorned and decorated vestiges, unlike in the North and South where the clothing of the clergy is simpler. Religious processions tend to be accompanied by much instrument playing and singing. Ceremonies tend to occur at dawn or in the morning but can sometimes occur in the afternoon. During religious processions, there is always an acolyte, usually male, assigned to keep watch over the procession in case a vision strikes a member of the parade as well as a scribe to write the prophesy down. Many clergy men and woman hold the gift of prophesy to some degree with the Oracle of Humanity being the most powerful.
Along with the general festivals that are celebrated by all who ascribe to Vidy’aa, there are several festivals that are either specific to local cultus or special to certain villages. Listed below are some additional festivals of note.
The Grand Orchid Festival – Occurring once a year during the birth week of the current Oracle of Humanity. It is the largest festival held in Tenruon’ou. People come from all over to participate and it is one of the few times during the year the Heads of the Jurai and Tanaka households meet to discuss affairs with one another, amongst their nobility and with the Royal Lanhua Family. The 10-day festival always holds a banquet on the day of the Oracle’s birth; one within the walls with the nobility and one externally within the festival for the common folk. A tradition that has arisen within the festival is a one-match knockout sparring tournament between any and all who wish to apply. Both nobility and common folk enter. The winner receives a special gift from the Oracle of Humanity, of which is up to his/her discretion. One of the most famous matches was between the current heads of the Jurai and Tanaka Clans, Jisame Jurai and Tengfei Tanaka. After fighting for almost 20 minutes, it ended with a double knock-out.
Segyeui Kkoch Festival – A festival occurring throughout the month of Haneki, it is a festival celebrating the coming of spring and the flowers unfurling all over Tenruon’ou. This is a busy time for perfume makers and flower sellers. Local temples will typically host day festivals and contests. Reverence and offerings are left for all flowering, plant-based Spirits as thanks.
Beseechment of the All-Maker – An obscure holiday observed primarily by the priesthood. It is a ritual appeasing The Void and to ask for continued peace and existence. Invocations to Seressia and the Spirit Orchid are also given so that they may continue to pity humanity and forewarn them of doom.
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gildedink · 6 years
Kōngběi-Hu, The North of Tenruon’ou - Economy
The overall economy of the North has remained steady for the last 100 years. With a handful of generations of consistent, neutral relations with Mikaizu, procuring specialty goods – particularly silk, silver and gemstones – has become much easier and eased the hyperinflation on these items.
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Thanks to the large swaths of flatland, forests and hills, a large variety of plants and vegetables are grown in the North. Rice and wheat are important staple crops along with spices which flourish due to the geographical and climactic variety.  Wood is also a staple export and used domestically. Laws placed by Xiaosi Tanaka in 397 P.S.W prevent deforestation and have curbed the demand for wood from trees, giving birth to a second industry; bamboo farming. Animal husbandry and horse raising are two other large economic stapled of Kōngběi-Hu. Goats in particular are a rare commodity and primarily raised by descendants of the Far North peoples.
Primary tourism from outside of Kōngběi-hu comes from Jiteo-Sengu, as the only visitors from Mikaizu tend to be merchants. A few, however, come to visit those that has married into a Northern family. Due to poor relations between the Tanaka and Jurai, however, the number is few. Internal tourism is modest with Yangjin, Paixang Lake, Caoyin’ye and the Dulong Valley receiving the overwhelming majority of tourism. Shuyi’wo, as the boarder city and host of annual cooking contests, receives the majority of Mikaizu  visitors through the role of contest entrants.
Exports and Imports
Kōngběi-hu is the primary exporter of many good within Tenroun’ou. These include glass, diamonds, wood, wood carvings, queried stone, iron ore, gold, red meat, horses and blank paper.
From Mikaizu, the North imports silks, dyes, certain medicinal herbs, rice, fish, pearls, emeralds, jewelry-grade coral and steel weaponry.
From Jiteo-Sengu, the North imports certain vegetables, plant seeds to grow, blessed charms and objects, and muslin cloth.
One of the two biggest services available animal breeding. Horse breeding in particular has become very fashionable among the nobility and horse racing has become popular. Breeding for particular kinds of dogs, cats and birds for companionship or cattle, pigs and chickens for consumption is lucrative business both within Kōngběi-Hu and Mikaizu. The former prefers a mixture of pleasure and food breeding while the latter solely imports animal bred for consumption.
The second biggest service industry is hired mercenaries. The applicant pool consists of vagabonds, nobles, former Royal Guards who have left the service or been dismissed and some self-taught fighters. The vast majority are hired either for protection of caravans, traveling groups, noble houses or shops but some are hired for dangerous excavations. In the black market, mercenaries are hired to track and bring back debtors, capture and sell outstanding debtors into slavery to pay their debt, perform assassinations and plunder unmarked tombs. Due to the freelance nature of the business and their small numbers, the Tanaka have had a difficult curbing the illegal capture of peoples and debtors alike to sell into slavery.
Education and the arts are also two other important services offered. The Ruzhid School of Diplomacy and Spirit Studies and the School of the Mask are the two most sought-after education halls within the North and Center. Children of well-to-do merchants, nobles and the occasional sponsored talent all clamor to be accepted within the schools, as there is only a limited amount of spaces. Teachers are in high demand both in the schools and at large, with private tutors offing their services for a fee.
There are also many freelance artists who either sell their services on commission, garner patrons or sell their creations through merchants. Popular artistry mediums include glass, wood, songs and stories with the former being consumed by the public at large and the latter consumed by the nobility.
Luxury Goods
Out of the many luxury goods the North produces, there are three that stand above the rest; wood, gold and glass. Due to the necessary deforestation in Mikaizu to cull the demons, there is a heavy reliance on the North to provide needed wood. Wood has been used as leverage by the Tanaka clan to negotiate trade deals for silk in order to placate the nobility. It has also been withheld as punishment during more tenuous times of North-South relations.
While gold is self-explanatory (used in jewelry making, artistry and minting tien), glass is the next most-relied upon luxury good. The primary customer for it is Jiteo-Sengu as Mikaizu had long ago adapted their architecture to use rice paper and shutters in place of glass. The island nature or the region also makes rice paper preferable as it is cheap and easy to repair from storm damage. In Jiteo-Sengu, having glass windows, decorative panes within temples and glass artistry is seen as a status symbol. thanks to its ephemeral nature, glass is a popular gift to give to the royal family. Glass made with sand from the Yangjin beach is particularly coveted for its pale rose color.
Other luxury goods exported from the North are iron ore, marble and granite, diamonds, amber, horses, and specialty herbs, particularly those that make up the pregnancy repression tea.
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gildedink · 6 years
Major and Minor Noble Clans of Jiteo-Sengu
The Tokko Clan
Blessing: Blushing Hibiscus Current Head: Công Tokko Wife: Yeong-Nari Tokko (formally Yeong-Nari Ân) Children: 4 daughters, Myeong-Hye Tokko, Jung Tokko, Jang-Mi Tokko and Kim-Lan Tokko City: Kochwa-Ja
Background: The Tokko family rules over Kochwa-Ja, which houses the Culinary School of the Garden. Preferring to speak softly but carry a weapon just in case, the Tokko like to wait and watch before taking the path of aggression. For them, money can persuade peace better than steel. As such, they are shrewd and use bribery as a common device to ply others to get what they need. The protection of the institute and its patrons is of utmost importance to them. There is a strong defense due to the bandits in the Myo-Ho Desert nearby though half the time the earnings made are used to dissuade pillaging of the city.
