#word vomits this bc yes im salty over my friends not being in class but also im happy i made a friend but also i miss my other friends but
toadstool32 · 2 years
tiny uses their blog like an actual blog more at 10
today i went to class and like all my friends there didnt show up like they didnt even say hey we r skipping the teacher even noticed that ppl were absent and actually took attendance for once so im not even mad anyway i sat next to this girl that i didnt know the name of bc the teacher said her drawing tablet was like drawing on hard mode n i went ooo i wanna draw on hardmode n the girl was like sure u can try n her pan was snapped in half and her pressure was wack n the brush strokes were SOOO slow and i went ew out loud n she looked like a kicked puppy so i spend hald the time there trying to fix her problems (fiddled w the driver, her canvas was shithole big and it made stuff lag etc) and i even lended her mine so she could draw for a bit and we talked n it was mostly me helping out and giving advice n shit mostly to avoid actually doing stuff in class (bc i never do i mostly let cherry co op krita with me BUT GUESS WHO DIDNT GO TO CLASS) anyway the girl was sweet a lil low on the self steem bit so i was just mini cheerleading her on on stuff while paying attention to what the teacher was saying (he was kinda salty ppl didnt show up so he stopped recording half the lesson, i support that) anyway this girl was like where i have u been all my life n i was like oh yknow just hanging out, literally sitting one seat away the past 3 classes i think i changed her life (i say jokingly but i hope i did actually ((<<touched in the head))) anyway my goal in life is to be the unatainable sunshine manic pixie dream influece in bright hair dye in someones life my hair is already funny looking in the sun i just need to bleach it and im set
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