#wood furniture ideas
diy-pallets-ideas 8 months
If you're looking for an economical, long lasting and sustainable way to protect your balcony from swings and other activities, then you should consider using a balcony fence woven with bamboo! Bamboo is a versatile plant that is able to grow quickly and create a sturdy fence that is resistant to rotting and decay. This bamboo balcony fence is a great way to keep your balcony safe and secure, without costing you a fortune!
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avant-greendecor 8 months
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Pop Art Perfection: A Vibrant Revolution in Home Decor
Visit my website for more inspiration 馃尶
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rukanwoodworking 3 months
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yucat谩n, mexico
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not-poignant 4 months
hihi pia! youve said before that you like to leave a lot of the visuals up to the readers imagination with what you write, but i thought to ask can you explain maybe the layour of garys cottage? 馃槶馃槶 im so bad with stuff like orientation and space, and i struggle so much sometimes when i read and think ok, now where is that door they came from and where is that chair next to the table and that window. rereading the teacup incident & i just really cant make it work. its fine if not. ily!
Anon, very unfortunately, I am not an architect, and I just spent 30 minutes trying to draw this out which has highlighted to me that I know what the layout is but my job is actually writing and not...drawing the layouts of homes. (If only)
You can always just look up cosy cottages and then use that, anon!
The job of a reader (imho) isn't to imagine things exactly as they are, but go from the details they've been given and often relate that back to what they already know. Sometimes that might mean looking something up if it's genuinely something you've never seen before (karri trees), or relating them back to a tall tree you're familiar with (sequoias). In fact no reader imagines the same thing when they're reading. I could spend 1000 words describing a red cabinet and people will imagine 1000 slightly different variations anyway. Everyone has a different idea of 'red' and a different idea of 'wood' and a different idea of 'cabinet' and even if I lock down into the nitty gritty, if we're not living in the same country, our power sockets look different, our heating and cooling systems (and accommodations for them) are different, the fabrics we use are different (unless we all go to IKEA), the smells of the home are all slightly different.
I think even if I did draw it out successfully in two hours (which is not time I really have spare at the moment :/ I wish I did because I think it could be fun except that I don't want to download architecture software to make an actual blueprint of an entire cottage that's in scale but also shows exactly where the furniture will go which includes interior design as well x.x - and I do know exactly how it's laid out mentally, so I know I could make it work. (And I still might, maybe, but probably not while I have a 15 week old puppy I'm sorry anon D: ) But yeah doing it on paper has proven to me that actually writing out the location of like 50 different things means the blueprint becomes too small and messy to still tell what's going on. I wrote 'table and chairs' over the table and chairs and now you can no longer see the table and chairs in my sketch which is not useful!
There's a difference between the layout of a house and the layout of the objects and furniture in a house. I may have worked for an architecture firm, but I am not a house designer. *cries*
But! All you really need to know is that Gary can't see the kitchen cabinets from where he sits on the couch. Which means if someone crouches down and opens the cabinets, he can't see them either. There are a lot of houses that have layouts like this, especially houses that have a counter not just up against the wall, but in the middle of the kitchen.
For example in this image, if a couch was in front of the kitchen counter that's free-standing, and a person was sitting on the couch and looked at the free-standing kitchen counter, they would not be able to see the kitchen cabinets from the free standing kitchen counter, or what's in them. They can only see the counter. If the lounge was lower than the kitchen, they'd see even less.
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In this image, if the couch was where the stairs are, you'd not be able to see what Efnisien was doing in the kitchen at all until he stoop and held up the teacup. If he kept the teacup low in his hands, you'd not be able to see it at all.
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Because Gary's cottage is small, but open plan, the lounge has a view to the kitchen, but not directly into the kitchen.
There's lots of houses that feature this kind of architecture, so if you really want to go down that rabbit hole, you can just search different kitchens in cottages until you see one where if you sit on the couch, you can't see someone crouched in front of the kitchen cabinets.
Gary's free-standing kitchen counter is also multi-level like this is multi-level:
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So someone could stand there and make a coffee and a person sitting on the couch wouldn't be able to see what they were doing. Ornaments and vases and notes etc. can go on the raised bit, and kitchen stuff can happen on the lower bit.
Ah marvel at my use of technical terms *cries again*
Anyway! I hope that helps somewhat. I'm mad that I can't draw this layout for you because I do wish I could just...mentally take people on a tour through this cottage. And it would be great to do that. But I am looking at the saddest most pathetic sketch in my sketchpad right now, and I used to work as an artist, but I'm just very very very very bad at this kind of technical drawing.
But maybe the teacup scene will make a little more sense now :)
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interiorchef 1 year
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kenobihater 2 days
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bought a wholeass cabinet for my tarot decks and books :^)
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monkeyswoodworks 6 months
Welcome to Monkey's Woodworks where it's all about the natural beauty of wood
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oldfarmhouse 2 years
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sapphyreopal5 1 year
Wood Folding Table Before and After
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lucajams 1 year
Best Mid-Century Furniture on Amazon
Part I.
Curated, quality goods hand-picked by me. Prices range from $50-200
Full disclosure: I am an Amazon affiliate and make a small commission when you purchase from these links. I hope you find something you love and cherish. :-)
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To be continued at a later time! Feel free to follow my Tumblr or Pinterest @lucajams for more curated interior design posts and other product recommendations.
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six-of-ravens 2 years
was thinking next week I could bribe dad into going to Ikea with me to get a new bedframe but I can't decide what I like...all the ones at ikea are either kinda ugly or kinda expensive or don't come in a colour I like...
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avant-greendecor 9 months
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Visit my website for more inspiration 馃尶
Texan Panache: Leather, Wood and Wild West
Are you ready to embark on a journey through the heart of Texan-inspired interior design, where every element exudes warmth, character, and a dash of wild west allure? Picture this: rich mahogany wood buffets standing as guardians of history, sumptuous leather sofas and armchairs that beckon you to sink into their embrace, lush greenery enveloping your space, and walls adorned with Texan and country-inspired art that tells tales of the Lone Star State.
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outoftokenscast 1 year
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Deck Rooftop Deck container garden - large contemporary rooftop deck container garden idea with no cover
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blackxenergy 1 year
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Roof Extensions in Barcelona
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besinaao3 1 year
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Library in Philadelphia
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