Important principles of the Tokko are wealth, image, gentility and protection of connections. The men of the family tend to be skilled in long-range pole arms and staves.
 The Lanhua Clan
Blessing: The Spirit Orchid Current Head: Borauk Lanhua Wife: None Children: None Additional Family: Weilai Lanhua (younger sister, Oracle of Humanity), Weifeng Lanhua (younger sister), Sarasija Lanhua (younger half-sister), Ranjita Lanhua (formally Ranjita Narayan, Queen Regnant and stepmother), Yeong-Ja Lanhua (mother, former Oracle of Humanity and Queen, deceased), Eun-Jung Lanhua (formally Eun-Jung Moobon, father, former King of Tenruon’ou, deceased) City: Gyumo-Ang
Background: The royal family. They directly govern the region of Jiteo-Sengu and while they technically rule all of Tenruon’ou, they allow the Tanaka and Jurai clans to effectively rule the regions of Kōngběi-Hu and Mikaizu respectively. The family is also the lineage that produces The Oracle of Humanity, the mouthpiece of the Spirit Orchid. He or she will produce prophesy that is meant to aid in humanity’s survival. There is only one Oracle per generation and by law, the Oracle cannot rule Tenuon’ou. The palace is located a couple hour’s journey from the capitol, Gyumo-Ang, but there is a secondary palace called the miniature Palace located within Gyumo-Ang as well. The Lanhua’s are quite warm and polite, hosting their court often both to assert dominance and gather information from across the land and gossip. There is no scandal the Lanhua are not aware of. Whether they act upon the information is entirely up to them. There are only two times in history the Lanhua has purposefully exerted their absolute authority as rulers; during the Tanaka-Jurai Civil War to keep the region of Jiteo-Sengu as a neutral territory in the dispute and during the Expansion of the Tsunami when Ayako Jurai attempted to break the Boarder Treaty, threatening action against the Jurai clan should she not cease.
Important principles to the Lanhua are equality, objectivity, compassion, optimism and guidance. The men are trained formally in defensive arts with both swords and polearms though the Royal Guard generally protects the family. The women are discouraged from fighting and the Oracle – regardless of sex – is barred from learning any kind of self-defense as they are always heavily guarded on principle. In times of crisis, the Jurai and Tanaka Clans are to act as personal protection to the royal family with the current heads of the two clans to act as personal guards to the Oracle of Humanity.
 The Sohpong Clan
Blessing: Shimmering Bird of Paradise Current Head: Hwan-Bora Sohpong Wife: Eun Sohpong (formally Eun Rhan) Children: 2 sons, Dae-Hyun Sohpong and Seong-Wook Sohpong City: Hyang-Sul
Background: The Sohpong family rules over Hyang-Sul, which supplies the Capitol with its food as well being the largest producer of natural oils for perfumes. They cultivate a sense of beauty and have a wide knowledge of various flora and their effects both medicinal and poisonous. While concerned about boarder security between the Center and South, the Sohpong rely on the royal guard instead for protections as payment for uninterrupted food supplies and perfumes. Because of this, the family has a somewhat idyllic sense of the peace in the land.
Important principles of the Sohpong are cultivation of beauty, restfulness, fertility of the mind and body and aesthetic pleasure.
Minor Nobles
Below is a list of the minor noble houses in Jiteo-Sengu as well as what Spirit they are Blessed by.
Kyŏn Family (Lightning Mare, very distant)
Roe Family (Darting Deer)
Deung Family (Bejewled Ivy, distant)
Itou Family (Amethyst Willow)
Ryeo Family (none)
Wagan Family (Amber Wolf)
Altantsetseg Family (Golden Rose)
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gildedink · 6 years
Jiteo-Sengu, The Center of Tenruon’ou - Introduction
Jiteo-Sengu - also known as ‘the Center’ or ‘the Central Region’ in common colloquial – is the region of Tenruon’ou overseen and governed directly by the Royal Lanhua Family. It covers the southern fourth of the continent of Jiahuyen and the upper half of the island of Taimi, which are located in the central region of Tenrou’ou hence the nickname. Jiteo-Sengu has the additional importance of keeping the regions of Kōngběi-Hu and Mikaizu separate from one another, acting as a buffer zone between the Tanaka and Jurai clans.
The history of The Center is slightly obscured regarding the events that led up to its creation. What is known is that in Gyumo-Ang was the first city of the region be established in 40 P.S.W. At the time Tenruon’ou had yet to have a capitol or royal family as whatever previous government had ruled humanity before the Great Spirit War was lost. Though a handful of noble families survived – such as the Tanaka Clan – most remaining were commoners. With the Jurai establishing their own circle of power through the following of those Blessed by the sea and the Tanaka currently ruling Amakin both due to being of noble blood and Blessed by the Golden Phoenix, it was proposed that the Lanhua family, who carried the Blessing of the Spirit Orchid, be chosen to rule. With the consensus, the Lanhua became the rulers of Tenruon’ou.
The first village of the Center was the future capital of Tenruon’ou, Gyumo-Ang. It was officially established in 40 P.S.W but some scholars suspect it may be older as the area where the city became established was occupied by the Jurai Clan for a time before then. It was founded by Ahnjong Lanhua, who married that generation’s Oracle of Humanity, Min-A, who’s family name has been lost to history. Since then, the Spirit Orchid has Blessed the Lanhua family continuously.
As a rule, the Oracle of Humanity can never be the King of Tenruon’ou, though because the law specifies the position of king and not queen, there have been a few times where the Queen of Tenruon’ou has also been the Oracle of Humanity. The most recent instance of this is the deceased Queen Yeong-Ja Lanhua, mother of the current King, Borauk Lanhua. Men who marry into the Lanhua take on the family name. Tenruon’ou has never been ruled by anyone not with Lanhua blood and the Blessing of the Spirit Orchid.
After the establishing of Gyumo-Ang, King Ahnjong rapidly expanded the territory held directly by the Lanhua Clan, working in conjunction with Kyo Tanaka to purge the demons that still infested the land as it had once been the home of the Demon Court during the Great Spirit War. It took many years and by 63 P.S.W the continent of Jiahuyen was relatively safe for residence and city establishment. It was agreed upon by the nobility that half the continent would be directly ruled by the Lanhua while the other, northern half would be overseen by the Tanaka Clan. The major cities of Ohan Sebji (renamed Shuyi’wo once being handed over to the Tanaka after the Civil War), Kochwa-Ja and Ilmo-Mu were established between 68 P.S.W and 77 P.S.W.
In 104 P.S.W, King Jiduri began to expand the region southward as the cities under his direct jurisdiction were stable and expanding. The human populace was now beginning to slowly grow as well. By the end of his reign in 122 P.S.W, the major cities of Hyang-Sul and Sogeum-Kobal (renamed Dokuh’oi once being handed over to the Jurai after the Civil War) had been established, securing the island of Taimi under Lanhua jurisdiction. Expansion was halted abruptly by King Jiduri’s successor, King Ju-Min after the Oracle had a vision warning the region was destined to fall under Jurai rule. Until the vision, the royal family and the Tanaka had assumed the Jurai Clan and those who had followed had been lost, wiped out by the demons that still roamed the land. This was proven false and in 125 P.S.W, King Ju-Min sent out a small scouting party to attempt to locate the Jurai. After several failed attempts, a scouting party returned with Tatsuya Jurai, who was sent by the Clan Head to represent the family. He informed the king of the establishment and stability of the cities of Umi no Hōseki, Hachiiru and Atsuno as well as swore fealty to the crown as the other noble clans had at the establishment of the monarchy.
The island between the Taimi and the established Jurai cities was left alone and the Jurai officially recognized as nobility along with the Sea Blessed families who had become rulers of their cities under the Jurai Clan. King Ju-Min also, under the advice of the Oracle, gave power to the Jurai to appoint other families as nobility at their discretion, a power the Tanaka Clan also held.
The Tanaka-Jurai Civil War
From 125 P.S.W until 498 P.S.W, Jiteo-Sengu remained relatively stable, its boarders firm and unchanged. There was peace and stability during this long stretch of time and the human populace flourished. The Tanaka and Jurai clans remained separate and at odds due to incidents continuously occurring between the families. The Lanhua acted as a neutral party and kept those directly under their rule out of any disputes.
In 497 P.S.W, Jianyu Tanaka declared war on the South. While the then-head of the Jurai Clan – Kousuke Jurai - initially refused to engage in the war, when the sacred spirit sharks of the Jurai began to wash up slaughtered onto the shores, the war was reciprocated.
The war went on for months, primarily fought in Keiro’u. The Lanhua Royal Family was unable to intercede in the fight, having their hands full attempting to cull Jiteo-Sengu which was fracturing over the emotional and political appeals of both sides. At its height, the war threatened to permanently rip Tenruon’ou in half and the Lanhua were at risk of losing the crown as the populace violently revolted against their neutrality. Though it was illegal, many young men fleeing from conscription into the Kōngběi-Hu army fled to Jiteo-Sengu and were hidden by the populace. Those of the Hidden Villages initially sided with the royal family. When it was discovered by their internal nobility that the sacred sharks of the Jurai had been slaughtered, over 3/4th of the Hidden Villages sided with the Jurai, including many located in the North. This public selection of sides agitated the populace of Jiteo-Sengu into action and in the final couple of year of the war, the royal family was forced to barricade themselves within the palace for safety. Only the fact that the Oracle of Humanity was within kept the citizens from breaking in and killing the Lanhua family for their pacifism.
By the end of the war, about 700,000 in total were either injured or dead, cumulating the loss of both sides. There was a single missing case, that of Yuzuko Jurai the eldest daughter of Kousuke Jurai. To this day her remains have never been found. Some speculate her tormented spirit is what haunts the Myu-Ho Desert.
Fallout and Contraction
At the end of the war, a treaty was drawn up by the royal family and the Tanaka and Jurai forced to sign in. Within the treaty, it was agreed war could not be declared unless proof of provocation could be shown. Both families agreed to remain outside of one another’s territories unless given permission by the other to enter. The cities of Ohan Sebji and Sogeum-Kobal were given to the Tanaka and Jurai and renamed Shuyi’wo and Dokuh’oi respectively. Though these two cities would now be part of Kōngběi-Hu and Mikaizu, they would remain, by law, under the jurisdiction of the Lanhua family with the Tanaka and Jurai Clans simply governing them. This caused the region of Jiteo-Sengu to shrink about 40% in area.
Shortly after the war in 499 P.S.W, reports of demonic infection and poisoning so deep the Earth Spirits were seeking interceding within the city of Ilmo-Mu reached the ear of the King. Before there was enough time to react, the Phoenix King came down and scorched the area with holy fire, cleansing the area of the demonic poison but also rendering the area an inhospitable desert. When questioned by the Oracle, the Spirit Orchid revealed the infection was just too deep to be healed and thus the need to purify through fire. The city of Ilmo-Mu was lost and the area became re-labeled as the My-Ho Desert. Though there is no confirmation either way from the spirit Orchid, the Lanhua family suspects the cause of poisoning was the desecration of Yuzuko Jurai, who went missing and whose body was never found.
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gildedink · 6 years
Kōngběi-Hu, The North of Tenruon’ou - Introduction
Kōngběi-Hu - also known as ‘the North’ in common colloquial – is the region of Tenruon’ou overseen and governed by the Tanaka Clan. It covers the continent of Jiahuyen, which is located in the northern region of Tenrou’ou hence the nickname.
The history of The North covers a large swath of time, being the first area formally established with Amakin as the first city as suggested by records and historical evidence. The expansion of the North occurred within the first couple of generations since its inception in Amakin and has remained stable in its holdings from then on until the present day, with a slight change occurring after the civil war. While the Tanaka Clan both founded and has ruled Kōngběi-Hu since its inception, the Hjwang Clan is notorious for inciting political dissent within the nobility of the area with varying degrees of success.
Near the end of the Great Spirit War, a mountain chain in the Far North region suddenly became animated via demonic forces. This goliath – dubbed The Moving Mountain by folk tellers – was eventually felled and became the land of Tenruon’ou. Those who survived the harrowing ordeal were led by Kyo Tanaka to the new land and established Amakin with what was left of humanity.
It is uncertain where the human populace had lived before then. Tales of a far larger landmass where different kingdoms with their own language, culture and races resided are all that is left. It is also uncertain if this land mass still exists. No one has dared attempt to find it.
Since its founding the North has only ever been led by a blood descendant of Kyo Tanaka.
The Tanaka-Jurai Civil War
After its founding, The North expanded quickly until around 101 P.S.W where its boarders remained stable and unchanged, with Caoyin’ye acting as the southern-most boarder city. With Kōngběi-Hu situated on the continent of Jiahuyen, an extensive roadway system was built over the generations to allow for easy travel from both major cities and minor villages. These roadways allowed word to travel quickly from town to town, including intelligence. Expansion became safer both in terms of journey and in terms of connectivity; many mail outposts cropped up using both horses, wagons for packages and trained carrier bird for quick replies. The latter is most often used by the nobility and influential elite.
In 497 P.S.W, Jianyu Tanaka declared war on the South. While the then-head of the Jurai Clan – Kousuke Jurai - initially refused to engage in the war, when the sacred spirit sharks of the Jurai began to wash up slaughtered onto the shores, the war was reciprocated.
The war went on for months, primarily fought in Keiro’u. The Lanhua Royal Family was unable to intercede in the fight, having their hands full attempting to cull Jiteo-Sengu, the area they ruled directly, which was fracturing over the emotional and political appeals of both sides. At its height, the war threatened to permanently rip Tenruon’ou in half. Those of the Hidden Villages initially threatened secession if things did not quell. When discovering the sacred sharks of the Jurai were slaughtered, over 3/4th of the Hidden Villages sided with the Jurai, including many located in the North. This caused an internal, second front for the Tanaka Clan to deal with; the initial battle front in Keiro’u and then a guerrilla war within its own boarders from those of the Hidden Village.
By the end of the war, about 700,000 in total were either injured or dead, cumulating the loss of both sides. There was a single missing case, that of Yuzuko Jurai the eldest daughter of Kousuke Jurai. To this day her remains have never been found. Some speculate her tormented spirit is what haunts the Myu-Ho Desert.
The Challenge of the Hjwang Clan
The Hjwang Clan is considered “next in line” to rule Kōngběi-Hu should something occur to the Tanaka Family. They are Blessed by the Crimson Dragon, who was also created by the Sun God Zoleko, after the Golden Phoenix. Just as the Crimson Dragon is known in lore to wish to usurp the Phoenix King, the Hjwang Family is notorious for inciting civil unrest in the North on a political level.
The argument of the Hjwang is that the Tanaka Family can only have one child born every generation as per a particular quirk caused by their Blessing. On occasion there have been two Tanaka children born in a generation, though this is an exception to the rule and considered an anomaly. The Hjwang argue this is detrimental to the survival of the clan and thus the North may be in jeopardy should something occur to the current head or heir. The Crimson Dragon does not have a quirk akin to this and thus they argue they are far better suited to rule.
Some incidents of note that have occurred is the tariff on glass the Hjwang placed and falsely stated was placed by the Tanakas, marriage proposals that have fallen through and two attempts at a coup-de-ta during the reign of Kuokong Tanaka and Gamon Tanaka.
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gildedink · 6 years
Politics within the South can be divided into external and internal. While internal relations are more or less steady, held together through alliance and brute force, external relations with the North are very subject to change at least once a generation.
Internal Relations
Relations between the nobility within Jiteo-Sengu are very straight forward. Because the Lanhua Clan rule both the Center directly and Tenruon’ou overall, the major and minor nobility tend to remain subservient. The Tokko and Sohpong Clans in particular use their position as being within the royal court so often to curry favor and gain more resources and favor.
While there are not too many scandals, there are a few interesting points of note. The first is that of the previous king – King Eun-Jung – taking a second wife once Queen Yeong-Ja died giving birth to Princess Weifeng. As the previous Queen was both the Oracle of Humanity and the blood of the Lanhua, the nobility felt the King’s second wife should not be allowed the title of Queen. It was the first time Tenruon’ou was ruled, even temporarily, by a non-blood relative of the Lanhua. The King ruled with his new Queen for 8 years before passing on the title to his eldest son, the current King Borauk. Lord Jurai in particular was concerned with the possible implication and voiced them publically. In reply, King Eun-Jung both swore to pass on the crown to his eldest son once of age and that his youngest and only child with his second wife, Princess Sarasija, would be ineligible for the throne.
Another point of note is that of the court suspension of Sasami Jurai. In 995 P.S.W, Lady Sasami debuted within the court having reached the age of adulthood. However, shortly after her debut she was dismissed from court until further notice when she began violently attacking Lady Myeong-Hye Tokko. When asked to explain herself, the young woman stated that Lady Myeong-Hye had insulted her mother’s honor, insinuating that she married into her family for power and influence, as Lady Chiyasa Jurai is from a common family in Mikaizu. The violent, physical nature of Lady Sasami’s attack has heavily soured the impression within the court. She has yet to be called back to court officially.
A final point of note is the current unmarried status of King Borauk is another point of interest. It is well-known among the nobility within Tenruon’ou that both the king and his sister, Princess Weilai, are notorious for bedding men and women, common and noble. It has caused a concern for illegitimate children, particularly regarding King Borauk. While the king hides his trysts and tends to keep them more private, Princess Weilai openly flants both her preference and the amount of lovers she has had, to the displeasure of the nobility. Particular individuals in the nobility find her actions vile while certain others say nothing on the subject as they have shared the Oracle’s bed either for pleasure or to attempt to gain political leverage with little success. With Princess Weilai just turning the age of adulthood, many nobles through Tenruon’ou are hoping to be the one to win her hand – if male – and to use the event as leverage to win the King’s hand in matrimony, if female.
External Relations
Overall, relations between the Jiteo-Sengu and the northern and southern regions have been positive. Though the Lanhua family takes a more hands-off approach regarding how directly they interfere with the other two regions, they still remain informed of their internal happenings. There has never been a time where, politically, the Center has been forced to go without a resource. The only instance in which there were poor relations with Mikaizu was during the reign of Lady Ayako “Tsunami” Jurai during her attempt at expansion into the North.
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gildedink · 6 years
Kōngběi-Hu, The North of Tenruon’ou - Geography
The area of Kōngběi-Hu is housed within the continent of Jiahuyen, which offers a variety of landscapes. The central area of the land mass in primarily flat plains, making it perfect for large fields for both farming and animal raising. The lower point it Peixang Lake, a natural mineral hot spring that some Ruzhidian scholars hypothesize used to be the site of a volcano. Small forests, glens and woods are scattered throughout though the largest ones tend to be closer to the coast. In addition are several rivers, streams, hilled areas and small mountain ranges.
The climate within the North has an even distribution of the four seasons though the higher prevalence of trees tends to lend itself to a more humid summer. Snow is present in the winter and snow can fall within the mountainous areas a month or two sooner than the rest of the general area. Ice will form in the waters around Amakin and the farthest northern area of Kōngběi-Hu, making sea travel impossible at this time. During the winter months any shipments are brought in via monthly caravans. The only body of water that does not ice over is the Peixang hot springs, a large lake in the central area of the North and a very popular vacation destination during this time of the year.
Flora consists of a large mixture of trees – including evergreens within the mountains, tropical trees on the border area with Jiteo-Sengu and both fruit-bearing trees and moderate climate trees prolific everywhere – as well as an abundance of fruits, honey and farmed wheat. Rice is primarily imported from Mikaizu, though a modest amount of crop is produced annual. Medicinal herbs that to by Peixang Lake and the Torgal Mountains cannot be found anywhere else due to their unique microclimates and are highly sought after by healers. A mixture of vegetables is also grown.
Fauna consists of both wild and domesticated mammals. Wild animals include monkeys, rabbits, boars, elk and deer, birds both predatory and non, foxes and jungle cats. Wolves are a known danger on the mountains. Many rare birds are also seen making their home near Amakin, most likely drawn by the presence of the Tanaka family. Domesticated animals make up a large portion of profits, providing food, clothing materials and labor. They include horses, cow and oxen, sheep, chickens and pigs. Villages closer to the mountains also raise goats. Horses in particular are seen as valuable due to ability to transport.
Key Geographical Features
Despite the variation in land geography, the extensive roadway system begun by order of Kyo Tanaka – the founder of the Tanaka family – and continued throughout the generation has made trekking to more remote areas or on difficult terrain easier. Despite the roadways, many particularly special landmarks have been preserved by law and instead any construction of towns must work with nature rather than force it down.
One location of note is the Dulong Valley, where the city of Huoyangxi is located by. It is quite deep and the primary source of iron ore for the North. The Smarnian tribe of Sugand’h is also said to reside within the valley. No one is certain how deep the valley goes, as the bottom has never been reached. As such, it is ill-advised to trek there without a guide. It is a popular tourist destination with those looking for thrills.
The Torgal Mountains are another key landmark of Kōngběi-Hu. These mountains are sacred to the Descendants of the Far North, a race of peoples easily marked by their pale, burn-prone skin, light, textured hair and light eyes. A festival is held on top of the mountains annually, bringing together all families involved. It is claimed to be the binding site of a horrific demon and as such no one should go on the mountain without permission. Only Far North descendants know how to navigate the mountain and many have died ignoring their warnings. It is unclear if simply the mountain itself killed them through exposure, cold or falling, or if there is truth to the legend of the demon.
Another interesting feature if the Daio’kesh River. It is the largest river in the North and cuts perfectly across the continent of Jiahuyen, from north to south. Smaller amounts of cargo are moved through the wide river and many imports requested by the Tanaka family are taken through there. The waters are typically calm though there are many rapids along the way. It is also a favorite stomping ground for inland pirates.
There are many small and mid-sized villages in the North, particularly along trade routes, rivers and the coast. However, there are six large cities in the North of note, each ruled by a Northern noble family.
The city farthest north in Tenruon’ou and the home of the Tanaka Clan (who is Blessed by the Golden Phoenix) that rules the North. It is a port city surrounded by the Sharizelka Forest. It specializes in glass making, including tableware, glass windows and hand-blown glass figures. It also houses the Holy Flame, a piece of Phoenix fire left by the Phoenix King to be used, should Tenruon’ou ever be in peril.
Ruled by the Song family (who is Blessed by the Jade Cricket), the city is renowned for its housing and producing of great musicians, artists, singers and composers. Also known as Molak’u’shiir’s Breath due to the constant wind that comes off of the Western Byu’gong Ocean, artists and bards of all kind flock to the School of the Mask to hone their skills before going out into the world. It tends to house a great many of families blessed by Songbird Spirits and its architecture is particularly color with design influenced from the North, Center and Hidden Villages.
Ruled by the Hjwang family (who is Blessed by the Crimson Dragon), the city is known for its spice making and delicate wood carvings. It has heavy ties with the Hidden Village of Sugand’h, who provides raw spices to the city. In return for being the main seller of spices for Sugand’h, the Hjwang clan provides protection for the Hidden Village, creating a symbiotic relationship. The city is located near the Dulong Valley.
Overseen by the Luo family (who is Blessed by the Tawny Owl), the city prides itself on cultivating an atmosphere of learning, philosophy and spirituality. Located near the Peixang Lake – known for its natural mineral hot springs and medicinal herbs – the city is the epicenter of worldly balance. Many minor Spirits of the Sky and Earth visit here, causing the air to be purer than usual. It houses the Ruzhid School of Diplomacy and Spirit Studies, which has produced many well-known priests, scholars and court advisors throughout the centuries.
Ruled by the Ŭn family (who is Blessed by the Snowy Crane), the city is surrounded by expansive meadows and dotted with marshes. Many roads lead to it, due to it being a boarder city. The city is a melting pot between the cultures of the North and Center and as such, has an expansive array of cuisine. Nicknamed by food aficionados as the Gourmand City, the city holds contests throughout the year for any chef - old or young, amateur or experienced – to compete for fame, money and possible service contracts. Even participants from the South are allowed in via special travel papers that must be secured in advanced.
Located on the coast of the East Byu’gong Sea, it is the only major city not ruled by a noble family. Rather, it is run communally, with an acting board that oversees the city. These representatives of the populace run for office and elections are held once every 7 years. A tourist city, it is known for its unusual pink beaches and pink sand export to Amakin. A few kilometers away from the edge of town is the Yinhyang Glades, a forest filled with unique fruits and flora. It is rumored the Chikai’yu Tree is hidden somewhere within the glade.
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gildedink · 6 years
Mikaizu, The South of Tenruon’ou - Culture
While the culture of Mikaizu is not far removed from the general culture of Tenruon’ou, there are unique features to the South that make it distinct.
The food of Mikaizu is heavily seafood-based thanks to the geography of the region. Soups, broths, rice and rice-based noodles are also staples. Flavors stem from broths and herbs used, with calculated additions of spices. Lemongrass, mint, turmeric, garlic, ginger and pepper are common flavor profiles. Those near the local Hidden Villages will also eat roti and curry. Chicken and pork is consumed though to a lesser extent then fish. Beef is rare and always imported from the North.
Desserts are also rice-based, some containing adzuki paste - a paste made of red beans boiled and mashed with sugar. It’s commonly used in mochi-based desserts. Tea desserts are also consumed. A specialty of the farthest southern region is coffee. It is made in small, limited amounts and given as gifts to guests and the Royal Family. Kuromitsu syrup, rose water, cane sugar, molasses and honey are common sweeteners.
In addition to the basic tunic, sash, and pant or skirt, there are other unique clothing styles specific to the South.
One unique clothing option in Mikaizu is kimono. Kimonos are long robes tied closed with decorative, wide, stiff sashes. They can be very informal, made of muslin and gauze or formal, being made of silk and decorated in lacquered threads. Depending on formality, rank and whether male or female, kimono are worn in various numbering of layers. Warriors have an additional option of wearing hakama, a type of wide pleated pant that is always paired with a kimono.
Ao Dai
Another option is ao dai. While ao dai are a gender-neutral option, it is primarily worn by women. It is a formal outfit consisting of long, loose pants or skirt with a tunic on top that has long front and back panels that reach the ankle. It is favored by more active noblewomen such as Sasami Jurai. The tunic can come in long, short or no sleeves.
Fishnet Clothing
Worn primarily by fishermen, in the thick of summer this is a common choice for men. The most common form is as a shirt but some also wear it as pants underneath loose pants to protect from rope or skid burns. Fingerless fishnet gloves are also preferred in the summer by fighters over the usual muslin arm wraps in order to allow breathing of the skin. Some prostitutes wear it strategically in the summer for decoration rather than function, usually under other clothing.
Shalwar Kameez
Worn during the cooling and cold seasons in the border area between Mikaizu and Jiteo-Sengu, shalwar kameez are very color, consisting of loose, baggy pants and a long tunic to about mid-thigh or above the knee. The tunic is usually with short or long sleeves. It can be considered a stylized version of the usual tunic and pants. Many of these are dip-dyed to create lovely ombre fades in place of embroidery.
Worn in the summer by women, sarongs come in all lengths, colors and patterns. Usually used in conjunction with other pieces of clothing, a sarong can completely replace a tunic or skirt, depending on the length. In the spring sarongs are used as aprons or head coverings rather than clothing.
Houses and buildings are built of wood, the structure raised off the ground either slightly or – for those living near water – higher up off the ground. Some specialty homes are built high above deeper water with special, reinforced beams and latticework to hold it safely up. Roofs are covered in ceramic tiles painted white, pale grey or light blue to keep away the sun and make the building cooler in the summer. Sliding doors called fusuma are used in place of walls, through some buildings have non-movable walls in place, usually inns and public establishments. Buildings tend to be several stories with stacked roofing to show off the layers of the structure.
Decorations include gardens (plant, rock or even water), intricate wood carvings on the doors and beams, and inlays of mother-of-pearl for noble houses. Configuration of personal homes can change from season to season thanks to the movable fusuma. Wood tends to be stained in a neutral, light color to show off the natural beauty of the material.
The Arts
The largest artistic crafts exported are silks. Silk dying techniques are unique to each maker, with the Jurai having some of the oldest and most sought-after. The playing of musical instruments is highly encouraged in young men and dance in young women. Fan dances are seen only in the South, performed in furisode with heavy brocaded embroidery. Singing is also common, with sailors and fishermen having their own unique method of song.
Calligraphy is admired for its delicate touch while ink paintings for their bold simplicity. Jewelry made from silver, pearls, emeralds and coral can be bought for a very high price. Kanzashi are very popular gifts to give to women, either being made from simple material such as lacquered wood or from expensive material such as precious metals. Watercolor paintings are also popular both as gifts and decorations.
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gildedink · 6 years
Mikaizu, The South of Tenruon’ou - Economy
The overall economy of the South is robust and flourishing. With a handful of generations of consistent, neutral relations with Kōngběi-hu, trade has been much easier and allowed Mikaizu to grow into the expanded territory claimed by Lady Ayako Jurai.
Agriculture and Fishery
Thanks to the natural deltas and marshes, rice is the staple crop of the South. On larger islands corn and wheat are grown along with bamboo, which is used for building material and food. Though chickens and pigs are raised for consumption, fish is the primary meat of the region. The plethora of ports, shallow, rivers and easy access for all major cities to either the Zakuri Sea or Volryu Ocean make fishing ideal. Fishing is regulated in order to prevent overfishing.
Primary tourism from outside of Mikaizu comes from Jiteo-Sengu, though a few with connections to the South from Kōngběi-hu are allowed travel as well. Due to poor relations between the Jurai and Tanaka, however, the number is few. Internal tourism is quite robust with Atsuno and Odakana receiving the majority of tourism. Hachiiru too receives a fair share of both internal and external tourism, though it is primarily made up of merchants.
Exports and Imports
Mikaizu is the primary exporter of many good within Tenroun’ou. These include silks, dyes, certain medicinal herbs, rice, fish, pearls, emeralds, jewelry-grade coral and steel weaponry.
From Kōngběi-hu, the South imports glass, diamonds, wood, wood carvings, queried stone, gold, red meat, horses and blank paper.
From Jiteo-Sengu, the South imports certain vegetables, sugar cane, honey, plant seeds to grow, blessed charms and objects, and muslin cloth.
While several different services are provided in the South, the most notorious are that of assassinations. The Jurai themselves are both silk makers and master assassins. While not every Jurai is trained in the art of assassination, a fair amount are. Unlike most assassin guilds which disallow women, the Jurai train their women in the art of killing should they request it. Assassin guilds can be hired by anyone in Tenruon’ou.
Medicine and nursing are another service that is offered. Atsuno, while known for its luxury, is also on the cutting edge of medical research and the main hub for medical training.
Another service of note that, while not exported, is offered within the South is prostitution. Under the rule of Lady Ayako Jurai, with the perfection of the pregnancy repression tea for women, prostitution was fully legalized and is treated as a respectable occupation. The ladies and gentlemen who are within this profession are known as Sirens due to the many sailors and merchants from the central and northern areas in Tenruon’ou that make use of this service.
Luxury Goods
The most sought-after item from the South are the southern silks, particularly ones made in Umi no Hōseki. The Royal Lanhua family receives a portion of the best Jurai silks as tribute to the rulers at the beginning of silk making season before the rest of the silks are sold to nobility all over Tenruon’ou. The North pays a premium both due to distance and tariff due to political relations.
Other luxury goods exported from the South are silver, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, pearls, jewelry-grade coral and specialty herbs, particularly those that make up the pregnancy repression tea.
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gildedink · 6 years
Kōngběi-Hu, The North of Tenruon’ou - Travel, Demographics and Education
The primary mode of transportation tends to be either walking, riding or caravanning. With the North’s expansive roadways, traveling on foot is overwhelmingly preferred though major cities to have horse -renting services should faster travel be needed. It is common for merchants who are running along one of the several trade routes between major landmarks and cities to allow hitchhikers to join them for a small fee. There are several outposts near the border between Jiteo-Sengu and Kōngběi-Hu to ensure only those with papers may enter. These regulations are particularly strict for those coming from Mikaizu.
Boat travel occurs but it primarily done either through industry (the sea) or for tourism (lakes and rivers). Only one Sea Blessed family resides within the North - the Kukaku Clan in Amakin - and as such many merchant ships will hire Sea Blessed ship hands, navigators and captains from Mikaizu. Special work permits are provided for these occupations, allowing the ship’s crew to travel both the North and South freely, as negotiated. There have been a few incidents of work contracts being reneged upon but this is rare. Piracy is also rampant within the water of the North, further discouraging water travel. Boat travel on rivers is more common though on a smaller scale and typically centered near Ruzhid and Yangjin in the form of pleasure cruises.
The populace of the North is home to 75% of the Sky Blessed humans of Tenruon’ou. Because the continent of Jiahuyen houses both Kōngběi-Hu and part of Jiteo-Sengu, about 40% of the Northern populace in total is Blessed. The North contains about 55% of the total population of Tenruon’ou.
Those of the North may be finer boned and shorter due to certain Sky Blessings. However, with the easily available protein this is not always the case and body types tend to have a much larger range. Common traits are black or dark brown hair, sky blue or brown eyes and a range of skin tones from fairer skin to darker, sun-kissed skin.
Population Breakdown
Total percentage of Sky Blessed: 75%
Total Percentage of Earth Blessed: 25%
Total Percentage of Sea Blessed: 0% (apart from the Kukaku Clan)
Ratio of Blessed to Non-Blessed: 40-60
Percentage of Total Human Population in Tenruon’ou: 45%
Percentage of Total Blessed Human Population in Tenruon’ou: 50%
Male-to-Female Ratio: 50-50
Education is reserved for nobility, the priesthood and merchants. The education of the nobility is far more extensive, as merchants tend to only be educated in basic calculations and writing. Other necessary skills such as financing are taught by the family, thus making individuals having these skills difficult to discern by class alone. It is common practice by nobility to keep merchants ignorant in order to skim additional funds for their pockets.
The priesthood within the North, while not as educated as the nobility, are quite learned. Most know how to read and write both in Common and other, more obscure languages. This is done so the clergy can read ancient texts pass down or found through excavation. They are also taught complex calculations, astronomy, astrology, divination techniques (which can vary from temple to temple, family to family), ritual and ceremony, funerary rights, midwifing and demon purification. Some of the temples that historically encounter Spirits more often are also taught Spirit Court etiquette. Both priests and priestesses are educated.
Noblemen are encouraged to cultivate activities deemed of masculine refinement such as wood carving, instrument playing, oration and opera should they have the talent. Noblewomen are encouraged to hone their culinary skills, learn flower arrangement and household management. Needlework, singing and dance are also highly prized female accomplishment.
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gildedink · 6 years
Mikaizu, The South of Tenruon’ou - Religion
Those in the South ascribe to Vidy’aa, the primary religion of Tenruon’ou. There are key differences with regard to worship, ceremonies, and certain festivals that are unique to the local cultus within Mikaizu. However, the base of religion is the same; the worship of the Five Gods of Tenruon’ou. Those gods are Zoleko, the God of the Sun; Tsakiri, the Goddess of the Moon; Haakshul, the Being of Death; Seressia, the Goddess of Time; and Ferah’ai, the God of the Afterlife.
While the gods being worshiped are no different than any other region in Tenruon’ou, priority of the Gods does differ within the cultus. Because of the overwhelming percentage of Sea Blessed residing in Mikaizu, the Moon Goddess Tsakiri takes precedence over her counterpart Zoleko, God of the Sun. In addition, the God of the Afterlife, Ferah’ai is held in higher regard then in the other three regions of Tenruon’ou. While there is no documented reason as to why this is, scholars suspect it may do to the connection between water and the moon. The tides of the water are affected by the movement of the moon and within religious lore, the Crystalline Halls are filled with both a crystal garden and endless flowing water. Within Vidy’aa tradition the soul is cleansed within these waters, hence the connection. Another theory is with the end of the civil war, a movement sparked to give deeper worship to the God in order to appease him and hopefully have the masses of dead fighting on the southern side to take precedence in cleansing in the Crystalline Halls.
Predictably, ceremonies to the Gods revolve around water within the local cultus of the South. Waterfalls are popular places for purification though any place with naturally flowing water will suffice. Masks are also a large part of religious ceremonies along with dances. Religious processions tend to be an ornate affair, with the most important ceremonies taking several hours. Several ceremonies also tend to occur during sunset or twilight hours rather than in the day or at dawn like in the northern or central regions of Tenruon’ou.
Along with the general festivals that are celebrated by all who ascribe to Vidy’aa, there are several festivals that are either specific to local cultus or special to certain villages. Listed below are some additional festivals of note.
Shark Succession – Occurring once a generation, the Shark Succession is a festival of great importance. The full ceremony takes a total of three days, beginning on the first day of the full moon and ending on the third and final day of the full moon. It is the one time those in the South are free to come to Umi no Hōseki, under supervision of course. The location of the city is still kept safe, with guides blindfolding those coming and showing them the way. The first day is the Holy Procession, with the candidates dressed in full ceremonial regalia being slowly led from the Jurai home to the Temple of the Sea near the edge of a cliff. Once there, only candidates and former candidates may enter. Typically several hours later the candidates emerge with only one wearing the Holy Façade gifted to them by the Great Shark. From there, the festival commences during the evening for the next two days. The festival occurs on the first full moon after the youngest candidate has turned 20 years of age.
The Running of the Dolphins – A yearly event in Odakana, the people of the city who have earned the trust of the local male dolphins will race one another to see who is fastest. Much betting occurs as well as much drinking. The dolphins themselves enjoy the race simply as another way to show off to potential mates. The same can be said for the young men and women who participate in the event. The event occurs in early spring just before mating season. The sea is still cold, adding a layer of difficulty for the human participants.
Full Moon Festivals – Occurring once a month, small festivals are held during the zenith of the full moon. The entire South participates in this tradition making is unique to the southern region’s cultus. Temples are open to the public and many bring small gifts of flowers, water, jewelry or fresh fruit and spices, particularly young girls and women. Night festival stalls will include street food, trinkets, simple toys for children and many different pop-up games. Should a festival already be during the upcoming month’s Full Moon Festival (such as the Moon Equinox celebration or the Shark Succession), the other festival would take precedent.
Hanamachi – A term coming from a language before common, it refers to the first couple of weeks after the cherry blossom trees bloom in Mikaizu. The blossoms are a pale, almost-white pink and very fluffy. Many people of Jiteo-Sengu come down to enjoy the festivities which include night festivals, shrine visits, cleaning for the growing season and of course, flower viewing parties. Kōngběi-hu has a similar festival though the flowers bloom later then in the South.
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gildedink · 6 years
Jiteo-Sengu, The Center of Tenruon’ou - Geography
The area of Jiteo-Sengu is mostly fields and hills with a few glens scattered around. One forest to the east of Gyumo-Ang houses one of the Hidden Villages and is thus off-limits for casual travel. Small streams and rivers also dot the landscape, all leading to either the coast or a major river. Overall, the area is primarily plains, which lends itself well with its fertile soil, for farming and orchards. The island of Taimi has a small mountain range on the northeast tip and it is a popular getaway in the summer for the nobility.
The climate within the Center is quite mild, experiencing all four seasons equally. Snow falls during the peak of the cold season and ice forms at the coastline, making it dangerous to travel by large boats for long journeys. During the winter months, trade and travel is primarily done by land with Kōngběi-Hu. Because of the isolation Mikaizu experiences in the winter, exports to the South from Jiteo-Sengu increase significantly during the cooling months in anticipation.
Flora consists of deciduous trees, flowering trees, fruit-bearing trees, shrubs, herbs and vegetables. The soil within the region is particularly fertile due to the presence of the Spirit Orchid and the high concentration of plant-based Earth Spirits. The type of soil found here has been dubbed black soil due to its black appearance. The even distribution of weather within the yearly cycle makes it easy to grow food which contributes to the kind of flora found; most of it is edible even in the wilds.
Fauna consists of a large variety of mammals, bugs, birds, reptiles, freshwater fish and shallow-area sea life. The only type of fauna not present are those that live in extreme cold or extreme heat such as wolves, tropical birds or cold-weather bears.
Key Geographical Features
The region of Jiteo-Sengu is divided between the continent of Jiahuyen and the island of Taimi. Because the land is primarily plains, farming fields and low hills, there are only four geographical features of interest within the region. The Center is also far smaller than the regions of Kōngběi-Hu and Mikaizu.
Two features are the Daio’kesh River and Fyu’xa River, both on the eastern side of the region. The Daio’kesh River in particular is of interest as it runs through the whole continent of Jiahuyen, making it useful to transport goods quickly to Kōngběi-Hu. Many use it for travel and there are regular pleasure cruises for the nobility and well-to-do merchants. However, this has made it of interest to pirates and a special breed of pirate has emerged as a result that specializes in river trekking.
Another location of interest is the Perfume Valley near the city of Hyang-Sul. It is a seemingly endless flower field where flowers are grown for distillation into floral and herbal oils. The scent can be smelled for miles and it draws many bees to it, making it home to a large array of beehives that produce many types of honey.
One area to be avoided at all costs is the Myu-Ho Desert. It is the largest desert in Tenruon’ou and populated by bandits. Created when the Phoenix King burned and purified the area after the Civil War, it is still treacherous to travel at night. Reports from sailors and unfortunate travelers have stated a horrifying specter of a young maiden can be seen at night, particularly during the phase of the full moon. The bandits that reside within the desert are well-known to wear many charms and talismans against evil. Only the truly desperate, lost or those looking to hire someone from the bandits for an illicit job step foot in the desert. A few attempts have been made by the Lanhua, Jurai and Tanaka combined to exterminate the bandits living within but ever campaign has failed miserably.
There are many small villages in the Center, scattered around the coastline, hills and small rivers. However, there are three large cities in the Center of note, each ruled by a noble family.
Overseen by the Tokko family (who is Blessed by the Blushing Hibiscus), the city is most known for its confectionary delights. Housing the Culinary School of the Garden, it accepts students from North, South and Center; if they can pay the fee. Most students who graduate go on to serve the Royal Family or other nobility in Tenruon’ou. It is a quiet town, surrounded by lush meadows. To the southwest is the Myu-Ho Desert, which is rumored to be a breeding ground for thieves, black market smugglers and even human trafficking.
Home to the Royal Lanhua Family (who is Blessed by the Spirit Orchid), it is the Capitol of Tenruon’ou. A port city, it is known for its vast array of wares that spill in from all corners of Tenruon’ou. As such, the architecture, food and dress found here is a mixture of all 3 locations. Heavily guarded from land and sea by the Royal Guard, it is the safest and possibly the oldest city of Tenruon’ou, with layers of architecture and mazes of building fragments in the slums and port. It is rumored that a great hero who defeated a powerful demon is buried somewhere in the city, the tomb long forgotten.
Ruled by the Sohpong family (who is Blessed by the Shimmering Bird of Paradise), the city boasts the largest, continuous field of fresh flowers. Any and all sorts of flora are cultivated here, making the city the largest perfume and natural oil makers in the land. Located by the Fyu’xa River, the soil found here is a pitch black, rich and fertile. The city is also a large exporter of vegetables and has the honor of supplying the food for the capitol, Gyumo-Ang.
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gildedink · 5 years
Jiteo-Sengu, THE Center OF TENRUON’OU - Culture
While the culture of Jiteo-Sengu is not far removed from the general culture of Tenruon’ou, there are unique features to the Center that make it distinct.
The food of Jiteo-Sengu has a wide variety of dishes. Thanks to the region being the primary cultivator of vegetables and fruits, the diet of the Center is vegetable-heavy. The area of the region that rests on the continent of Jiahuyen favors the use of meats such as pork and beef for protein due to its proximity to Kōngběi-Hu. The area of the region that rests of the island of Taimi favors the use of fish for protein thanks to the many coastal cities and the smaller nature of the landmass. The capitol city of Gyumo-Ang is known for combining both red meat and fish into meals through various courses. Rice is the preferred carb of choice. Flavors stem from sauces and spice mixes as well as fermentation. Common flavor profiles include soy sauce, soybean paste, sesame oil, garlic, ginger, pepper flakes and a unique fermented red chili paste called gochujang. Vegetarian curries are also very popular, thanks to the influence of the Hidden Villages within the region though the flavor profile tends to err on the lighter side of heat and focuses on enhancing the harmony of the ingredients used through the aid of the spices.
There are two unique aspects to Jiteo-Sengu cuisine; the prevalence of side dishes and medicinal cooking. Similar to Kōngběi-Hu, meals are typically served on large platters in the middle of the table. However, unlike Kōngběi-Hu, meals will typically have 2 or 3 main dishes and then many small side dishes that are shared amongst the table. A staple side dish is kimchi, a spicy fermented cabbage that aids in digestion and skin health.
Medicinal cooking, called boyangshik, is unique to the region, pulling from the tradition of handing down herbal mixtures and remedies within the family and pairing it with the philosophy of enhancing the healing aura of plants and animal meats that sleep dormant within for medicinal use. The aim is to aid in balancing ones inner energies, or ki, by providing a particular type the body many be lacking due to natural disposition, circumstance, illness, possession or time of the year. The region of Mikaizu has a few similar dishes but the practice is not wide-spread and stems from immigrants from the region of Jiteo-Sengu into the South. A few common boyangshik dish ingredients include ginseng, chicken, abalone, eel, carp, beef bone soups and pig kidneys.
Desserts are split into two general categories; tteok and hangwa. Tteok are rice-based desserts, akin to mochi in Mikaizu, and can be made from pounded rice, pounded glutenous rice or whole rice. The confection is typically covered or filled with sweetened mung bean paste, red bean paste (adzuki), raisins or a filling made with sesame seeds or sesame seed paste, pine nuts and honey. It is both a popular dessert or accompaniment with tea. Hangwa has many sub-groups, but typically includes the use of grain flour, honey, edible roots such as lotus root and fruits. Some popular desserts in this category are yumilgwa – wheat-dough that has been shaped and is stir fried –, yakgwa – flower shaped biscuits made of honey, wheat flour and sesame oil, usually used for medicinal purposes – , and jeongwa – a marmalade-like sweet made by boiling fruits, plant roots and seeds in honey or sugar. Common sweeteners are honey, sesame seed paste and cane sugar. Fermentation is also occasionally used to make certain sweets.
In addition to the basic tunic, sash, and pant or skirt, there are other unique clothing styles specific to the Center.
Unique to Jiteo-Sengu, hanbok are typically used for formal and semi-formal events, similar to the hanfu in Kōngběi-Hu. However, unlike the hanfu, hanbok is worn by both nobility and common folk alike. Material, embroidery, color pallet, vibrancy and both amount and quality of accessories can distinguish station and even occupation. Hanbok is a dress-like clothing consisting of jeogori, a blouse shirt or jacket depending on the particular style, and a chima, a full wrap-around skirt, for women and baji, trousers that tie closed at the ankles, for men. Common women will wear baji on occasion underneath their skirts if they are active and about.
Special symbols that are either embroidered on the skirts and sleeves of a hanbok or worn in the hair for women and on the waist for men, can indicate rank, occupation, gild membership, or some combination of the three. Symbols of note include an orchid for the royal court (black for guards, white for servants regardless of sex, green for officials, yellow or orange for favored nobility and orchid purple for the royal family), mountains for laborers and craftsmen, tien for merchants, bull horns for farmers and birds-of-paradise for artisans and makers of luxury goods.
A three-quarter length coat with long sleeves. Worn by men and women, it can be made from more breathable and soft materials such as silks, cotton or bamboo fabric, or with animal leather or fur pelts. This garment can be worn by men and women, with the female kandys typically adorned with decorative buttons to keep the coat closed from the breastbone-down. Female kandys will also have a few colorful stripes along the cuff, which can designate status or occupation. Male kandys are longer then the female variation and typically held up and closed by a sash, wide belt or decorative girdle. Kandys are typically paired with a tunic and shalvar for men or a tunic and long skirt for women. They are very popular traveling cloaks.
Loose trousers worn by men that can be either long or short and kept tight at the waist or hips with a drawstring and sash. The ends at the ankle are tied closed. It can be made from muslin, linen or even wool for the winter. It is typically left a solid color or embroidered at the hem of the legs with floral or geometrical patterns. A variation of these are also worn in Mikaizu, called shalwar kameez.
Indication of Status and Occupation
Unlike in the North or South where there is no codified way of marking status and occupation, Jiteo-Sengu is unique in that all clothing has some type of embroidery or token of some kind to indicate work occupation and social status. Those within artisan gilds may have an additional symbol to show affiliation. Symbols may include the crests of the nobility, both major and minor, and the royal family to mark those employed under them; gild symbols and the seal of the local temple for artisans and the priesthood respectively; acting and musical troops within the region or even outside should they travel between the regions; and basic, overarching occupational symbols such as merchant, official, farmer, etc. Colors used when illustrating the symbol on clothing or accessories may vary in shade with the exception being the orchid purple used by the Royal Lanhua family which is exclusive to them.
Building are typically made from wood, with the roof consisting of many sections pieced together. Buildings are connected by hallways raised off the ground and covered with roofs. Unlike in the North, these hallways are external to enjoy nature. Most buildings work with the nature around and it’s not unusual to see patches of wildflowers in the courtyard or amongst the external hallways. Construction is based on balance with a framework of straight lines as the base. Wooden shutters and paper screens for windows are common with nobility importing glass from the North for their windows. Unlike the other regions, the walls of buildings in Jiteo-Sengu are not movable. Rooms are either all-encompassing in the rural areas or large areas with the nobility, with screens, partitions and removable doors decorated with carvings and painted scenes as dividers. Buildings are usually one level but may have a second level if it is a noble house. The edges of the roof remain straight but still hang off from the sides like in the North.
Decorations include gardens, pagodas, cultivated flowering vines to decorate the external hallways, pottery, animal figurines, floral arrangements, paintings, animal pelts and decorative charms. Buildings are usually painted in an array of colors with a main base color of green as to imitate flowers in the wild. Should the wood not be painted over, it is usually given a dark lacquer as to make it black in appearance for good luck. Within the Grand and Miniature Palaces, some doors are inlaid with slivers of jade in shades of green, white and purple to indicate the private quarters of the royal family.
The Arts
Literature is one of the most praised forms of art, particularly among the nobility. Poetry is seen as particularly virtuous as well as philosophical pieces on topics such as humility, fealty, mortality and the cyclical nature of birth and death. Floral arrangements are also highly prized and an accessible skill to learn for commoners, unlike writing literature. Singing is also loved but the playing of instruments even more so. The guquin is a particular favorite.
Pottery and clay dolls are very popular with the general populace and are used as a medium to experiment with color combinations, textures and symbolism. With the abundance of pigments derived from flowers and roots, paintings are highly sought after. While ink drawings are enjoyed, like in Mikaizu, the emphasis of color makes them far less common. Knotwork in embroidery and jade carving are specialties of artisans within the royal court.
Of a more unusual nature, fortune telling is seen as an art form. There are many mediums through which fortune telling can be done but some of the most popular are bones, pottery shards, palmistry, face reading and gem casting. Those Blessed by a Spirit with oracular gifts tend to not participate in fortune telling as they compulsively prophesize at the will of the Spirit.
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